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import { QueryParamsHandling } from '@angular/router';
import { MegaMenuItem } from './megamenuitem';
import { TooltipOptions } from './tooltipoptions';
* MenuItem provides the following properties. Note that not all of them may be utilized by the tabmenu component.
* @group Interface
export interface MenuItem {
* Text of the item.
label?: string;
* Icon of the item.
icon?: string;
* Callback to execute when item is clicked.
command?(event: MenuItemCommandEvent): void;
* External link to navigate when item is clicked.
url?: string;
* An array of children menuitems.
items?: MenuItem[];
* Visibility of submenu.
expanded?: boolean;
* When set as true, disables the menuitem.
disabled?: boolean;
* Whether the dom element of menuitem is created or not.
visible?: boolean;
* Specifies where to open the linked document.
target?: string;
* Whether to escape the label or not. Set to false to display html content.
escape?: boolean;
* Configuration for active router link.
routerLinkActiveOptions?: any;
* Defines the item as a separator.
separator?: boolean;
* Value of the badge.
badge?: string;
* Tooltip of the item.
tooltip?: string;
* Position of the tooltip item.
tooltipPosition?: string;
* Style class of the badge.
badgeStyleClass?: string;
* Inline style of the menuitem.
style?: {
[klass: string]: any;
} | null | undefined;
* Style class of the menuitem.
styleClass?: string;
* Tooltip text of the item.
title?: string;
* Identifier of the element.
id?: string;
* Value of HTML data-* attribute.
automationId?: any;
* Specifies tab order of the item.
tabindex?: string;
* RouterLink definition for internal navigation.
routerLink?: any;
* Query parameters for internal navigation via routerLink.
queryParams?: {
[k: string]: any;
* Sets the hash fragment for the URL.
fragment?: string;
* How to handle query parameters in the router link for the next navigation. One of:
merge : Merge new with current parameters.
preserve : Preserve current parameters.k.
queryParamsHandling?: QueryParamsHandling;
* When true, preserves the URL fragment for the next navigation.
preserveFragment?: boolean;
* When true, navigates without pushing a new state into history.
skipLocationChange?: boolean;
* When true, navigates while replacing the current state in history.
replaceUrl?: boolean;
* Inline style of the item's icon.
iconStyle?: {
[klass: string]: any;
} | null | undefined;
* Class of the item's icon.
iconClass?: string;
* Developer-defined state that can be passed to any navigation.
* @see {MenuItemState}
state?: {
[k: string]: any;
* Options of the item's tooltip.
* @see {TooltipOptions}
tooltipOptions?: TooltipOptions;
* Optional
[key: string]: any;
* Custom command event
* @see {@link MenuItem.command}
* @group Events
export interface MenuItemCommandEvent {
* Browser event.
originalEvent?: Event;
* Selected menu item.
item?: MenuItem | MegaMenuItem;
* Index of the selected item.
index?: number;