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import { AfterContentInit } from '@angular/core';
import { BooleanInput } from '@angular/cdk/coercion';
import { ConnectedPosition } from '@angular/cdk/overlay';
import { Directionality } from '@angular/cdk/bidi';
import { ElementRef } from '@angular/core';
import { EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
import { FocusableOption } from '@angular/cdk/a11y';
import { FocusKeyManager } from '@angular/cdk/a11y';
import { FocusOrigin } from '@angular/cdk/a11y';
import * as i0 from '@angular/core';
import * as i1 from '@angular/cdk/overlay';
import { InjectionToken } from '@angular/core';
import { Injector } from '@angular/core';
import { NgZone } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { Optional } from '@angular/core';
import { OverlayRef } from '@angular/cdk/overlay';
import { QueryList } from '@angular/core';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { TemplatePortal } from '@angular/cdk/portal';
import { TemplateRef } from '@angular/core';
import { ViewContainerRef } from '@angular/core';
/** Injection token used to return classes implementing the Menu interface */
export declare const CDK_MENU: InjectionToken<Menu>;
* A directive that opens a menu when a user right-clicks within its host element.
* It is aware of nested context menus and will trigger only the lowest level non-disabled context menu.
export declare class CdkContextMenuTrigger extends CdkMenuTriggerBase implements OnDestroy {
/** The CDK overlay service. */
private readonly _overlay;
/** The directionality of the page. */
private readonly _directionality;
/** The app's context menu tracking registry */
private readonly _contextMenuTracker;
/** Whether the context menu is disabled. */
get disabled(): boolean;
set disabled(value: BooleanInput);
private _disabled;
* Open the attached menu at the specified location.
* @param coordinates where to open the context menu
open(coordinates: ContextMenuCoordinates): void;
/** Close the currently opened context menu. */
close(): void;
* Open the context menu and closes any previously open menus.
* @param event the mouse event which opens the context menu.
_openOnContextMenu(event: MouseEvent): void;
* Get the configuration object used to create the overlay.
* @param coordinates the location to place the opened menu
private _getOverlayConfig;
* Get the position strategy for the overlay which specifies where to place the menu.
* @param coordinates the location to place the opened menu
private _getOverlayPositionStrategy;
/** Subscribe to the menu stack close events and close this menu when requested. */
private _setMenuStackCloseListener;
* Subscribe to the overlays outside pointer events stream and handle closing out the stack if a
* click occurs outside the menus.
* @param userEvent User-generated event that opened the menu.
private _subscribeToOutsideClicks;
* Open the attached menu at the specified location.
* @param userEvent User-generated event that opened the menu
* @param coordinates where to open the context menu
private _open;
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CdkContextMenuTrigger, never>;
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration<CdkContextMenuTrigger, "[cdkContextMenuTriggerFor]", ["cdkContextMenuTriggerFor"], { "menuTemplateRef": { "alias": "cdkContextMenuTriggerFor"; "required": false; }; "menuPosition": { "alias": "cdkContextMenuPosition"; "required": false; }; "menuData": { "alias": "cdkContextMenuTriggerData"; "required": false; }; "disabled": { "alias": "cdkContextMenuDisabled"; "required": false; }; }, { "opened": "cdkContextMenuOpened"; "closed": "cdkContextMenuClosed"; }, never, never, true, never>;
* Directive which configures the element as a Menu which should contain child elements marked as
* CdkMenuItem or CdkMenuGroup. Sets the appropriate role and aria-attributes for a menu and
* contains accessible keyboard and mouse handling logic.
* It also acts as a RadioGroup for elements marked with role `menuitemradio`.
export declare class CdkMenu extends CdkMenuBase implements AfterContentInit, OnDestroy {
private _parentTrigger;
/** Event emitted when the menu is closed. */
readonly closed: EventEmitter<void>;
/** The direction items in the menu flow. */
readonly orientation = "vertical";
/** Whether the menu is displayed inline (i.e. always present vs a conditional popup that the user triggers with a trigger element). */
readonly isInline: boolean;
ngAfterContentInit(): void;
ngOnDestroy(): void;
* Handle keyboard events for the Menu.
