640 lines
19 KiB
640 lines
19 KiB
function _typeof(obj) {
"@babel/helpers - typeof";
if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") {
_typeof = function (obj) {
return typeof obj;
} else {
_typeof = function (obj) {
return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj;
return _typeof(obj);
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
/* eslint-disable no-bitwise -- used for calculations */
/* eslint-disable unicorn/prefer-query-selector -- aiming at
backward-compatibility */
* StackBlur - a fast almost Gaussian Blur For Canvas
* In case you find this class useful - especially in commercial projects -
* I am not totally unhappy for a small donation to my PayPal account
* mario@quasimondo.de
* Or support me on flattr:
* {@link https://flattr.com/thing/72791/StackBlur-a-fast-almost-Gaussian-Blur-Effect-for-CanvasJavascript}.
* @module StackBlur
* @author Mario Klingemann
* Contact: mario@quasimondo.com
* Website: {@link http://www.quasimondo.com/StackBlurForCanvas/StackBlurDemo.html}
* Twitter: @quasimondo
* @copyright (c) 2010 Mario Klingemann
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
* obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
* files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
* restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
* copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
* conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
var mulTable = [512, 512, 456, 512, 328, 456, 335, 512, 405, 328, 271, 456, 388, 335, 292, 512, 454, 405, 364, 328, 298, 271, 496, 456, 420, 388, 360, 335, 312, 292, 273, 512, 482, 454, 428, 405, 383, 364, 345, 328, 312, 298, 284, 271, 259, 496, 475, 456, 437, 420, 404, 388, 374, 360, 347, 335, 323, 312, 302, 292, 282, 273, 265, 512, 497, 482, 468, 454, 441, 428, 417, 405, 394, 383, 373, 364, 354, 345, 337, 328, 320, 312, 305, 298, 291, 284, 278, 271, 265, 259, 507, 496, 485, 475, 465, 456, 446, 437, 428, 420, 412, 404, 396, 388, 381, 374, 367, 360, 354, 347, 341, 335, 329, 323, 318, 312, 307, 302, 297, 292, 287, 282, 278, 273, 269, 265, 261, 512, 505, 497, 489, 482, 475, 468, 461, 454, 447, 441, 435, 428, 422, 417, 411, 405, 399, 394, 389, 383, 378, 373, 368, 364, 359, 354, 350, 345, 341, 337, 332, 328, 324, 320, 316, 312, 309, 305, 301, 298, 294, 291, 287, 284, 281, 278, 274, 271, 268, 265, 262, 259, 257, 507, 501, 496, 491, 485, 480, 475, 470, 465, 460, 456, 451, 446, 442, 437, 433, 428, 424, 420, 416, 412, 408, 404, 400, 396, 392, 388, 385, 381, 377, 374, 370, 367, 363, 360, 357, 354, 350, 347, 344, 341, 338, 335, 332, 329, 326, 323, 320, 318, 315, 312, 310, 307, 304, 302, 299, 297, 294, 292, 289, 287, 285, 282, 280, 278, 275, 273, 271, 269, 267, 265, 263, 261, 259];
var shgTable = [9, 11, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24];
* @param {string|HTMLImageElement} img
* @param {string|HTMLCanvasElement} canvas
* @param {Float} radius
* @param {boolean} blurAlphaChannel
* @param {boolean} useOffset
* @param {boolean} skipStyles
* @returns {undefined}
function processImage(img, canvas, radius, blurAlphaChannel, useOffset, skipStyles) {
