
94 KiB



  • build(deps): bump node-fetch from 2.6.6 to 2.6.7 #7684
  • build(deps): bump follow-redirects from 1.14.6 to 1.14.8 #7683
  • build(deps): bump simple-get from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 #7682
  • build(deps): bump engine.io from 6.1.0 to 6.1.2 #7681
  • fix(test): Remove expect assertion #7678
  • docs(blendimage_filter.class.js) corrected mode options #7672
  • chore(): Update bug_report.md #7659
  • fix(util.animation): remove extra animation cancel #7631
  • feat(animation): Support a list of animation values for animating matrices changes #7633
  • ci(tests): windows and linux paths resolutions #7635


  • fix(fabric.Canvas): unflag contextLost after a full re-render #7646
  • BREAKING: remove 4.x deprecated code #7630
  • feat(fabric.StaticCanvas, fabric.Canvas): limit breaking changes #7627
  • feat(animation): animations registry #7528
  • docs(): Remove not working badges #7623
  • ci(): add auto-changelog package to quickly draft a changelog #7615
  • feat(fabric.EraserBrush): added eraser property to Object instead of attaching to clipPath, remove hacky getClipPath/setClipPath #7470, see BREAKING comments.
  • feat(fabric.EraserBrush): support inverted option to undo erasing #7470
  • fix(fabric.EraserBrush): fix doubling opaic objects while erasing #7445 #7470
  • BREAKING: fabric.EraserBrush: The Eraser object is now a subclass of Group. This means that loading from JSON will break between versions. Use this code to transform your json payload to the new version.
  • feat(fabric.Canvas): fire an extra mouse up for the original control of the initial target #7612
  • fix(fabric.Object) bounding box display with skewY when outside group #7611
  • fix(fabric.text) fix rtl/ltr performance issues #7610
  • fix(event.js) Prevent dividing by 0 in for touch gestures #7607
  • feat(): drop:before event #7442
  • ci(): Add codeql analysis step #7588
  • security(): update onchange to solve security issue #7591
  • BREAKING: fix(): MAJOR prevent render canvas with quality less than 100% #7537
  • docs(): fix broken link #7579
  • BREAKING: Deps(): MAJOR update to jsdom 19 node 14 #7587
  • Fix(): JSDOM transative vulnerability #7510
  • fix(fabric.parser): attempt to resolve some issues with regexp #7520
  • fix(fabric.IText) fix for possible error on copy paste #7526
  • fix(fabric.Path): Path Distance Measurement Inconsistency #7511
  • Fix(fabric.Text): Avoid reiterating measurements when width is 0 and measure also empty lines for consistency. #7497
  • fix(fabric.Object): stroke bounding box #7478
  • fix(fabric.StaticCanvas): error of changing read-only style field #7462
  • fix(fabric.Path): setting path during runtime #7141
  • chore() update canvas to 2.8.0 #7415
  • fix(fabric.Group) realizeTransfrom should be working when called with NO parent transform #7413
  • fix(fabric.Object) Fix control flip and control box #7412
  • feat(fabric.Text): added pathAlign property for text on path #7362
  • docs(): Create SECURITY.md #7405
  • docs(): Clarify viewport transformations doc #7401
  • docs(): specify default value and docs for enablePointerEvents #7386
  • feat(fabric.PencilBrush): add an option to draw a straight line while pressing a key #7034