* @param event The keyboard event to be handled.
_handleKeyEvent(event: KeyboardEvent): void;
* Set focus the either the current, previous or next item based on the FocusNext event.
* @param focusNext The element to focus.
private _toggleMenuFocus;
/** Subscribe to the MenuStack emptied events. */
private _subscribeToMenuStackEmptied;
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CdkMenu, never>;
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration<CdkMenu, "[cdkMenu]", ["cdkMenu"], {}, { "closed": "closed"; }, never, never, true, never>;
* Directive applied to an element which configures it as a MenuBar by setting the appropriate
* role, aria attributes, and accessible keyboard and mouse handling logic. The component that
* this directive is applied to should contain components marked with CdkMenuItem.
export declare class CdkMenuBar extends CdkMenuBase implements AfterContentInit {
/** The direction items in the menu flow. */
readonly orientation = "horizontal";
/** Whether the menu is displayed inline (i.e. always present vs a conditional popup that the user triggers with a trigger element). */
readonly isInline = true;
ngAfterContentInit(): void;
* Handle keyboard events for the Menu.
* @param event The keyboard event to be handled.
_handleKeyEvent(event: KeyboardEvent): void;
* Set focus to either the current, previous or next item based on the FocusNext event, then
* open the previous or next item.
* @param focusNext The element to focus.
private _toggleOpenMenu;
/** Subscribe to the MenuStack emptied events. */
private _subscribeToMenuStackEmptied;
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CdkMenuBar, never>;
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration<CdkMenuBar, "[cdkMenuBar]", ["cdkMenuBar"], {}, {}, never, never, true, never>;
* Abstract directive that implements shared logic common to all menus.
* This class can be extended to create custom menu types.
export declare abstract class CdkMenuBase extends CdkMenuGroup implements Menu, AfterContentInit, OnDestroy {
/** The menu's native DOM host element. */
readonly nativeElement: HTMLElement;
/** The Angular zone. */
protected ngZone: NgZone;
/** The stack of menus this menu belongs to. */
readonly menuStack: MenuStack;
/** The menu aim service used by this menu. */
protected readonly menuAim: MenuAim | null;
/** The directionality (text direction) of the current page. */
protected readonly dir: Directionality | null;
/** The id of the menu's host element. */
id: string;
/** All child MenuItem elements nested in this Menu. */
readonly items: QueryList<CdkMenuItem>;
/** The direction items in the menu flow. */
orientation: 'horizontal' | 'vertical';
* Whether the menu is displayed inline (i.e. always present vs a conditional popup that the
* user triggers with a trigger element).
isInline: boolean;
/** Handles keyboard events for the menu. */
protected keyManager: FocusKeyManager<CdkMenuItem>;
/** Emits when the MenuBar is destroyed. */
protected readonly destroyed: Subject<void>;
/** The Menu Item which triggered the open submenu. */
protected triggerItem?: CdkMenuItem;
/** Tracks the users mouse movements over the menu. */
protected pointerTracker?: PointerFocusTracker<CdkMenuItem>;
/** Whether this menu's menu stack has focus. */
private _menuStackHasFocus;
ngAfterContentInit(): void;
ngOnDestroy(): void;
* Place focus on the first MenuItem in the menu and set the focus origin.
* @param focusOrigin The origin input mode of the focus event.
focusFirstItem(focusOrigin?: FocusOrigin): void;
* Place focus on the last MenuItem in the menu and set the focus origin.
* @param focusOrigin The origin input mode of the focus event.
focusLastItem(focusOrigin?: FocusOrigin): void;
/** Gets the tabindex for this menu. */
_getTabIndex(): 0 | -1 | null;
* Close the open menu if the current active item opened the requested MenuStackItem.
* @param menu The menu requested to be closed.
* @param options Options to configure the behavior on close.
