
77 lines
3.1 KiB

import { ChangeDetectorRef, DoCheck, ElementRef, EventEmitter, Injector, IterableDiffers, OnDestroy, Type, ViewRef } from '@angular/core';
import { DynamicComponentInjector } from '../component-injector';
import { InputsType, IoFactoryService, OutputsType } from '../io';
import { ReflectService } from '../reflect';
import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
* @public
export interface DynamicDirectiveDef<T> {
type: Type<T>;
inputs?: InputsType;
outputs?: OutputsType;
* @public
export declare function dynamicDirectiveDef<T>(type: Type<T>, inputs?: InputsType, outputs?: OutputsType): DynamicDirectiveDef<T>;
* @public
export interface DirectiveRef<T> {
instance: T;
type: Type<T>;
injector: Injector;
hostComponent: unknown;
hostView: ViewRef;
location: ElementRef;
changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef;
onDestroy: (callback: Function) => void;
* @public
* @experimental Dynamic directives is an experimental API that may not work as expected.
* NOTE: There is a known issue with OnChanges hook not beign triggered on dynamic directives
* since this part of functionality has been removed from the core as Angular now
* supports this out of the box for dynamic components.
export declare class DynamicDirectivesDirective implements OnDestroy, DoCheck {
private injector;
private iterableDiffers;
private ioFactoryService;
private reflectService;
private componentInjector?;
ndcDynamicDirectives?: DynamicDirectiveDef<unknown>[] | null;
ngComponentOutletNdcDynamicDirectives?: DynamicDirectiveDef<unknown>[] | null;
ndcDynamicDirectivesCreated: EventEmitter<DirectiveRef<unknown>[]>;
private lastCompInstance;
private get directives();
private get componentRef();
private get compInstance();
private get isCompChanged();
private get hostInjector();
private dirRef;
private dirIo;
private dirsDiffer;
constructor(injector: Injector, iterableDiffers: IterableDiffers, ioFactoryService: IoFactoryService, reflectService: ReflectService, componentInjector?: DynamicComponentInjector | undefined);
ngDoCheck(): void;
ngOnDestroy(): void;
private maybeDestroyDirectives;
private processDirChanges;
private updateDirectives;
private updateDirective;
private initDirective;
private destroyAllDirectives;
private destroyDirective;
private initDirIO;
private dirToCompDef;
private destroyDirRef;
private createDirective;
private resolveDirParamTypes;
private callInitHooks;
private callHook;
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<DynamicDirectivesDirective, [null, null, null, null, { optional: true; }]>;
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration<DynamicDirectivesDirective, "[ndcDynamicDirectives],[ngComponentOutletNdcDynamicDirectives]", never, { "ndcDynamicDirectives": "ndcDynamicDirectives"; "ngComponentOutletNdcDynamicDirectives": "ngComponentOutletNdcDynamicDirectives"; }, { "ndcDynamicDirectivesCreated": "ndcDynamicDirectivesCreated"; }, never, never, true>;
//# sourceMappingURL=dynamic-directives.directive.d.ts.map