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/* *
* (c) 2010-2024 Torstein Honsi
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
'use strict';
import H from '../Core/Globals.js';
const { composed } = H;
import MapViewDefaults from './MapViewDefaults.js';
import GeoJSONComposition from './GeoJSONComposition.js';
const { topo2geo } = GeoJSONComposition;
import MU from './MapUtilities.js';
const { boundsFromPath, pointInPolygon } = MU;
import Projection from './Projection.js';
import U from '../Core/Utilities.js';
const { addEvent, clamp, fireEvent, isArray, isNumber, isObject, isString, merge, pick, pushUnique, relativeLength } = U;
/* *
* Constants
* */
const tileSize = 256;
* The world size in terms of 10k meters in the Web Mercator projection, to
* match a 256 square tile to zoom level 0.
* @private
const worldSize = 400.979322;
/* *
* Variables
* */
let maps = {};
/* *
* Functions
* */
* Compute the zoom from given bounds and the size of the playing field. Used in
* two places, hence the local function.
* @private
function zoomFromBounds(b, playingField) {
const { width, height } = playingField, scaleToField = Math.max((b.x2 - b.x1) / (width / tileSize), (b.y2 - b.y1) / (height / tileSize));
return Math.log(worldSize / scaleToField) / Math.log(2);
* Calculate and set the recommended map view drilldown or drillup if mapData
* is set for the series.
* @private
function recommendedMapViewAfterDrill(e) {
if (e.seriesOptions.mapData) {
this.mapView?.recommendMapView(this, [
], this.options.drilldown?.mapZooming);
Const mergeCollections = <
T extends Array<AnyRecord|undefined>
>(a: T, b: T): T => {
b.forEach((newer, i): void => {
// Only merge by id supported for now. We may consider later to support
// more complex rules like those of `Chart.update` with `oneToOne`, but
// it is probably not needed. Existing insets can be disabled by
// overwriting the `geoBounds` with empty data.
if (newer && isString(newer.id)) {
const older = U.find(
(aItem): boolean => (aItem && aItem.id) === newer.id
if (older) {
const aIndex = a.indexOf(older);
a[aIndex] = merge(older, newer);
return a;
/* *
* Classes
* */
* The map view handles zooming and centering on the map, and various
* client-side projection capabilities.
* On a chart instance of `MapChart`, the map view is available as `chart.mapView`.
* @class
* @name Highcharts.MapView
* @param {Highcharts.MapChart} chart
* The MapChart instance
* @param {Highcharts.MapViewOptions} options
* MapView options
class MapView {
/* *
* Static Functions
* */
static compose(MapChartClass) {
if (pushUnique(composed, 'MapView')) {
maps = MapChartClass.maps;
// Initialize MapView after initialization, but before firstRender
addEvent(MapChartClass, 'afterInit', function () {
* The map view handles zooming and centering on the map, and
* various client-side projection capabilities.
* @name Highcharts.MapChart#mapView
* @type {Highcharts.MapView|undefined}
this.mapView = new MapView(this, this.options.mapView);
}, { order: 0 });
addEvent(MapChartClass, 'addSeriesAsDrilldown', recommendedMapViewAfterDrill);
addEvent(MapChartClass, 'afterDrillUp', recommendedMapViewAfterDrill);
* Return the composite bounding box of a collection of bounding boxes
* @private
static compositeBounds(arrayOfBounds) {
if (arrayOfBounds.length) {
return arrayOfBounds
.reduce((acc, cur) => {
acc.x1 = Math.min(acc.x1, cur.x1);
acc.y1 = Math.min(acc.y1, cur.y1);
acc.x2 = Math.max(acc.x2, cur.x2);
acc.y2 = Math.max(acc.y2, cur.y2);
return acc;
}, merge(arrayOfBounds[0]));
* Merge two collections of insets by the id.
