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* @license Highstock JS v11.4.1 (2024-04-04)
* (c) 2010-2024 Highsoft AS
* Author: Sebastian Domas
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
(function (factory) {
if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
factory['default'] = factory;
module.exports = factory;
} else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define('highcharts/indicators/cmf', ['highcharts', 'highcharts/modules/stock'], function (Highcharts) {
factory.Highcharts = Highcharts;
return factory;
} else {
factory(typeof Highcharts !== 'undefined' ? Highcharts : undefined);
}(function (Highcharts) {
'use strict';
var _modules = Highcharts ? Highcharts._modules : {};
function _registerModule(obj, path, args, fn) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(path)) {
obj[path] = fn.apply(null, args);
if (typeof CustomEvent === 'function') {
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
{ detail: { path: path, module: obj[path] } }
_registerModule(_modules, 'Stock/Indicators/CMF/CMFIndicator.js', [_modules['Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js'], _modules['Core/Utilities.js']], function (SeriesRegistry, U) {
/* *
* (c) 2010-2024 Highsoft AS
* Author: Sebastian Domas
* Chaikin Money Flow indicator for Highcharts Stock
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
const { sma: SMAIndicator } = SeriesRegistry.seriesTypes;
const { merge } = U;
/* *
* Class
* */
* The CMF series type.
* @private
* @class
* @name Highcharts.seriesTypes.cmf
* @augments Highcharts.Series
class CMFIndicator extends SMAIndicator {
constructor() {
/* *
* Static Properties
* */
this.nameBase = 'Chaikin Money Flow';
/* *
* Functions
* */
* Checks if the series and volumeSeries are accessible, number of
* points.x is longer than period, is series has OHLC data
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.CMFIndicator} this indicator to use.
* @return {boolean} True if series is valid and can be computed,
* otherwise false.
isValid() {
const chart = this.chart, options = this.options, series = this.linkedParent, volumeSeries = (this.volumeSeries ||
(this.volumeSeries =
chart.get(options.params.volumeSeriesID))), isSeriesOHLC = (series &&
series.yData &&
series.yData[0].length === 4);
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Series} serie to check length validity on.
* @return {boolean|undefined} true if length is valid.
function isLengthValid(serie) {
return serie.xData &&
serie.xData.length >= options.params.period;
return !!(series &&
volumeSeries &&
isLengthValid(series) &&
isLengthValid(volumeSeries) && isSeriesOHLC);
* Returns indicator's data.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.CMFIndicator} this indicator to use.
* @param {Highcharts.Series} series to calculate values from
* @param {Highcharts.CMFIndicatorParamsOptions} params to pass
* @return {boolean|Highcharts.IndicatorNullableValuesObject} Returns false if the
* indicator is not valid, otherwise returns Values object.
getValues(series, params) {
if (!this.isValid()) {
return this.getMoneyFlow(series.xData, series.yData, this.volumeSeries.yData, params.period);
* @private
* @param {Array<number>} xData
* x timestamp values
* @param {Array<number>} seriesYData
* yData of basic series
* @param {Array<number>} volumeSeriesYData
* yData of volume series
* @param {number} period
* indicator's param
* @return {Highcharts.IndicatorNullableValuesObject}
* object containing computed money flow data
getMoneyFlow(xData, seriesYData, volumeSeriesYData, period) {
const len = seriesYData.length, moneyFlowVolume = [], moneyFlowXData = [], moneyFlowYData = [], values = [];
let i, point, nullIndex = -1, sumVolume = 0, sumMoneyFlowVolume = 0;
* Calculates money flow volume, changes i, nullIndex vars from
* upper scope!
* @private
* @param {Array<number>} ohlc
* OHLC point
* @param {number} volume
* Volume point's y value
* @return {number|null}
* Volume * moneyFlowMultiplier
function getMoneyFlowVolume(ohlc, volume) {
const high = ohlc[1], low = ohlc[2], close = ohlc[3], isValid = volume !== null &&
high !== null &&
low !== null &&
close !== null &&
high !== low;
* @private
* @param {number} h
* High value
* @param {number} l
* Low value
* @param {number} c
* Close value
* @return {number}
* Calculated multiplier for the point
function getMoneyFlowMultiplier(h, l, c) {
return ((c - l) - (h - c)) / (h - l);
return isValid ?
getMoneyFlowMultiplier(high, low, close) * volume :
((nullIndex = i), null);
if (period > 0 && period <= len) {
for (i = 0; i < period; i++) {
moneyFlowVolume[i] = getMoneyFlowVolume(seriesYData[i], volumeSeriesYData[i]);
sumVolume += volumeSeriesYData[i];
sumMoneyFlowVolume += moneyFlowVolume[i];
moneyFlowXData.push(xData[i - 1]);
moneyFlowYData.push(i - nullIndex >= period && sumVolume !== 0 ?
sumMoneyFlowVolume / sumVolume :
values.push([moneyFlowXData[0], moneyFlowYData[0]]);
for (; i < len; i++) {
moneyFlowVolume[i] = getMoneyFlowVolume(seriesYData[i], volumeSeriesYData[i]);
sumVolume -= volumeSeriesYData[i - period];
sumVolume += volumeSeriesYData[i];
sumMoneyFlowVolume -= moneyFlowVolume[i - period];
sumMoneyFlowVolume += moneyFlowVolume[i];
point = [
i - nullIndex >= period ?
sumMoneyFlowVolume / sumVolume :
values.push([point[0], point[1]]);
return {
values: values,
xData: moneyFlowXData,
yData: moneyFlowYData
* Chaikin Money Flow indicator (cmf).
* @sample stock/indicators/cmf/
* Chaikin Money Flow indicator
* @extends plotOptions.sma
* @since 6.0.0
* @excluding animationLimit
* @product highstock
* @requires stock/indicators/indicators
* @requires stock/indicators/cmf
* @optionparent plotOptions.cmf
CMFIndicator.defaultOptions = merge(SMAIndicator.defaultOptions, {
* @excluding index
params: {
index: void 0,
* The id of another series to use its data as volume data for the
* indicator calculation.
volumeSeriesID: 'volume'
SeriesRegistry.registerSeriesType('cmf', CMFIndicator);
/* *
* Default Export
* */
/* *
* API Options
* */
* A `CMF` series. If the [type](#series.cmf.type) option is not
* specified, it is inherited from [chart.type](#chart.type).
* @extends series,plotOptions.cmf
* @since 6.0.0
* @product highstock
* @excluding dataParser, dataURL
* @requires stock/indicators/indicators
* @requires stock/indicators/cmf
* @apioption series.cmf
''; // Adds doclet above to the transpiled file
return CMFIndicator;
_registerModule(_modules, 'masters/indicators/cmf.src.js', [_modules['Core/Globals.js']], function (Highcharts) {
return Highcharts;