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* Copyright (c) Highsoft AS. All rights reserved.
import * as globals from "./globals.src";
import * as _Highcharts from "./highcharts.src";
* Adds the module to the imported Highcharts namespace.
* @param highcharts
* The imported Highcharts namespace to extend.
export function factory(highcharts: typeof Highcharts): void;
declare module "./highcharts.src" {
interface Point {
* Array for multiple SVG graphics representing the point in the chart.
* Only used in cases where the point can not be represented by a single
* graphic.
graphics?: Array<SVGElement>;
* Range series only. The high or maximum value for each data point.
high?: number;
* Range series only. The low or minimum value for each data point.
low?: number;
* Merge the default options with custom options and return the new options
* structure. Commonly used for defining reusable templates.
* @param options
* The new custom chart options.
function setOptions(options: Options): void;
* If ranges are not specified, determine ranges from rendered bubble series
* and render legend again.
function chartDrawChartBox(): void;
* Wrap the getOffset method to return zero offset for title or labels in a
* radial axis.
function getOffset(): void;
* Find the path for plot lines perpendicular to the radial axis.
function getPlotLinePath(): void;
* Find the position for the axis title, by default inside the gauge.
function getTitlePosition(): void;
* Finalize modification of axis instance with radial logic.
function onAxisAfterInit(): void;
* Wrap auto label align to avoid setting axis-wide rotation on radial axes.
* (#4920)
function onAxisAutoLabelAlign(): void;
* Add logic to pad each axis with the amount of pixels necessary to avoid
* the bubbles to overflow.
function onAxisFoundExtremes(): void;
* Prepare axis translation.
function onAxisInitialAxisTranslation(): void;
function onChartAfterDrawChartBox(): void;
function onChartGetAxes(): void;
* Start the bubble legend creation process.
function onLegendAfterGetAllItems(): void;
function onPointerAfterGetHoverData(): void;
* Toggle bubble legend depending on the visible status of bubble series.
function onSeriesLegendItemClick(): void;
* Add special cases within the Tick class' methods for radial axes.
function onTickAfterGetPosition(): void;
* Prevent setting Y axis dirty.
function renderHidden(): void;
export default factory;
export let Highcharts: typeof _Highcharts;