import * as i0 from '@angular/core'; import { EventEmitter, Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy, Input, Output, ViewChild, NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { toDataURL, toCanvas, toString } from 'qrcode'; import * as i1 from '@angular/platform-browser'; class QRCodeComponent { constructor(renderer, sanitizer) { this.renderer = renderer; this.sanitizer = sanitizer; this.allowEmptyString = false; this.colorDark = "#000000ff"; this.colorLight = "#ffffffff"; this.cssClass = "qrcode"; this.elementType = "canvas"; this.errorCorrectionLevel = "M"; this.margin = 4; this.qrdata = ""; this.scale = 4; this.width = 10; this.qrCodeURL = new EventEmitter(); this.context = null; } async ngOnChanges() { await this.createQRCode(); } isValidQrCodeText(data) { if (this.allowEmptyString === false) { return !(typeof data === "undefined" || data === "" || data === "null" || data === null); } return !(typeof data === "undefined"); } toDataURL(qrCodeConfig) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { toDataURL(this.qrdata, qrCodeConfig, (err, url) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(url); } }); }); } toCanvas(canvas, qrCodeConfig) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { toCanvas(canvas, this.qrdata, qrCodeConfig, (error) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve("success"); } }); }); } toSVG(qrCodeConfig) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { toString(this.qrdata, qrCodeConfig, (err, url) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(url); } }); }); } renderElement(element) { for (const node of this.qrcElement.nativeElement.childNodes) { this.renderer.removeChild(this.qrcElement.nativeElement, node); } this.renderer.appendChild(this.qrcElement.nativeElement, element); } async createQRCode() { if (this.version && this.version > 40) { console.warn("[angularx-qrcode] max value for `version` is 40"); this.version = 40; } else if (this.version && this.version < 1) { console.warn("[angularx-qrcode]`min value for `version` is 1"); this.version = 1; } else if (this.version !== undefined && isNaN(this.version)) { console.warn("[angularx-qrcode] version should be a number, defaulting to auto."); this.version = undefined; } try { if (!this.isValidQrCodeText(this.qrdata)) { throw new Error("[angularx-qrcode] Field `qrdata` is empty, set 'allowEmptyString=\"true\"' to overwrite this behaviour."); } if (this.isValidQrCodeText(this.qrdata) && this.qrdata === "") { this.qrdata = " "; } const config = { color: { dark: this.colorDark, light: this.colorLight, }, errorCorrectionLevel: this.errorCorrectionLevel, margin: this.margin, scale: this.scale, version: this.version, width: this.width, }; const centerImageSrc = this.imageSrc; const centerImageHeight = this.imageHeight || 40; const centerImageWidth = this.imageWidth || 40; switch (this.elementType) { case "canvas": { const canvasElement = this.renderer.createElement("canvas"); this.context = canvasElement.getContext("2d"); this.toCanvas(canvasElement, config) .then(() => { if (this.ariaLabel) { this.renderer.setAttribute(canvasElement, "aria-label", `${this.ariaLabel}`); } if (this.title) { this.renderer.setAttribute(canvasElement, "title", `${this.title}`); } if (centerImageSrc && this.context) { this.centerImage = new Image(centerImageWidth, centerImageHeight); if (centerImageSrc !== this.centerImage.src) { this.centerImage.src = centerImageSrc; } if (centerImageHeight !== this.centerImage.height) { this.centerImage.height = centerImageHeight; } if (centerImageWidth !== this.centerImage.width) { this.centerImage.width = centerImageWidth; } const centerImage = this.centerImage; if (centerImage) { centerImage.onload = () => { this.context?.drawImage(centerImage, canvasElement.width / 2 - centerImageWidth / 2, canvasElement.height / 2 - centerImageHeight / 2, centerImageWidth, centerImageHeight); }; } } this.renderElement(canvasElement); this.emitQRCodeURL(canvasElement); }) .catch((e) => { console.error("[angularx-qrcode] canvas error:", e); }); break; } case "svg": { const svgParentElement = this.renderer.createElement("div"); this.toSVG(config) .then((svgString) => { this.renderer.setProperty(svgParentElement, "innerHTML", svgString); const svgElement = svgParentElement.firstChild; this.renderer.setAttribute(svgElement, "height", `${this.width}`); this.renderer.setAttribute(svgElement, "width", `${this.width}`); this.renderElement(svgElement); this.emitQRCodeURL(svgElement); }) .catch((e) => { console.error("[angularx-qrcode] svg