import { Type } from '@angular/core'; /** * Dialogs can be created dynamically with any component as the content using a DialogService. * @group Components */ export declare class DynamicDialogConfig { /** * An object to pass to the component loaded inside the Dialog. * @group Props */ data?: T; /** * Header text of the dialog. * @group Props */ header?: string; /** * Identifies the element (or elements) that labels the element it is applied to. * @group Props */ ariaLabelledBy?: string; /** * Footer text of the dialog. * @group Props */ footer?: string; /** * Width of the dialog. * @group Props */ width?: string; /** * Height of the dialog. * @group Props */ height?: string; /** * Specifies if pressing escape key should hide the dialog. * @group Props */ closeOnEscape?: boolean; /** * Specifies if autofocus should happen on show. * @group Props */ focusOnShow?: boolean; /** * When enabled, can only focus on elements inside the dialog. * @group Props */ focusTrap?: boolean; /** * Base zIndex value to use in layering. * @group Props */ baseZIndex?: number; /** * Whether to automatically manage layering. * @group Props */ autoZIndex?: boolean; /** * Specifies if clicking the modal background should hide the dialog. * @group Props */ dismissableMask?: boolean; /** * Inline style of the component. * @group Props */ rtl?: boolean; /** * Inline style of the comopnent. * @group Props */ style?: { [klass: string]: any; } | null | undefined; /** * Inline style of the content. * @group Props */ contentStyle?: { [klass: string]: any; } | null | undefined; /** * Style class of the component. * @group Props */ styleClass?: string; /** * Transition options of the animation. * @group Props */ transitionOptions?: string; /** * Adds a close icon to the header to hide the dialog. * @group Props */ closable?: boolean; /** * Whether to show the header or not. * @group Props */ showHeader?: boolean; /** * Defines if background should be blocked when dialog is displayed. * @group Props */ modal?: boolean; /** * Style class of the mask. * @group Props */ maskStyleClass?: string; /** * Enables resizing of the content. * @group Props */ resizable?: boolean; /** * Enables dragging to change the position using header. * @group Props */ draggable?: boolean; /** * Keeps dialog in the viewport. * @group Props */ keepInViewport?: boolean; /** * Minimum value for the left coordinate of dialog in dragging. * @group Props */ minX?: number; /** * Minimum value for the top coordinate of dialog in dragging. * @group Props */ minY?: number; /** * Whether the dialog can be displayed full screen. * @group Props */ maximizable?: boolean; /** * Name of the maximize icon. * @group Props */ maximizeIcon?: string; /** * Name of the minimize icon. * @group Props */ minimizeIcon?: string; /** * Position of the dialog, options are "center", "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left" or "bottom-right". * @group Props */ position?: string; /** * Defines a string that labels the close button for accessibility. * @group Props */ closeAriaLabel?: string; /** * Target element to attach the overlay, valid values are "body" or a local ng-template variable of another element (note: use binding with brackets for template variables, e.g. [appendTo]="mydiv" for a div element having #mydiv as variable name). * @group Props */ appendTo?: any; /** * A boolean to determine if it can be duplicate. * @group Props */ duplicate?: boolean; /** * Object literal to define widths per screen size. * @group Props */ breakpoints?: any; /** * Dialog templates. * @group Props */ templates?: DynamicDialogTemplates; } /** * Defines valid templates in Dynamic Dialog. * @group Interface */ export interface DynamicDialogTemplates { /** * Template of the header. */ header?: Type; /** * Template of the content. */ content?: Type; /** * Template of the footer. */ footer?: Type; /** * Template of the minimize icon. */ minimizeicon?: Type; /** * Template of the maximize icon. */ maximizeicon?: Type; /** * Template of the close icon. */ closeicon?: Type; }