import { AnimationEvent } from '@angular/animations'; import { AfterContentInit, ChangeDetectorRef, ElementRef, EventEmitter, NgZone, OnDestroy, QueryList, Renderer2, TemplateRef } from '@angular/core'; import { OverlayModeType, OverlayOnBeforeHideEvent, OverlayOnBeforeShowEvent, OverlayOnHideEvent, OverlayOnShowEvent, OverlayOptions, OverlayService, PrimeNGConfig, ResponsiveOverlayOptions } from 'primeng/api'; import * as i0 from "@angular/core"; import * as i1 from "@angular/common"; import * as i2 from "primeng/api"; export declare const OVERLAY_VALUE_ACCESSOR: any; /** * This API allows overlay components to be controlled from the PrimeNGConfig. In this way, all overlay components in the application can have the same behavior. * @group Components */ export declare class Overlay implements AfterContentInit, OnDestroy { private document; private platformId; el: ElementRef; renderer: Renderer2; private config; overlayService: OverlayService; cd: ChangeDetectorRef; private zone; /** * The visible property is an input that determines the visibility of the component. * @defaultValue false * @group Props */ get visible(): boolean; set visible(value: boolean); /** * The mode property is an input that determines the overlay mode type or string. * @defaultValue null * @group Props */ get mode(): OverlayModeType | string; set mode(value: OverlayModeType | string); /** * The style property is an input that determines the style object for the component. * @defaultValue null * @group Props */ get style(): { [klass: string]: any; } | null | undefined; set style(value: { [klass: string]: any; } | null | undefined); /** * The styleClass property is an input that determines the CSS class(es) for the component. * @defaultValue null * @group Props */ get styleClass(): string; set styleClass(value: string); /** * The contentStyle property is an input that determines the style object for the content of the component. * @defaultValue null * @group Props */ get contentStyle(): { [klass: string]: any; } | null | undefined; set contentStyle(value: { [klass: string]: any; } | null | undefined); /** * The contentStyleClass property is an input that determines the CSS class(es) for the content of the component. * @defaultValue null * @group Props */ get contentStyleClass(): string; set contentStyleClass(value: string); /** * The target property is an input that specifies the target element or selector for the component. * @defaultValue null * @group Props */ get target(): string | null | undefined; set target(value: string | null | undefined); /** * Overlay can be mounted into its location, body or DOM element instance using this option. * @defaultValue null * @group Props */ get appendTo(): 'body' | HTMLElement | undefined; set appendTo(value: 'body' | HTMLElement | undefined); /** * The autoZIndex determines whether to automatically manage layering. Its default value is 'false'. * @defaultValue false * @group Props */ get autoZIndex(): boolean; set autoZIndex(value: boolean); /** * The baseZIndex is base zIndex value to use in layering. * @defaultValue null * @group Props */ get baseZIndex(): number; set baseZIndex(value: number); /** * Transition options of the show or hide animation. * @defaultValue .12s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1) * @group Props */ get showTransitionOptions(): string; set showTransitionOptions(value: string); /** * The hideTransitionOptions property is an input that determines the CSS transition options for hiding the component. * @defaultValue .1s linear * @group Props */ get hideTransitionOptions(): string; set hideTransitionOptions(value: string); /** * The listener property is an input that specifies the listener object for the component. * @defaultValue null * @group Props */ get listener(): any; set listener(value: any); /** * It is the option used to determine in which mode it should appear according to the given media or breakpoint. * @defaultValue null * @group Props */ get responsive(): ResponsiveOverlayOptions | undefined; set responsive(val: ResponsiveOverlayOptions | undefined); /** * The options property is an input that specifies the overlay options for the component. * @defaultValue null * @group Props */ get options(): OverlayOptions | undefined; set options(val: OverlayOptions | undefined); /** * This EventEmitter is used to notify changes in the visibility state of a component. * @param {Boolean} boolean - Value of visibility as boolean. * @group Emits */ visibleChange: EventEmitter; /** * Callback to invoke before the overlay is shown. * @param {OverlayOnBeforeShowEvent} event - Custom overlay before show event. * @group Emits */ onBeforeShow: EventEmitter; /** * Callback to invoke when the overlay is shown. * @param {OverlayOnShowEvent} event - Custom overlay show event. * @group Emits */ onShow: EventEmitter; /** * Callback to invoke before the overlay is hidden. * @param {OverlayOnBeforeHideEvent} event - Custom overlay before hide event. * @group Emits */ onBeforeHide: EventEmitter; /** * Callback to invoke when the overlay is hidden * @param {OverlayOnHideEvent} event - Custom hide event. * @group Emits */ onHide: EventEmitter; /** * Callback to invoke when the animation is started. * @param {AnimationEvent} event - Animation event. * @group Emits */ onAnimationStart: EventEmitter; /** * Callback to invoke when the animation is done. * @param {AnimationEvent} event - Animation event. * @group Emits */ onAnimationDone: EventEmitter; templates: QueryList | undefined; overlayViewChild: ElementRef | undefined; contentViewChild: ElementRef | undefined; contentTemplate: TemplateRef | undefined; _visible: boolean; _mode: OverlayModeType | string; _style: { [klass: string]: any; } | null | undefined; _styleClass: string | undefined; _contentStyle: { [klass: string]: any; } | null | undefined; _contentStyleClass: string | undefined; _target: any; _appendTo: 'body' | HTMLElement | undefined; _autoZIndex: boolean | undefined; _baseZIndex: number | undefined; _showTransitionOptions: string | undefined; _hideTransitionOptions: string | undefined; _listener: any; _responsive: ResponsiveOverlayOptions | undefined; _options: OverlayOptions | undefined; modalVisible: boolean; isOverlayClicked: boolean; isOverlayContentClicked: boolean; scrollHandler: any; documentClickListener: any; documentResizeListener: any; private documentKeyboardListener; private window; protected transformOptions: any; get modal(): boolean; get overlayMode(): string; get overlayOptions(): OverlayOptions; get overlayResponsiveOptions(): ResponsiveOverlayOptions; get overlayResponsiveDirection(): import("primeng/api").ResponsiveOverlayDirectionType; get overlayEl(): any; get contentEl(): any; get targetEl(): any; constructor(document: Document, platformId: any, el: ElementRef, renderer: Renderer2, config: PrimeNGConfig, overlayService: OverlayService, cd: ChangeDetectorRef, zone: NgZone); ngAfterContentInit(): void; show(overlay?: HTMLElement, isFocus?: boolean): void; hide(overlay?: HTMLElement, isFocus?: boolean): void; alignOverlay(): void; onVisibleChange(visible: boolean): void; onOverlayClick(): void; onOverlayContentClick(event: MouseEvent): void; onOverlayContentAnimationStart(event: AnimationEvent): void; onOverlayContentAnimationDone(event: AnimationEvent): void; handleEvents(name: string, params: any): void; bindListeners(): void; unbindListeners(): void; bindScrollListener(): void; unbindScrollListener(): void; bindDocumentClickListener(): void; unbindDocumentClickListener(): void; bindDocumentResizeListener(): void; unbindDocumentResizeListener(): void; bindDocumentKeyboardListener(): void; unbindDocumentKeyboardListener(): void; ngOnDestroy(): void; static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration; static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration; } export declare class OverlayModule { static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration; static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration; static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration; }