/** * @license Highstock JS v11.4.1 (2024-04-04) * * Indicator series type for Highcharts Stock * * (c) 2010-2024 Paweł Fus * * License: www.highcharts.com/license */ (function (factory) { if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { factory['default'] = factory; module.exports = factory; } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('highcharts/indicators/pivot-points', ['highcharts', 'highcharts/modules/stock'], function (Highcharts) { factory(Highcharts); factory.Highcharts = Highcharts; return factory; }); } else { factory(typeof Highcharts !== 'undefined' ? Highcharts : undefined); } }(function (Highcharts) { 'use strict'; var _modules = Highcharts ? Highcharts._modules : {}; function _registerModule(obj, path, args, fn) { if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(path)) { obj[path] = fn.apply(null, args); if (typeof CustomEvent === 'function') { window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent( 'HighchartsModuleLoaded', { detail: { path: path, module: obj[path] } } )); } } } _registerModule(_modules, 'Stock/Indicators/PivotPoints/PivotPointsPoint.js', [_modules['Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js']], function (SeriesRegistry) { /* * * * License: www.highcharts.com/license * * !!!!!!! SOURCE GETS TRANSPILED BY TYPESCRIPT. EDIT TS FILE ONLY. !!!!!!! * * */ const SMAPoint = SeriesRegistry.seriesTypes.sma.prototype.pointClass; /* * * * Functions * * */ /** * @private */ function destroyExtraLabels(point, functionName) { const props = point.series.pointArrayMap; let prop, i = props.length; SeriesRegistry.seriesTypes.sma.prototype.pointClass.prototype[functionName].call(point); while (i--) { prop = 'dataLabel' + props[i]; // S4 dataLabel could be removed by parent method: if (point[prop] && point[prop].element) { point[prop].destroy(); } point[prop] = null; } } /* * * * Class * * */ class PivotPointsPoint extends SMAPoint { /* * * * Functions * * */ destroyElements() { destroyExtraLabels(this, 'destroyElements'); } // This method is called when removing points, e.g. series.update() destroy() { destroyExtraLabels(this, 'destroyElements'); } } /* * * * Default Export * * */ return PivotPointsPoint; }); _registerModule(_modules, 'Stock/Indicators/PivotPoints/PivotPointsIndicator.js', [_modules['Stock/Indicators/PivotPoints/PivotPointsPoint.js'], _modules['Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js'], _modules['Core/Utilities.js']], function (PivotPointsPoint, SeriesRegistry, U) { /* * * * License: www.highcharts.com/license * * !!!!!!! SOURCE GETS TRANSPILED BY TYPESCRIPT. EDIT TS FILE ONLY. !!!!!!! * * */ const { sma: SMAIndicator } = SeriesRegistry.seriesTypes; const { merge, extend, defined, isArray } = U; /** * * Class * **/ /** * The Pivot Points series type. * * @private * @class * @name Highcharts.seriesTypes.pivotpoints * * @augments Highcharts.Series */ class PivotPointsIndicator extends SMAIndicator { /* * * * Functions * * */ toYData(point) { return [point.P]; // The rest should not affect extremes } translate() { const indicator = this; super.translate.apply(indicator); indicator.points.forEach(function (point) { indicator.pointArrayMap.forEach(function (value) { if (defined(point[value])) { point['plot' + value] = (indicator.yAxis.toPixels(point[value], true)); } }); }); // Pivot points are rendered as horizontal lines // And last point start not from the next one (as it's the last one) // But from the approximated last position in a given range indicator.plotEndPoint = indicator.xAxis.toPixels(indicator.endPoint, true); } getGraphPath(points) { const indicator = this, allPivotPoints = ([[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]), pointArrayMapLength = indicator.pointArrayMap.length; let endPoint = indicator.plotEndPoint, path = [], position, point, pointsLength = points.length, i; while (pointsLength--) { point = points[pointsLength]; for (i = 0; i < pointArrayMapLength; i++) { position = indicator.pointArrayMap[i]; if (defined(point[position])) { allPivotPoints[i].push({ // Start left: plotX: point.plotX, plotY: point['plot' + position], isNull: false }, { // Go to right: plotX: endPoint, plotY: point['plot' + position], isNull: false }, { // And add null points in path to generate breaks: plotX: endPoint, plotY: null, isNull: true }); } } endPoint = point.plotX; } allPivotPoints.forEach((pivotPoints) => { path = path.concat(super.getGraphPath.call(indicator, pivotPoints)); }); return path; } // TODO: Rewrite this logic to use multiple datalabels drawDataLabels() { const indicator = this, pointMapping = indicator.pointArrayMap; let currentLabel, pointsLength, point, i; if (indicator.options.dataLabels.enabled) { pointsLength = indicator.points.length; // For every Resistance/Support group we need to render labels. // Add one more item, which will