
291 lines
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/* *
* Accessibility module - internationalization support
* (c) 2010-2024 Highsoft AS
* Author: Øystein Moseng
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
'use strict';
import F from '../Core/Templating.js';
const { format } = F;
import U from '../Core/Utilities.js';
const { getNestedProperty, pick } = U;
/* *
* Composition
* */
var A11yI18nComposition;
(function (A11yI18nComposition) {
/* *
* Declarations
* */
/* *
* Functions
* */
* @private
function compose(ChartClass) {
const chartProto = ChartClass.prototype;
if (!chartProto.langFormat) {
chartProto.langFormat = langFormat;
A11yI18nComposition.compose = compose;
* I18n utility function. Format a single array or plural statement in a
* format string. If the statement is not an array or plural statement,
* returns the statement within brackets. Invalid array statements return
* an empty string.
* @private
* @function formatExtendedStatement
* @param {string} statement
* @param {Highcharts.Dictionary<*>} ctx
* Context to apply to the format string.
function formatExtendedStatement(statement, ctx) {
const eachStart = statement.indexOf('#each('), pluralStart = statement.indexOf('#plural('), indexStart = statement.indexOf('['), indexEnd = statement.indexOf(']');
let arr, result;
// Dealing with an each-function?
if (eachStart > -1) {
const eachEnd = statement.slice(eachStart).indexOf(')') + eachStart, preEach = statement.substring(0, eachStart), postEach = statement.substring(eachEnd + 1), eachStatement = statement.substring(eachStart + 6, eachEnd), eachArguments = eachStatement.split(',');
let lenArg = Number(eachArguments[1]), len;
result = '';
arr = getNestedProperty(eachArguments[0], ctx);
if (arr) {
lenArg = isNaN(lenArg) ? arr.length : lenArg;
len = lenArg < 0 ?
arr.length + lenArg :
Math.min(lenArg, arr.length); // Overshoot
// Run through the array for the specified length
for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
result += preEach + arr[i] + postEach;
return result.length ? result : '';
// Dealing with a plural-function?
if (pluralStart > -1) {
const pluralEnd = (statement.slice(pluralStart).indexOf(')') + pluralStart), pluralStatement = statement.substring(pluralStart + 8, pluralEnd), pluralArguments = pluralStatement.split(','), num = Number(getNestedProperty(pluralArguments[0], ctx));
switch (num) {
case 0:
result = pick(pluralArguments[4], pluralArguments[1]);
case 1:
result = pick(pluralArguments[2], pluralArguments[1]);
case 2:
result = pick(pluralArguments[3], pluralArguments[1]);
result = pluralArguments[1];
return result ? stringTrim(result) : '';
// Array index
if (indexStart > -1) {
const arrayName = statement.substring(0, indexStart), ix = Number(statement.substring(indexStart + 1, indexEnd));
let val;
arr = getNestedProperty(arrayName, ctx);
if (!isNaN(ix) && arr) {
if (ix < 0) {
val = arr[arr.length + ix];
// Handle negative overshoot
if (typeof val === 'undefined') {
val = arr[0];
else {
val = arr[ix];
// Handle positive overshoot
if (typeof val === 'undefined') {
val = arr[arr.length - 1];
return typeof val !== 'undefined' ? val : '';
// Standard substitution, delegate to format or similar
return '{' + statement + '}';
/* eslint-disable max-len */
* i18n formatting function. Extends Highcharts.format() functionality by
* also handling arrays and plural conditionals. Arrays can be indexed as
* follows:
* - Format: 'This is the first index: {myArray[0]}. The last: {myArray[-1]}.'
* - Context: { myArray: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] }
* - Result: 'This is the first index: 0. The last: 5.'
* They can also be iterated using the #each() function. This will repeat
* the contents of the bracket expression for each element. Example:
* - Format: 'List contains: {#each(myArray)cm }'
* - Context: { myArray: [0, 1, 2] }
* - Result: 'List contains: 0cm 1cm 2cm '
* The #each() function optionally takes a length parameter. If positive,
* this parameter specifies the max number of elements to iterate through.
* If negative, the function will subtract the number from the length of the
* array. Use this to stop iterating before the array ends. Example:
* - Format: 'List contains: {#each(myArray, -1), }and {myArray[-1]}.'
* - Context: { myArray: [0, 1, 2, 3] }
* - Result: 'List contains: 0, 1, 2, and 3.'
* Use the #plural() function to pick a string depending on whether or not a
* context object is 1. Arguments are #plural(obj, plural, singular).
* Example:
* - Format: 'Has {numPoints} {#plural(numPoints, points, point}.'
* - Context: { numPoints: 5 }
* - Result: 'Has 5 points.'
* Optionally there are additional parameters for dual and none:
* #plural(obj, plural, singular, dual, none). Example:
* - Format: 'Has {#plural(numPoints, many points, one point, two points,
* none}.'
* - Context: { numPoints: 2 }
* - Result: 'Has two points.'
* The dual or none parameters will take precedence if they are supplied.
* @requires modules/accessibility
* @function Highcharts.i18nFormat
* @param {string} formatString
* The string to format.
* @param {Highcharts.Dictionary<*>} context
* Context to apply to the format string.
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} chart
* A `Chart` instance with a time object and numberFormatter, passed on to
* format().
* @deprecated
* @return {string}
* The formatted string.
function i18nFormat(formatString, context, chart) {
const getFirstBracketStatement = (sourceStr, offset) => {
const str = sourceStr.slice(offset || 0), startBracket = str.indexOf('{'), endBracket = str.indexOf('}');
if (startBracket > -1 && endBracket > startBracket) {
return {
statement: str.substring(startBracket + 1, endBracket),
begin: offset + startBracket + 1,
end: offset + endBracket
}, tokens = [];
let bracketRes, constRes, cursor = 0;
// Tokenize format string into bracket statements and constants
do {
bracketRes = getFirstBracketStatement(formatString, cursor);
constRes = formatString.substring(cursor, bracketRes && bracketRes.begin - 1);
// If we have constant content before this bracket statement, add it
if (constRes.length) {
value: constRes,
type: 'constant'
// Add the bracket statement
if (bracketRes) {
value: bracketRes.statement,
type: 'statement'
cursor = bracketRes ? bracketRes.end + 1 : cursor + 1;
} while (bracketRes);
// Perform the formatting. The formatArrayStatement function returns
// the statement in brackets if it is not an array statement, which
// means it gets picked up by format below.
tokens.forEach((token) => {
if (token.type === 'statement') {
token.value = formatExtendedStatement(token.value, context);
// Join string back together and pass to format to pick up non-array
// statements.
return format(tokens.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur.value, ''), context, chart);
A11yI18nComposition.i18nFormat = i18nFormat;
/* eslint-enable max-len */
* Apply context to a format string from lang options of the chart.
* @requires modules/accessibility
* @function Highcharts.Chart#langFormat
* @param {string} langKey
* Key (using dot notation) into lang option structure.
* @param {Highcharts.Dictionary<*>} context
* Context to apply to the format string.
* @return {string}
* The formatted string.
function langFormat(langKey, context) {
const keys = langKey.split('.');
let formatString = this.options.lang, i = 0;
for (; i < keys.length; ++i) {
formatString = formatString && formatString[keys[i]];
return typeof formatString === 'string' ?
i18nFormat(formatString, context, this) : '';
* @private
* @function stringTrim
* @param {string} str
* The input string
* @return {string}
* The trimmed string
function stringTrim(str) {
return str.trim && str.trim() || str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
})(A11yI18nComposition || (A11yI18nComposition = {}));
/* *
* Default Export
* */
export default A11yI18nComposition;