if (typeof img === 'string') {
img = document.getElementById(img);
if (!img || Object.prototype.toString.call(img).slice(8, -1) === 'HTMLImageElement' && !('naturalWidth' in img)) {
var dimensionType = useOffset ? 'offset' : 'natural';
var w = img[dimensionType + 'Width'];
var h = img[dimensionType + 'Height']; // add ImageBitmap support,can blur texture source
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(img).slice(8, -1) === 'ImageBitmap') {
w = img.width;
h = img.height;
if (typeof canvas === 'string') {
canvas = document.getElementById(canvas);
if (!canvas || !('getContext' in canvas)) {
if (!skipStyles) {
canvas.style.width = w + 'px';
canvas.style.height = h + 'px';
canvas.width = w;
canvas.height = h;
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.clearRect(0, 0, w, h);
context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.naturalWidth, img.naturalHeight, 0, 0, w, h);
if (isNaN(radius) || radius < 1) {
if (blurAlphaChannel) {
processCanvasRGBA(canvas, 0, 0, w, h, radius);
} else {
processCanvasRGB(canvas, 0, 0, w, h, radius);
* @param {string|HTMLCanvasElement} canvas
* @param {Integer} topX
* @param {Integer} topY
* @param {Integer} width
* @param {Integer} height
* @throws {Error|TypeError}
* @returns {ImageData} See {@link https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/canvas.html#imagedata}
function getImageDataFromCanvas(canvas, topX, topY, width, height) {
if (typeof canvas === 'string') {
canvas = document.getElementById(canvas);
if (!canvas || _typeof(canvas) !== 'object' || !('getContext' in canvas)) {
throw new TypeError('Expecting canvas with `getContext` method ' + 'in processCanvasRGB(A) calls!');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
try {
return context.getImageData(topX, topY, width, height);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('unable to access image data: ' + e);
* @param {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas
* @param {Integer} topX
* @param {Integer} topY
* @param {Integer} width
* @param {Integer} height
* @param {Float} radius
* @returns {undefined}
function processCanvasRGBA(canvas, topX, topY, width, height, radius) {
if (isNaN(radius) || radius < 1) {
radius |= 0;
var imageData = getImageDataFromCanvas(canvas, topX, topY, width, height);
imageData = processImageDataRGBA(imageData, topX, topY, width, height, radius);
canvas.getContext('2d').putImageData(imageData, topX, topY);
* @param {ImageData} imageData
* @param {Integer} topX
* @param {Integer} topY
* @param {Integer} width
* @param {Integer} height
* @param {Float} radius
* @returns {ImageData}
function processImageDataRGBA(imageData, topX, topY, width, height, radius) {
var pixels = imageData.data;
var div = 2 * radius + 1; // const w4 = width << 2;
var widthMinus1 = width - 1;
var heightMinus1 = height - 1;
var radiusPlus1 = radius + 1;
var sumFactor = radiusPlus1 * (radiusPlus1 + 1) / 2;
var stackStart = new BlurStack();
var stack = stackStart;
var stackEnd;
for (var i = 1; i < div; i++) {
stack = stack.next = new BlurStack();
if (i === radiusPlus1) {