* - `focusParentTrigger` Whether to focus the parent trigger after closing the menu.
protected closeOpenMenu(menu: MenuStackItem, options?: {
focusParentTrigger?: boolean;
}): void;
/** Setup the FocusKeyManager with the correct orientation for the menu. */
private _setKeyManager;
* Subscribe to the menu trigger's open events in order to track the trigger which opened the menu
* and stop tracking it when the menu is closed.
private _subscribeToMenuOpen;
/** Subscribe to the MenuStack close events. */
private _subscribeToMenuStackClosed;
/** Subscribe to the MenuStack hasFocus events. */
private _subscribeToMenuStackHasFocus;
* Set the PointerFocusTracker and ensure that when mouse focus changes the key manager is updated
* with the latest menu item under mouse focus.
private _setUpPointerTracker;
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CdkMenuBase, never>;
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration<CdkMenuBase, never, never, { "id": { "alias": "id"; "required": false; }; }, {}, ["items"], never, false, never>;
* A grouping container for `CdkMenuItemRadio` instances, similar to a `role="radiogroup"` element.
export declare class CdkMenuGroup {
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CdkMenuGroup, never>;
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration<CdkMenuGroup, "[cdkMenuGroup]", ["cdkMenuGroup"], {}, {}, never, never, true, never>;
* Directive which provides the ability for an element to be focused and navigated to using the
* keyboard when residing in a CdkMenu, CdkMenuBar, or CdkMenuGroup. It performs user defined
* behavior when clicked.
export declare class CdkMenuItem implements FocusableOption, FocusableElement, Toggler, OnDestroy {
protected readonly _dir: Directionality | null;
readonly _elementRef: ElementRef<HTMLElement>;
protected _ngZone: NgZone;
private readonly _inputModalityDetector;
/** The menu aim service used by this menu. */
private readonly _menuAim;
/** The stack of menus this menu belongs to. */
private readonly _menuStack;
/** The parent menu in which this menuitem resides. */
private readonly _parentMenu;
/** Reference to the CdkMenuItemTrigger directive if one is added to the same element */
private readonly _menuTrigger;
/** Whether the CdkMenuItem is disabled - defaults to false */
get disabled(): boolean;
set disabled(value: BooleanInput);
private _disabled;
* The text used to locate this item during menu typeahead. If not specified,
* the `textContent` of the item will be used.
typeaheadLabel: string | null;
* If this MenuItem is a regular MenuItem, outputs when it is triggered by a keyboard or mouse
* event.
readonly triggered: EventEmitter<void>;
/** Whether the menu item opens a menu. */
get hasMenu(): boolean;
* The tabindex for this menu item managed internally and used for implementing roving a
* tab index.
_tabindex: 0 | -1;
/** Whether the item should close the menu if triggered by the spacebar. */
protected closeOnSpacebarTrigger: boolean;
/** Emits when the menu item is destroyed. */
protected readonly destroyed: Subject<void>;
ngOnDestroy(): void;
/** Place focus on the element. */
focus(): void;
* If the menu item is not disabled and the element does not have a menu trigger attached, emit
* on the cdkMenuItemTriggered emitter and close all open menus.
* @param options Options the configure how the item is triggered
* - keepOpen: specifies that the menu should be kept open after triggering the item.
trigger(options?: {
keepOpen: boolean;
}): void;
/** Return true if this MenuItem has an attached menu and it is open. */
isMenuOpen(): boolean;
* Get a reference to the rendered Menu if the Menu is open and it is visible in the DOM.
* @return the menu if it is open, otherwise undefined.
getMenu(): Menu | undefined;
/** Get the CdkMenuTrigger associated with this element. */
getMenuTrigger(): CdkMenuTrigger | null;
/** Get the label for this element which is required by the FocusableOption interface. */
getLabel(): string;
/** Reset the tabindex to -1. */
_resetTabIndex(): void;
* Set the tab index to 0 if not disabled and it's a focus event, or a mouse enter if this element
* is not in a menu bar.
_setTabIndex(event?: MouseEvent): void;
* Handles keyboard events for the menu item, specifically either triggering the user defined
* callback or opening/closing the current menu based on whether the left or right arrow key was
* pressed.
* @param event the keyboard event to handle
_onKeydown(event: KeyboardEvent): void;
/** Whether this menu item is standalone or within a menu or menu bar. */
private _isStandaloneItem;
* Handles the user pressing the back arrow key.