* @private
static mergeInsets(a, b) {
const toObject = (insets) => {
const ob = {};
insets.forEach((inset, i) => {
ob[inset && inset.id || `i${i}`] = inset;
return ob;
const insetsObj = merge(toObject(a), toObject(b)), insets = Object
.map((key) => insetsObj[key]);
return insets;
/* *
* Constructor
* */
constructor(chart, options) {
/* *
* Properties
* */
this.allowTransformAnimation = true;
this.eventsToUnbind = [];
this.insets = [];
this.padding = [0, 0, 0, 0];
this.recommendedMapView = {};
if (!(this instanceof MapViewInset)) {
this.recommendMapView(chart, [
...(chart.options.series || []).map((s) => s.mapData)
this.userOptions = options || {};
const o = merge(MapViewDefaults, this.recommendedMapView, options);
// Merge the inset collections by id, or index if id missing
const recInsets = this.recommendedMapView?.insets, optInsets = options && options.insets;
if (recInsets && optInsets) {
o.insets = MapView.mergeInsets(recInsets, optInsets);
this.chart = chart;
* The current center of the view in terms of `[longitude, latitude]`.
* @name Highcharts.MapView#center
* @readonly
* @type {LonLatArray}
this.center = o.center;
this.options = o;
this.projection = new Projection(o.projection);
// Initialize with full plot box so we don't have to check for undefined
// every time we use it
this.playingField = chart.plotBox;
* The current zoom level of the view.
* @name Highcharts.MapView#zoom
* @readonly
* @type {number}
this.zoom = o.zoom || 0;
this.minZoom = o.minZoom;
// Create the insets
// Initialize and respond to chart size changes
this.eventsToUnbind.push(addEvent(chart, 'afterSetChartSize', () => {
this.playingField = this.getField();
if (this.minZoom === void 0 || // When initializing the chart
this.minZoom === this.zoom // When resizing the chart
) {
this.fitToBounds(void 0, void 0, false);
if (
// Set zoom only when initializing the chart
// (do not overwrite when zooming in/out, #17082)
!this.chart.hasRendered &&
isNumber(this.userOptions.zoom)) {
this.zoom = this.userOptions.zoom;
if (this.userOptions.center) {
merge(true, this.center, this.userOptions.center);
/* *
* Functions
* */
* Create MapViewInset instances from insets options
* @private
createInsets() {
const options = this.options, insets = options.insets;
if (insets) {
insets.forEach((item) => {
const inset = new MapViewInset(this, merge(options.insetOptions, item));
* Fit the view to given bounds
* @function Highcharts.MapView#fitToBounds
* @param {Object} bounds
* Bounds in terms of projected units given as `{ x1, y1, x2, y2 }`.
* If not set, fit to the bounds of the current data set
* @param {number|string} [padding=0]
* Padding inside the bounds. A number signifies pixels, while a
* percentage string (like `5%`) can be used as a fraction of the
* plot area size.
* @param {boolean} [redraw=true]
* Whether to redraw the chart immediately
* @param {boolean|Partial<Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject>} [animation]
* What animation to use for redraw
fitToBounds(bounds, padding, redraw = true, animation) {
const b = bounds || this.getProjectedBounds();
if (b) {
const pad = pick(padding, bounds ? 0 : this.options.padding), fullField = this.getField(false), padArr = isArray(pad) ? pad : [pad, pad, pad, pad];
this.padding = [
relativeLength(padArr[0], fullField.height),
relativeLength(padArr[1], fullField.width),
relativeLength(padArr[2], fullField.height),
relativeLength(padArr[3], fullField.width)
// Apply the playing field, corrected with padding
this.playingField = this.getField();
const zoom = zoomFromBounds(b, this.playingField);
// Reset minZoom when fitting to natural bounds
if (!bounds) {
this.minZoom = zoom;
const center = this.projection.inverse([
(b.x2 + b.x1) / 2,
(b.y2 + b.y1) / 2
this.setView(center, zoom, redraw, animation);
getField(padded = true) {
const padding = padded ? this.padding : [0, 0, 0, 0];
return {
x: padding[3],
y: padding[0],
width: this.chart.plotWidth - padding[1] - padding[3],
height: this.chart.plotHeight - padding[0] - padding[2]
getGeoMap(map) {
if (isString(map)) {
if (maps[map] && maps[map].type === 'Topology') {
return topo2geo(maps[map]);