  • feat(fabric.util): added fabric.util.transformPath to add transformations to path points #7300
  • feat(fabric.util): added fabric.util.joinPath, the opposite of fabric.util.parsePath #7300
  • fix(fabric.util): use integers iterators #7233
  • feat(fabric.Text) add path rendering to text on path #7328
  • feat(fabric.iText): Add optional hiddenTextareaContainer to contain hiddenTextarea #7314
  • fix(fabric.Text) added pathStartOffset and pathSide to props lists for object export #7318
  • feat(animate): add imperative abort option for animations #7275
  • fix(Fabric.text): account for fontSize in textpath cache dimensions ( to avoid clipping ) #7298
  • feat(Observable.once): Add once event handler #7317
  • feat(fabric.Object): Improve drawing of controls in group. #7119
  • fix(EraserBrush): intersectsWithObject edge cases #7290
  • fix(EraserBrush): dump canvas bg/overlay color support #7289
  • feat(fabric.Text) added pathSide property to text on path #7259
  • fix(EraserBrush) force fill value #7269
  • fix(fabric.StaticCanvas) properly remove objects on canvas.clear #6937
  • feat(fabric.EraserBrush): improved erasing:end event #7258
  • fix(shapes): fabric.Object._fromObject never should return #7201
  • feat(fabric.filters) Added vibrance filter (for increasing saturation of muted colors) #7189
  • fix(fabric.StaticCanvas): restore canvas size when disposing #7181
  • feat(fabric.util): added convertPointsToSVGPath that will convert from a list of points to a smooth curve. #7140
  • fix(fabric.Object): fix cache invalidation issue when objects are rotating #7183
  • fix(fabric.Canvas): rectangle selection works with changing viewport #7088
  • feat(fabric.Text): textPath now support textAlign #7156
  • fix(fabric.EraserBrush): test eraser intersection with objects taking into account canvas viewport transform #7147
  • fix(fabric.Object): support excludeFromExport set on clipPath #7148.
  • fix(fabric.Group): support excludeFromExport set on objects #7148.
  • fix(fabric.StaticCanvas): support excludeFromExport set on backgroundColor, overlayColor, clipPath #7148.
  • fix(fabric.EraserBrush): support object resizing (needed for eraser) #7100.
  • fix(fabric.EraserBrush): support canvas resizing (overlay/background drawables) #7100.
  • fix(fabric.EraserBrush): propagate clipPath of group to erased objects when necessary so it is correct when ungrouping/removing from group #7100.
  • fix(fabric.EraserBrush): introduce erasable = deep option for fabric.Group #7100.
  • feat(fabric.Collection): the contains method now accepts a second boolean parameter deep, checking all descendants, collection.contains(obj, true) #7139.
  • fix(fabric.StaticCanvas): disposing canvas now restores canvas size and style to original state.


  • fix(fabric.Text): fixes decoration rendering when there is a single rendering for full text line #7104
  • fix(fabric.Text): spell error which made the gradientTransform not working #7059
  • fix(fabric.util): unwanted mutation in fabric.util.rotatePoint #7117
  • fix(svg parser): Ensure that applyViewboxTransform returns an object and not undefined/null #7030
  • fix(fabric.Text): support firefox with ctx.textAlign for RTL text #7126


  • fix(fabric.PencilBrush) decimate deleting end of a freedrawing line #6966
  • feat(fabric.Text): Adding support for RTL languages by adding direction property #7046
  • feat(fabric) Add an eraser brush as optional module #6994
  • fix v4: 'scaling' event triggered before object position is adjusted #6650
  • Fix(fabric.Object): CircleControls transparentCorners styling #7015
  • Fix(svg_import): svg parsing in case it uses empty use tag or use with image href #7044
  • fix(fabric.Shadow): offsetX, offsetY and blur supports float #7019


  • fix(fabric.Object) wrong variable name cornerStrokeColor #6981
  • fix(fabric.Text): underline color with text style ( regression from text on a path) #6974
  • fix(fabric.Image): Cache CropX and CropY cache properties #6924
  • fix(fabric.Canvas): Add target to each selection event #6858
  • fix(fabric.Image): fix wrong scaling value for the y axis in renderFill #6778
  • fix(fabric.Canvas): set isMoving on real movement only #6856
  • fix(fabric.Group) make addWithUpdate compatible with nested groups #6774
  • fix(Fabric.Text): Add path to text export and import #6844
  • fix(fabric.Canvas) Remove controls check in the pixel accuracy target #6798
  • feat(fabric.Canvas): Added activeOn 'up/down' property #6807
  • feat(fabric.BaseBrush): limitedToCanvasSize property to brush #6719


  • fix(fabric.Control) implement targetHasOneFlip using shorthand #6823
  • fix(fabric.Text) fix typo in cacheProperties preventing cache clear to work #6775
  • fix(fabric.Canvas): Update backgroundImage and overlayImage coordinates on zoom change #6777
  • fix(fabric.Object): add strokeuniform to object toObject output. #6772
  • fix(fabric.Text): Improve path's angle detection for text on a path #6755


  • fix(fabric.Textbox): Do not let splitbygrapheme split text previously unwrapped #6621
  • feat(fabric.controlsUtils) Move drag to actions to control handlers #6617
  • feat(fabric.Control): Add custom control size per control. #6562
  • fix(svg_export): svg export in path with gradient and added tests #6654
  • fix(fabric.Text): improve compatibility with transformed gradients #6669
  • feat(fabric.Text): Add ability to put text on paths BETA #6543
  • fix(fabric.Canvas): rotation handle should take origin into account #6686
  • fix(fabric.Text): Text on path, fix non linear distance of chars over path #6671