stackEnd = stack;
stack.next = stackStart;
var stackIn = null,
stackOut = null,
yw = 0,
yi = 0;
var mulSum = mulTable[radius];
var shgSum = shgTable[radius];
for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
stack = stackStart;
var pr = pixels[yi],
pg = pixels[yi + 1],
pb = pixels[yi + 2],
pa = pixels[yi + 3];
for (var _i = 0; _i < radiusPlus1; _i++) {
stack.r = pr;
stack.g = pg;
stack.b = pb;
stack.a = pa;
stack = stack.next;
var rInSum = 0,
gInSum = 0,
bInSum = 0,
aInSum = 0,
rOutSum = radiusPlus1 * pr,
gOutSum = radiusPlus1 * pg,
bOutSum = radiusPlus1 * pb,
aOutSum = radiusPlus1 * pa,
rSum = sumFactor * pr,
gSum = sumFactor * pg,
bSum = sumFactor * pb,
aSum = sumFactor * pa;
for (var _i2 = 1; _i2 < radiusPlus1; _i2++) {
var p = yi + ((widthMinus1 < _i2 ? widthMinus1 : _i2) << 2);
var r = pixels[p],
g = pixels[p + 1],
b = pixels[p + 2],
a = pixels[p + 3];
var rbs = radiusPlus1 - _i2;
rSum += (stack.r = r) * rbs;
gSum += (stack.g = g) * rbs;
bSum += (stack.b = b) * rbs;
aSum += (stack.a = a) * rbs;
rInSum += r;
gInSum += g;
bInSum += b;
aInSum += a;
stack = stack.next;
stackIn = stackStart;
stackOut = stackEnd;
for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
var paInitial = aSum * mulSum >>> shgSum;
pixels[yi + 3] = paInitial;
if (paInitial !== 0) {
var _a2 = 255 / paInitial;
pixels[yi] = (rSum * mulSum >>> shgSum) * _a2;
pixels[yi + 1] = (gSum * mulSum >>> shgSum) * _a2;
pixels[yi + 2] = (bSum * mulSum >>> shgSum) * _a2;
} else {
pixels[yi] = pixels[yi + 1] = pixels[yi + 2] = 0;
rSum -= rOutSum;
gSum -= gOutSum;
bSum -= bOutSum;
aSum -= aOutSum;
rOutSum -= stackIn.r;
gOutSum -= stackIn.g;
bOutSum -= stackIn.b;
aOutSum -= stackIn.a;
var _p = x + radius + 1;
_p = yw + (_p < widthMinus1 ? _p : widthMinus1) << 2;
rInSum += stackIn.r = pixels[_p];
gInSum += stackIn.g = pixels[_p + 1];
bInSum += stackIn.b = pixels[_p + 2];
aInSum += stackIn.a = pixels[_p + 3];
rSum += rInSum;
gSum += gInSum;
bSum += bInSum;
aSum += aInSum;
stackIn = stackIn.next;
var _stackOut = stackOut,
_r = _stackOut.r,
_g = _stackOut.g,
_b = _stackOut.b,
_a = _stackOut.a;
rOutSum += _r;
gOutSum += _g;
bOutSum += _b;
aOutSum += _a;
rInSum -= _r;
gInSum -= _g;
bInSum -= _b;
aInSum -= _a;
stackOut = stackOut.next;
yi += 4;
yw += width;
for (var _x = 0; _x < width; _x++) {
yi = _x << 2;
var _pr = pixels[yi],
_pg = pixels[yi + 1],
_pb = pixels[yi + 2],
_pa = pixels[yi + 3],
_rOutSum = radiusPlus1 * _pr,
_gOutSum = radiusPlus1 * _pg,
_bOutSum = radiusPlus1 * _pb,
_aOutSum = radiusPlus1 * _pa,
_rSum = sumFactor * _pr,
_gSum = sumFactor * _pg,
_bSum = sumFactor * _pb,
_aSum = sumFactor * _pa;
stack = stackStart;
for (var _i3 = 0; _i3 < radiusPlus1; _i3++) {
stack.r = _pr;
stack.g = _pg;
stack.b = _pb;
stack.a = _pa;
stack = stack.next;
var yp = width;
var _gInSum = 0,
_bInSum = 0,
_aInSum = 0,
_rInSum = 0;
for (var _i4 = 1; _i4 <= radius; _i4++) {
yi = yp + _x << 2;
var _rbs = radiusPlus1 - _i4;
_rSum += (stack.r = _pr = pixels[yi]) * _rbs;
_gSum += (stack.g = _pg = pixels[yi + 1]) * _rbs;
_bSum += (stack.b = _pb = pixels[yi + 2]) * _rbs;
