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import * as i1 from '@angular/cdk/bidi';
import { coerceBooleanProperty } from '@angular/cdk/coercion';
import { _VIEW_REPEATER_STRATEGY, _RecycleViewRepeaterStrategy, isDataSource, _DisposeViewRepeaterStrategy } from '@angular/cdk/collections';
export { DataSource } from '@angular/cdk/collections';
import * as i2 from '@angular/cdk/platform';
import * as i3 from '@angular/cdk/scrolling';
import { ScrollingModule } from '@angular/cdk/scrolling';
import { DOCUMENT } from '@angular/common';
import * as i0 from '@angular/core';
import { InjectionToken, Directive, Inject, Optional, Input, ContentChild, Injectable, Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy, ViewEncapsulation, EmbeddedViewRef, EventEmitter, NgZone, Attribute, SkipSelf, Output, ViewChild, ContentChildren, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { Subject, from, BehaviorSubject, isObservable, of } from 'rxjs';
import { takeUntil, take } from 'rxjs/operators';
* Mixin to provide a directive with a function that checks if the sticky input has been
* changed since the last time the function was called. Essentially adds a dirty-check to the
* sticky value.
* @docs-private
function mixinHasStickyInput(base) {
return class extends base {
/** Whether sticky positioning should be applied. */
get sticky() {
return this._sticky;
set sticky(v) {
const prevValue = this._sticky;
this._sticky = coerceBooleanProperty(v);
this._hasStickyChanged = prevValue !== this._sticky;
/** Whether the sticky value has changed since this was last called. */
hasStickyChanged() {
const hasStickyChanged = this._hasStickyChanged;
this._hasStickyChanged = false;
return hasStickyChanged;
/** Resets the dirty check for cases where the sticky state has been used without checking. */
resetStickyChanged() {
this._hasStickyChanged = false;
constructor(...args) {
this._sticky = false;
/** Whether the sticky input has changed since it was last checked. */
this._hasStickyChanged = false;
* Used to provide a table to some of the sub-components without causing a circular dependency.
* @docs-private
const CDK_TABLE = new InjectionToken('CDK_TABLE');
/** Injection token that can be used to specify the text column options. */
const TEXT_COLUMN_OPTIONS = new InjectionToken('text-column-options');
* Cell definition for a CDK table.
* Captures the template of a column's data row cell as well as cell-specific properties.
class CdkCellDef {
constructor(/** @docs-private */ template) {
this.template = template;
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkCellDef, deps: [{ token: i0.TemplateRef }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); }
static { this.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: CdkCellDef, selector: "[cdkCellDef]", ngImport: i0 }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkCellDef, decorators: [{
type: Directive,
args: [{ selector: '[cdkCellDef]' }]
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.TemplateRef }]; } });
* Header cell definition for a CDK table.
* Captures the template of a column's header cell and as well as cell-specific properties.
class CdkHeaderCellDef {
constructor(/** @docs-private */ template) {
this.template = template;
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkHeaderCellDef, deps: [{ token: i0.TemplateRef }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); }
static { this.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: CdkHeaderCellDef, selector: "[cdkHeaderCellDef]", ngImport: i0 }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkHeaderCellDef, decorators: [{
type: Directive,
args: [{ selector: '[cdkHeaderCellDef]' }]
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.TemplateRef }]; } });
* Footer cell definition for a CDK table.
* Captures the template of a column's footer cell and as well as cell-specific properties.
class CdkFooterCellDef {
constructor(/** @docs-private */ template) {
this.template = template;
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkFooterCellDef, deps: [{ token: i0.TemplateRef }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); }
static { this.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: CdkFooterCellDef, selector: "[cdkFooterCellDef]", ngImport: i0 }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkFooterCellDef, decorators: [{
type: Directive,
args: [{ selector: '[cdkFooterCellDef]' }]
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.TemplateRef }]; } });
// Boilerplate for applying mixins to CdkColumnDef.
/** @docs-private */
class CdkColumnDefBase {
const _CdkColumnDefBase = mixinHasStickyInput(CdkColumnDefBase);
* Column definition for the CDK table.
* Defines a set of cells available for a table column.
class CdkColumnDef extends _CdkColumnDefBase {
/** Unique name for this column. */
get name() {
return this._name;
set name(name) {
* Whether this column should be sticky positioned on the end of the row. Should make sure
* that it mimics the `CanStick` mixin such that `_hasStickyChanged` is set to true if the value
* has been changed.
get stickyEnd() {
return this._stickyEnd;
set stickyEnd(v) {
const prevValue = this._stickyEnd;
this._stickyEnd = coerceBooleanProperty(v);
this._hasStickyChanged = prevValue !== this._stickyEnd;
constructor(_table) {
this._table = _table;
this._stickyEnd = false;
* Overridable method that sets the css classes that will be added to every cell in this
* column.
* In the future, columnCssClassName will change from type string[] to string and this
* will set a single string value.
* @docs-private
_updateColumnCssClassName() {
this._columnCssClassName = [`cdk-column-${this.cssClassFriendlyName}`];
* This has been extracted to a util because of TS 4 and VE.
* View Engine doesn't support property rename inheritance.
* TS 4.0 doesn't allow properties to override accessors or vice-versa.
* @docs-private
_setNameInput(value) {
// If the directive is set without a name (updated programmatically), then this setter will
// trigger with an empty string and should not overwrite the programmatically set value.
if (value) {
this._name = value;
this.cssClassFriendlyName = value.replace(/[^a-z0-9_-]/gi, '-');
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkColumnDef, deps: [{ token: CDK_TABLE, optional: true }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); }
static { this.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: CdkColumnDef, selector: "[cdkColumnDef]", inputs: { sticky: "sticky", name: ["cdkColumnDef", "name"], stickyEnd: "stickyEnd" }, providers: [{ provide: 'MAT_SORT_HEADER_COLUMN_DEF', useExisting: CdkColumnDef }], queries: [{ propertyName: "cell", first: true, predicate: CdkCellDef, descendants: true }, { propertyName: "headerCell", first: true, predicate: CdkHeaderCellDef, descendants: true }, { propertyName: "footerCell", first: true, predicate: CdkFooterCellDef, descendants: true }], usesInheritance: true, ngImport: i0 }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkColumnDef, decorators: [{
type: Directive,
args: [{
selector: '[cdkColumnDef]',
inputs: ['sticky'],
providers: [{ provide: 'MAT_SORT_HEADER_COLUMN_DEF', useExisting: CdkColumnDef }],
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: undefined, decorators: [{
type: Inject,
args: [CDK_TABLE]
}, {
type: Optional
}] }]; }, propDecorators: { name: [{
type: Input,
args: ['cdkColumnDef']
}], stickyEnd: [{
type: Input,
args: ['stickyEnd']
}], cell: [{
type: ContentChild,
args: [CdkCellDef]
}], headerCell: [{
type: ContentChild,
args: [CdkHeaderCellDef]
}], footerCell: [{
type: ContentChild,
args: [CdkFooterCellDef]
}] } });
/** Base class for the cells. Adds a CSS classname that identifies the column it renders in. */
class BaseCdkCell {
constructor(columnDef, elementRef) {
/** Header cell template container that adds the right classes and role. */
class CdkHeaderCell extends BaseCdkCell {
constructor(columnDef, elementRef) {
super(columnDef, elementRef);
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkHeaderCell, deps: [{ token: CdkColumnDef }, { token: i0.ElementRef }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); }
static { this.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: CdkHeaderCell, selector: "cdk-header-cell, th[cdk-header-cell]", host: { attributes: { "role": "columnheader" }, classAttribute: "cdk-header-cell" }, usesInheritance: true, ngImport: i0 }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkHeaderCell, decorators: [{
type: Directive,
args: [{
selector: 'cdk-header-cell, th[cdk-header-cell]',
host: {
'class': 'cdk-header-cell',
'role': 'columnheader',
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: CdkColumnDef }, { type: i0.ElementRef }]; } });
/** Footer cell template container that adds the right classes and role. */
class CdkFooterCell extends BaseCdkCell {
constructor(columnDef, elementRef) {
super(columnDef, elementRef);
if (columnDef._table?._elementRef.nativeElement.nodeType === 1) {
const tableRole = columnDef._table._elementRef.nativeElement.getAttribute('role');
const role = tableRole === 'grid' || tableRole === 'treegrid' ? 'gridcell' : 'cell';
elementRef.nativeElement.setAttribute('role', role);
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkFooterCell, deps: [{ token: CdkColumnDef }, { token: i0.ElementRef }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); }
static { this.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: CdkFooterCell, selector: "cdk-footer-cell, td[cdk-footer-cell]", host: { classAttribute: "cdk-footer-cell" }, usesInheritance: true, ngImport: i0 }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkFooterCell, decorators: [{
type: Directive,
args: [{
selector: 'cdk-footer-cell, td[cdk-footer-cell]',
host: {
'class': 'cdk-footer-cell',
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: CdkColumnDef }, { type: i0.ElementRef }]; } });
/** Cell template container that adds the right classes and role. */
class CdkCell extends BaseCdkCell {
constructor(columnDef, elementRef) {
super(columnDef, elementRef);
if (columnDef._table?._elementRef.nativeElement.nodeType === 1) {
const tableRole = columnDef._table._elementRef.nativeElement.getAttribute('role');
const role = tableRole === 'grid' || tableRole === 'treegrid' ? 'gridcell' : 'cell';
elementRef.nativeElement.setAttribute('role', role);
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkCell, deps: [{ token: CdkColumnDef }, { token: i0.ElementRef }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); }
static { this.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: CdkCell, selector: "cdk-cell, td[cdk-cell]", host: { classAttribute: "cdk-cell" }, usesInheritance: true, ngImport: i0 }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkCell, decorators: [{
type: Directive,
args: [{
selector: 'cdk-cell, td[cdk-cell]',
host: {
'class': 'cdk-cell',
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: CdkColumnDef }, { type: i0.ElementRef }]; } });
* @docs-private
class _Schedule {
constructor() {
this.tasks = [];
this.endTasks = [];
/** Injection token used to provide a coalesced style scheduler. */
* Allows grouping up CSSDom mutations after the current execution context.