  • fix(fabric.utils): ISSUE-6566 Fix SVGs for special Arc lines #6571
  • fix(fabric.Canvas): Fix mouse up target when different from action start #6591
  • added: feat(fabric.controlsUtils): Fire resizing event for textbox width #6545


  • feat(Brushes): add beforePathCreated event #6492;
  • feat(fabric.Path): Change the way path is parsed and drawn. simplify path at parsing time #6504;
  • feat(fabric.Path): Simplify S and T command in C and Q. #6507;
  • fix(fabric.Textbox): ISSUE-6518 Textbox and centering scaling #6524;
  • fix(fabric.Text): Ensure the shortcut text render the passed argument and not the entire line #6526;
  • feat(fabric.util): Add a function to work with path measurements #6525;
  • fix(fabric.Image): rendering pixel outside canvas size #6326;
  • fix(fabric.controlsUtils): stabilize scaleObject function #6540;
  • fix(fabric.Object): when in groups or active groups, fix the ability to shift deselect #6541;


  • fixed the gesture module to not break with 4.0 #6491;
  • fix(fabric.IText): copy style in non full mode when typing text #6454;
  • feat(fabric.Controls) expose the extra utils for control handling. Breaking: rename fabric.controlHandlers and fabric.controlRenderers to fabric.controlsUtils.


  • fix(fabric.Canvas): ISSUE-6314 rerender in case of drag selection that select a single oobject. #6421;
  • feat(text): allow correct cursor/selection position if text is edited inside a group. #6256;
  • feat(fabric.Control): remove position option in favor of x and y #6415;
  • fix(fabric.Object) ISSUE-6340 infinite recursion on groups #6416;
  • fix(fabric.Object): geometry mixin fix partiallyOnscreen #6402;
  • fix(fabric.Image): ISSUE-6397 modify crossOrigin behaviour for setSrc #6414;
  • Breaking: fabric.Image.setCrossOrigin is gone. Having the property on the fabric.Image is misleading and brings to errors. crossOrigin is for loading/reloading only, and is mandatory to specify it each load.
  • Breaking: fabric.Control constructor does not accept anymore a position object, but 2 properties, x and y.


  • fix(fabric.IText): respect value of cursorColor #6300;
  • fix(fabric.Textbox): Improve splitByGrapheme and charSpacing #6298;
  • feat(controls): Reintroduce flip by scaling and lockScalingFlip #6313;


  • fix(itext): improved style handling for new lines #6268
  • fix(controls): Fix flip and controls and skewY and controls. #6278
  • fix(controls): Current position with handlers is wrong if using skew #6267
  • breaking: setCoords has only one argument now skipCorners boolean. setCoords will always update aCoords, lineCoords. If skipCorners is not specified, it will alos update oCoords();
  • feat(fabric.Image): Image.imageSmoothing for fabric.Image objects #6280
  • fix(fabric.StaticCanvas): export to dataUrl and canvasElement will respect imageSmoothingEnabled #6280
  • fix(fabric.Image): toSVG export with missing element won't crash #6280
  • added: added fabric.util.setImageSmoothing(ctx, value);
  • added svg import/export for image image-rendering attribute
  • fix(svg_import): Fix some parsing logic for nested SVGs. #6284
  • fix(fabric.Image): do not crash if image has no element #6285


  • removed 2 utils member that was not used anywhere: fabric.util.getScript, fabric.util.getElementStyle
  • remove private member _setImageSmoothing in the canvas: use fabric.util.setImageSmoothing(ctx, value);


  • fix(controls): fix missing target in canvas event options #6251
  • fix(controls): correct position for offsets #6250
  • feat(utils): Added more error flag passing throughout functions #6238


  • fix(controls) show offsetX/offsetY correctly. #6236
  • fix(controls) ISSUE-6201 Restore per object setting of controls visibility #6226
  • fix(svg_parser): ISSUE-6220 Allow to parse font declaration that start with a number #6222


  • fix(IText) Stop composition events on mousedown to enable cursor position on android keyboards #6224
  • fix(controls): Handle textbox width change properly #6219
  • fix(controls): correctly handling the uniform scaling option #6218
  • fix(fabric.Object): fix activeSelection toDataURL canvas restore #6216
  • fix(svg_parsers): Add support for empty