_aSum += (stack.a = _pa = pixels[yi + 3]) * _rbs;
_rInSum += _pr;
_gInSum += _pg;
_bInSum += _pb;
_aInSum += _pa;
stack = stack.next;
if (_i4 < heightMinus1) {
yp += width;
yi = _x;
stackIn = stackStart;
stackOut = stackEnd;
for (var _y = 0; _y < height; _y++) {
var _p2 = yi << 2;
pixels[_p2 + 3] = _pa = _aSum * mulSum >>> shgSum;
if (_pa > 0) {
_pa = 255 / _pa;
pixels[_p2] = (_rSum * mulSum >>> shgSum) * _pa;
pixels[_p2 + 1] = (_gSum * mulSum >>> shgSum) * _pa;
pixels[_p2 + 2] = (_bSum * mulSum >>> shgSum) * _pa;
} else {
pixels[_p2] = pixels[_p2 + 1] = pixels[_p2 + 2] = 0;
_rSum -= _rOutSum;
_gSum -= _gOutSum;
_bSum -= _bOutSum;
_aSum -= _aOutSum;
_rOutSum -= stackIn.r;
_gOutSum -= stackIn.g;
_bOutSum -= stackIn.b;
_aOutSum -= stackIn.a;
_p2 = _x + ((_p2 = _y + radiusPlus1) < heightMinus1 ? _p2 : heightMinus1) * width << 2;
_rSum += _rInSum += stackIn.r = pixels[_p2];
_gSum += _gInSum += stackIn.g = pixels[_p2 + 1];
_bSum += _bInSum += stackIn.b = pixels[_p2 + 2];
_aSum += _aInSum += stackIn.a = pixels[_p2 + 3];
stackIn = stackIn.next;
_rOutSum += _pr = stackOut.r;
_gOutSum += _pg = stackOut.g;
_bOutSum += _pb = stackOut.b;
_aOutSum += _pa = stackOut.a;
_rInSum -= _pr;
_gInSum -= _pg;
_bInSum -= _pb;
_aInSum -= _pa;
stackOut = stackOut.next;
yi += width;
return imageData;
* @param {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas
* @param {Integer} topX
* @param {Integer} topY
* @param {Integer} width
* @param {Integer} height
* @param {Float} radius
* @returns {undefined}
function processCanvasRGB(canvas, topX, topY, width, height, radius) {
if (isNaN(radius) || radius < 1) {
radius |= 0;
var imageData = getImageDataFromCanvas(canvas, topX, topY, width, height);
imageData = processImageDataRGB(imageData, topX, topY, width, height, radius);
canvas.getContext('2d').putImageData(imageData, topX, topY);
* @param {ImageData} imageData
* @param {Integer} topX
* @param {Integer} topY
* @param {Integer} width
* @param {Integer} height
* @param {Float} radius
* @returns {ImageData}
function processImageDataRGB(imageData, topX, topY, width, height, radius) {
var pixels = imageData.data;
var div = 2 * radius + 1; // const w4 = width << 2;
var widthMinus1 = width - 1;
var heightMinus1 = height - 1;
var radiusPlus1 = radius + 1;
var sumFactor = radiusPlus1 * (radiusPlus1 + 1) / 2;
var stackStart = new BlurStack();
var stack = stackStart;
var stackEnd;
for (var i = 1; i < div; i++) {
stack = stack.next = new BlurStack();
if (i === radiusPlus1) {
stackEnd = stack;
stack.next = stackStart;
var stackIn = null;
var stackOut = null;
var mulSum = mulTable[radius];
var shgSum = shgTable[radius];
var p, rbs;
var yw = 0,
yi = 0;
for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
var pr = pixels[yi],
pg = pixels[yi + 1],
pb = pixels[yi + 2],
rOutSum = radiusPlus1 * pr,
gOutSum = radiusPlus1 * pg,
bOutSum = radiusPlus1 * pb,
rSum = sumFactor * pr,
gSum = sumFactor * pg,
bSum = sumFactor * pb;
stack = stackStart;
for (var _i5 = 0; _i5 < radiusPlus1; _i5++) {
stack.r = pr;
stack.g = pg;
stack.b = pb;
stack = stack.next;
var rInSum = 0,
gInSum = 0,
bInSum = 0;