* This can significantly improve performance when separate consecutive functions are
* reading from the CSSDom and then mutating it.
* @docs-private
class _CoalescedStyleScheduler {
constructor(_ngZone) {
this._ngZone = _ngZone;
this._currentSchedule = null;
this._destroyed = new Subject();
* Schedules the specified task to run at the end of the current VM turn.
schedule(task) {
* Schedules the specified task to run after other scheduled tasks at the end of the current
* VM turn.
scheduleEnd(task) {
/** Prevent any further tasks from running. */
ngOnDestroy() {
_createScheduleIfNeeded() {
if (this._currentSchedule) {
this._currentSchedule = new _Schedule();
.subscribe(() => {
while (this._currentSchedule.tasks.length || this._currentSchedule.endTasks.length) {
const schedule = this._currentSchedule;
// Capture new tasks scheduled by the current set of tasks.
this._currentSchedule = new _Schedule();
for (const task of schedule.tasks) {
for (const task of schedule.endTasks) {
this._currentSchedule = null;
_getScheduleObservable() {
// Use onStable when in the context of an ongoing change detection cycle so that we
// do not accidentally trigger additional cycles.
return this._ngZone.isStable
? from(Promise.resolve(undefined))
: this._ngZone.onStable.pipe(take(1));
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: _CoalescedStyleScheduler, deps: [{ token: i0.NgZone }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Injectable }); }
static { this.ɵprov = i0.ɵɵngDeclareInjectable({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: _CoalescedStyleScheduler }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: _CoalescedStyleScheduler, decorators: [{
type: Injectable
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.NgZone }]; } });
* The row template that can be used by the mat-table. Should not be used outside of the
* material library.
const CDK_ROW_TEMPLATE = `<ng-container cdkCellOutlet></ng-container>`;
* Base class for the CdkHeaderRowDef and CdkRowDef that handles checking their columns inputs
* for changes and notifying the table.
class BaseRowDef {
/** @docs-private */ template, _differs) {
this.template = template;
this._differs = _differs;
ngOnChanges(changes) {
// Create a new columns differ if one does not yet exist. Initialize it based on initial value
// of the columns property or an empty array if none is provided.
if (!this._columnsDiffer) {
const columns = (changes['columns'] && changes['columns'].currentValue) || [];
this._columnsDiffer = this._differs.find(columns).create();
* Returns the difference between the current columns and the columns from the last diff, or null
* if there is no difference.
getColumnsDiff() {
return this._columnsDiffer.diff(this.columns);
/** Gets this row def's relevant cell template from the provided column def. */
extractCellTemplate(column) {
if (this instanceof CdkHeaderRowDef) {
return column.headerCell.template;
if (this instanceof CdkFooterRowDef) {
return column.footerCell.template;
else {
return column.cell.template;
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: BaseRowDef, deps: [{ token: i0.TemplateRef }, { token: i0.IterableDiffers }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); }
static { this.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: BaseRowDef, usesOnChanges: true, ngImport: i0 }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: BaseRowDef, decorators: [{
type: Directive
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.TemplateRef }, { type: i0.IterableDiffers }]; } });
// Boilerplate for applying mixins to CdkHeaderRowDef.
/** @docs-private */
class CdkHeaderRowDefBase extends BaseRowDef {
const _CdkHeaderRowDefBase = mixinHasStickyInput(CdkHeaderRowDefBase);
* Header row definition for the CDK table.
* Captures the header row's template and other header properties such as the columns to display.
class CdkHeaderRowDef extends _CdkHeaderRowDefBase {
constructor(template, _differs, _table) {
super(template, _differs);
this._table = _table;
// Prerender fails to recognize that ngOnChanges in a part of this class through inheritance.
// Explicitly define it so that the method is called as part of the Angular lifecycle.
ngOnChanges(changes) {
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkHeaderRowDef, deps: [{ token: i0.TemplateRef }, { token: i0.IterableDiffers }, { token: CDK_TABLE, optional: true }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); }
static { this.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: CdkHeaderRowDef, selector: "[cdkHeaderRowDef]", inputs: { columns: ["cdkHeaderRowDef", "columns"], sticky: ["cdkHeaderRowDefSticky", "sticky"] }, usesInheritance: true, usesOnChanges: true, ngImport: i0 }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkHeaderRowDef, decorators: [{
type: Directive,
args: [{
selector: '[cdkHeaderRowDef]',
inputs: ['columns: cdkHeaderRowDef', 'sticky: cdkHeaderRowDefSticky'],
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.TemplateRef }, { type: i0.IterableDiffers }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{
type: Inject,
args: [CDK_TABLE]
}, {
type: Optional
}] }]; } });
// Boilerplate for applying mixins to CdkFooterRowDef.
/** @docs-private */
class CdkFooterRowDefBase extends BaseRowDef {
const _CdkFooterRowDefBase = mixinHasStickyInput(CdkFooterRowDefBase);
* Footer row definition for the CDK table.
* Captures the footer row's template and other footer properties such as the columns to display.
class CdkFooterRowDef extends _CdkFooterRowDefBase {
constructor(template, _differs, _table) {
super(template, _differs);
this._table = _table;
// Prerender fails to recognize that ngOnChanges in a part of this class through inheritance.
// Explicitly define it so that the method is called as part of the Angular lifecycle.
ngOnChanges(changes) {
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkFooterRowDef, deps: [{ token: i0.TemplateRef }, { token: i0.IterableDiffers }, { token: CDK_TABLE, optional: true }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); }
static { this.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: CdkFooterRowDef, selector: "[cdkFooterRowDef]", inputs: { columns: ["cdkFooterRowDef", "columns"], sticky: ["cdkFooterRowDefSticky", "sticky"] }, usesInheritance: true, usesOnChanges: true, ngImport: i0 }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkFooterRowDef, decorators: [{
type: Directive,
args: [{
selector: '[cdkFooterRowDef]',
inputs: ['columns: cdkFooterRowDef', 'sticky: cdkFooterRowDefSticky'],
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.TemplateRef }, { type: i0.IterableDiffers }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{
type: Inject,
args: [CDK_TABLE]
}, {
type: Optional
}] }]; } });
* Data row definition for the CDK table.
* Captures the header row's template and other row properties such as the columns to display and
* a when predicate that describes when this row should be used.
class CdkRowDef extends BaseRowDef {
// TODO(andrewseguin): Add an input for providing a switch function to determine
// if this template should be used.
constructor(template, _differs, _table) {
super(template, _differs);
this._table = _table;
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkRowDef, deps: [{ token: i0.TemplateRef }, { token: i0.IterableDiffers }, { token: CDK_TABLE, optional: true }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); }
static { this.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: CdkRowDef, selector: "[cdkRowDef]", inputs: { columns: ["cdkRowDefColumns", "columns"], when: ["cdkRowDefWhen", "when"] }, usesInheritance: true, ngImport: i0 }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkRowDef, decorators: [{
type: Directive,
args: [{
selector: '[cdkRowDef]',
inputs: ['columns: cdkRowDefColumns', 'when: cdkRowDefWhen'],
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.TemplateRef }, { type: i0.IterableDiffers }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{
type: Inject,
args: [CDK_TABLE]
}, {
type: Optional
}] }]; } });
* Outlet for rendering cells inside of a row or header row.
* @docs-private
class CdkCellOutlet {
* Static property containing the latest constructed instance of this class.
* Used by the CDK table when each CdkHeaderRow and CdkRow component is created using
* createEmbeddedView. After one of these components are created, this property will provide
* a handle to provide that component's cells and context. After init, the CdkCellOutlet will
* construct the cells with the provided context.
static { this.mostRecentCellOutlet = null; }
constructor(_viewContainer) {
this._viewContainer = _viewContainer;
CdkCellOutlet.mostRecentCellOutlet = this;
ngOnDestroy() {
// If this was the last outlet being rendered in the view, remove the reference
// from the static property after it has been destroyed to avoid leaking memory.
if (CdkCellOutlet.mostRecentCellOutlet === this) {
CdkCellOutlet.mostRecentCellOutlet = null;
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkCellOutlet, deps: [{ token: i0.ViewContainerRef }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); }
static { this.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: CdkCellOutlet, selector: "[cdkCellOutlet]", ngImport: i0 }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkCellOutlet, decorators: [{
type: Directive,
args: [{ selector: '[cdkCellOutlet]' }]
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.ViewContainerRef }]; } });
/** Header template container that contains the cell outlet. Adds the right class and role. */
class CdkHeaderRow {
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkHeaderRow, deps: [], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component }); }
static { this.ɵcmp = i0.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: CdkHeaderRow, selector: "cdk-header-row, tr[cdk-header-row]", host: { attributes: { "role": "row" }, classAttribute: "cdk-header-row" }, ngImport: i0, template: "<ng-container cdkCellOutlet></ng-container>", isInline: true, dependencies: [{ kind: "directive", type: CdkCellOutlet, selector: "[cdkCellOutlet]" }], changeDetection: i0.ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default, encapsulation: i0.ViewEncapsulation.None }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkHeaderRow, decorators: [{
type: Component,
args: [{
selector: 'cdk-header-row, tr[cdk-header-row]',
host: {
'class': 'cdk-header-row',
'role': 'row',
// See note on CdkTable for explanation on why this uses the default change detection strategy.
// tslint:disable-next-line:validate-decorators
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default,
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
}] });
/** Footer template container that contains the cell outlet. Adds the right class and role. */
class CdkFooterRow {
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkFooterRow, deps: [], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component }); }
static { this.ɵcmp = i0.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: CdkFooterRow, selector: "cdk-footer-row, tr[cdk-footer-row]", host: { attributes: { "role": "row" }, classAttribute: "cdk-footer-row" }, ngImport: i0, template: "<ng-container cdkCellOutlet></ng-container>", isInline: true, dependencies: [{ kind: "directive", type: CdkCellOutlet, selector: "[cdkCellOutlet]" }], changeDetection: i0.ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default, encapsulation: i0.ViewEncapsulation.None }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkFooterRow, decorators: [{
type: Component,
args: [{
selector: 'cdk-footer-row, tr[cdk-footer-row]',
host: {
'class': 'cdk-footer-row',
'role': 'row',
// See note on CdkTable for explanation on why this uses the default change detection strategy.
