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/* *
* (c) 2016 Highsoft AS
* Authors: Øystein Moseng, Lars A. V. Cabrera
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
'use strict';
import H from '../Core/Globals.js';
import U from '../Core/Utilities.js';
const { defined, error, merge, objectEach } = U;
/* *
* Constants
* */
const deg2rad = H.deg2rad, max = Math.max, min = Math.min;
/* *
* Class
* */
* The Connection class. Used internally to represent a connection between two
* points.
* @private
* @class
* @name Highcharts.Connection
* @param {Highcharts.Point} from
* Connection runs from this Point.
* @param {Highcharts.Point} to
* Connection runs to this Point.
* @param {Highcharts.ConnectorsOptions} [options]
* Connection options.
class Connection {
constructor(from, to, options) {
this.init(from, to, options);
* Initialize the Connection object. Used as constructor only.
* @function Highcharts.Connection#init
* @param {Highcharts.Point} from
* Connection runs from this Point.
* @param {Highcharts.Point} to
* Connection runs to this Point.
* @param {Highcharts.ConnectorsOptions} [options]
* Connection options.
init(from, to, options) {
this.fromPoint = from;
this.toPoint = to;
this.options = options;
this.chart = from.series.chart;
this.pathfinder = this.chart.pathfinder;
* Add (or update) this connection's path on chart. Stores reference to the
* created element on this.graphics.path.
* @function Highcharts.Connection#renderPath
* @param {Highcharts.SVGPathArray} path
* Path to render, in array format. E.g. ['M', 0, 0, 'L', 10, 10]
* @param {Highcharts.SVGAttributes} [attribs]
* SVG attributes for the path.
* @param {Partial<Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject>} [animation]
* Animation options for the rendering.
renderPath(path, attribs) {
const connection = this, chart = this.chart, styledMode = chart.styledMode, pathfinder = this.pathfinder, anim = {};
let pathGraphic = connection.graphics && connection.graphics.path;
// Add the SVG element of the pathfinder group if it doesn't exist
if (!pathfinder.group) {
pathfinder.group = chart.renderer.g()
.attr({ zIndex: -1 })
// Shift the group to compensate for plot area.
// Note: Do this always (even when redrawing a path) to avoid issues
// when updating chart in a way that changes plot metrics.
pathfinder.group.translate(chart.plotLeft, chart.plotTop);
// Create path if does not exist
if (!(pathGraphic && pathGraphic.renderer)) {
pathGraphic = chart.renderer.path()
if (!styledMode) {
opacity: 0
// Set path attribs and animate to the new path
anim.d = path;
if (!styledMode) {
anim.opacity = 1;
// Store reference on connection
this.graphics = this.graphics || {};
this.graphics.path = pathGraphic;
* Calculate and add marker graphics for connection to the chart. The
* created/updated elements are stored on this.graphics.start and
* this.graphics.end.
* @function Highcharts.Connection#addMarker
* @param {string} type
* Marker type, either 'start' or 'end'.
* @param {Highcharts.ConnectorsMarkerOptions} options
* All options for this marker. Not calculated or merged with other
* options.
* @param {Highcharts.SVGPathArray} path
* Connection path in array format. This is used to calculate the
* rotation angle of the markers.
addMarker(type, options, path) {
const connection = this, chart = connection.fromPoint.series.chart, pathfinder = chart.pathfinder, renderer = chart.renderer, point = (type === 'start' ?
connection.fromPoint :
connection.toPoint), anchor = point.getPathfinderAnchorPoint(options);
let markerVector, radians, rotation, box, width, height, pathVector, segment;
if (!options.enabled) {
// Last vector before start/end of path, used to get angle
if (type === 'start') {
segment = path[1];
else { // 'end'
segment = path[path.length - 2];
if (segment && segment[0] === 'M' || segment[0] === 'L') {
pathVector = {
x: segment[1],
y: segment[2]
// Get angle between pathVector and anchor point and use it to
// create marker position.
radians = point.getRadiansToVector(pathVector, anchor);
markerVector = point.getMarkerVector(radians, options.radius, anchor);
// Rotation of marker is calculated from angle between pathVector
// and markerVector.
