
386 lines
12 KiB

/* *
* (c) 2010-2024 Rafal Sebestjanski, Piotr Madej
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
'use strict';
import H from '../Core/Globals.js';
const { composed } = H;
import Point from '../Core/Series/Point.js';
import Series from '../Core/Series/Series.js';
import SeriesRegistry from '../Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js';
const { bubble } = SeriesRegistry.seriesTypes;
import SVGRenderer from '../Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGRenderer.js';
import U from '../Core/Utilities.js';
const { addEvent, defined, find, isNumber, pushUnique } = U;
/* *
* Composition
* */
var SeriesOnPointComposition;
(function (SeriesOnPointComposition) {
/* *
* Declarations
* */
/* *
* Functions
* */
* Extends the series with a small addition.
* @private
* @param SeriesClass
* Series class to use.
* @param ChartClass
* Chart class to use.
function compose(SeriesClass, ChartClass) {
if (pushUnique(composed, 'SeriesOnPoint')) {
const { chartGetZData, seriesAfterInit, seriesAfterRender, seriesGetCenter, seriesShowOrHide, seriesTranslate } = Additions.prototype;
// We can mark support for pie series here because it's in the core.
// But all other series outside the core should be marked in its
// module. This is crucial when loading series-on-point before
// loading a module, e.g. sunburst.
// Supported series types:
// - pie
// - sunburst
SeriesClass.types.pie.prototype.onPointSupported = true;
addEvent(SeriesClass, 'afterInit', seriesAfterInit);
addEvent(SeriesClass, 'afterRender', seriesAfterRender);
addEvent(SeriesClass, 'afterGetCenter', seriesGetCenter);
addEvent(SeriesClass, 'hide', seriesShowOrHide);
addEvent(SeriesClass, 'show', seriesShowOrHide);
addEvent(SeriesClass, 'translate', seriesTranslate);
addEvent(ChartClass, 'beforeRender', chartGetZData);
addEvent(ChartClass, 'beforeRedraw', chartGetZData);
return SeriesClass;
SeriesOnPointComposition.compose = compose;
/* *
* Classes
* */
* @private
class Additions {
/* *
* Constructors
* */
* @private
constructor(series) {
* @ignore
this.getRadii = bubble.prototype.getRadii;
* @ignore
this.getRadius = bubble.prototype.getRadius;
* @ignore
this.getPxExtremes = bubble.prototype.getPxExtremes;
* @ignore
this.getZExtremes = bubble.prototype.getZExtremes;
this.chart = series.chart;
this.series = series;
this.options = series.options.onPoint;
* Draw connector line that starts from the initial point's position
* and ends in the center of the series.
* @private
drawConnector() {
if (!this.connector) {
this.connector = this.series.chart.renderer.path()
zIndex: -1
const attribs = this.getConnectorAttributes();
attribs && this.connector.animate(attribs);
* Get connector line path and styles that connects series and point.
* @private
* @return {Highcharts.SVGAttributes} attribs - the path and styles.
getConnectorAttributes() {
const chart = this.series.chart, onPointOptions = this.options;
if (!onPointOptions) {
const connectorOpts = onPointOptions.connectorOptions || {}, position = onPointOptions.position, connectedPoint = chart.get(onPointOptions.id);
if (!(connectedPoint instanceof Point) ||
!position ||
!defined(connectedPoint.plotX) ||
!defined(connectedPoint.plotY)) {
const xFrom = defined(position.x) ?
position.x :
connectedPoint.plotX, yFrom = defined(position.y) ?
position.y :
connectedPoint.plotY, xTo = xFrom + (position.offsetX || 0), yTo = yFrom + (position.offsetY || 0), width = connectorOpts.width || 1, color = connectorOpts.stroke || this.series.color, dashStyle = connectorOpts.dashstyle, attribs = {
d: SVGRenderer.prototype.crispLine([
['M', xFrom, yFrom],
['L', xTo, yTo]
], width, 'ceil'),
'stroke-width': width
if (!chart.styledMode) {
attribs.stroke = color;
attribs.dashstyle = dashStyle;
return attribs;
* Initialize Series on point on series init.
* @ignore
seriesAfterInit() {
if (this.onPointSupported && this.options.onPoint) {
this.bubblePadding = true;
this.useMapGeometry = true;
this.onPoint = new Additions(this);
* @ignore
seriesAfterRender() {
// Clear bubbleZExtremes to reset z calculations on update.
delete this.chart.bubbleZExtremes;
this.onPoint && this.onPoint.drawConnector();
* Recalculate series.center (x, y and size).