return maps[map];
if (isObject(map, true)) {
if (map.type === 'FeatureCollection') {
return map;
if (map.type === 'Topology') {
return topo2geo(map);
getMapBBox() {
const bounds = this.getProjectedBounds(), scale = this.getScale();
if (bounds) {
const padding = this.padding, p1 = this.projectedUnitsToPixels({
x: bounds.x1,
y: bounds.y2
}), width = ((bounds.x2 - bounds.x1) * scale +
padding[1] + padding[3]), height = ((bounds.y2 - bounds.y1) * scale +
padding[0] + padding[2]);
return {
x: p1.x - padding[3],
y: p1.y - padding[0]
getProjectedBounds() {
const projection = this.projection;
const allBounds = this.chart.series.reduce((acc, s) => {
const bounds = s.getProjectedBounds && s.getProjectedBounds();
if (bounds &&
s.options.affectsMapView !== false) {
return acc;
}, []);
// The bounds option
const fitToGeometry = this.options.fitToGeometry;
if (fitToGeometry) {
if (!this.fitToGeometryCache) {
if (fitToGeometry.type === 'MultiPoint') {
const positions = fitToGeometry.coordinates
.map((lonLat) => projection.forward(lonLat)), xs = positions.map((pos) => pos[0]), ys = positions.map((pos) => pos[1]);
this.fitToGeometryCache = {
x1: Math.min.apply(0, xs),
x2: Math.max.apply(0, xs),
y1: Math.min.apply(0, ys),
y2: Math.max.apply(0, ys)
else {
this.fitToGeometryCache = boundsFromPath(projection.path(fitToGeometry));
return this.fitToGeometryCache;
return this.projection.bounds || MapView.compositeBounds(allBounds);
getScale() {
// A zoom of 0 means the world (360x360 degrees) fits in a 256x256 px
// tile
return (tileSize / worldSize) * Math.pow(2, this.zoom);
// Calculate the SVG transform to be applied to series groups
getSVGTransform() {
const { x, y, width, height } = this.playingField, projectedCenter = this.projection.forward(this.center), flipFactor = this.projection.hasCoordinates ? -1 : 1, scaleX = this.getScale(), scaleY = scaleX * flipFactor, translateX = x + width / 2 - projectedCenter[0] * scaleX, translateY = y + height / 2 - projectedCenter[1] * scaleY;
return { scaleX, scaleY, translateX, translateY };
* Convert map coordinates in longitude/latitude to pixels
* @function Highcharts.MapView#lonLatToPixels
* @since 10.0.0
* @param {Highcharts.MapLonLatObject} lonLat
* The map coordinates
* @return {Highcharts.PositionObject|undefined}
* The pixel position
lonLatToPixels(lonLat) {
const pos = this.lonLatToProjectedUnits(lonLat);
if (pos) {
return this.projectedUnitsToPixels(pos);
* Get projected units from longitude/latitude. Insets are accounted for.
* Returns an object with x and y values corresponding to positions on the
* projected plane.
* @requires modules/map
* @function Highcharts.MapView#lonLatToProjectedUnits
* @since 10.0.0
* @sample maps/series/latlon-to-point/ Find a point from lon/lat
* @param {Highcharts.MapLonLatObject} lonLat Coordinates.
* @return {Highcharts.ProjectedXY} X and Y coordinates in terms of
* projected values
lonLatToProjectedUnits(lonLat) {
const chart = this.chart, mapTransforms = chart.mapTransforms;
// Legacy, built-in transforms
if (mapTransforms) {
for (const transform in mapTransforms) {
if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mapTransforms, transform) &&
mapTransforms[transform].hitZone) {
const coords = chart.transformFromLatLon(lonLat, mapTransforms[transform]);
if (coords && pointInPolygon(coords, mapTransforms[transform].hitZone.coordinates[0])) {
return coords;
return chart.transformFromLatLon(lonLat, mapTransforms['default'] // eslint-disable-line dot-notation
// Handle insets
for (const inset of this.insets) {
if (inset.options.geoBounds &&
pointInPolygon({ x: lonLat.lon, y: lonLat.lat }, inset.options.geoBounds.coordinates[0])) {
const insetProjectedPoint = inset.projection.forward([lonLat.lon, lonLat.lat]), pxPoint = inset.projectedUnitsToPixels({ x: insetProjectedPoint[0], y: insetProjectedPoint[1] });
return this.pixelsToProjectedUnits(pxPoint);
const point = this.projection.forward([lonLat.lon, lonLat.lat]);
if (!point.outside) {
return { x: point[0], y: point[1] };
* Calculate longitude/latitude values for a point or position. Returns an
* object with the numeric properties `lon` and `lat`.
