const { pool, db } = require("../config/database") // Insert menu const customSecMenuAdd = async (tablename, menuId) => { try { // Replace "_" with " " in the tablename const origTableName = tablename.replace(/_/g, " "); // Construct the new MenuDet object const menuDet = { menuId: menuId, itemSeq: 8001, main_menu_icon_name: tablename, menuItemDesc: origTableName, moduleName: tablename, main_menu_action_name: tablename, status: "Enable" }; // Insert the new record into the sec_menu_det table const insertQuery = ` INSERT INTO sec_menu_det (menu_id, item_seq, main_menu_icon_name, menu_item_desc, module_name, main_menu_action_name, status) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) `; const result = await executeQuery(insertQuery, [ menuDet.menuId, menuDet.itemSeq, menuDet.main_menu_icon_name, menuDet.menuItemDesc, menuDet.moduleName, menuDet.main_menu_action_name, menuDet.status ]); // Call the sync function (implement this based on your requirement) await sync(menuId, { /* pass necessary params if needed */ }); // Return the inserted record or some indication of success return result; } catch (error) { console.error("Error in customSecMenuAdd:", error); throw error; } }; // Insert dashboard const createDashboard = (req, res) => { const body = req.body; // Get current date and time in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS const today = new Date(); const date = today.getFullYear() + "-" + (today.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + today.getDate(); const time = today.getHours() + ":" + today.getMinutes() + ":" + today.getSeconds(); const dateTime = date + " " + time; // Step 1: Check if the entity already exists in builder_entity_t table const existingEntityQuery = `SELECT * FROM builder_entity_t WHERE job_name = ? AND job_type = ?`; pool.query( existingEntityQuery, [body.dashboard_name, "Dashboard"], (err, existingEntity) => { if (err) { console.error("Error checking existing entity:", err); return res.status(500).json({ success: 0, message: "Error checking existing entity", }); } if (existingEntity.length > 0) { console.log(`${body.dashboard_name} dashboard already exists`); return res.status(409).json({ success: 0, message: "Dashboard already exists", }); } // Step 2: Insert into dashbord_header const insertHeaderQuery = ` INSERT INTO dashbord_header SET created_at = ?, updated_at = ?, is_build = ?, dashboard_name = ?, description = ?, menu_name = ?, module_id = ?, secuirity_profile = ?, tech_stack = ?, is_updated = ?, object_type = ?, sub_object_type = ?, testing = ? `; const headerValues = [ dateTime, dateTime, body.is_build || null, body.dashboard_name || null, body.description || null, body.menu_name || null, body.module_id || 0, // Provide a default value for module_id body.secuirity_profile || null, body.tech_stack || null, body.is_updated || null, body.object_type || null, body.sub_object_type || null, body.testing || false, ]; pool.query(insertHeaderQuery, headerValues, (headerError, headerResults) => { if (headerError) { console.error("Error inserting dashboard header:", headerError); return res.status(500).json({ success: 0, message: "Failed to create dashboard", }); } if (!headerResults.insertId) { return res.status(500).json({ success: 0, message: "Failed to create dashboard", }); } const dashboardId = headerResults.insertId; // Step 3: Insert into dashbord1_line const insertLineQuery = ` INSERT INTO dashbord1_line SET created_at = ?, updated_at = ?, model = ?, header_id = ?, dashbord_header_id = ? `; const lineValues = [ dateTime, dateTime, body.model || null, // Assuming 'model' is in the request body body.header_id || null, // Assuming 'header_id' is in the request body dashboardId, ]; pool.query(insertLineQuery, lineValues, (lineError, lineResults) => { if (lineError) { console.error("Error inserting dashboard line:", lineError); // Optionally, rollback the previous dashboard_header insertion return res.status(500).json({ success: 0, message: "Failed to create dashboard and line", }); } // Return success response return res.status(201).json({ success: 1, message: "Dashboard and line created successfully", }); }); }); } ); }; // save report const saveReport = (req, res) => { const body = req.body; // Get the current date and time const today = new Date(); const date = today.getFullYear() + "-" + (today.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + today.getDate(); const time = today.getHours() + ":" + today.getMinutes() + ":" + today.getSeconds(); const dateTime = date + " " + time; // Step 1: Check if the report with the given name already exists in builder_entity_t const existingEntityQuery = `SELECT * FROM builder_entity_t WHERE job_name = ? AND job_type = ?