* @param event The keyboard event.
private _backArrowPressed;
* Handles the user pressing the forward arrow key.
* @param event The keyboard event.
private _forwardArrowPressed;
* Subscribe to the mouseenter events and close any sibling menu items if this element is moused
* into.
private _setupMouseEnter;
* Return true if the enclosing parent menu is configured in a horizontal orientation, false
* otherwise or if no parent.
private _isParentVertical;
/** Sets the `type` attribute of the menu item. */
private _setType;
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CdkMenuItem, never>;
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration<CdkMenuItem, "[cdkMenuItem]", ["cdkMenuItem"], { "disabled": { "alias": "cdkMenuItemDisabled"; "required": false; }; "typeaheadLabel": { "alias": "cdkMenuitemTypeaheadLabel"; "required": false; }; }, { "triggered": "cdkMenuItemTriggered"; }, never, never, true, never>;
* A directive providing behavior for the "menuitemcheckbox" ARIA role, which behaves similarly to a
* conventional checkbox.
export declare class CdkMenuItemCheckbox extends CdkMenuItemSelectable {
* Toggle the checked state of the checkbox.
* @param options Options the configure how the item is triggered
* - keepOpen: specifies that the menu should be kept open after triggering the item.
trigger(options?: {
keepOpen: boolean;
}): void;
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CdkMenuItemCheckbox, never>;
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration<CdkMenuItemCheckbox, "[cdkMenuItemCheckbox]", ["cdkMenuItemCheckbox"], {}, {}, never, never, true, never>;
* A directive providing behavior for the "menuitemradio" ARIA role, which behaves similarly to
* a conventional radio-button. Any sibling `CdkMenuItemRadio` instances within the same `CdkMenu`
* or `CdkMenuGroup` comprise a radio group with unique selection enforced.
export declare class CdkMenuItemRadio extends CdkMenuItemSelectable implements OnDestroy {
/** The unique selection dispatcher for this radio's `CdkMenuGroup`. */
private readonly _selectionDispatcher;
/** An ID to identify this radio item to the `UniqueSelectionDispatcher`. */
private _id;
/** Function to unregister the selection dispatcher */
private _removeDispatcherListener;
ngOnDestroy(): void;
* Toggles the checked state of the radio-button.
* @param options Options the configure how the item is triggered
* - keepOpen: specifies that the menu should be kept open after triggering the item.
trigger(options?: {
keepOpen: boolean;
}): void;
/** Configure the unique selection dispatcher listener in order to toggle the checked state */
private _registerDispatcherListener;
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CdkMenuItemRadio, never>;
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration<CdkMenuItemRadio, "[cdkMenuItemRadio]", ["cdkMenuItemRadio"], {}, {}, never, never, true, never>;
/** Base class providing checked state for selectable MenuItems. */
export declare abstract class CdkMenuItemSelectable extends CdkMenuItem {
/** Whether the element is checked */
get checked(): boolean;
set checked(value: BooleanInput);
private _checked;
/** Whether the item should close the menu if triggered by the spacebar. */
protected closeOnSpacebarTrigger: boolean;
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CdkMenuItemSelectable, never>;
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration<CdkMenuItemSelectable, never, never, { "checked": { "alias": "cdkMenuItemChecked"; "required": false; }; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
/** Module that declares components and directives for the CDK menu. */
export declare class CdkMenuModule {
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CdkMenuModule, never>;
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration<CdkMenuModule, never, [typeof i1.OverlayModule, typeof i2.CdkMenuBar, typeof i3.CdkMenu, typeof i4.CdkMenuItem, typeof i5.CdkMenuItemRadio, typeof i6.CdkMenuItemCheckbox, typeof i7.CdkMenuTrigger, typeof i8.CdkMenuGroup, typeof i9.CdkContextMenuTrigger, typeof i10.CdkTargetMenuAim], [typeof i2.CdkMenuBar, typeof i3.CdkMenu, typeof i4.CdkMenuItem, typeof i5.CdkMenuItemRadio, typeof i6.CdkMenuItemCheckbox, typeof i7.CdkMenuTrigger, typeof i8.CdkMenuGroup, typeof i9.CdkContextMenuTrigger, typeof i10.CdkTargetMenuAim]>;
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<CdkMenuModule>;
* A directive that turns its host element into a trigger for a popup menu.