* @requires modules/map
* @function Highcharts.MapView#projectedUnitsToLonLat
* @since 10.0.0
* @sample maps/demo/latlon-advanced/ Advanced lat/lon demo
* @param {Highcharts.Point|Highcharts.ProjectedXY} point
* A `Point` instance or anything containing `x` and `y` properties
* with numeric values.
* @return {Highcharts.MapLonLatObject|undefined} An object with `lat` and
* `lon` properties.
projectedUnitsToLonLat(point) {
const chart = this.chart, mapTransforms = chart.mapTransforms;
// Legacy, built-in transforms
if (mapTransforms) {
for (const transform in mapTransforms) {
if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mapTransforms, transform) &&
mapTransforms[transform].hitZone &&
pointInPolygon(point, mapTransforms[transform].hitZone.coordinates[0])) {
return chart.transformToLatLon(point, mapTransforms[transform]);
return chart.transformToLatLon(point, mapTransforms['default'] // eslint-disable-line dot-notation
const pxPoint = this.projectedUnitsToPixels(point);
for (const inset of this.insets) {
if (inset.hitZone &&
pointInPolygon(pxPoint, inset.hitZone.coordinates[0])) {
const insetProjectedPoint = inset
.pixelsToProjectedUnits(pxPoint), coordinates = inset.projection.inverse([insetProjectedPoint.x, insetProjectedPoint.y]);
return { lon: coordinates[0], lat: coordinates[1] };
const coordinates = this.projection.inverse([point.x, point.y]);
return { lon: coordinates[0], lat: coordinates[1] };
* Calculate and set the recommended map view based on provided map data
* from series.
* @requires modules/map
* @function Highcharts.MapView#recommendMapView
* @since @next
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} chart
* Chart object
* @param {Array<MapDataType | undefined>} mapDataArray
* Array of map data from all series.
* @param {boolean} [update=false]
* Whether to update the chart with recommended map view.
* @return {Highcharts.MapViewOptions|undefined} Best suitable map view.
recommendMapView(chart, mapDataArray, update = false) {
// Reset recommended map view
this.recommendedMapView = {};
// Handle the global map and series-level mapData
const geoMaps = mapDataArray.map((mapData) => this.getGeoMap(mapData));
const allGeoBounds = [];
geoMaps.forEach((geoMap) => {
if (geoMap) {
// Use the first geo map as main
if (!Object.keys(this.recommendedMapView).length) {
this.recommendedMapView =
geoMap['hc-recommended-mapview'] || {};
// Combine the bounding boxes of all loaded maps
if (geoMap.bbox) {
const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = geoMap.bbox;
allGeoBounds.push({ x1, y1, x2, y2 });
// Get the composite bounds
const geoBounds = (allGeoBounds.length &&
// Provide a best-guess recommended projection if not set in
// the map or in user options
fireEvent(this, 'onRecommendMapView', {
}, function () {
if (geoBounds &&
this.recommendedMapView) {
if (!this.recommendedMapView.projection) {
const { x1, y1, x2, y2 } = geoBounds;
this.recommendedMapView.projection =
(x2 - x1 > 180 && y2 - y1 > 90) ?
// Wide angle, go for the world view
name: 'EqualEarth',
parallels: [0, 0],
rotation: [0]
} :
// Narrower angle, use a projection better
// suited for local view
name: 'LambertConformalConic',
parallels: [y1, y2],
rotation: [-(x1 + x2) / 2]
if (!this.recommendedMapView.insets) {
this.recommendedMapView.insets = void 0; // Reset insets
// Register the main geo map (from options.chart.map) if set
this.geoMap = geoMaps[0];
if (update &&
chart.hasRendered &&
!chart.userOptions.mapView?.projection &&
this.recommendedMapView) {
redraw(animation) {
this.chart.series.forEach((s) => {
if (s.useMapGeometry) {
s.isDirty = true;
* Set the view to given center and zoom values.
