const assert = require('node:assert') const { ResponseStatusCodeError } = require('../core/errors') const { chunksDecode } = require('./readable') const CHUNK_LIMIT = 128 * 1024 async function getResolveErrorBodyCallback ({ callback, body, contentType, statusCode, statusMessage, headers }) { assert(body) let chunks = [] let length = 0 for await (const chunk of body) { chunks.push(chunk) length += chunk.length if (length > CHUNK_LIMIT) { chunks = null break } } const message = `Response status code ${statusCode}${statusMessage ? `: ${statusMessage}` : ''}` if (statusCode === 204 || !contentType || !chunks) { queueMicrotask(() => callback(new ResponseStatusCodeError(message, statusCode, headers))) return } const stackTraceLimit = Error.stackTraceLimit Error.stackTraceLimit = 0 let payload try { if (isContentTypeApplicationJson(contentType)) { payload = JSON.parse(chunksDecode(chunks, length)) } else if (isContentTypeText(contentType)) { payload = chunksDecode(chunks, length) } } catch { // process in a callback to avoid throwing in the microtask queue } finally { Error.stackTraceLimit = stackTraceLimit } queueMicrotask(() => callback(new ResponseStatusCodeError(message, statusCode, headers, payload))) } const isContentTypeApplicationJson = (contentType) => { return ( contentType.length > 15 && contentType[11] === '/' && contentType[0] === 'a' && contentType[1] === 'p' && contentType[2] === 'p' && contentType[3] === 'l' && contentType[4] === 'i' && contentType[5] === 'c' && contentType[6] === 'a' && contentType[7] === 't' && contentType[8] === 'i' && contentType[9] === 'o' && contentType[10] === 'n' && contentType[12] === 'j' && contentType[13] === 's' && contentType[14] === 'o' && contentType[15] === 'n' ) } const isContentTypeText = (contentType) => { return ( contentType.length > 4 && contentType[4] === '/' && contentType[0] === 't' && contentType[1] === 'e' && contentType[2] === 'x' && contentType[3] === 't' ) } module.exports = { getResolveErrorBodyCallback, isContentTypeApplicationJson, isContentTypeText }