error:", e); }); break; } case "url": case "img": default: { const imgElement = this.renderer.createElement("img"); this.toDataURL(config) .then((dataUrl) => { if (this.alt) { imgElement.setAttribute("alt", this.alt); } if (this.ariaLabel) { imgElement.setAttribute("aria-label", this.ariaLabel); } imgElement.setAttribute("src", dataUrl); if (this.title) { imgElement.setAttribute("title", this.title); } this.renderElement(imgElement); this.emitQRCodeURL(imgElement); }) .catch((e) => { console.error("[angularx-qrcode] img/url error:", e); }); } } } catch (e) { console.error("[angularx-qrcode] Error generating QR Code:", e.message); } } emitQRCodeURL(element) { const className =; if (className === { const svgHTML = element.outerHTML; const blob = new Blob([svgHTML], { type: "image/svg+xml" }); const urlSvg = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const urlSanitized = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustUrl(urlSvg); this.qrCodeURL.emit(urlSanitized); return; } let urlImage = ""; if (className === { urlImage = element.toDataURL("image/png"); } if (className === { urlImage = element.src; } fetch(urlImage) .then((urlResponse) => urlResponse.blob()) .then((blob) => URL.createObjectURL(blob)) .then((url) => this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustUrl(url)) .then((urlSanitized) => { this.qrCodeURL.emit(urlSanitized); }) .catch((error) => { console.error("[angularx-qrcode] Error when fetching image/png URL: " + error); }); } static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.6", ngImport: i0, type: QRCodeComponent, deps: [{ token: i0.Renderer2 }, { token: i1.DomSanitizer }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component }); } static { this.ɵcmp = i0.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.0.6", type: QRCodeComponent, selector: "qrcode", inputs: { allowEmptyString: "allowEmptyString", colorDark: "colorDark", colorLight: "colorLight", cssClass: "cssClass", elementType: "elementType", errorCorrectionLevel: "errorCorrectionLevel", imageSrc: "imageSrc", imageHeight: "imageHeight", imageWidth: "imageWidth", margin: "margin", qrdata: "qrdata", scale: "scale", version: "version", width: "width", alt: "alt", ariaLabel: "ariaLabel", title: "title" }, outputs: { qrCodeURL: "qrCodeURL" }, viewQueries: [{ propertyName: "qrcElement", first: true, predicate: ["qrcElement"], descendants: true, static: true }], usesOnChanges: true, ngImport: i0, template: `
`, isInline: true, changeDetection: i0.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush }); } } i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.6", ngImport: i0, type: QRCodeComponent, decorators: [{ type: Component, args: [{ selector: "qrcode", changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, template: `
`, }] }], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.Renderer2 }, { type: i1.DomSanitizer }]; }, propDecorators: { allowEmptyString: [{ type: Input }], colorDark: [{ type: Input }], colorLight: [{ type: Input }], cssClass: [{ type: Input }], elementType: [{ type: Input }], errorCorrectionLevel: [{ type: Input }], imageSrc: [{ type: Input }], imageHeight: [{ type: Input }], imageWidth: [{ type: Input }], margin: [{ type: Input }], qrdata: [{ type: Input }], scale: [{ type: Input }], version: [{ type: Input }], width: [{ type: Input }], alt: [{ type: Input }], ariaLabel: [{ type: Input }], title: [{ type: Input }], qrCodeURL: [{ type: Output }], qrcElement: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ["qrcElement", { static: true }] }] } }); class QRCodeModule { static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.6", ngImport: i0, type: QRCodeModule, deps: [], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.NgModule }); } static { this.ɵmod = i0.ɵɵngDeclareNgModule({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.0.6", ngImport: i0, type: QRCodeModule, declarations: [QRCodeComponent], exports: [QRCodeComponent] }); } static { this.ɵinj = i0.ɵɵngDeclareInjector({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.6", ngImport: i0, type: QRCodeModule }); } } i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.6", ngImport: i0, type: QRCodeModule, decorators: [{ type: NgModule, args: [{ providers: [], declarations: [QRCodeComponent], exports: [QRCodeComponent], }] }] }); export { QRCodeComponent, QRCodeModule }; //#