* @ignore
seriesGetCenter(e) {
const onPointOptions = this.options.onPoint, center = e.positions;
if (onPointOptions) {
const connectedPoint = this.chart.get(onPointOptions.id);
if (connectedPoint instanceof Point &&
defined(connectedPoint.plotX) &&
defined(connectedPoint.plotY)) {
center[0] = connectedPoint.plotX;
center[1] = connectedPoint.plotY;
const position = onPointOptions.position;
if (position) {
if (defined(position.x)) {
center[0] = position.x;
if (defined(position.y)) {
center[1] = position.y;
if (position.offsetX) {
center[0] += position.offsetX;
if (position.offsetY) {
center[1] += position.offsetY;
// Get and set the size
const radius = this.radii && this.radii[this.index];
if (isNumber(radius)) {
center[2] = radius * 2;
e.positions = center;
* @ignore
seriesShowOrHide() {
const allSeries = this.chart.series;
// When toggling a series visibility, loop through all points
this.points.forEach((point) => {
// Find all series that are on toggled points
const series = find(allSeries, (series) => {
const id = ((series.onPoint || {}).options || {}).id;
if (!id) {
return false;
return id === point.id;
// And also toggle series that are on toggled points. Redraw is
// not needed because it's fired later after showOrHide event
series && series.setVisible(!series.visible, false);
* Calculate required radius (z data) before original translate.
* @ignore
* @function Highcharts.Series#translate
seriesTranslate() {
if (this.onPoint) {
this.radii = this.onPoint.radii;
* @ignore
chartGetZData() {
const zData = [];
this.series.forEach((series) => {
const onPointOpts = series.options.onPoint;
zData.push(onPointOpts && onPointOpts.z ? onPointOpts.z : null);
this.series.forEach((series) => {
// Save z values of all the series
if (series.onPoint) {
series.onPoint.zData = series.zData = zData;
SeriesOnPointComposition.Additions = Additions;
})(SeriesOnPointComposition || (SeriesOnPointComposition = {}));
/* *
* Default Export
* */
export default SeriesOnPointComposition;
/* *
* API Options
* */
* Options for the _Series on point_ feature. Only `pie` and `sunburst` series
* are supported at this moment.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series-on-point/series-on-point
* Series on point
* @sample {highmaps} maps/demo/map-pies
* Pies on a map
* @requires modules/series-on-point
* @since 10.2.0
* @type {object}
* @apioption plotOptions.series.onPoint
* Options for the connector in the _Series on point_ feature.
* In styled mode, the connector can be styled with the
* `.highcharts-connector-seriesonpoint` class name.
* @requires modules/series-on-point
* @since 10.2.0
* @type {Highcharts.SVGAttributes}
* @apioption plotOptions.series.onPoint.connectorOptions
* Color of the connector line. By default it's the series' color.
* @requires modules/series-on-point
* @since 10.2.0
* @type {string}
* @apioption plotOptions.series.onPoint.connectorOptions.stroke
* A name for the dash style to use for the connector.
* @requires modules/series-on-point
* @since 10.2.0
* @type {string}
* @apioption plotOptions.series.onPoint.connectorOptions.dashstyle
* Pixel width of the connector line.
* @default 1
* @requires modules/series-on-point
* @type {number}
* @since 10.2.0
* @apioption plotOptions.series.onPoint.connectorOptions.width
* The `id` of the point that we connect the series to. Only points with a given
* `plotX` and `plotY` values and map points are valid.
* @requires modules/series-on-point
* @since 10.2.0
* @type {string}
* @apioption plotOptions.series.onPoint.id
* Options allowing to set a position and an offset of the series in the
* _Series on point_ feature.
* @requires modules/series-on-point
* @since 10.2.0
* @type {object}
* @apioption plotOptions.series.onPoint.position
* Series center offset from the original x position. If defined, the connector
* line is drawn connecting original position with new position.
* @requires modules/series-on-point
* @since 10.2.0
* @type {number}
* @apioption plotOptions.series.onPoint.position.offsetX
* Series center offset from the original y position. If defined, the connector
* line is drawn from original position to a new position.
* @requires modules/series-on-point
* @since 10.2.0
* @type {number}
* @apioption plotOptions.series.onPoint.position.offsetY
* X position of the series center. By default, the series is displayed on the
* point that it is connected to.
* @requires modules/series-on-point
* @since 10.2.0
* @type {number}
* @apioption plotOptions.series.onPoint.position.x
* Y position of the series center. By default, the series is displayed on the
* point that it is connected to.
* @requires modules/series-on-point
* @since 10.2.0
* @type {number}
* @apioption plotOptions.series.onPoint.position.y
''; // Keeps doclets above in transpiled file