// tslint:disable-next-line:validate-decorators
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default,
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
}] });
/** Data row template container that contains the cell outlet. Adds the right class and role. */
class CdkRow {
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkRow, deps: [], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component }); }
static { this.ɵcmp = i0.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: CdkRow, selector: "cdk-row, tr[cdk-row]", host: { attributes: { "role": "row" }, classAttribute: "cdk-row" }, ngImport: i0, template: "<ng-container cdkCellOutlet></ng-container>", isInline: true, dependencies: [{ kind: "directive", type: CdkCellOutlet, selector: "[cdkCellOutlet]" }], changeDetection: i0.ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default, encapsulation: i0.ViewEncapsulation.None }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkRow, decorators: [{
type: Component,
args: [{
selector: 'cdk-row, tr[cdk-row]',
host: {
'class': 'cdk-row',
'role': 'row',
// See note on CdkTable for explanation on why this uses the default change detection strategy.
// tslint:disable-next-line:validate-decorators
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default,
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
}] });
/** Row that can be used to display a message when no data is shown in the table. */
class CdkNoDataRow {
constructor(templateRef) {
this.templateRef = templateRef;
this._contentClassName = 'cdk-no-data-row';
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkNoDataRow, deps: [{ token: i0.TemplateRef }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); }
static { this.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: CdkNoDataRow, selector: "ng-template[cdkNoDataRow]", ngImport: i0 }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkNoDataRow, decorators: [{
type: Directive,
args: [{
selector: 'ng-template[cdkNoDataRow]',
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.TemplateRef }]; } });
* List of all possible directions that can be used for sticky positioning.
* @docs-private
const STICKY_DIRECTIONS = ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'];
* Applies and removes sticky positioning styles to the `CdkTable` rows and columns cells.
* @docs-private
class StickyStyler {
* @param _isNativeHtmlTable Whether the sticky logic should be based on a table
* that uses the native `<table>` element.
* @param _stickCellCss The CSS class that will be applied to every row/cell that has
* sticky positioning applied.
* @param direction The directionality context of the table (ltr/rtl); affects column positioning
* by reversing left/right positions.
* @param _isBrowser Whether the table is currently being rendered on the server or the client.
* @param _needsPositionStickyOnElement Whether we need to specify position: sticky on cells
* using inline styles. If false, it is assumed that position: sticky is included in
* the component stylesheet for _stickCellCss.
* @param _positionListener A listener that is notified of changes to sticky rows/columns
* and their dimensions.
constructor(_isNativeHtmlTable, _stickCellCss, direction, _coalescedStyleScheduler, _isBrowser = true, _needsPositionStickyOnElement = true, _positionListener) {
this._isNativeHtmlTable = _isNativeHtmlTable;
this._stickCellCss = _stickCellCss;
this.direction = direction;
this._coalescedStyleScheduler = _coalescedStyleScheduler;
this._isBrowser = _isBrowser;
this._needsPositionStickyOnElement = _needsPositionStickyOnElement;
this._positionListener = _positionListener;
this._cachedCellWidths = [];
this._borderCellCss = {
'top': `${_stickCellCss}-border-elem-top`,
'bottom': `${_stickCellCss}-border-elem-bottom`,
'left': `${_stickCellCss}-border-elem-left`,
'right': `${_stickCellCss}-border-elem-right`,
* Clears the sticky positioning styles from the row and its cells by resetting the `position`
* style, setting the zIndex to 0, and unsetting each provided sticky direction.
* @param rows The list of rows that should be cleared from sticking in the provided directions
* @param stickyDirections The directions that should no longer be set as sticky on the rows.
clearStickyPositioning(rows, stickyDirections) {
const elementsToClear = [];
for (const row of rows) {
// If the row isn't an element (e.g. if it's an `ng-container`),
// it won't have inline styles or `children` so we skip it.
if (row.nodeType !== row.ELEMENT_NODE) {
for (let i = 0; i < row.children.length; i++) {
// Coalesce with sticky row/column updates (and potentially other changes like column resize).
this._coalescedStyleScheduler.schedule(() => {
for (const element of elementsToClear) {
this._removeStickyStyle(element, stickyDirections);
* Applies sticky left and right positions to the cells of each row according to the sticky
* states of the rendered column definitions.
* @param rows The rows that should have its set of cells stuck according to the sticky states.
* @param stickyStartStates A list of boolean states where each state represents whether the cell
* in this index position should be stuck to the start of the row.
* @param stickyEndStates A list of boolean states where each state represents whether the cell
* in this index position should be stuck to the end of the row.
* @param recalculateCellWidths Whether the sticky styler should recalculate the width of each
* column cell. If `false` cached widths will be used instead.
updateStickyColumns(rows, stickyStartStates, stickyEndStates, recalculateCellWidths = true) {
if (!rows.length ||
!this._isBrowser ||
!(stickyStartStates.some(state => state) || stickyEndStates.some(state => state))) {
if (this._positionListener) {
this._positionListener.stickyColumnsUpdated({ sizes: [] });
this._positionListener.stickyEndColumnsUpdated({ sizes: [] });
const firstRow = rows[0];
const numCells = firstRow.children.length;
const cellWidths = this._getCellWidths(firstRow, recalculateCellWidths);
const startPositions = this._getStickyStartColumnPositions(cellWidths, stickyStartStates);
const endPositions = this._getStickyEndColumnPositions(cellWidths, stickyEndStates);
const lastStickyStart = stickyStartStates.lastIndexOf(true);
const firstStickyEnd = stickyEndStates.indexOf(true);
// Coalesce with sticky row updates (and potentially other changes like column resize).
this._coalescedStyleScheduler.schedule(() => {
const isRtl = this.direction === 'rtl';
const start = isRtl ? 'right' : 'left';
const end = isRtl ? 'left' : 'right';
for (const row of rows) {
for (let i = 0; i < numCells; i++) {
const cell = row.children[i];
if (stickyStartStates[i]) {
this._addStickyStyle(cell, start, startPositions[i], i === lastStickyStart);
if (stickyEndStates[i]) {
this._addStickyStyle(cell, end, endPositions[i], i === firstStickyEnd);
if (this._positionListener) {
sizes: lastStickyStart === -1
? []
: cellWidths
.slice(0, lastStickyStart + 1)
.map((width, index) => (stickyStartStates[index] ? width : null)),
sizes: firstStickyEnd === -1
? []
: cellWidths
.map((width, index) => (stickyEndStates[index + firstStickyEnd] ? width : null))
* Applies sticky positioning to the row's cells if using the native table layout, and to the
* row itself otherwise.
* @param rowsToStick The list of rows that should be stuck according to their corresponding
* sticky state and to the provided top or bottom position.
* @param stickyStates A list of boolean states where each state represents whether the row
* should be stuck in the particular top or bottom position.
* @param position The position direction in which the row should be stuck if that row should be
* sticky.
stickRows(rowsToStick, stickyStates, position) {
// Since we can't measure the rows on the server, we can't stick the rows properly.
if (!this._isBrowser) {
// If positioning the rows to the bottom, reverse their order when evaluating the sticky
// position such that the last row stuck will be "bottom: 0px" and so on. Note that the
// sticky states need to be reversed as well.
const rows = position === 'bottom' ? rowsToStick.slice().reverse() : rowsToStick;
const states = position === 'bottom' ? stickyStates.slice().reverse() : stickyStates;
// Measure row heights all at once before adding sticky styles to reduce layout thrashing.
const stickyOffsets = [];
const stickyCellHeights = [];
const elementsToStick = [];
for (let rowIndex = 0, stickyOffset = 0; rowIndex < rows.length; rowIndex++) {
if (!states[rowIndex]) {
stickyOffsets[rowIndex] = stickyOffset;
const row = rows[rowIndex];
elementsToStick[rowIndex] = this._isNativeHtmlTable
? Array.from(row.children)
: [row];
const height = row.getBoundingClientRect().height;
stickyOffset += height;
stickyCellHeights[rowIndex] = height;
const borderedRowIndex = states.lastIndexOf(true);
// Coalesce with other sticky row updates (top/bottom), sticky columns updates
// (and potentially other changes like column resize).
this._coalescedStyleScheduler.schedule(() => {
for (let rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rows.length; rowIndex++) {
if (!states[rowIndex]) {
const offset = stickyOffsets[rowIndex];
const isBorderedRowIndex = rowIndex === borderedRowIndex;
for (const element of elementsToStick[rowIndex]) {
this._addStickyStyle(element, position, offset, isBorderedRowIndex);
if (position === 'top') {
sizes: stickyCellHeights,
offsets: stickyOffsets,
elements: elementsToStick,
else {
sizes: stickyCellHeights,
offsets: stickyOffsets,
elements: elementsToStick,
* When using the native table in Safari, sticky footer cells do not stick. The only way to stick
* footer rows is to apply sticky styling to the tfoot container. This should only be done if
* all footer rows are sticky. If not all footer rows are sticky, remove sticky positioning from
* the tfoot element.
updateStickyFooterContainer(tableElement, stickyStates) {
if (!this._isNativeHtmlTable) {
const tfoot = tableElement.querySelector('tfoot');
// Coalesce with other sticky updates (and potentially other changes like column resize).
this._coalescedStyleScheduler.schedule(() => {
if (stickyStates.some(state => !state)) {
this._removeStickyStyle(tfoot, ['bottom']);
else {
this._addStickyStyle(tfoot, 'bottom', 0, false);
* Removes the sticky style on the element by removing the sticky cell CSS class, re-evaluating
* the zIndex, removing each of the provided sticky directions, and removing the
* sticky position if there are no more directions.
_removeStickyStyle(element, stickyDirections) {
for (const dir of stickyDirections) {
element.style[dir] = '';
// If the element no longer has any more sticky directions, remove sticky positioning and
// the sticky CSS class.