* @function Highcharts.MapView#setView
* @param {Highcharts.LonLatArray|undefined} center
* The center point
* @param {number} zoom
* The zoom level
* @param {boolean} [redraw=true]
* Whether to redraw immediately
* @param {boolean|Partial<Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject>} [animation]
* Animation options for the redraw
* @sample maps/mapview/setview
* Set the view programmatically
setView(center, zoom, redraw = true, animation) {
if (center) {
this.center = center;
if (typeof zoom === 'number') {
if (typeof this.minZoom === 'number') {
zoom = Math.max(zoom, this.minZoom);
if (typeof this.options.maxZoom === 'number') {
zoom = Math.min(zoom, this.options.maxZoom);
// Use isNumber to prevent Infinity (#17205)
if (isNumber(zoom)) {
this.zoom = zoom;
const bounds = this.getProjectedBounds();
if (bounds) {
const projectedCenter = this.projection.forward(this.center), { x, y, width, height } = this.playingField, scale = this.getScale(), bottomLeft = this.projectedUnitsToPixels({
x: bounds.x1,
y: bounds.y1
}), topRight = this.projectedUnitsToPixels({
x: bounds.x2,
y: bounds.y2
}), boundsCenterProjected = [
(bounds.x1 + bounds.x2) / 2,
(bounds.y1 + bounds.y2) / 2
], isDrilling = this.chart.series.some((series) => series.isDrilling);
if (!isDrilling) {
// Constrain to data bounds
// Pixel coordinate system is reversed vs projected
const x1 = bottomLeft.x, y1 = topRight.y, x2 = topRight.x, y2 = bottomLeft.y;
// Map smaller than plot area, center it
if (x2 - x1 < width) {
projectedCenter[0] = boundsCenterProjected[0];
// Off west
else if (x1 < x && x2 < x + width) {
// Adjust eastwards
projectedCenter[0] +=
Math.max(x1 - x, x2 - width - x) / scale;
// Off east
else if (x2 > x + width && x1 > x) {
// Adjust westwards
projectedCenter[0] +=
Math.min(x2 - width - x, x1 - x) / scale;
// Map smaller than plot area, center it
if (y2 - y1 < height) {
projectedCenter[1] = boundsCenterProjected[1];
// Off north
else if (y1 < y && y2 < y + height) {
// Adjust southwards
projectedCenter[1] -=
Math.max(y1 - y, y2 - height - y) / scale;
// Off south
else if (y2 > y + height && y1 > y) {
// Adjust northwards
projectedCenter[1] -=
Math.min(y2 - height - y, y1 - y) / scale;
this.center = this.projection.inverse(projectedCenter);
this.insets.forEach((inset) => {
if (inset.options.field) {
inset.hitZone = inset.getHitZone();
inset.playingField = inset.getField();
fireEvent(this, 'afterSetView');
if (redraw) {
* Convert projected units to pixel position
* @function Highcharts.MapView#projectedUnitsToPixels
* @param {Highcharts.PositionObject} pos
* The position in projected units
* @return {Highcharts.PositionObject} The position in pixels
projectedUnitsToPixels(pos) {
const scale = this.getScale(), projectedCenter = this.projection.forward(this.center), field = this.playingField, centerPxX = field.x + field.width / 2, centerPxY = field.y + field.height / 2;
const x = centerPxX - scale * (projectedCenter[0] - pos.x);
const y = centerPxY + scale * (projectedCenter[1] - pos.y);
return { x, y };
* Convert pixel position to longitude and latitude.
* @function Highcharts.MapView#pixelsToLonLat
* @since 10.0.0
* @param {Highcharts.PositionObject} pos
* The position in pixels
* @return {Highcharts.MapLonLatObject|undefined}
* The map coordinates
pixelsToLonLat(pos) {
return this.projectedUnitsToLonLat(this.pixelsToProjectedUnits(pos));
* Convert pixel position to projected units
* @function Highcharts.MapView#pixelsToProjectedUnits
* @param {Highcharts.PositionObject} pos
* The position in pixels
* @return {Highcharts.PositionObject} The position in projected units
pixelsToProjectedUnits(pos) {
const { x, y } = pos, scale = this.getScale(), projectedCenter = this.projection.forward(this.center), field = this.playingField, centerPxX = field.x + field.width / 2, centerPxY = field.y + field.height / 2;
const projectedX = projectedCenter[0] + (x - centerPxX) / scale;
const projectedY = projectedCenter[1] - (y - centerPxY) / scale;
return { x: projectedX, y: projectedY };
setUpEvents() {
const { chart } = this;
// Set up panning and touch zoom for maps. In orthographic projections
// the globe will rotate, otherwise adjust the map center and zoom.