`; pool.query( existingEntityQuery, [body.reportName, "Report"], (err, existingEntity) => { if (err) { console.error("Error checking existing report:", err); return res.status(500).json({ success: 0, message: "Error checking existing report", }); } if (existingEntity.length > 0) { console.log(`${body.reportName} report already exists`); return res.status(409).json({ success: 0, message: "Report already exists", }); } // Step 2: Insert into rpt_builder2_t table const insertReportQuery = ` INSERT INTO rpt_builder2_t SET created_at = ?, updated_at = ?, report_name = ?, description = ?, is_sql = ? `; const reportValues = [ dateTime, dateTime, body.reportName || null, body.description || null, body.isSql || false, // Boolean field ]; pool.query(insertReportQuery, reportValues, (reportError, reportResults) => { if (reportError) { console.error("Error inserting report:", reportError); return res.status(500).json({ success: 0, message: "Failed to create report", }); } if (!reportResults.insertId) { return res.status(500).json({ success: 0, message: "Failed to create report", }); } const reportId = reportResults.insertId; // Step 3: Insert into rpt_builder2_lines_t table const insertLineQuery = ` INSERT INTO rpt_builder2_lines_t SET created_at = ?, updated_at = ?, model = ?, header_id = ? `; const lineValues = [ dateTime, dateTime, body.model || null, // Assuming 'model' is part of the request body reportId, ]; pool.query(insertLineQuery, lineValues, (lineError, lineResults) => { if (lineError) { console.error("Error inserting report line:", lineError); return res.status(500).json({ success: 0, message: "Failed to create report and line", }); } // Step 4: Save the builder entity into builder_entity_t table const saveEntityQuery = ` INSERT INTO builder_entity_t SET job_name = ?, job_type = ? `; pool.query( saveEntityQuery, [body.reportName, "Report"], (entityError, entityResults) => { if (entityError) { console.error("Error saving builder entity:", entityError); return res.status(500).json({ success: 0, message: "Failed to save builder entity", }); } // Return success response after all operations return res.status(201).json({ success: 1, message: "Report and line created successfully", }); } ); }); }); } ); }; // Sync const sync = async (gmenuid, gr) => { const list = []; try { // Step 1: Find MenuDet by gmenuid const formenuQuery = `SELECT * FROM sec_menu_det WHERE menu_item_id = ?`; const [formenu] = await executeQuery(formenuQuery, [gmenuid]); if (!formenu) { throw new Error(`MenuDet with id ${gmenuid} not found.`); } // Step 2: Get all GrpMenuAccess records for the found MenuDet const grpMenuAccessQuery = `SELECT * FROM sec_grp_menu_access WHERE menu_item_id = ?`; const all = await executeQuery(grpMenuAccessQuery, [formenu.menu_item_id]); // Step 3: Update GrpMenuAccess records with data from MenuDet for (let a of all) { const updateQuery = ` UPDATE sec_grp_menu_access SET item_seq = ?, menu_item_desc = ?, module_name = ?, status = ?, main_menu_action_name = ?, main_menu_icon_name = ?, menu_id = ? WHERE id = ? `; await executeQuery(updateQuery, [ formenu.item_seq, formenu.menu_item_desc, formenu.module_name, formenu.status, formenu.main_menu_action_name, formenu.main_menu_icon_name, formenu.menu_id, ]); // Add updated record to the list list.push(a); } // Step 4: Find all submenus related to the given menu const submenuQuery = `SELECT * FROM sec_menu_det WHERE menu_id = ?`; const submenu = await executeQuery(submenuQuery, [gmenuid]); // Step 5: Iterate through submenus and update or insert GrpMenuAccess records for (let i = 0; i < submenu.length; i++) { const m = submenu[i]; // Step 6: Find GrpMenuAccess for this submenu const findAccessQuery = `SELECT * FROM sec_grp_menu_access WHERE menu_item_id = ?`; const li = await executeQuery(findAccessQuery, [m.menu_item_id]); if (li.length === 0) { // Step 7: If no access found, insert new GrpMenuAccess records const findGroupQuery = `SELECT * FROM sec_grp_menu_access WHERE menu_item_id = ?`; const grp = await executeQuery(findGroupQuery, [gmenuid]); for (let a of grp) { const findRoleQuery = `SELECT * FROM sec_user_group WHERE usr_grp = ?`; const app = await executeQuery(findRoleQuery, [a.usr_grp]); // Set the fields in the GrpMenuAccess object gr.usr_grp = app[0].usr_grp; gr.menu_item_id = m.menu_item_id; gr.item_seq = m.item_seq; gr.menu_item_desc = m.menu_item_desc; gr.module_name = m.module_name; gr.status = m.status; gr.main_menu_action_name = m.main_menu_action_name; gr.main_menu_icon_name = m.main_menu_icon_name; gr.menu_id = m.menu_id; gr.m_create = "true"; gr.m_delete = "true"; gr.m_edit = "true"; gr.m_query = "true"; gr.m_visible = "true"; gr.is_disable = "true"; gr.m_export = "true"; gr.created_at = new Date(); gr.updated_at = new Date(); // Insert new GrpMenuAccess const insertAccessQuery = ` INSERT INTO sec_grp_menu_access (usr_grp, menu_item_id, item_seq, menu_item_desc, module_name, status, main_menu_action_name, main_menu_icon_name, menu_id, m_create, m_delete, m_edit, m_query, m_visible, is_disable, m_export, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) `; await executeQuery(insertAccessQuery, [ gr.usr_grp, gr.menu_item_id, gr.item_seq, gr.menu_item_desc, gr.module_name, gr.status, gr.main_menu_action_name, gr.main_menu_icon_name, gr.menu_id, gr.m_create, gr.m_delete, gr.m_edit, gr.m_query, gr.m_visible, gr.is_disable, gr.m_export, gr.created_at, gr.updated_at, ]); list.push(gr); } } else { // Step 8: If access exists, update the records for (let g of li) { const updateAccessQuery = ` UPDATE sec_grp_menu_access SET item_seq = ?, menu_item_desc = ?, module_name = ?, status = ?, main_menu_action_name = ?, main_menu_icon_name = ?, menu_id = ? WHERE id = ? `; await executeQuery(updateAccessQuery, [ m.item_seq, m.menu_item_desc, m.module_name, m.status, m.main_menu_action_name, m.main_menu_icon_name, m.menu_id, ]); list.push(g); } } } return list; } catch (error) { console.error("Error in sync:", error); throw error; } }; module.exports = { customSecMenuAdd, createDashboard, saveReport }