# Use a multi-stage build FROM farhan23432/ris_git:2.30.1 AS code # Set build arguments and labels ARG BUILD_ID RUN echo $BUILD_ID LABEL stage=builder LABEL build_id=$BUILD_ID # Clone repository and copy React.js code RUN mkdir /repo WORKDIR /repo RUN git clone http://$GITEA_USER:$GITEA_PASS@git.io8.dev/risadmin_prod/prod119rb.git COPY . . # Use a multi-stage build FROM node:14-alpine AS builder # Set working directory WORKDIR /app # Copy React.js code and install dependencies COPY --from=code /repo/prod119rb/prod119rb-front-f/authsec_react_bootstrap/authsec_react_bootstrap/ . RUN npm install --force RUN npm install --force html2canvas RUN PUBLIC_URL= npm run build # Use Nginx as the web server FROM nginx:alpine # Copy build artifacts from the previous stage to serve React.js application COPY --from=builder /app/build /usr/share/nginx/html # Expose port 80 EXPOSE 80 # Start Nginx when the container runs CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]