just store dataLabels from // previous iteration pointMapping.concat([false]).forEach((position, k) => { i = pointsLength; while (i--) { point = indicator.points[i]; if (!position) { // Store S4 dataLabel too: point['dataLabel' + pointMapping[k - 1]] = point.dataLabel; } else { point.y = point[position]; point.pivotLine = position; point.plotY = point['plot' + position]; currentLabel = point['dataLabel' + position]; // Store previous label if (k) { point['dataLabel' + pointMapping[k - 1]] = point.dataLabel; } if (!point.dataLabels) { point.dataLabels = []; } point.dataLabels[0] = point.dataLabel = currentLabel = currentLabel && currentLabel.element ? currentLabel : null; } } super.drawDataLabels .call(indicator); }); } } getValues(series, params) { const period = params.period, xVal = series.xData, yVal = series.yData, yValLen = yVal ? yVal.length : 0, placement = this[params.algorithm + 'Placement'], // 0- from, 1- to, 2- R1, 3- R2, 4- pivot, 5- S1 etc. PP = [], xData = [], yData = []; let endTimestamp, slicedXLen, slicedX, slicedY, lastPP, pivot, avg, i; // Pivot Points requires high, low and close values if (xVal.length < period || !isArray(yVal[0]) || yVal[0].length !== 4) { return; } for (i = period + 1; i <= yValLen + period; i += period) { slicedX = xVal.slice(i - period - 1, i); slicedY = yVal.slice(i - period - 1, i); slicedXLen = slicedX.length; endTimestamp = slicedX[slicedXLen - 1]; pivot = this.getPivotAndHLC(slicedY); avg = placement(pivot); lastPP = PP.push([endTimestamp] .concat(avg)); xData.push(endTimestamp); yData.push(PP[lastPP - 1].slice(1)); } // We don't know exact position in ordinal axis // So we use simple logic: // Get first point in last range, calculate visible average range // and multiply by period this.endPoint = slicedX[0] + ((endTimestamp - slicedX[0]) / slicedXLen) * period; return { values: PP, xData: xData, yData: yData }; } getPivotAndHLC(values) { const close = values[values.length - 1][3]; let high = -Infinity, low = Infinity; values.forEach(function (p) { high = Math.max(high, p[1]); low = Math.min(low, p[2]); }); const pivot = (high + low + close) / 3; return [pivot, high, low, close]; } standardPlacement(values) { const diff = values[1] - values[2], avg = [ null, null, values[0] + diff, values[0] * 2 - values[2], values[0], values[0] * 2 - values[1], values[0] - diff, null, null ]; return avg; } camarillaPlacement(values) { const diff = values[1] - values[2], avg = [ values[3] + diff * 1.5, values[3] + diff * 1.25, values[3] + diff * 1.1666, values[3] + diff * 1.0833, values[0], values[3] - diff * 1.0833, values[3] - diff * 1.1666, values[3] - diff * 1.25, values[3] - diff * 1.5 ]; return avg; } fibonacciPlacement(values) { const diff = values[1] - values[2], avg = [ null, values[0] + diff, values[0] + diff * 0.618, values[0] + diff * 0.382, values[0], values[0] - diff * 0.382, values[0] - diff * 0.618, values[0] - diff, null ]; return avg; } } /* * * * Static Properties * * */ /** * Pivot points indicator. This series requires the `linkedTo` option to be * set and should be loaded after `stock/indicators/indicators.js` file. * * @sample stock/indicators/pivot-points * Pivot points * * @extends plotOptions.sma * @since 6.0.0 * @product highstock * @requires stock/indicators/indicators * @requires stock/indicators/pivotpoints * @optionparent plotOptions.pivotpoints */ PivotPointsIndicator.defaultOptions = merge(SMAIndicator.defaultOptions, { /** * @excluding index */ params: { index: void 0, period: 28, /** * Algorithm used to calculate resistance and support lines based * on pivot points. Implemented algorithms: `'standard'`, * `'fibonacci'` and `'camarilla'` */ algorithm: 'standard' }, marker: { enabled: false }, enableMouseTracking: false, dataLabels: { enabled: true, format: '{point.pivotLine}' }, dataGrouping: { approximation: 'averages' } }); extend(PivotPointsIndicator.prototype, { nameBase: 'Pivot Points', pointArrayMap: ['R4', 'R3', 'R2', 'R1', 'P', 'S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4'], pointValKey: 'P', pointClass: PivotPointsPoint }); /* * * * Registry * * */ SeriesRegistry.registerSeriesType('pivotpoints', PivotPointsIndicator); /* * * * Default Export * * */ /* * * * API Options * * */ /** * A pivot points indicator. If the [type](#series.pivotpoints.type) option is * not specified, it is inherited from [chart.type](#chart.type). * * @extends series,plotOptions.pivotpoints * @since 6.0.0 * @product highstock * @excluding dataParser, dataURL * @requires stock/indicators/indicators * @requires stock/indicators/pivotpoints * @apioption series.pivotpoints */ ''; // To include the above in the js output' return PivotPointsIndicator; }); _registerModule(_modules, 'masters/indicators/pivot-points.src.js', [_modules['Core/Globals.js']], function (Highcharts) { return Highcharts; }); }));