// Short-circuit checking element.style[dir] for stickyDirections as they
// were already removed above.
const hasDirection = STICKY_DIRECTIONS.some(dir => stickyDirections.indexOf(dir) === -1 && element.style[dir]);
if (hasDirection) {
element.style.zIndex = this._getCalculatedZIndex(element);
else {
// When not hasDirection, _getCalculatedZIndex will always return ''.
element.style.zIndex = '';
if (this._needsPositionStickyOnElement) {
element.style.position = '';
* Adds the sticky styling to the element by adding the sticky style class, changing position
* to be sticky (and -webkit-sticky), setting the appropriate zIndex, and adding a sticky
* direction and value.
_addStickyStyle(element, dir, dirValue, isBorderElement) {
if (isBorderElement) {
element.style[dir] = `${dirValue}px`;
element.style.zIndex = this._getCalculatedZIndex(element);
if (this._needsPositionStickyOnElement) {
element.style.cssText += 'position: -webkit-sticky; position: sticky; ';
* Calculate what the z-index should be for the element, depending on what directions (top,
* bottom, left, right) have been set. It should be true that elements with a top direction
* should have the highest index since these are elements like a table header. If any of those
* elements are also sticky in another direction, then they should appear above other elements
* that are only sticky top (e.g. a sticky column on a sticky header). Bottom-sticky elements
* (e.g. footer rows) should then be next in the ordering such that they are below the header
* but above any non-sticky elements. Finally, left/right sticky elements (e.g. sticky columns)
* should minimally increment so that they are above non-sticky elements but below top and bottom
* elements.
_getCalculatedZIndex(element) {
const zIndexIncrements = {
top: 100,
bottom: 10,
left: 1,
right: 1,
let zIndex = 0;
// Use `Iterable` instead of `Array` because TypeScript, as of 3.6.3,
// loses the array generic type in the `for of`. But we *also* have to use `Array` because
// typescript won't iterate over an `Iterable` unless you compile with `--downlevelIteration`
for (const dir of STICKY_DIRECTIONS) {
if (element.style[dir]) {
zIndex += zIndexIncrements[dir];
return zIndex ? `${zIndex}` : '';
/** Gets the widths for each cell in the provided row. */
_getCellWidths(row, recalculateCellWidths = true) {
if (!recalculateCellWidths && this._cachedCellWidths.length) {
return this._cachedCellWidths;
const cellWidths = [];
const firstRowCells = row.children;
for (let i = 0; i < firstRowCells.length; i++) {
let cell = firstRowCells[i];
this._cachedCellWidths = cellWidths;
return cellWidths;
* Determines the left and right positions of each sticky column cell, which will be the
* accumulation of all sticky column cell widths to the left and right, respectively.
* Non-sticky cells do not need to have a value set since their positions will not be applied.
_getStickyStartColumnPositions(widths, stickyStates) {
const positions = [];
let nextPosition = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < widths.length; i++) {
if (stickyStates[i]) {
positions[i] = nextPosition;
nextPosition += widths[i];
return positions;
* Determines the left and right positions of each sticky column cell, which will be the
* accumulation of all sticky column cell widths to the left and right, respectively.
* Non-sticky cells do not need to have a value set since their positions will not be applied.
_getStickyEndColumnPositions(widths, stickyStates) {
const positions = [];
let nextPosition = 0;
for (let i = widths.length; i > 0; i--) {
if (stickyStates[i]) {
positions[i] = nextPosition;
nextPosition += widths[i];
return positions;
* Returns an error to be thrown when attempting to find an nonexistent column.
* @param id Id whose lookup failed.
* @docs-private
function getTableUnknownColumnError(id) {
return Error(`Could not find column with id "${id}".`);
* Returns an error to be thrown when two column definitions have the same name.
* @docs-private
function getTableDuplicateColumnNameError(name) {
return Error(`Duplicate column definition name provided: "${name}".`);
* Returns an error to be thrown when there are multiple rows that are missing a when function.
* @docs-private
function getTableMultipleDefaultRowDefsError() {
return Error(`There can only be one default row without a when predicate function.`);
* Returns an error to be thrown when there are no matching row defs for a particular set of data.
* @docs-private
function getTableMissingMatchingRowDefError(data) {
return Error(`Could not find a matching row definition for the` +
`provided row data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
* Returns an error to be thrown when there is no row definitions present in the content.
* @docs-private
function getTableMissingRowDefsError() {
return Error('Missing definitions for header, footer, and row; ' +
'cannot determine which columns should be rendered.');
* Returns an error to be thrown when the data source does not match the compatible types.
* @docs-private
function getTableUnknownDataSourceError() {
return Error(`Provided data source did not match an array, Observable, or DataSource`);
* Returns an error to be thrown when the text column cannot find a parent table to inject.
* @docs-private
function getTableTextColumnMissingParentTableError() {
return Error(`Text column could not find a parent table for registration.`);
* Returns an error to be thrown when a table text column doesn't have a name.
* @docs-private
function getTableTextColumnMissingNameError() {
return Error(`Table text column must have a name.`);
/** The injection token used to specify the StickyPositioningListener. */
const STICKY_POSITIONING_LISTENER = new InjectionToken('CDK_SPL');
* Enables the recycle view repeater strategy, which reduces rendering latency. Not compatible with
* tables that animate rows.
class CdkRecycleRows {
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkRecycleRows, deps: [], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); }
static { this.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: CdkRecycleRows, selector: "cdk-table[recycleRows], table[cdk-table][recycleRows]", providers: [{ provide: _VIEW_REPEATER_STRATEGY, useClass: _RecycleViewRepeaterStrategy }], ngImport: i0 }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkRecycleRows, decorators: [{
type: Directive,
args: [{
selector: 'cdk-table[recycleRows], table[cdk-table][recycleRows]',
providers: [{ provide: _VIEW_REPEATER_STRATEGY, useClass: _RecycleViewRepeaterStrategy }],
}] });
* Provides a handle for the table to grab the view container's ng-container to insert data rows.
* @docs-private
class DataRowOutlet {
constructor(viewContainer, elementRef) {
this.viewContainer = viewContainer;
this.elementRef = elementRef;
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: DataRowOutlet, deps: [{ token: i0.ViewContainerRef }, { token: i0.ElementRef }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); }
static { this.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: DataRowOutlet, selector: "[rowOutlet]", ngImport: i0 }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: DataRowOutlet, decorators: [{
type: Directive,
args: [{ selector: '[rowOutlet]' }]
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.ViewContainerRef }, { type: i0.ElementRef }]; } });
* Provides a handle for the table to grab the view container's ng-container to insert the header.
* @docs-private
class HeaderRowOutlet {
constructor(viewContainer, elementRef) {
this.viewContainer = viewContainer;
this.elementRef = elementRef;
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: HeaderRowOutlet, deps: [{ token: i0.ViewContainerRef }, { token: i0.ElementRef }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); }
static { this.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: HeaderRowOutlet, selector: "[headerRowOutlet]", ngImport: i0 }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: HeaderRowOutlet, decorators: [{
type: Directive,
args: [{ selector: '[headerRowOutlet]' }]
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.ViewContainerRef }, { type: i0.ElementRef }]; } });
* Provides a handle for the table to grab the view container's ng-container to insert the footer.
* @docs-private
class FooterRowOutlet {
constructor(viewContainer, elementRef) {
this.viewContainer = viewContainer;
this.elementRef = elementRef;
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: FooterRowOutlet, deps: [{ token: i0.ViewContainerRef }, { token: i0.ElementRef }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); }
static { this.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: FooterRowOutlet, selector: "[footerRowOutlet]", ngImport: i0 }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: FooterRowOutlet, decorators: [{
type: Directive,
args: [{ selector: '[footerRowOutlet]' }]
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.ViewContainerRef }, { type: i0.ElementRef }]; } });
* Provides a handle for the table to grab the view
* container's ng-container to insert the no data row.
* @docs-private
class NoDataRowOutlet {
constructor(viewContainer, elementRef) {
this.viewContainer = viewContainer;
this.elementRef = elementRef;
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: NoDataRowOutlet, deps: [{ token: i0.ViewContainerRef }, { token: i0.ElementRef }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); }
static { this.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: NoDataRowOutlet, selector: "[noDataRowOutlet]", ngImport: i0 }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: NoDataRowOutlet, decorators: [{
type: Directive,
args: [{ selector: '[noDataRowOutlet]' }]
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.ViewContainerRef }, { type: i0.ElementRef }]; } });
* The table template that can be used by the mat-table. Should not be used outside of the
* material library.
* @docs-private
// Note that according to MDN, the `caption` element has to be projected as the **first**
// element in the table. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/caption
<ng-content select="caption"></ng-content>
<ng-content select="colgroup, col"></ng-content>
<ng-container headerRowOutlet></ng-container>
<ng-container rowOutlet></ng-container>
<ng-container noDataRowOutlet></ng-container>
<ng-container footerRowOutlet></ng-container>
* Class used to conveniently type the embedded view ref for rows with a context.
* @docs-private
class RowViewRef extends EmbeddedViewRef {
* A data table that can render a header row, data rows, and a footer row.
* Uses the dataSource input to determine the data to be rendered. The data can be provided either
* as a data array, an Observable stream that emits the data array to render, or a DataSource with a
* connect function that will return an Observable stream that emits the data array to render.
class CdkTable {
* Tracking function that will be used to check the differences in data changes. Used similarly
* to `ngFor` `trackBy` function. Optimize row operations by identifying a row based on its data
* relative to the function to know if a row should be added/removed/moved.
* Accepts a function that takes two parameters, `index` and `item`.
get trackBy() {
return this._trackByFn;
set trackBy(fn) {
if ((typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) && fn != null && typeof fn !== 'function') {
console.warn(`trackBy must be a function, but received ${JSON.stringify(fn)}.`);
this._trackByFn = fn;
* The table's source of data, which can be provided in three ways (in order of complexity):
* - Simple data array (each object represents one table row)
* - Stream that emits a data array each time the array changes
* - `DataSource` object that implements the connect/disconnect interface.
* If a data array is provided, the table must be notified when the array's objects are
* added, removed, or moved. This can be done by calling the `renderRows()` function which will
* render the diff since the last table render. If the data array reference is changed, the table
* will automatically trigger an update to the rows.
* When providing an Observable stream, the table will trigger an update automatically when the
* stream emits a new array of data.