let mouseDownCenterProjected, mouseDownKey, mouseDownRotation;
const onPan = (e) => {
const { lastTouches, pinchDown } = chart.pointer, projection = this.projection, touches = e.touches;
let { mouseDownX, mouseDownY } = chart, howMuch = 0;
if (pinchDown?.length === 1) {
mouseDownX = pinchDown[0].chartX;
mouseDownY = pinchDown[0].chartY;
else if (pinchDown?.length === 2) {
mouseDownX = (pinchDown[0].chartX + pinchDown[1].chartX) / 2;
mouseDownY = (pinchDown[0].chartY + pinchDown[1].chartY) / 2;
// How much has the distance between the fingers changed?
if (touches?.length === 2 && lastTouches) {
const startDistance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(lastTouches[0].chartX - lastTouches[1].chartX, 2) +
Math.pow(lastTouches[0].chartY - lastTouches[1].chartY, 2)), endDistance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(touches[0].chartX - touches[1].chartX, 2) +
Math.pow(touches[0].chartY - touches[1].chartY, 2));
howMuch = Math.log(startDistance / endDistance) / Math.log(0.5);
if (isNumber(mouseDownX) && isNumber(mouseDownY)) {
const key = `${mouseDownX},${mouseDownY}`;
let { chartX, chartY } = e.originalEvent;
if (touches?.length === 2) {
chartX = (touches[0].chartX + touches[1].chartX) / 2;
chartY = (touches[0].chartY + touches[1].chartY) / 2;
// Reset starting position
if (key !== mouseDownKey) {
mouseDownKey = key;
mouseDownCenterProjected = this.projection
mouseDownRotation = (this.projection.options.rotation || [0, 0]).slice();
// Get the natural zoom level of the projection itself when
// zoomed to view the full world
const worldBounds = projection.def && projection.def.bounds, worldZoom = (worldBounds &&
zoomFromBounds(worldBounds, this.playingField)) || -Infinity;
// Panning rotates the globe
if (projection.options.name === 'Orthographic' &&
(touches?.length || 0) < 2 &&
// ... but don't rotate if we're loading only a part of the
// world
(this.minZoom || Infinity) < worldZoom * 1.3) {
// Empirical ratio where the globe rotates roughly the same
// speed as moving the pointer across the center of the
// projection
const ratio = 440 / (this.getScale() * Math.min(chart.plotWidth, chart.plotHeight));
if (mouseDownRotation) {
const lon = (mouseDownX - chartX) * ratio -
mouseDownRotation[0], lat = clamp(-mouseDownRotation[1] -
(mouseDownY - chartY) * ratio, -80, 80), zoom = this.zoom;
projection: {
rotation: [-lon, -lat]
}, false);
this.fitToBounds(void 0, void 0, false);
this.zoom = zoom;
// #17925 Skip NaN values
else if (isNumber(chartX) && isNumber(chartY)) {
// #17238
const scale = this.getScale(), flipFactor = this.projection.hasCoordinates ? 1 : -1;
const newCenter = this.projection.inverse([
mouseDownCenterProjected[0] +
(mouseDownX - chartX) / scale,
mouseDownCenterProjected[1] -
(mouseDownY - chartY) / scale * flipFactor
// #19190 Skip NaN coords
if (!isNaN(newCenter[0] + newCenter[1])) {
this.zoomBy(howMuch, newCenter, void 0, false);
addEvent(chart, 'pan', onPan);
addEvent(chart, 'touchpan', onPan);
// Perform the map zoom by selection
addEvent(chart, 'selection', (evt) => {
// Zoom in
if (!evt.resetSelection) {
const x = evt.x - chart.plotLeft;
const y = evt.y - chart.plotTop;
const { y: y1, x: x1 } = this.pixelsToProjectedUnits({ x, y });
const { y: y2, x: x2 } = this.pixelsToProjectedUnits({ x: x + evt.width, y: y + evt.height });
this.fitToBounds({ x1, y1, x2, y2 }, void 0, true, evt.originalEvent.touches ?