* It can be combined with cdkMenuItem to create sub-menus. If the element is in a top level
* MenuBar it will open the menu on click, or if a sibling is already opened it will open on hover.
* If it is inside of a Menu it will open the attached Submenu on hover regardless of its sibling
* state.
export declare class CdkMenuTrigger extends CdkMenuTriggerBase implements OnDestroy {
private readonly _elementRef;
private readonly _overlay;
private readonly _ngZone;
private readonly _changeDetectorRef;
private readonly _inputModalityDetector;
private readonly _directionality;
/** The parent menu this trigger belongs to. */
private readonly _parentMenu;
/** The menu aim service used by this menu. */
private readonly _menuAim;
/** Toggle the attached menu. */
toggle(): void;
/** Open the attached menu. */
open(): void;
/** Close the opened menu. */
close(): void;
* Get a reference to the rendered Menu if the Menu is open and rendered in the DOM.
getMenu(): Menu | undefined;
* Handles keyboard events for the menu item.
* @param event The keyboard event to handle
_toggleOnKeydown(event: KeyboardEvent): void;
/** Handles clicks on the menu trigger. */
_handleClick(): void;
* Sets whether the trigger's menu stack has focus.
* @param hasFocus Whether the menu stack has focus.
_setHasFocus(hasFocus: boolean): void;
* Subscribe to the mouseenter events and close any sibling menu items if this element is moused
* into.
private _subscribeToMouseEnter;
/** Close out any sibling menu trigger menus. */
private _closeSiblingTriggers;
/** Get the configuration object used to create the overlay. */
private _getOverlayConfig;
/** Build the position strategy for the overlay which specifies where to place the menu. */
private _getOverlayPositionStrategy;
/** Get the preferred positions for the opened menu relative to the menu item. */
private _getOverlayPositions;
* Subscribe to the MenuStack close events if this is a standalone trigger and close out the menu
* this triggers when requested.
private _registerCloseHandler;
* Subscribe to the overlays outside pointer events stream and handle closing out the stack if a
* click occurs outside the menus.
private _subscribeToOutsideClicks;
/** Subscribe to the MenuStack hasFocus events. */
private _subscribeToMenuStackHasFocus;
/** Subscribe to the MenuStack closed events. */
private _subscribeToMenuStackClosed;
/** Sets the role attribute for this trigger if needed. */
private _setRole;
/** Sets thte `type` attribute of the trigger. */
private _setType;
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CdkMenuTrigger, never>;
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration<CdkMenuTrigger, "[cdkMenuTriggerFor]", ["cdkMenuTriggerFor"], { "menuTemplateRef": { "alias": "cdkMenuTriggerFor"; "required": false; }; "menuPosition": { "alias": "cdkMenuPosition"; "required": false; }; "menuData": { "alias": "cdkMenuTriggerData"; "required": false; }; }, { "opened": "cdkMenuOpened"; "closed": "cdkMenuClosed"; }, never, never, true, never>;
* Abstract directive that implements shared logic common to all menu triggers.
* This class can be extended to create custom menu trigger types.
export declare abstract class CdkMenuTriggerBase implements OnDestroy {
/** The DI injector for this component. */
readonly injector: Injector;
/** The view container ref for this component */
protected readonly viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef;
/** The menu stack in which this menu resides. */
protected readonly menuStack: MenuStack;
* A list of preferred menu positions to be used when constructing the
* `FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy` for this trigger's menu.
