"use strict"; const madge = require("madge"); const path = require("path"); const ts = require("typescript"); const DIR = "./lib"; async function main() { const tsconfigPath = ts.findConfigFile("./", ts.sys.fileExists); const tsconfig = ts.readConfigFile(tsconfigPath, ts.sys.readFile).config; const parsedConfig = ts.parseJsonConfigFileContent(tsconfig, ts.sys, "./"); const typedPaths = parsedConfig.fileNames.map(filename => path.resolve("./", filename)); const excludeTypedPaths = path => !typedPaths.includes(path); const res = await madge(DIR, { dependencyFilter: excludeTypedPaths }); const untypedLeaves = res.leaves().map(filename => path.resolve(DIR, filename)).filter(excludeTypedPaths); if (untypedLeaves.length) { console.log("Convert next:"); console.log(untypedLeaves.join("\n")); } else { console.log("No untyped leaf dependencies found."); console.log("Try looking at circular dependencies, or the image to decide what to convert next:"); const untypedCircular = res.circular().flat().map(filename => path.resolve(DIR, filename)).filter(excludeTypedPaths); console.log(untypedCircular.join("\n")); } const imagePath = await res.image("graph.svg"); console.log(); console.log("Image written to " + imagePath); } main();