// (Note:
// Used to recalculate radians between markerVector and pathVector,
// but this should be the same as between pathVector and anchor.)
rotation = -radians / deg2rad;
if (options.width && options.height) {
width = options.width;
height = options.height;
else {
width = height = options.radius * 2;
// Add graphics object if it does not exist
connection.graphics = connection.graphics || {};
box = {
x: markerVector.x - (width / 2),
y: markerVector.y - (height / 2),
width: width,
height: height,
rotation: rotation,
rotationOriginX: markerVector.x,
rotationOriginY: markerVector.y
if (!connection.graphics[type]) {
// Create new marker element
connection.graphics[type] = renderer
.addClass('highcharts-point-connecting-path-' + type + '-marker' +
' highcharts-color-' + this.fromPoint.colorIndex)
if (!renderer.styledMode) {
fill: options.color || connection.fromPoint.color,
stroke: options.lineColor,
'stroke-width': options.lineWidth,
opacity: 0
opacity: 1
}, point.series.options.animation);
else {
* Calculate and return connection path.
* Note: Recalculates chart obstacles on demand if they aren't calculated.
* @function Highcharts.Connection#getPath
* @param {Highcharts.ConnectorsOptions} options
* Connector options. Not calculated or merged with other options.
* @return {object|undefined}
* Calculated SVG path data in array format.
getPath(options) {
const pathfinder = this.pathfinder, chart = this.chart, algorithm = pathfinder.algorithms[options.type];
let chartObstacles = pathfinder.chartObstacles;
if (typeof algorithm !== 'function') {
error('"' + options.type + '" is not a Pathfinder algorithm.');
return {
path: [],
obstacles: []
// This function calculates obstacles on demand if they don't exist
if (algorithm.requiresObstacles && !chartObstacles) {
chartObstacles =
pathfinder.chartObstacles =
// If the algorithmMargin was computed, store the result in default
// options.
chart.options.connectors.algorithmMargin =
// Cache some metrics too
pathfinder.chartObstacleMetrics =
// Get the SVG path
return algorithm(
// From
// To
this.toPoint.getPathfinderAnchorPoint(options.endMarker), merge({
chartObstacles: chartObstacles,
lineObstacles: pathfinder.lineObstacles || [],
obstacleMetrics: pathfinder.chartObstacleMetrics,
hardBounds: {
xMin: 0,
xMax: chart.plotWidth,
yMin: 0,
yMax: chart.plotHeight
obstacleOptions: {
margin: options.algorithmMargin
startDirectionX: pathfinder.getAlgorithmStartDirection(options.startMarker)
}, options));
* (re)Calculate and (re)draw the connection.
* @function Highcharts.Connection#render
render() {
const connection = this, fromPoint = connection.fromPoint, series = fromPoint.series, chart = series.chart, pathfinder = chart.pathfinder, attribs = {};
let options = merge(chart.options.connectors, series.options.connectors, fromPoint.options.connectors, connection.options);
// Set path attribs
if (!chart.styledMode) {
attribs.stroke = options.lineColor || fromPoint.color;
attribs['stroke-width'] = options.lineWidth;
if (options.dashStyle) {
attribs.dashstyle = options.dashStyle;
attribs['class'] = // eslint-disable-line dot-notation
'highcharts-point-connecting-path ' +
'highcharts-color-' + fromPoint.colorIndex;
options = merge(attribs, options);
// Set common marker options
if (!defined(options.marker.radius)) {
options.marker.radius = min(max(Math.ceil((options.algorithmMargin || 8) / 2) - 1, 1), 5);
// Get the path
const pathResult = connection.getPath(options), path = pathResult.path;
// Always update obstacle storage with obstacles from this path.
// We don't know if future calls will need this for their algorithm.
if (pathResult.obstacles) {
pathfinder.lineObstacles =
pathfinder.lineObstacles || [];
pathfinder.lineObstacles =
// Add the calculated path to the pathfinder group
connection.renderPath(path, attribs);
// Render the markers
connection.addMarker('start', merge(options.marker, options.startMarker), path);
connection.addMarker('end', merge(options.marker, options.endMarker), path);
* Destroy connection by destroying the added graphics elements.
* @function Highcharts.Connection#destroy
destroy() {
if (this.graphics) {
objectEach(this.graphics, function (val) {
delete this.graphics;
/* *
* Default Export
* */
export default Connection;
/* *
* API Declarations
* */
* The default pathfinder algorithm to use for a chart. It is possible to define
* your own algorithms by adding them to the
* `Highcharts.Pathfinder.prototype.algorithms`
* object before the chart has been created.
* The default algorithms are as follows:
* `straight`: Draws a straight line between the connecting
* points. Does not avoid other points when drawing.
* `simpleConnect`: Finds a path between the points using right angles
* only. Takes only starting/ending points into
* account, and will not avoid other points.
* `fastAvoid`: Finds a path between the points using right angles
* only. Will attempt to avoid other points, but its
* focus is performance over accuracy. Works well with
* less dense datasets.
* @typedef {"fastAvoid"|"simpleConnect"|"straight"|string} Highcharts.PathfinderTypeValue
''; // Keeps doclets above in JS file