for (var _i6 = 1; _i6 < radiusPlus1; _i6++) {
p = yi + ((widthMinus1 < _i6 ? widthMinus1 : _i6) << 2);
rSum += (stack.r = pr = pixels[p]) * (rbs = radiusPlus1 - _i6);
gSum += (stack.g = pg = pixels[p + 1]) * rbs;
bSum += (stack.b = pb = pixels[p + 2]) * rbs;
rInSum += pr;
gInSum += pg;
bInSum += pb;
stack = stack.next;
stackIn = stackStart;
stackOut = stackEnd;
for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
pixels[yi] = rSum * mulSum >>> shgSum;
pixels[yi + 1] = gSum * mulSum >>> shgSum;
pixels[yi + 2] = bSum * mulSum >>> shgSum;
rSum -= rOutSum;
gSum -= gOutSum;
bSum -= bOutSum;
rOutSum -= stackIn.r;
gOutSum -= stackIn.g;
bOutSum -= stackIn.b;
p = yw + ((p = x + radius + 1) < widthMinus1 ? p : widthMinus1) << 2;
rInSum += stackIn.r = pixels[p];
gInSum += stackIn.g = pixels[p + 1];
bInSum += stackIn.b = pixels[p + 2];
rSum += rInSum;
gSum += gInSum;
bSum += bInSum;
stackIn = stackIn.next;
rOutSum += pr = stackOut.r;
gOutSum += pg = stackOut.g;
bOutSum += pb = stackOut.b;
rInSum -= pr;
gInSum -= pg;
bInSum -= pb;
stackOut = stackOut.next;
yi += 4;
yw += width;
for (var _x2 = 0; _x2 < width; _x2++) {
yi = _x2 << 2;
var _pr2 = pixels[yi],
_pg2 = pixels[yi + 1],
_pb2 = pixels[yi + 2],
_rOutSum2 = radiusPlus1 * _pr2,
_gOutSum2 = radiusPlus1 * _pg2,
_bOutSum2 = radiusPlus1 * _pb2,
_rSum2 = sumFactor * _pr2,
_gSum2 = sumFactor * _pg2,
_bSum2 = sumFactor * _pb2;
stack = stackStart;
for (var _i7 = 0; _i7 < radiusPlus1; _i7++) {
stack.r = _pr2;
stack.g = _pg2;
stack.b = _pb2;
stack = stack.next;
var _rInSum2 = 0,
_gInSum2 = 0,
_bInSum2 = 0;
for (var _i8 = 1, yp = width; _i8 <= radius; _i8++) {
yi = yp + _x2 << 2;
_rSum2 += (stack.r = _pr2 = pixels[yi]) * (rbs = radiusPlus1 - _i8);
_gSum2 += (stack.g = _pg2 = pixels[yi + 1]) * rbs;
_bSum2 += (stack.b = _pb2 = pixels[yi + 2]) * rbs;
_rInSum2 += _pr2;
_gInSum2 += _pg2;
_bInSum2 += _pb2;
stack = stack.next;
if (_i8 < heightMinus1) {
yp += width;
yi = _x2;
stackIn = stackStart;
stackOut = stackEnd;
for (var _y2 = 0; _y2 < height; _y2++) {
p = yi << 2;
pixels[p] = _rSum2 * mulSum >>> shgSum;
pixels[p + 1] = _gSum2 * mulSum >>> shgSum;
pixels[p + 2] = _bSum2 * mulSum >>> shgSum;
_rSum2 -= _rOutSum2;
_gSum2 -= _gOutSum2;
_bSum2 -= _bOutSum2;
_rOutSum2 -= stackIn.r;
_gOutSum2 -= stackIn.g;
_bOutSum2 -= stackIn.b;
p = _x2 + ((p = _y2 + radiusPlus1) < heightMinus1 ? p : heightMinus1) * width << 2;
_rSum2 += _rInSum2 += stackIn.r = pixels[p];
_gSum2 += _gInSum2 += stackIn.g = pixels[p + 1];
_bSum2 += _bInSum2 += stackIn.b = pixels[p + 2];
stackIn = stackIn.next;
_rOutSum2 += _pr2 = stackOut.r;
_gOutSum2 += _pg2 = stackOut.g;
_bOutSum2 += _pb2 = stackOut.b;
_rInSum2 -= _pr2;
_gInSum2 -= _pg2;
_bInSum2 -= _pb2;
stackOut = stackOut.next;
yi += width;
return imageData;
var BlurStack =
* Set properties.
function BlurStack() {
_classCallCheck(this, BlurStack);
this.r = 0;
this.g = 0;
this.b = 0;
this.a = 0;
this.next = null;
export { BlurStack, processCanvasRGB as canvasRGB, processCanvasRGBA as canvasRGBA, processImage as image, processImageDataRGB as imageDataRGB, processImageDataRGBA as imageDataRGBA };