* Finally, when providing a `DataSource` object, the table will use the Observable stream
* provided by the connect function and trigger updates when that stream emits new data array
* values. During the table's ngOnDestroy or when the data source is removed from the table, the
* table will call the DataSource's `disconnect` function (may be useful for cleaning up any
* subscriptions registered during the connect process).
get dataSource() {
return this._dataSource;
set dataSource(dataSource) {
if (this._dataSource !== dataSource) {
* Whether to allow multiple rows per data object by evaluating which rows evaluate their 'when'
* predicate to true. If `multiTemplateDataRows` is false, which is the default value, then each
* dataobject will render the first row that evaluates its when predicate to true, in the order
* defined in the table, or otherwise the default row which does not have a when predicate.
get multiTemplateDataRows() {
return this._multiTemplateDataRows;
set multiTemplateDataRows(v) {
this._multiTemplateDataRows = coerceBooleanProperty(v);
// In Ivy if this value is set via a static attribute (e.g. <table multiTemplateDataRows>),
// this setter will be invoked before the row outlet has been defined hence the null check.
if (this._rowOutlet && this._rowOutlet.viewContainer.length) {
* Whether to use a fixed table layout. Enabling this option will enforce consistent column widths
* and optimize rendering sticky styles for native tables. No-op for flex tables.
get fixedLayout() {
return this._fixedLayout;
set fixedLayout(v) {
this._fixedLayout = coerceBooleanProperty(v);
// Toggling `fixedLayout` may change column widths. Sticky column styles should be recalculated.
this._forceRecalculateCellWidths = true;
this._stickyColumnStylesNeedReset = true;
constructor(_differs, _changeDetectorRef, _elementRef, role, _dir, _document, _platform, _viewRepeater, _coalescedStyleScheduler, _viewportRuler,
* @deprecated `_stickyPositioningListener` parameter to become required.
* @breaking-change 13.0.0
* @deprecated `_ngZone` parameter to become required.
* @breaking-change 14.0.0
_ngZone) {
this._differs = _differs;
this._changeDetectorRef = _changeDetectorRef;
this._elementRef = _elementRef;
this._dir = _dir;
this._platform = _platform;
this._viewRepeater = _viewRepeater;
this._coalescedStyleScheduler = _coalescedStyleScheduler;
this._viewportRuler = _viewportRuler;
this._stickyPositioningListener = _stickyPositioningListener;
this._ngZone = _ngZone;
/** Subject that emits when the component has been destroyed. */
this._onDestroy = new Subject();
* Map of all the user's defined columns (header, data, and footer cell template) identified by
* name. Collection populated by the column definitions gathered by `ContentChildren` as well as
* any custom column definitions added to `_customColumnDefs`.
this._columnDefsByName = new Map();
* Column definitions that were defined outside of the direct content children of the table.
* These will be defined when, e.g., creating a wrapper around the cdkTable that has
* column definitions as *its* content child.
this._customColumnDefs = new Set();
* Data row definitions that were defined outside of the direct content children of the table.
* These will be defined when, e.g., creating a wrapper around the cdkTable that has
* built-in data rows as *its* content child.
this._customRowDefs = new Set();
* Header row definitions that were defined outside of the direct content children of the table.
* These will be defined when, e.g., creating a wrapper around the cdkTable that has
* built-in header rows as *its* content child.
this._customHeaderRowDefs = new Set();
* Footer row definitions that were defined outside of the direct content children of the table.
* These will be defined when, e.g., creating a wrapper around the cdkTable that has a
* built-in footer row as *its* content child.
this._customFooterRowDefs = new Set();
* Whether the header row definition has been changed. Triggers an update to the header row after
* content is checked. Initialized as true so that the table renders the initial set of rows.
this._headerRowDefChanged = true;
* Whether the footer row definition has been changed. Triggers an update to the footer row after
* content is checked. Initialized as true so that the table renders the initial set of rows.
this._footerRowDefChanged = true;
* Whether the sticky column styles need to be updated. Set to `true` when the visible columns
* change.
this._stickyColumnStylesNeedReset = true;
* Whether the sticky styler should recalculate cell widths when applying sticky styles. If
* `false`, cached values will be used instead. This is only applicable to tables with
* {@link fixedLayout} enabled. For other tables, cell widths will always be recalculated.
this._forceRecalculateCellWidths = true;
* Cache of the latest rendered `RenderRow` objects as a map for easy retrieval when constructing
* a new list of `RenderRow` objects for rendering rows. Since the new list is constructed with
* the cached `RenderRow` objects when possible, the row identity is preserved when the data
* and row template matches, which allows the `IterableDiffer` to check rows by reference
* and understand which rows are added/moved/removed.
* Implemented as a map of maps where the first key is the `data: T` object and the second is the
* `CdkRowDef<T>` object. With the two keys, the cache points to a `RenderRow<T>` object that
* contains an array of created pairs. The array is necessary to handle cases where the data
* array contains multiple duplicate data objects and each instantiated `RenderRow` must be
* stored.
this._cachedRenderRowsMap = new Map();
* CSS class added to any row or cell that has sticky positioning applied. May be overridden by
* table subclasses.
this.stickyCssClass = 'cdk-table-sticky';
* Whether to manually add position: sticky to all sticky cell elements. Not needed if
* the position is set in a selector associated with the value of stickyCssClass. May be
* overridden by table subclasses
this.needsPositionStickyOnElement = true;
/** Whether the no data row is currently showing anything. */
this._isShowingNoDataRow = false;
this._multiTemplateDataRows = false;
this._fixedLayout = false;
* Emits when the table completes rendering a set of data rows based on the latest data from the
* data source, even if the set of rows is empty.
this.contentChanged = new EventEmitter();
// TODO(andrewseguin): Remove max value as the end index
// and instead calculate the view on init and scroll.
* Stream containing the latest information on what rows are being displayed on screen.
* Can be used by the data source to as a heuristic of what data should be provided.
* @docs-private
this.viewChange = new BehaviorSubject({
start: 0,
end: Number.MAX_VALUE,
if (!role) {
this._elementRef.nativeElement.setAttribute('role', 'table');
this._document = _document;
this._isNativeHtmlTable = this._elementRef.nativeElement.nodeName === 'TABLE';
ngOnInit() {
if (this._isNativeHtmlTable) {
// Set up the trackBy function so that it uses the `RenderRow` as its identity by default. If
// the user has provided a custom trackBy, return the result of that function as evaluated
// with the values of the `RenderRow`'s data and index.
this._dataDiffer = this._differs.find([]).create((_i, dataRow) => {
return this.trackBy ? this.trackBy(dataRow.dataIndex, dataRow.data) : dataRow;
.subscribe(() => {
this._forceRecalculateCellWidths = true;
ngAfterContentChecked() {
// Cache the row and column definitions gathered by ContentChildren and programmatic injection.
// Make sure that the user has at least added header, footer, or data row def.
if (!this._headerRowDefs.length &&
!this._footerRowDefs.length &&
!this._rowDefs.length &&
(typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {
throw getTableMissingRowDefsError();
// Render updates if the list of columns have been changed for the header, row, or footer defs.
const columnsChanged = this._renderUpdatedColumns();
const rowDefsChanged = columnsChanged || this._headerRowDefChanged || this._footerRowDefChanged;
// Ensure sticky column styles are reset if set to `true` elsewhere.
this._stickyColumnStylesNeedReset = this._stickyColumnStylesNeedReset || rowDefsChanged;
this._forceRecalculateCellWidths = rowDefsChanged;
// If the header row definition has been changed, trigger a render to the header row.
if (this._headerRowDefChanged) {
this._headerRowDefChanged = false;
// If the footer row definition has been changed, trigger a render to the footer row.
if (this._footerRowDefChanged) {
this._footerRowDefChanged = false;
// If there is a data source and row definitions, connect to the data source unless a
// connection has already been made.
if (this.dataSource && this._rowDefs.length > 0 && !this._renderChangeSubscription) {
else if (this._stickyColumnStylesNeedReset) {
// In the above case, _observeRenderChanges will result in updateStickyColumnStyles being
// called when it row data arrives. Otherwise, we need to call it proactively.
ngOnDestroy() {
].forEach(def => {
this._headerRowDefs = [];
this._footerRowDefs = [];
this._defaultRowDef = null;
if (isDataSource(this.dataSource)) {
* Renders rows based on the table's latest set of data, which was either provided directly as an
* input or retrieved through an Observable stream (directly or from a DataSource).
* Checks for differences in the data since the last diff to perform only the necessary
* changes (add/remove/move rows).
* If the table's data source is a DataSource or Observable, this will be invoked automatically
* each time the provided Observable stream emits a new data array. Otherwise if your data is
* an array, this function will need to be called to render any changes.
renderRows() {
this._renderRows = this._getAllRenderRows();
const changes = this._dataDiffer.diff(this._renderRows);
if (!changes) {
const viewContainer = this._rowOutlet.viewContainer;
this._viewRepeater.applyChanges(changes, viewContainer, (record, _adjustedPreviousIndex, currentIndex) => this._getEmbeddedViewArgs(record.item, currentIndex), record => record.item.data, (change) => {
if (change.operation === 1 /* _ViewRepeaterOperation.INSERTED */ && change.context) {
this._renderCellTemplateForItem(change.record.item.rowDef, change.context);
// Update the meta context of a row's context data (index, count, first, last, ...)
// Update rows that did not get added/removed/moved but may have had their identity changed,
// e.g. if trackBy matched data on some property but the actual data reference changed.
changes.forEachIdentityChange((record) => {
const rowView = viewContainer.get(record.currentIndex);
rowView.context.$implicit = record.item.data;
// Allow the new row data to render before measuring it.
