const debug = require('debug')('log4js:multiFile'); const path = require('path'); const fileAppender = require('./file'); const findFileKey = (property, event) => event[property] || event.context[property]; module.exports.configure = (config, layouts) => { debug('Creating a multi-file appender'); const files = new Map(); const timers = new Map(); function checkForTimeout(fileKey) { const timer = timers.get(fileKey); const app = files.get(fileKey); /* istanbul ignore else: failsafe */ if (timer && app) { if ( - timer.lastUsed > timer.timeout) { debug('%s not used for > %d ms => close', fileKey, timer.timeout); clearInterval(timer.interval); timers.delete(fileKey); files.delete(fileKey); app.shutdown((err) => { if (err) { debug('ignore error on file shutdown: %s', err.message); } }); } } else { // will never get here as files and timers are coupled to be added and deleted at same place debug('timer or app does not exist'); } } const appender = (logEvent) => { const fileKey = findFileKey(, logEvent); debug('fileKey for property ',, ' is ', fileKey); if (fileKey) { let file = files.get(fileKey); debug('existing file appender is ', file); if (!file) { debug('creating new file appender'); config.filename = path.join(config.base, fileKey + config.extension); file = fileAppender.configure(config, layouts); files.set(fileKey, file); if (config.timeout) { debug('creating new timer'); timers.set(fileKey, { timeout: config.timeout, lastUsed:, interval: setInterval( checkForTimeout.bind(null, fileKey), config.timeout ), }); } } else if (config.timeout) { debug('%s extending activity', fileKey); timers.get(fileKey).lastUsed =; } file(logEvent); } else { debug('No fileKey for logEvent, quietly ignoring this log event'); } }; appender.shutdown = (cb) => { let shutdownFunctions = files.size; if (shutdownFunctions <= 0) { cb(); } let error; timers.forEach((timer, fileKey) => { debug('clearing timer for ', fileKey); clearInterval(timer.interval); }); files.forEach((app, fileKey) => { debug('calling shutdown for ', fileKey); app.shutdown((err) => { error = error || err; shutdownFunctions -= 1; if (shutdownFunctions <= 0) { cb(error); } }); }); }; return appender; };