// On touch zoom, don't animate, since we're already in
// transformed zoom preview
false :
// On mouse zoom, obey the chart-level animation
void 0);
// Only for mouse. Touch users can pinch out.
if (!/^touch/.test((evt.originalEvent.type))) {
// Reset zoom
else {
render() {
// We need a group for the insets
if (!this.group) {
this.group = this.chart.renderer.g('map-view')
.attr({ zIndex: 4 })
* Update the view with given options
* @function Highcharts.MapView#update
* @param {Partial<Highcharts.MapViewOptions>} options
* The new map view options to apply
* @param {boolean} [redraw=true]
* Whether to redraw immediately
* @param {boolean|Partial<Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject>} [animation]
* The animation to apply to a the redraw
update(options, redraw = true, animation) {
const newProjection = options.projection, isDirtyProjection = newProjection && ((Projection.toString(newProjection) !==
let isDirtyInsets = false;
merge(true, this.userOptions, options);
merge(true, this.options, options);
// If anything changed with the insets, destroy them all and create
// again below
if ('insets' in options) {
this.insets.forEach((inset) => inset.destroy());
this.insets.length = 0;
isDirtyInsets = true;
if (isDirtyProjection || 'fitToGeometry' in options) {
delete this.fitToGeometryCache;
if (isDirtyProjection || isDirtyInsets) {
this.chart.series.forEach((series) => {
const groups = series.transformGroups;
if (series.clearBounds) {
series.isDirty = true;
series.isDirtyData = true;
// Destroy inset transform groups
if (isDirtyInsets && groups) {
while (groups.length > 1) {
const group = groups.pop();
if (group) {
if (isDirtyProjection) {
this.projection = new Projection(this.options.projection);
// Create new insets
if (isDirtyInsets) {
// Fit to natural bounds if center/zoom are not explicitly given
if (!options.center &&
// Do not fire fitToBounds if user don't want to set zoom
Object.hasOwnProperty.call(options, 'zoom') &&
!isNumber(options.zoom)) {
this.fitToBounds(void 0, void 0, false);
if (options.center || isNumber(options.zoom)) {
this.setView(this.options.center, options.zoom, false);
else if ('fitToGeometry' in options) {
this.fitToBounds(void 0, void 0, false);
if (redraw) {
* Zoom the map view by a given number
* @function Highcharts.MapView#zoomBy
* @param {number|undefined} [howMuch]
* The amount of zoom to apply. 1 zooms in on half the current view,
* -1 zooms out. Pass `undefined` to zoom to the full bounds of the
* map.
* @param {Highcharts.LonLatArray} [coords]
* Optional map coordinates to keep fixed
* @param {Array<number>} [chartCoords]
* Optional chart coordinates to keep fixed, in pixels
* @param {boolean|Partial<Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject>} [animation]
* The animation to apply to a the redraw
zoomBy(howMuch, coords, chartCoords, animation) {
const chart = this.chart, projectedCenter = this.projection.forward(this.center);
if (typeof howMuch === 'number') {
const zoom = this.zoom + howMuch;
let center, x, y;
// Keep chartX and chartY stationary - convert to lat and lng
if (chartCoords) {
const [chartX, chartY] = chartCoords;
const scale = this.getScale();
const offsetX = chartX - chart.plotLeft - chart.plotWidth / 2;
const offsetY = chartY - chart.plotTop - chart.plotHeight / 2;
x = projectedCenter[0] + offsetX / scale;
y = projectedCenter[1] + offsetY / scale;
// Keep lon and lat stationary by adjusting the center
if (typeof x === 'number' && typeof y === 'number') {
const scale = 1 - Math.pow(2, this.zoom) / Math.pow(2, zoom);
const offsetX = projectedCenter[0] - x;
const offsetY = projectedCenter[1] - y;
projectedCenter[0] -= offsetX * scale;
projectedCenter[1] += offsetY * scale;
center = this.projection.inverse(projectedCenter);
this.setView(coords || center, zoom, void 0, animation);
// Undefined howMuch => reset zoom
else {
this.fitToBounds(void 0, void 0, void 0, animation);
// Putting this in the same file due to circular dependency with MapView
class MapViewInset extends MapView {
/* *
* Constructor
* */
constructor(mapView, options) {
super(mapView.chart, options);
this.id = options.id;
this.mapView = mapView;
this.options = merge({ center: [0, 0] }, mapView.options.insetOptions, options);
this.allBounds = [];
if (this.options.geoBounds) {
// The path in projected units in the map view's main projection.