// @breaking-change 14.0.0 Remove undefined check once _ngZone is required.
if (this._ngZone && NgZone.isInAngularZone()) {
this._ngZone.onStable.pipe(take(1), takeUntil(this._onDestroy)).subscribe(() => {
else {
/** Adds a column definition that was not included as part of the content children. */
addColumnDef(columnDef) {
/** Removes a column definition that was not included as part of the content children. */
removeColumnDef(columnDef) {
/** Adds a row definition that was not included as part of the content children. */
addRowDef(rowDef) {
/** Removes a row definition that was not included as part of the content children. */
removeRowDef(rowDef) {
/** Adds a header row definition that was not included as part of the content children. */
addHeaderRowDef(headerRowDef) {
this._headerRowDefChanged = true;
/** Removes a header row definition that was not included as part of the content children. */
removeHeaderRowDef(headerRowDef) {
this._headerRowDefChanged = true;
/** Adds a footer row definition that was not included as part of the content children. */
addFooterRowDef(footerRowDef) {
this._footerRowDefChanged = true;
/** Removes a footer row definition that was not included as part of the content children. */
removeFooterRowDef(footerRowDef) {
this._footerRowDefChanged = true;
/** Sets a no data row definition that was not included as a part of the content children. */
setNoDataRow(noDataRow) {
this._customNoDataRow = noDataRow;
* Updates the header sticky styles. First resets all applied styles with respect to the cells
* sticking to the top. Then, evaluating which cells need to be stuck to the top. This is
* automatically called when the header row changes its displayed set of columns, or if its
* sticky input changes. May be called manually for cases where the cell content changes outside
* of these events.
updateStickyHeaderRowStyles() {
const headerRows = this._getRenderedRows(this._headerRowOutlet);
const tableElement = this._elementRef.nativeElement;
// Hide the thead element if there are no header rows. This is necessary to satisfy
// overzealous a11y checkers that fail because the `rowgroup` element does not contain
// required child `row`.
const thead = tableElement.querySelector('thead');
if (thead) {
thead.style.display = headerRows.length ? '' : 'none';
const stickyStates = this._headerRowDefs.map(def => def.sticky);
this._stickyStyler.clearStickyPositioning(headerRows, ['top']);
this._stickyStyler.stickRows(headerRows, stickyStates, 'top');
// Reset the dirty state of the sticky input change since it has been used.
this._headerRowDefs.forEach(def => def.resetStickyChanged());
* Updates the footer sticky styles. First resets all applied styles with respect to the cells
* sticking to the bottom. Then, evaluating which cells need to be stuck to the bottom. This is
* automatically called when the footer row changes its displayed set of columns, or if its
* sticky input changes. May be called manually for cases where the cell content changes outside
* of these events.
updateStickyFooterRowStyles() {
const footerRows = this._getRenderedRows(this._footerRowOutlet);
const tableElement = this._elementRef.nativeElement;
// Hide the tfoot element if there are no footer rows. This is necessary to satisfy
// overzealous a11y checkers that fail because the `rowgroup` element does not contain
// required child `row`.
const tfoot = tableElement.querySelector('tfoot');
if (tfoot) {
tfoot.style.display = footerRows.length ? '' : 'none';
const stickyStates = this._footerRowDefs.map(def => def.sticky);
this._stickyStyler.clearStickyPositioning(footerRows, ['bottom']);
this._stickyStyler.stickRows(footerRows, stickyStates, 'bottom');
this._stickyStyler.updateStickyFooterContainer(this._elementRef.nativeElement, stickyStates);
// Reset the dirty state of the sticky input change since it has been used.
this._footerRowDefs.forEach(def => def.resetStickyChanged());
* Updates the column sticky styles. First resets all applied styles with respect to the cells
* sticking to the left and right. Then sticky styles are added for the left and right according
* to the column definitions for each cell in each row. This is automatically called when
* the data source provides a new set of data or when a column definition changes its sticky
* input. May be called manually for cases where the cell content changes outside of these events.
updateStickyColumnStyles() {
const headerRows = this._getRenderedRows(this._headerRowOutlet);
const dataRows = this._getRenderedRows(this._rowOutlet);
const footerRows = this._getRenderedRows(this._footerRowOutlet);
// For tables not using a fixed layout, the column widths may change when new rows are rendered.
// In a table using a fixed layout, row content won't affect column width, so sticky styles
// don't need to be cleared unless either the sticky column config changes or one of the row
// defs change.
if ((this._isNativeHtmlTable && !this._fixedLayout) || this._stickyColumnStylesNeedReset) {
// Clear the left and right positioning from all columns in the table across all rows since
// sticky columns span across all table sections (header, data, footer)
this._stickyStyler.clearStickyPositioning([...headerRows, ...dataRows, ...footerRows], ['left', 'right']);
this._stickyColumnStylesNeedReset = false;
// Update the sticky styles for each header row depending on the def's sticky state
headerRows.forEach((headerRow, i) => {
this._addStickyColumnStyles([headerRow], this._headerRowDefs[i]);
// Update the sticky styles for each data row depending on its def's sticky state
this._rowDefs.forEach(rowDef => {
// Collect all the rows rendered with this row definition.
const rows = [];
for (let i = 0; i < dataRows.length; i++) {
if (this._renderRows[i].rowDef === rowDef) {
this._addStickyColumnStyles(rows, rowDef);
// Update the sticky styles for each footer row depending on the def's sticky state
footerRows.forEach((footerRow, i) => {
this._addStickyColumnStyles([footerRow], this._footerRowDefs[i]);
// Reset the dirty state of the sticky input change since it has been used.
Array.from(this._columnDefsByName.values()).forEach(def => def.resetStickyChanged());
* Get the list of RenderRow objects to render according to the current list of data and defined
* row definitions. If the previous list already contained a particular pair, it should be reused
* so that the differ equates their references.
_getAllRenderRows() {
const renderRows = [];
// Store the cache and create a new one. Any re-used RenderRow objects will be moved into the
// new cache while unused ones can be picked up by garbage collection.
const prevCachedRenderRows = this._cachedRenderRowsMap;
this._cachedRenderRowsMap = new Map();
// For each data object, get the list of rows that should be rendered, represented by the
// respective `RenderRow` object which is the pair of `data` and `CdkRowDef`.
for (let i = 0; i < this._data.length; i++) {
let data = this._data[i];
const renderRowsForData = this._getRenderRowsForData(data, i, prevCachedRenderRows.get(data));
if (!this._cachedRenderRowsMap.has(data)) {
this._cachedRenderRowsMap.set(data, new WeakMap());
for (let j = 0; j < renderRowsForData.length; j++) {
let renderRow = renderRowsForData[j];
const cache = this._cachedRenderRowsMap.get(renderRow.data);
if (cache.has(renderRow.rowDef)) {
else {
cache.set(renderRow.rowDef, [renderRow]);
return renderRows;
* Gets a list of `RenderRow<T>` for the provided data object and any `CdkRowDef` objects that
* should be rendered for this data. Reuses the cached RenderRow objects if they match the same
* `(T, CdkRowDef)` pair.
_getRenderRowsForData(data, dataIndex, cache) {
const rowDefs = this._getRowDefs(data, dataIndex);
return rowDefs.map(rowDef => {
const cachedRenderRows = cache && cache.has(rowDef) ? cache.get(rowDef) : [];
if (cachedRenderRows.length) {
const dataRow = cachedRenderRows.shift();
dataRow.dataIndex = dataIndex;
return dataRow;
else {
return { data, rowDef, dataIndex };
/** Update the map containing the content's column definitions. */
_cacheColumnDefs() {
const columnDefs = mergeArrayAndSet(this._getOwnDefs(this._contentColumnDefs), this._customColumnDefs);
columnDefs.forEach(columnDef => {
if (this._columnDefsByName.has(columnDef.name) &&
(typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {
throw getTableDuplicateColumnNameError(columnDef.name);
this._columnDefsByName.set(columnDef.name, columnDef);
/** Update the list of all available row definitions that can be used. */
_cacheRowDefs() {
this._headerRowDefs = mergeArrayAndSet(this._getOwnDefs(this._contentHeaderRowDefs), this._customHeaderRowDefs);
this._footerRowDefs = mergeArrayAndSet(this._getOwnDefs(this._contentFooterRowDefs), this._customFooterRowDefs);
this._rowDefs = mergeArrayAndSet(this._getOwnDefs(this._contentRowDefs), this._customRowDefs);
// After all row definitions are determined, find the row definition to be considered default.
const defaultRowDefs = this._rowDefs.filter(def => !def.when);
if (!this.multiTemplateDataRows &&
defaultRowDefs.length > 1 &&
(typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {
throw getTableMultipleDefaultRowDefsError();
this._defaultRowDef = defaultRowDefs[0];
* Check if the header, data, or footer rows have changed what columns they want to display or
* whether the sticky states have changed for the header or footer. If there is a diff, then
* re-render that section.
_renderUpdatedColumns() {
const columnsDiffReducer = (acc, def) => acc || !!def.getColumnsDiff();
// Force re-render data rows if the list of column definitions have changed.
const dataColumnsChanged = this._rowDefs.reduce(columnsDiffReducer, false);
if (dataColumnsChanged) {
// Force re-render header/footer rows if the list of column definitions have changed.
const headerColumnsChanged = this._headerRowDefs.reduce(columnsDiffReducer, false);
if (headerColumnsChanged) {
const footerColumnsChanged = this._footerRowDefs.reduce(columnsDiffReducer, false);
if (footerColumnsChanged) {
return dataColumnsChanged || headerColumnsChanged || footerColumnsChanged;
* Switch to the provided data source by resetting the data and unsubscribing from the current
* render change subscription if one exists. If the data source is null, interpret this by
* clearing the row outlet. Otherwise start listening for new data.
_switchDataSource(dataSource) {
this._data = [];
if (isDataSource(this.dataSource)) {
// Stop listening for data from the previous data source.
if (this._renderChangeSubscription) {
this._renderChangeSubscription = null;
if (!dataSource) {
if (this._dataDiffer) {
this._dataSource = dataSource;
/** Set up a subscription for the data provided by the data source. */
_observeRenderChanges() {
// If no data source has been set, there is nothing to observe for changes.
if (!this.dataSource) {
let dataStream;
if (isDataSource(this.dataSource)) {
dataStream = this.dataSource.connect(this);
else if (isObservable(this.dataSource)) {
dataStream = this.dataSource;
else if (Array.isArray(this.dataSource)) {
dataStream = of(this.dataSource);
if (dataStream === undefined && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {
throw getTableUnknownDataSourceError();
this._renderChangeSubscription = dataStream
.subscribe(data => {
this._data = data || [];
* Clears any existing content in the header row outlet and creates a new embedded view
* in the outlet using the header row definition.
