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/* *
* (c) 2016 Highsoft AS
* Authors: Øystein Moseng, Lars A. V. Cabrera
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
'use strict';
import ConnectorsDefaults from './ConnectorsDefaults.js';
import D from '../Core/Defaults.js';
const { setOptions } = D;
import U from '../Core/Utilities.js';
const { defined, error, merge } = U;
/* *
* Functions
* */
* Get point bounding box using plotX/plotY and shapeArgs. If using
* graphic.getBBox() directly, the bbox will be affected by animation.
* @private
* @function
* @param {Highcharts.Point} point
* The point to get BB of.
* @return {Highcharts.Dictionary<number>|null}
* Result xMax, xMin, yMax, yMin.
function getPointBB(point) {
const shapeArgs = point.shapeArgs;
// Prefer using shapeArgs (columns)
if (shapeArgs) {
return {
xMin: shapeArgs.x || 0,
xMax: (shapeArgs.x || 0) + (shapeArgs.width || 0),
yMin: shapeArgs.y || 0,
yMax: (shapeArgs.y || 0) + (shapeArgs.height || 0)
// Otherwise use plotX/plotY and bb
const bb = point.graphic && point.graphic.getBBox();
return bb ? {
xMin: point.plotX - bb.width / 2,
xMax: point.plotX + bb.width / 2,
yMin: point.plotY - bb.height / 2,
yMax: point.plotY + bb.height / 2
} : null;
* Warn if using legacy options. Copy the options over. Note that this will
* still break if using the legacy options in chart.update, addSeries etc.
* @private
function warnLegacy(chart) {
if (chart.options.pathfinder ||
chart.series.reduce(function (acc, series) {
if (series.options) {
merge(true, (series.options.connectors = series.options.connectors ||
{}), series.options.pathfinder);
return acc || series.options && series.options.pathfinder;
}, false)) {
merge(true, (chart.options.connectors = chart.options.connectors || {}), chart.options.pathfinder);
error('WARNING: Pathfinder options have been renamed. ' +
'Use "chart.connectors" or "series.connectors" instead.');
/* *
* Composition
* */
var ConnectionComposition;
(function (ConnectionComposition) {
/* *
* Functions
* */
/** @private */
function compose(ChartClass, PathfinderClass, PointClass) {
const pointProto = PointClass.prototype;
if (!pointProto.getPathfinderAnchorPoint) {
// Initialize Pathfinder for charts
ChartClass.prototype.callbacks.push(function (chart) {
const options = chart.options;
if (options.connectors.enabled !== false) {
this.pathfinder = new PathfinderClass(this);
this.pathfinder.update(true); // First draw, defer render
pointProto.getMarkerVector = pointGetMarkerVector;
pointProto.getPathfinderAnchorPoint = pointGetPathfinderAnchorPoint;
pointProto.getRadiansToVector = pointGetRadiansToVector;
// Set default Pathfinder options
ConnectionComposition.compose = compose;
* Get coordinates of anchor point for pathfinder connection.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Point#getPathfinderAnchorPoint
* @param {Highcharts.ConnectorsMarkerOptions} markerOptions
* Connection options for position on point.
* @return {Highcharts.PositionObject}
* An object with x/y properties for the position. Coordinates are
* in plot values, not relative to point.
function pointGetPathfinderAnchorPoint(markerOptions) {
const bb = getPointBB(this);
let x, y;
switch (markerOptions.align) { // eslint-disable-line default-case
case 'right':
x = 'xMax';
case 'left':
x = 'xMin';
switch (markerOptions.verticalAlign) { // eslint-disable-line default-case
case 'top':
y = 'yMin';
case 'bottom':
y = 'yMax';
return {
x: x ? bb[x] : (bb.xMin + bb.xMax) / 2,
y: y ? bb[y] : (bb.yMin + bb.yMax) / 2
* Utility to get the angle from one point to another.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Point#getRadiansToVector
* @param {Highcharts.PositionObject} v1
* The first vector, as an object with x/y properties.
* @param {Highcharts.PositionObject} v2
* The second vector, as an object with x/y properties.
* @return {number}
* The angle in degrees
function pointGetRadiansToVector(v1, v2) {
let box;
if (!defined(v2)) {
box = getPointBB(this);
if (box) {
v2 = {
x: (box.xMin + box.xMax) / 2,
y: (box.yMin + box.yMax) / 2
return Math.atan2(v2.y - v1.y, v1.x - v2.x);
* Utility to get the position of the marker, based on the path angle and
* the marker's radius.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Point#getMarkerVector
* @param {number} radians
* The angle in radians from the point center to another vector.
* @param {number} markerRadius
* The radius of the marker, to calculate the additional distance to
* the center of the marker.
* @param {Object} anchor
* The anchor point of the path and marker as an object with x/y
* properties.
* @return {Object}
* The marker vector as an object with x/y properties.
function pointGetMarkerVector(radians, markerRadius, anchor) {
const twoPI = Math.PI * 2.0, bb = getPointBB(this), rectWidth = bb.xMax - bb.xMin, rectHeight = bb.yMax - bb.yMin, rAtan = Math.atan2(rectHeight, rectWidth), rectHalfWidth = rectWidth / 2.0, rectHalfHeight = rectHeight / 2.0, rectHorizontalCenter = bb.xMin + rectHalfWidth, rectVerticalCenter = bb.yMin + rectHalfHeight, edgePoint = {
x: rectHorizontalCenter,
y: rectVerticalCenter
let theta = radians, tanTheta = 1, leftOrRightRegion = false, xFactor = 1, yFactor = 1;
while (theta < -Math.PI) {
theta += twoPI;
while (theta > Math.PI) {
theta -= twoPI;
tanTheta = Math.tan(theta);
if ((theta > -rAtan) && (theta <= rAtan)) {
// Right side
yFactor = -1;
leftOrRightRegion = true;
else if (theta > rAtan && theta <= (Math.PI - rAtan)) {
// Top side
yFactor = -1;
else if (theta > (Math.PI - rAtan) || theta <= -(Math.PI - rAtan)) {
// Left side
xFactor = -1;
leftOrRightRegion = true;
else {
// Bottom side
xFactor = -1;
// Correct the edgePoint according to the placement of the marker
if (leftOrRightRegion) {
edgePoint.x += xFactor * (rectHalfWidth);
edgePoint.y += yFactor * (rectHalfWidth) * tanTheta;
else {
edgePoint.x += xFactor * (rectHeight / (2.0 * tanTheta));
edgePoint.y += yFactor * (rectHalfHeight);
if (anchor.x !== rectHorizontalCenter) {
edgePoint.x = anchor.x;
if (anchor.y !== rectVerticalCenter) {
edgePoint.y = anchor.y;
return {
x: edgePoint.x + (markerRadius * Math.cos(theta)),
y: edgePoint.y - (markerRadius * Math.sin(theta))
})(ConnectionComposition || (ConnectionComposition = {}));
/* *
* Default Export
* */
export default ConnectionComposition;