/** * @license Angular v16.2.12 * (c) 2010-2022 Google LLC. https://angular.io/ * License: MIT */ import { AnimationMetadata } from '@angular/animations'; import { AnimationOptions } from '@angular/animations'; import { AnimationPlayer } from '@angular/animations'; import { AnimationTriggerMetadata } from '@angular/animations'; import * as i0 from '@angular/core'; import { ɵStyleData } from '@angular/animations'; import { ɵStyleDataMap } from '@angular/animations'; /** * @publicApi */ export declare abstract class AnimationDriver { static NOOP: AnimationDriver; abstract validateStyleProperty(prop: string): boolean; abstract validateAnimatableStyleProperty?: (prop: string) => boolean; /** * @deprecated No longer in use. Will be removed. */ abstract matchesElement(element: any, selector: string): boolean; abstract containsElement(elm1: any, elm2: any): boolean; /** * Obtains the parent element, if any. `null` is returned if the element does not have a parent. */ abstract getParentElement(element: unknown): unknown; abstract query(element: any, selector: string, multi: boolean): any[]; abstract computeStyle(element: any, prop: string, defaultValue?: string): string; abstract animate(element: any, keyframes: Array>, duration: number, delay: number, easing?: string | null, previousPlayers?: any[], scrubberAccessRequested?: boolean): any; } declare interface AnimationEngineInstruction { type: AnimationTransitionInstructionType; } declare interface AnimationTimelineInstruction extends AnimationEngineInstruction { element: any; keyframes: Array<ɵStyleDataMap>; preStyleProps: string[]; postStyleProps: string[]; duration: number; delay: number; totalTime: number; easing: string | null; stretchStartingKeyframe?: boolean; subTimeline: boolean; } declare const enum AnimationTransitionInstructionType { TransitionAnimation = 0, TimelineAnimation = 1 } declare class ElementInstructionMap { private _map; get(element: any): AnimationTimelineInstruction[]; append(element: any, instructions: AnimationTimelineInstruction[]): void; has(element: any): boolean; clear(): void; } /** * Designed to be executed during a keyframe-based animation to apply any special-cased styles. * * When started (when the `start()` method is run) then the provided `startStyles` * will be applied. When finished (when the `finish()` method is called) the * `endStyles` will be applied as well any any starting styles. Finally when * `destroy()` is called then all styles will be removed. */ declare class SpecialCasedStyles { private _element; private _startStyles; private _endStyles; static initialStylesByElement: WeakMap; private _state; private _initialStyles; constructor(_element: any, _startStyles: ɵStyleDataMap | null, _endStyles: ɵStyleDataMap | null); start(): void; finish(): void; destroy(): void; } export declare function ɵallowPreviousPlayerStylesMerge(duration: number, delay: number): boolean; export declare class ɵAnimation { private _driver; private _animationAst; constructor(_driver: AnimationDriver, input: AnimationMetadata | AnimationMetadata[]); buildTimelines(element: any, startingStyles: ɵStyleDataMap | Array<ɵStyleDataMap>, destinationStyles: ɵStyleDataMap | Array<ɵStyleDataMap>, options: AnimationOptions, subInstructions?: ElementInstructionMap): AnimationTimelineInstruction[]; } export declare class ɵAnimationEngine { private bodyNode; private _driver; private _normalizer; private _transitionEngine; private _timelineEngine; private _triggerCache; onRemovalComplete: (element: any, context: any) => void; constructor(bodyNode: any, _driver: AnimationDriver, _normalizer: ɵAnimationStyleNormalizer); registerTrigger(componentId: string, namespaceId: string, hostElement: any, name: string, metadata: AnimationTriggerMetadata): void; register(namespaceId: string, hostElement: any): void; destroy(namespaceId: string, context: any): void; onInsert(namespaceId: string, element: any, parent: any, insertBefore: boolean): void; onRemove(namespaceId: string, element: any, context: any): void; disableAnimations(element: any, disable: boolean): void; process(namespaceId: string, element: any, property: string, value: any): void; listen(namespaceId: string, element: any, eventName: string, eventPhase: string, callback: (event: any) => any): () => any; flush(microtaskId?: number): void; get players(): AnimationPlayer[]; whenRenderingDone(): Promise; afterFlushAnimationsDone(cb: VoidFunction): void; } /** * @publicApi */ export declare abstract class ɵAnimationStyleNormalizer { abstract normalizePropertyName(propertyName: string, errors: Error[]): string; abstract normalizeStyleValue(userProvidedProperty: string, normalizedProperty: string, value: string | number, errors: Error[]): string; } export declare function ɵcontainsElement(elm1: any, elm2: any): boolean; export declare function ɵgetParentElement(element: any): unknown | null; export declare function ɵinvokeQuery(element: any, selector: string, multi: boolean): any[]; /** * @publicApi */ export declare class ɵNoopAnimationDriver implements AnimationDriver { validateStyleProperty(prop: string): boolean; matchesElement(_element: any, _selector: string): boolean; containsElement(elm1: any, elm2: any): boolean; getParentElement(element: unknown): unknown; query(element: any, selector: string, multi: boolean): any[]; computeStyle(element: any, prop: string, defaultValue?: string): string; animate(element: any, keyframes: Array>, duration: number, delay: number, easing: string, previousPlayers?: any[], scrubberAccessRequested?: boolean): AnimationPlayer; static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<ɵNoopAnimationDriver, never>; static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<ɵNoopAnimationDriver>; } /** * @publicApi */ export declare class ɵNoopAnimationStyleNormalizer { normalizePropertyName(propertyName: string, errors: Error[]): string; normalizeStyleValue(userProvidedProperty: string, normalizedProperty: string, value: string | number, errors: Error[]): string; } export declare function ɵnormalizeKeyframes(keyframes: Array<ɵStyleData> | Array<ɵStyleDataMap>): Array<ɵStyleDataMap>; export declare function ɵvalidateStyleProperty(prop: string): boolean; export declare class ɵWebAnimationsDriver implements AnimationDriver { validateStyleProperty(prop: string): boolean; validateAnimatableStyleProperty(prop: string): boolean; matchesElement(_element: any, _selector: string): boolean; containsElement(elm1: any, elm2: any): boolean; getParentElement(element: unknown): unknown; query(element: any, selector: string, multi: boolean): any[]; computeStyle(element: any, prop: string, defaultValue?: string): string; animate(element: any, keyframes: Array>, duration: number, delay: number, easing: string, previousPlayers?: AnimationPlayer[]): AnimationPlayer; } export declare class ɵWebAnimationsPlayer implements AnimationPlayer { element: any; keyframes: Array<ɵStyleDataMap>; options: { [key: string]: string | number; }; private _specialStyles?; private _onDoneFns; private _onStartFns; private _onDestroyFns; private _duration; private _delay; private _initialized; private _finished; private _started; private _destroyed; private _finalKeyframe?; private _originalOnDoneFns; private _originalOnStartFns; readonly domPlayer: Animation; time: number; parentPlayer: AnimationPlayer | null; currentSnapshot: ɵStyleDataMap; constructor(element: any, keyframes: Array<ɵStyleDataMap>, options: { [key: string]: string | number; }, _specialStyles?: SpecialCasedStyles | null | undefined); private _onFinish; init(): void; private _buildPlayer; private _preparePlayerBeforeStart; private _convertKeyframesToObject; onStart(fn: () => void): void; onDone(fn: () => void): void; onDestroy(fn: () => void): void; play(): void; pause(): void; finish(): void; reset(): void; private _resetDomPlayerState; restart(): void; hasStarted(): boolean; destroy(): void; setPosition(p: number): void; getPosition(): number; get totalTime(): number; beforeDestroy(): void; } export declare class ɵWebAnimationsStyleNormalizer extends ɵAnimationStyleNormalizer { normalizePropertyName(propertyName: string, errors: Error[]): string; normalizeStyleValue(userProvidedProperty: string, normalizedProperty: string, value: string | number, errors: Error[]): string; } export { }