_forceRenderHeaderRows() {
// Clear the header row outlet if any content exists.
if (this._headerRowOutlet.viewContainer.length > 0) {
this._headerRowDefs.forEach((def, i) => this._renderRow(this._headerRowOutlet, def, i));
* Clears any existing content in the footer row outlet and creates a new embedded view
* in the outlet using the footer row definition.
_forceRenderFooterRows() {
// Clear the footer row outlet if any content exists.
if (this._footerRowOutlet.viewContainer.length > 0) {
this._footerRowDefs.forEach((def, i) => this._renderRow(this._footerRowOutlet, def, i));
/** Adds the sticky column styles for the rows according to the columns' stick states. */
_addStickyColumnStyles(rows, rowDef) {
const columnDefs = Array.from(rowDef.columns || []).map(columnName => {
const columnDef = this._columnDefsByName.get(columnName);
if (!columnDef && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {
throw getTableUnknownColumnError(columnName);
return columnDef;
const stickyStartStates = columnDefs.map(columnDef => columnDef.sticky);
const stickyEndStates = columnDefs.map(columnDef => columnDef.stickyEnd);
this._stickyStyler.updateStickyColumns(rows, stickyStartStates, stickyEndStates, !this._fixedLayout || this._forceRecalculateCellWidths);
/** Gets the list of rows that have been rendered in the row outlet. */
_getRenderedRows(rowOutlet) {
const renderedRows = [];
for (let i = 0; i < rowOutlet.viewContainer.length; i++) {
const viewRef = rowOutlet.viewContainer.get(i);
return renderedRows;
* Get the matching row definitions that should be used for this row data. If there is only
* one row definition, it is returned. Otherwise, find the row definitions that has a when
* predicate that returns true with the data. If none return true, return the default row
* definition.
_getRowDefs(data, dataIndex) {
if (this._rowDefs.length == 1) {
return [this._rowDefs[0]];
let rowDefs = [];
if (this.multiTemplateDataRows) {
rowDefs = this._rowDefs.filter(def => !def.when || def.when(dataIndex, data));
else {
let rowDef = this._rowDefs.find(def => def.when && def.when(dataIndex, data)) || this._defaultRowDef;
if (rowDef) {
if (!rowDefs.length && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {
throw getTableMissingMatchingRowDefError(data);
return rowDefs;
_getEmbeddedViewArgs(renderRow, index) {
const rowDef = renderRow.rowDef;
const context = { $implicit: renderRow.data };
return {
templateRef: rowDef.template,
* Creates a new row template in the outlet and fills it with the set of cell templates.
* Optionally takes a context to provide to the row and cells, as well as an optional index
* of where to place the new row template in the outlet.
_renderRow(outlet, rowDef, index, context = {}) {
// TODO(andrewseguin): enforce that one outlet was instantiated from createEmbeddedView
const view = outlet.viewContainer.createEmbeddedView(rowDef.template, context, index);
this._renderCellTemplateForItem(rowDef, context);
return view;
_renderCellTemplateForItem(rowDef, context) {
for (let cellTemplate of this._getCellTemplates(rowDef)) {
if (CdkCellOutlet.mostRecentCellOutlet) {
CdkCellOutlet.mostRecentCellOutlet._viewContainer.createEmbeddedView(cellTemplate, context);
* Updates the index-related context for each row to reflect any changes in the index of the rows,
* e.g. first/last/even/odd.
_updateRowIndexContext() {
const viewContainer = this._rowOutlet.viewContainer;
for (let renderIndex = 0, count = viewContainer.length; renderIndex < count; renderIndex++) {
const viewRef = viewContainer.get(renderIndex);
const context = viewRef.context;
context.count = count;
context.first = renderIndex === 0;
context.last = renderIndex === count - 1;
context.even = renderIndex % 2 === 0;
context.odd = !context.even;
if (this.multiTemplateDataRows) {
context.dataIndex = this._renderRows[renderIndex].dataIndex;
context.renderIndex = renderIndex;
else {
context.index = this._renderRows[renderIndex].dataIndex;
/** Gets the column definitions for the provided row def. */
_getCellTemplates(rowDef) {
if (!rowDef || !rowDef.columns) {
return [];
return Array.from(rowDef.columns, columnId => {
const column = this._columnDefsByName.get(columnId);
if (!column && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {
throw getTableUnknownColumnError(columnId);
return rowDef.extractCellTemplate(column);
/** Adds native table sections (e.g. tbody) and moves the row outlets into them. */
_applyNativeTableSections() {
const documentFragment = this._document.createDocumentFragment();
const sections = [
{ tag: 'thead', outlets: [this._headerRowOutlet] },
{ tag: 'tbody', outlets: [this._rowOutlet, this._noDataRowOutlet] },
{ tag: 'tfoot', outlets: [this._footerRowOutlet] },
for (const section of sections) {
const element = this._document.createElement(section.tag);
element.setAttribute('role', 'rowgroup');
for (const outlet of section.outlets) {
// Use a DocumentFragment so we don't hit the DOM on each iteration.
* Forces a re-render of the data rows. Should be called in cases where there has been an input
* change that affects the evaluation of which rows should be rendered, e.g. toggling
* `multiTemplateDataRows` or adding/removing row definitions.
_forceRenderDataRows() {
* Checks if there has been a change in sticky states since last check and applies the correct
* sticky styles. Since checking resets the "dirty" state, this should only be performed once
* during a change detection and after the inputs are settled (after content check).
_checkStickyStates() {
const stickyCheckReducer = (acc, d) => {
return acc || d.hasStickyChanged();
// Note that the check needs to occur for every definition since it notifies the definition
// that it can reset its dirty state. Using another operator like `some` may short-circuit
// remaining definitions and leave them in an unchecked state.
if (this._headerRowDefs.reduce(stickyCheckReducer, false)) {
if (this._footerRowDefs.reduce(stickyCheckReducer, false)) {
if (Array.from(this._columnDefsByName.values()).reduce(stickyCheckReducer, false)) {
this._stickyColumnStylesNeedReset = true;
* Creates the sticky styler that will be used for sticky rows and columns. Listens
* for directionality changes and provides the latest direction to the styler. Re-applies column
* stickiness when directionality changes.
_setupStickyStyler() {
const direction = this._dir ? this._dir.value : 'ltr';
this._stickyStyler = new StickyStyler(this._isNativeHtmlTable, this.stickyCssClass, direction, this._coalescedStyleScheduler, this._platform.isBrowser, this.needsPositionStickyOnElement, this._stickyPositioningListener);
(this._dir ? this._dir.change : of())
.subscribe(value => {
this._stickyStyler.direction = value;
/** Filters definitions that belong to this table from a QueryList. */
_getOwnDefs(items) {
return items.filter(item => !item._table || item._table === this);
/** Creates or removes the no data row, depending on whether any data is being shown. */
_updateNoDataRow() {
const noDataRow = this._customNoDataRow || this._noDataRow;
if (!noDataRow) {
const shouldShow = this._rowOutlet.viewContainer.length === 0;
if (shouldShow === this._isShowingNoDataRow) {
const container = this._noDataRowOutlet.viewContainer;
if (shouldShow) {
const view = container.createEmbeddedView(noDataRow.templateRef);
const rootNode = view.rootNodes[0];
// Only add the attributes if we have a single root node since it's hard
// to figure out which one to add it to when there are multiple.
if (view.rootNodes.length === 1 && rootNode?.nodeType === this._document.ELEMENT_NODE) {
rootNode.setAttribute('role', 'row');
else {
this._isShowingNoDataRow = shouldShow;
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkTable, deps: [{ token: i0.IterableDiffers }, { token: i0.ChangeDetectorRef }, { token: i0.ElementRef }, { token: 'role', attribute: true }, { token: i1.Directionality, optional: true }, { token: DOCUMENT }, { token: i2.Platform }, { token: _VIEW_REPEATER_STRATEGY }, { token: _COALESCED_STYLE_SCHEDULER }, { token: i3.ViewportRuler }, { token: STICKY_POSITIONING_LISTENER, optional: true, skipSelf: true }, { token: i0.NgZone, optional: true }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component }); }
static { this.ɵcmp = i0.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: CdkTable, selector: "cdk-table, table[cdk-table]", inputs: { trackBy: "trackBy", dataSource: "dataSource", multiTemplateDataRows: "multiTemplateDataRows", fixedLayout: "fixedLayout" }, outputs: { contentChanged: "contentChanged" }, host: { attributes: { "ngSkipHydration": "" }, properties: { "class.cdk-table-fixed-layout": "fixedLayout" }, classAttribute: "cdk-table" }, providers: [
{ provide: CDK_TABLE, useExisting: CdkTable },
{ provide: _VIEW_REPEATER_STRATEGY, useClass: _DisposeViewRepeaterStrategy },
{ provide: _COALESCED_STYLE_SCHEDULER, useClass: _CoalescedStyleScheduler },
// Prevent nested tables from seeing this table's StickyPositioningListener.