menuPosition: ConnectedPosition[];
/** Emits when the attached menu is requested to open */
readonly opened: EventEmitter<void>;
/** Emits when the attached menu is requested to close */
readonly closed: EventEmitter<void>;
/** Template reference variable to the menu this trigger opens */
menuTemplateRef: TemplateRef<unknown> | null;
/** Context data to be passed along to the menu template */
menuData: unknown;
/** A reference to the overlay which manages the triggered menu */
protected overlayRef: OverlayRef | null;
/** Emits when this trigger is destroyed. */
protected readonly destroyed: Subject<void>;
/** Emits when the outside pointer events listener on the overlay should be stopped. */
protected readonly stopOutsideClicksListener: Observable<void>;
/** The child menu opened by this trigger. */
protected childMenu?: Menu;
/** The content of the menu panel opened by this trigger. */
private _menuPortal;
/** The injector to use for the child menu opened by this trigger. */
private _childMenuInjector?;
ngOnDestroy(): void;
/** Whether the attached menu is open. */
isOpen(): boolean;
/** Registers a child menu as having been opened by this trigger. */
registerChildMenu(child: Menu): void;
* Get the portal to be attached to the overlay which contains the menu. Allows for the menu
* content to change dynamically and be reflected in the application.
protected getMenuContentPortal(): TemplatePortal<any>;
* Whether the given element is inside the scope of this trigger's menu stack.
* @param element The element to check.
* @return Whether the element is inside the scope of this trigger's menu stack.
protected isElementInsideMenuStack(element: Element): boolean;
/** Destroy and unset the overlay reference it if exists */
private _destroyOverlay;
/** Gets the injector to use when creating a child menu. */
private _getChildMenuInjector;
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CdkMenuTriggerBase, never>;
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration<CdkMenuTriggerBase, never, never, {}, {}, never, never, false, never>;
* CdkTargetMenuAim is a provider for the TargetMenuAim service. It can be added to an
* element with either the `cdkMenu` or `cdkMenuBar` directive and child menu items.
export declare class CdkTargetMenuAim {
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CdkTargetMenuAim, never>;
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration<CdkTargetMenuAim, "[cdkTargetMenuAim]", ["cdkTargetMenuAim"], {}, {}, never, never, true, never>;
/** Options that can be provided to the close or closeAll methods. */
export declare interface CloseOptions {
/** The element to focus next if the close operation causes the menu stack to become empty. */
focusNextOnEmpty?: FocusNext;
/** Whether to focus the parent trigger after closing the menu. */
focusParentTrigger?: boolean;
/** The coordinates where the context menu should open. */
export declare type ContextMenuCoordinates = {
x: number;
y: number;
/** Tracks the last open context menu trigger across the entire application. */
export declare class ContextMenuTracker {
/** The last open context menu trigger. */
private static _openContextMenuTrigger?;
* Close the previous open context menu and set the given one as being open.
* @param trigger The trigger for the currently open Context Menu.
update(trigger: CdkContextMenuTrigger): void;
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<ContextMenuTracker, never>;
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<ContextMenuTracker>;
/** Item to track for mouse focus events. */
export declare interface FocusableElement {
/** A reference to the element to be tracked. */
_elementRef: ElementRef<HTMLElement>;
/** The relative item in the inline menu to focus after closing all popup menus. */
export declare const enum FocusNext {
nextItem = 0,
previousItem = 1,
currentItem = 2
declare namespace i10 {
export {
declare namespace i2 {
export {
declare namespace i3 {
export {
declare namespace i4 {
export {
declare namespace i5 {
export {
declare namespace i6 {
export {
declare namespace i7 {
export {
declare namespace i8 {
export {
declare namespace i9 {
export {
/** Interface which specifies Menu operations and used to break circular dependency issues */
export declare interface Menu extends MenuStackItem {
/** The id of the menu's host element. */
id: string;
/** The menu's native DOM host element. */
nativeElement: HTMLElement;
/** The direction items in the menu flow. */
readonly orientation: 'horizontal' | 'vertical';
/** Place focus on the first MenuItem in the menu. */
focusFirstItem(focusOrigin: FocusOrigin): void;
/** Place focus on the last MenuItem in the menu. */
focusLastItem(focusOrigin: FocusOrigin): void;
/** Injection token used for an implementation of MenuAim. */
export declare const MENU_AIM: InjectionToken<MenuAim>;
/** Injection token used for an implementation of MenuStack. */
export declare const MENU_STACK: InjectionToken<MenuStack>;
/** Injection token used for an implementation of MenuStack. */
export declare const MENU_TRIGGER: InjectionToken<CdkMenuTriggerBase>;
* MenuAim is responsible for determining if a sibling menuitem's menu should be closed when a
* Toggler item is hovered into. It is up to the hovered in item to call the MenuAim service in
* order to determine if it may perform its close actions.
export declare interface MenuAim {
* Set the Menu and its PointerFocusTracker.
