import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import{environment} from 'src/environments/environment'; /** * This is a singleton class */ @Injectable() export class AppConfig { //Provide all the Application Configs here public version: string = "1.0.0"; public locale: string = "en-US"; public currencyFormat = { style: "currency", currency: "USD" }; public dateFormat = { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; // port in enviroment // API Related configs public apiPort: string; // this.apiURL //9191 to pc used and 8080/billingback to jboss public apiProtocol: string; public apiHostName: string; public baseApiPath: string; public backendURL: string = environment.backendUrl; constructor() { if (this.apiProtocol === undefined) { this.apiProtocol = window.location.protocol; } if (this.apiHostName === undefined) { this.apiHostName = window.location.hostname; } if (this.apiPort === undefined) { this.apiPort = window.location.port; } if (this.apiHostName.includes("infomud") || this.apiHostName.includes("heroku")) { this.baseApiPath = this.apiProtocol + "//" + this.apiHostName + "/"; } else { this.baseApiPath = this.backendURL + "/"; } if (this.locale === undefined) { this.locale = navigator.language; } } }