{ provide: STICKY_POSITIONING_LISTENER, useValue: null },
], queries: [{ propertyName: "_noDataRow", first: true, predicate: CdkNoDataRow, descendants: true }, { propertyName: "_contentColumnDefs", predicate: CdkColumnDef, descendants: true }, { propertyName: "_contentRowDefs", predicate: CdkRowDef, descendants: true }, { propertyName: "_contentHeaderRowDefs", predicate: CdkHeaderRowDef, descendants: true }, { propertyName: "_contentFooterRowDefs", predicate: CdkFooterRowDef, descendants: true }], viewQueries: [{ propertyName: "_rowOutlet", first: true, predicate: DataRowOutlet, descendants: true, static: true }, { propertyName: "_headerRowOutlet", first: true, predicate: HeaderRowOutlet, descendants: true, static: true }, { propertyName: "_footerRowOutlet", first: true, predicate: FooterRowOutlet, descendants: true, static: true }, { propertyName: "_noDataRowOutlet", first: true, predicate: NoDataRowOutlet, descendants: true, static: true }], exportAs: ["cdkTable"], ngImport: i0, template: "\n <ng-content select=\"caption\"></ng-content>\n <ng-content select=\"colgroup, col\"></ng-content>\n <ng-container headerRowOutlet></ng-container>\n <ng-container rowOutlet></ng-container>\n <ng-container noDataRowOutlet></ng-container>\n <ng-container footerRowOutlet></ng-container>\n", isInline: true, styles: [".cdk-table-fixed-layout{table-layout:fixed}"], dependencies: [{ kind: "directive", type: DataRowOutlet, selector: "[rowOutlet]" }, { kind: "directive", type: HeaderRowOutlet, selector: "[headerRowOutlet]" }, { kind: "directive", type: FooterRowOutlet, selector: "[footerRowOutlet]" }, { kind: "directive", type: NoDataRowOutlet, selector: "[noDataRowOutlet]" }], changeDetection: i0.ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default, encapsulation: i0.ViewEncapsulation.None }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkTable, decorators: [{
type: Component,
args: [{ selector: 'cdk-table, table[cdk-table]', exportAs: 'cdkTable', template: CDK_TABLE_TEMPLATE, host: {
'class': 'cdk-table',
'[class.cdk-table-fixed-layout]': 'fixedLayout',
'ngSkipHydration': '',
}, encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None, changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default, providers: [
{ provide: CDK_TABLE, useExisting: CdkTable },
{ provide: _VIEW_REPEATER_STRATEGY, useClass: _DisposeViewRepeaterStrategy },
{ provide: _COALESCED_STYLE_SCHEDULER, useClass: _CoalescedStyleScheduler },
// Prevent nested tables from seeing this table's StickyPositioningListener.
{ provide: STICKY_POSITIONING_LISTENER, useValue: null },
], styles: [".cdk-table-fixed-layout{table-layout:fixed}"] }]
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.IterableDiffers }, { type: i0.ChangeDetectorRef }, { type: i0.ElementRef }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{
type: Attribute,
args: ['role']
}] }, { type: i1.Directionality, decorators: [{
type: Optional
}] }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{
type: Inject,
args: [DOCUMENT]
}] }, { type: i2.Platform }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{
type: Inject,
}] }, { type: _CoalescedStyleScheduler, decorators: [{
type: Inject,
}] }, { type: i3.ViewportRuler }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{
type: Optional
}, {
type: SkipSelf
}, {
type: Inject,
}] }, { type: i0.NgZone, decorators: [{
type: Optional
}] }]; }, propDecorators: { trackBy: [{
type: Input
}], dataSource: [{
type: Input
}], multiTemplateDataRows: [{
type: Input
}], fixedLayout: [{
type: Input
}], contentChanged: [{
type: Output
}], _rowOutlet: [{
type: ViewChild,
args: [DataRowOutlet, { static: true }]
}], _headerRowOutlet: [{
type: ViewChild,
args: [HeaderRowOutlet, { static: true }]
}], _footerRowOutlet: [{
type: ViewChild,
args: [FooterRowOutlet, { static: true }]
}], _noDataRowOutlet: [{
type: ViewChild,
args: [NoDataRowOutlet, { static: true }]
}], _contentColumnDefs: [{
type: ContentChildren,
args: [CdkColumnDef, { descendants: true }]
}], _contentRowDefs: [{
type: ContentChildren,
args: [CdkRowDef, { descendants: true }]
}], _contentHeaderRowDefs: [{
type: ContentChildren,
args: [CdkHeaderRowDef, {
descendants: true,
}], _contentFooterRowDefs: [{
type: ContentChildren,
args: [CdkFooterRowDef, {
descendants: true,
}], _noDataRow: [{
type: ContentChild,
args: [CdkNoDataRow]
}] } });
/** Utility function that gets a merged list of the entries in an array and values of a Set. */
function mergeArrayAndSet(array, set) {
return array.concat(Array.from(set));
* Column that simply shows text content for the header and row cells. Assumes that the table
* is using the native table implementation (`<table>`).
* By default, the name of this column will be the header text and data property accessor.
* The header text can be overridden with the `headerText` input. Cell values can be overridden with
* the `dataAccessor` input. Change the text justification to the start or end using the `justify`
* input.
class CdkTextColumn {
/** Column name that should be used to reference this column. */
get name() {
return this._name;
set name(name) {
this._name = name;
// With Ivy, inputs can be initialized before static query results are
// available. In that case, we defer the synchronization until "ngOnInit" fires.
// `CdkTextColumn` is always requiring a table, but we just assert it manually
// for better error reporting.
// tslint:disable-next-line: lightweight-tokens
_table, _options) {
this._table = _table;
this._options = _options;
/** Alignment of the cell values. */
this.justify = 'start';
this._options = _options || {};
ngOnInit() {
if (this.headerText === undefined) {
this.headerText = this._createDefaultHeaderText();
if (!this.dataAccessor) {
this.dataAccessor =
this._options.defaultDataAccessor || ((data, name) => data[name]);
if (this._table) {
// Provide the cell and headerCell directly to the table with the static `ViewChild` query,
// since the columnDef will not pick up its content by the time the table finishes checking
// its content and initializing the rows.
this.columnDef.cell = this.cell;
this.columnDef.headerCell = this.headerCell;
else if (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) {
throw getTableTextColumnMissingParentTableError();
ngOnDestroy() {
if (this._table) {
* Creates a default header text. Use the options' header text transformation function if one
* has been provided. Otherwise simply capitalize the column name.
_createDefaultHeaderText() {
const name = this.name;
if (!name && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {
throw getTableTextColumnMissingNameError();
if (this._options && this._options.defaultHeaderTextTransform) {
return this._options.defaultHeaderTextTransform(name);
return name[0].toUpperCase() + name.slice(1);
/** Synchronizes the column definition name with the text column name. */
_syncColumnDefName() {
if (this.columnDef) {
this.columnDef.name = this.name;
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkTextColumn, deps: [{ token: CdkTable, optional: true }, { token: TEXT_COLUMN_OPTIONS, optional: true }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component }); }
static { this.ɵcmp = i0.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: CdkTextColumn, selector: "cdk-text-column", inputs: { name: "name", headerText: "headerText", dataAccessor: "dataAccessor", justify: "justify" }, viewQueries: [{ propertyName: "columnDef", first: true, predicate: CdkColumnDef, descendants: true, static: true }, { propertyName: "cell", first: true, predicate: CdkCellDef, descendants: true, static: true }, { propertyName: "headerCell", first: true, predicate: CdkHeaderCellDef, descendants: true, static: true }], ngImport: i0, template: `
<ng-container cdkColumnDef>
<th cdk-header-cell *cdkHeaderCellDef [style.text-align]="justify">
<td cdk-cell *cdkCellDef="let data" [style.text-align]="justify">
{{dataAccessor(data, name)}}
`, isInline: true, dependencies: [{ kind: "directive", type: CdkCellDef, selector: "[cdkCellDef]" }, { kind: "directive", type: CdkHeaderCellDef, selector: "[cdkHeaderCellDef]" }, { kind: "directive", type: CdkColumnDef, selector: "[cdkColumnDef]", inputs: ["sticky", "cdkColumnDef", "stickyEnd"] }, { kind: "directive", type: CdkCell, selector: "cdk-cell, td[cdk-cell]" }, { kind: "directive", type: CdkHeaderCell, selector: "cdk-header-cell, th[cdk-header-cell]" }], changeDetection: i0.ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default, encapsulation: i0.ViewEncapsulation.None }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkTextColumn, decorators: [{
type: Component,
args: [{
selector: 'cdk-text-column',
template: `
<ng-container cdkColumnDef>
<th cdk-header-cell *cdkHeaderCellDef [style.text-align]="justify">
<td cdk-cell *cdkCellDef="let data" [style.text-align]="justify">
{{dataAccessor(data, name)}}
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
// Change detection is intentionally not set to OnPush. This component's template will be provided
// to the table to be inserted into its view. This is problematic when change detection runs since
// the bindings in this template will be evaluated _after_ the table's view is evaluated, which
// mean's the template in the table's view will not have the updated value (and in fact will cause
// an ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError).
// tslint:disable-next-line:validate-decorators
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default,
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: CdkTable, decorators: [{
type: Optional
}] }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{
type: Optional
}, {
type: Inject,
}] }]; }, propDecorators: { name: [{
type: Input
}], headerText: [{
type: Input
}], dataAccessor: [{
type: Input
}], justify: [{
type: Input
}], columnDef: [{
type: ViewChild,
args: [CdkColumnDef, { static: true }]
}], cell: [{
type: ViewChild,
args: [CdkCellDef, { static: true }]
}], headerCell: [{
type: ViewChild,
args: [CdkHeaderCellDef, { static: true }]
}] } });
class CdkTableModule {
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkTableModule, deps: [], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.NgModule }); }
static { this.ɵmod = i0.ɵɵngDeclareNgModule({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkTableModule, declarations: [CdkTable,
NoDataRowOutlet], imports: [ScrollingModule], exports: [CdkTable,
NoDataRowOutlet] }); }
static { this.ɵinj = i0.ɵɵngDeclareInjector({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkTableModule, imports: [ScrollingModule] }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkTableModule, decorators: [{
type: NgModule,
args: [{
imports: [ScrollingModule],
}] });
* Generated bundle index. Do not edit.
export { BaseCdkCell, BaseRowDef, CDK_ROW_TEMPLATE, CDK_TABLE, CDK_TABLE_TEMPLATE, CdkCell, CdkCellDef, CdkCellOutlet, CdkColumnDef, CdkFooterCell, CdkFooterCellDef, CdkFooterRow, CdkFooterRowDef, CdkHeaderCell, CdkHeaderCellDef, CdkHeaderRow, CdkHeaderRowDef, CdkNoDataRow, CdkRecycleRows, CdkRow, CdkRowDef, CdkTable, CdkTableModule, CdkTextColumn, DataRowOutlet, FooterRowOutlet, HeaderRowOutlet, NoDataRowOutlet, STICKY_DIRECTIONS, STICKY_POSITIONING_LISTENER, StickyStyler, TEXT_COLUMN_OPTIONS, _COALESCED_STYLE_SCHEDULER, _CoalescedStyleScheduler, _Schedule, mixinHasStickyInput };
//# sourceMappingURL=table.mjs.map