* @param menu The menu that this menu aim service controls.
* @param pointerTracker The `PointerFocusTracker` for the given menu.
initialize(menu: Menu, pointerTracker: PointerFocusTracker<FocusableElement & Toggler>): void;
* Calls the `doToggle` callback when it is deemed that the user is not moving towards
* the submenu.
* @param doToggle the function called when the user is not moving towards the submenu.
toggle(doToggle: () => void): void;
* MenuStack allows subscribers to listen for close events (when a MenuStackItem is popped off
* of the stack) in order to perform closing actions. Upon the MenuStack being empty it emits
* from the `empty` observable specifying the next focus action which the listener should perform
* as requested by the closer.
export declare class MenuStack {
/** The ID of this menu stack. */
readonly id: string;
/** All MenuStackItems tracked by this MenuStack. */
private readonly _elements;
/** Emits the element which was popped off of the stack when requested by a closer. */
private readonly _close;
/** Emits once the MenuStack has become empty after popping off elements. */
private readonly _empty;
/** Emits whether any menu in the menu stack has focus. */
private readonly _hasFocus;
/** Observable which emits the MenuStackItem which has been requested to close. */
readonly closed: Observable<MenuStackCloseEvent>;
/** Observable which emits whether any menu in the menu stack has focus. */
readonly hasFocus: Observable<boolean>;
* Observable which emits when the MenuStack is empty after popping off the last element. It
* emits a FocusNext event which specifies the action the closer has requested the listener
* perform.
readonly emptied: Observable<FocusNext | undefined>;
* Whether the inline menu associated with this menu stack is vertical or horizontal.
* `null` indicates there is no inline menu associated with this menu stack.
private _inlineMenuOrientation;
/** Creates a menu stack that originates from an inline menu. */
static inline(orientation: 'vertical' | 'horizontal'): MenuStack;
* Adds an item to the menu stack.
* @param menu the MenuStackItem to put on the stack.
push(menu: MenuStackItem): void;
* Pop items off of the stack up to and including `lastItem` and emit each on the close
* observable. If the stack is empty or `lastItem` is not on the stack it does nothing.
* @param lastItem the last item to pop off the stack.
* @param options Options that configure behavior on close.
close(lastItem: MenuStackItem, options?: CloseOptions): void;
* Pop items off of the stack up to but excluding `lastItem` and emit each on the close
* observable. If the stack is empty or `lastItem` is not on the stack it does nothing.
* @param lastItem the element which should be left on the stack
* @return whether or not an item was removed from the stack
closeSubMenuOf(lastItem: MenuStackItem): boolean;
* Pop off all MenuStackItems and emit each one on the `close` observable one by one.
* @param options Options that configure behavior on close.
closeAll(options?: CloseOptions): void;
/** Return true if this stack is empty. */
isEmpty(): boolean;
/** Return the length of the stack. */
length(): number;
/** Get the top most element on the stack. */
peek(): MenuStackItem | undefined;
/** Whether the menu stack is associated with an inline menu. */
hasInlineMenu(): boolean;
/** The orientation of the associated inline menu. */
inlineMenuOrientation(): "vertical" | "horizontal" | null;
/** Sets whether the menu stack contains the focused element. */
setHasFocus(hasFocus: boolean): void;
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<MenuStack, never>;
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<MenuStack>;
/** Event dispatched when a menu is closed. */
export declare interface MenuStackCloseEvent {
/** The menu being closed. */
item: MenuStackItem;
/** Whether to focus the parent trigger after closing the menu. */
focusParentTrigger?: boolean;
/** A single item (menu) in the menu stack. */
export declare interface MenuStackItem {
/** A reference to the menu stack this menu stack item belongs to. */
menuStack?: MenuStack;
/** Provider that provides the parent menu stack, or a new inline menu stack if there is no parent one. */
export declare const PARENT_OR_NEW_INLINE_MENU_STACK_PROVIDER: (orientation: 'vertical' | 'horizontal') => {
provide: InjectionToken<MenuStack>;
deps: Optional[][];
useFactory: (parentMenuStack?: MenuStack) => MenuStack;
/** Provider that provides the parent menu stack, or a new menu stack if there is no parent one. */
export declare const PARENT_OR_NEW_MENU_STACK_PROVIDER: {
provide: InjectionToken<MenuStack>;
deps: Optional[][];
useFactory: (parentMenuStack?: MenuStack) => MenuStack;
* PointerFocusTracker keeps track of the currently active item under mouse focus. It also has
* observables which emit when the users mouse enters and leaves a tracked element.