// This is used for hit testing where the points should render.
const path = mapView.projection.path(this.options.geoBounds);
this.geoBoundsProjectedBox = boundsFromPath(path);
this.geoBoundsProjectedPolygon = path.map((segment) => [
segment[1] || 0,
segment[2] || 0
/* *
* Functions
* */
* Get the playing field in pixels
* @private
getField(padded = true) {
const hitZone = this.hitZone;
if (hitZone) {
const padding = padded ? this.padding : [0, 0, 0, 0], polygon = hitZone.coordinates[0], xs = polygon.map((xy) => xy[0]), ys = polygon.map((xy) => xy[1]), x = Math.min.apply(0, xs) + padding[3], x2 = Math.max.apply(0, xs) - padding[1], y = Math.min.apply(0, ys) + padding[0], y2 = Math.max.apply(0, ys) - padding[2];
if (isNumber(x) && isNumber(y)) {
return {
width: x2 - x,
height: y2 - y
// Fall back to plot area
return super.getField.call(this, padded);
* Get the hit zone in pixels.
* @private
getHitZone() {
const { chart, mapView, options } = this, { coordinates } = options.field || {};
if (coordinates) {
let polygon = coordinates[0];
if (options.units === 'percent') {
const relativeTo = options.relativeTo === 'mapBoundingBox' &&
mapView.getMapBBox() ||
merge(chart.plotBox, { x: 0, y: 0 });
polygon = polygon.map((xy) => [
relativeLength(`${xy[0]}%`, relativeTo.width, relativeTo.x),
relativeLength(`${xy[1]}%`, relativeTo.height, relativeTo.y)
return {
type: 'Polygon',
coordinates: [polygon]
getProjectedBounds() {
return MapView.compositeBounds(this.allBounds);
* Determine whether a point on the main projected plane is inside the
* geoBounds of the inset.
* @private
isInside(point) {
const { geoBoundsProjectedBox, geoBoundsProjectedPolygon } = this;
return Boolean(
// First we do a pre-pass to check whether the test point is inside
// the rectangular bounding box of the polygon. This is less
// expensive and will rule out most cases.
geoBoundsProjectedBox &&
point.x >= geoBoundsProjectedBox.x1 &&
point.x <= geoBoundsProjectedBox.x2 &&
point.y >= geoBoundsProjectedBox.y1 &&
point.y <= geoBoundsProjectedBox.y2 &&
// Next, do the more expensive check whether the point is inside the
// polygon itself.
geoBoundsProjectedPolygon &&
pointInPolygon(point, geoBoundsProjectedPolygon));
* Render the map view inset with the border path
* @private
render() {
const { chart, mapView, options } = this, borderPath = options.borderPath || options.field;
if (borderPath && mapView.group) {
let animate = true;
if (!this.border) {
this.border = chart.renderer
animate = false;
if (!chart.styledMode) {
stroke: options.borderColor,
'stroke-width': options.borderWidth
const crisp = Math.round(this.border.strokeWidth()) % 2 / 2, field = (options.relativeTo === 'mapBoundingBox' &&
mapView.getMapBBox()) || mapView.playingField;
const d = (borderPath.coordinates || []).reduce((d, lineString) => lineString.reduce((d, point, i) => {
let [x, y] = point;
if (options.units === 'percent') {
x = chart.plotLeft + relativeLength(`${x}%`, field.width, field.x);
y = chart.plotTop + relativeLength(`${y}%`, field.height, field.y);
x = Math.floor(x) + crisp;
y = Math.floor(y) + crisp;
d.push(i === 0 ? ['M', x, y] : ['L', x, y]);
return d;
}, d), []);
// Apply the border path
this.border[animate ? 'animate' : 'attr']({ d });
destroy() {
if (this.border) {
this.border = this.border.destroy();
this.eventsToUnbind.forEach((f) => f());
* No chart-level events for insets
* @private
setUpEvents() { }
/* *
* Default Export
* */
export default MapView;