export declare class PointerFocusTracker<T extends FocusableElement> {
/** The list of items being tracked. */
private readonly _items;
/** Emits when an element is moused into. */
readonly entered: Observable<T>;
/** Emits when an element is moused out. */
readonly exited: Observable<T>;
/** The element currently under mouse focus. */
activeElement?: T;
/** The element previously under mouse focus. */
previousElement?: T;
/** Emits when this is destroyed. */
private readonly _destroyed;
/** The list of items being tracked. */
_items: QueryList<T>);
/** Stop the managers listeners. */
destroy(): void;
* Gets a stream of pointer (mouse) entries into the given items.
* This should typically run outside the Angular zone.
private _getItemPointerEntries;
* Gets a stream of pointer (mouse) exits out of the given items.
* This should typically run outside the Angular zone.
private _getItemPointerExits;
* TargetMenuAim predicts if a user is moving into a submenu. It calculates the
* trajectory of the user's mouse movement in the current menu to determine if the
* mouse is moving towards an open submenu.
* The determination is made by calculating the slope of the users last NUM_POINTS moves where each
* pair of points determines if the trajectory line points into the submenu. It uses consensus
* approach by checking if at least NUM_POINTS / 2 pairs determine that the user is moving towards
* to submenu.
export declare class TargetMenuAim implements MenuAim, OnDestroy {
/** The Angular zone. */
private readonly _ngZone;
/** The last NUM_POINTS mouse move events. */
private readonly _points;
/** Reference to the root menu in which we are tracking mouse moves. */
private _menu;
/** Reference to the root menu's mouse manager. */
private _pointerTracker;
/** The id associated with the current timeout call waiting to resolve. */
private _timeoutId;
/** Emits when this service is destroyed. */
private readonly _destroyed;
ngOnDestroy(): void;
* Set the Menu and its PointerFocusTracker.
* @param menu The menu that this menu aim service controls.
* @param pointerTracker The `PointerFocusTracker` for the given menu.
initialize(menu: Menu, pointerTracker: PointerFocusTracker<FocusableElement & Toggler>): void;
* Calls the `doToggle` callback when it is deemed that the user is not moving towards
* the submenu.
* @param doToggle the function called when the user is not moving towards the submenu.
toggle(doToggle: () => void): void;
* Start the delayed toggle handler if one isn't running already.
* The delayed toggle handler executes the `doToggle` callback after some period of time iff the
* users mouse is on an item in the current menu.
* @param doToggle the function called when the user is not moving towards the submenu.
private _startTimeout;
/** Whether the user is heading towards the open submenu. */
private _isMovingToSubmenu;
/** Get the bounding DOMRect for the open submenu. */
private _getSubmenuBounds;
* Check if a reference to the PointerFocusTracker and menu element is provided.
* @throws an error if neither reference is provided.
private _checkConfigured;
/** Subscribe to the root menus mouse move events and update the tracked mouse points. */
private _subscribeToMouseMoves;
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<TargetMenuAim, never>;
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<TargetMenuAim>;
/** An element which when hovered over may open or close a menu. */
export declare interface Toggler {
/** Gets the open menu, or undefined if no menu is open. */
getMenu(): Menu | undefined;
export { }