import { trigger, state, style, transition, animate } from '@angular/animations'; import * as i2 from '@angular/common'; import { isPlatformBrowser, DOCUMENT, CommonModule } from '@angular/common'; import * as i0 from '@angular/core'; import { EventEmitter, PLATFORM_ID, booleanAttribute, numberAttribute, Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy, ViewEncapsulation, Inject, Input, Output, ContentChildren, HostListener, NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import * as i1 from 'primeng/api'; import { PrimeTemplate, SharedModule } from 'primeng/api'; import { DomHandler, ConnectedOverlayScrollHandler } from 'primeng/dom'; import { TimesIcon } from 'primeng/icons/times'; import * as i3 from 'primeng/ripple'; import { RippleModule } from 'primeng/ripple'; import { ZIndexUtils } from 'primeng/utils'; /** * OverlayPanel is a container component positioned as connected to its target. * @group Components */ class OverlayPanel { document; platformId; el; renderer; cd; zone; config; overlayService; /** * Defines a string that labels the input for accessibility. * @group Props */ ariaLabel; /** * Establishes relationships between the component and label(s) where its value should be one or more element IDs. * @group Props */ ariaLabelledBy; /** * Enables to hide the overlay when outside is clicked. * @group Props */ dismissable = true; /** * When enabled, displays a close icon at top right corner. * @group Props */ showCloseIcon; /** * Inline style of the component. * @group Props */ style; /** * Style class of the component. * @group Props */ styleClass; /** * Target element to attach the panel, valid values are "body" or a local ng-template variable of another element (note: use binding with brackets for template variables, e.g. [appendTo]="mydiv" for a div element having #mydiv as variable name). * @group Props */ appendTo = 'body'; /** * Whether to automatically manage layering. * @group Props */ autoZIndex = true; /** * Aria label of the close icon. * @group Props */ ariaCloseLabel; /** * Base zIndex value to use in layering. * @group Props */ baseZIndex = 0; /** * When enabled, first button receives focus on show. * @group Props */ focusOnShow = true; /** * Transition options of the show animation. * @group Props */ showTransitionOptions = '.12s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1)'; /** * Transition options of the hide animation. * @group Props */ hideTransitionOptions = '.1s linear'; /** * Callback to invoke when an overlay becomes visible. * @group Emits */ onShow = new EventEmitter(); /** * Callback to invoke when an overlay gets hidden. * @group Emits */ onHide = new EventEmitter(); templates; container; overlayVisible = false; render = false; isOverlayAnimationInProgress = false; selfClick = false; documentClickListener; target; willHide; scrollHandler; documentResizeListener; contentTemplate; closeIconTemplate; destroyCallback; overlayEventListener; overlaySubscription; constructor(document, platformId, el, renderer, cd, zone, config, overlayService) { this.document = document; this.platformId = platformId; this.el = el; this.renderer = renderer; = cd; = zone; this.config = config; this.overlayService = overlayService; } ngAfterContentInit() { this.templates?.forEach((item) => { switch (item.getType()) { case 'content': this.contentTemplate = item.template; break; case 'closeicon': this.closeIconTemplate = item.template; break; default: this.contentTemplate = item.template; break; }; }); } bindDocumentClickListener() { if (isPlatformBrowser(this.platformId)) { if (!this.documentClickListener && this.dismissable) { let documentEvent = DomHandler.isIOS() ? 'touchstart' : 'click'; const documentTarget = this.el ? this.el.nativeElement.ownerDocument : this.document; this.documentClickListener = this.renderer.listen(documentTarget, documentEvent, (event) => { if (!this.container?.contains( && !== && ! && !this.selfClick) { this.hide(); } this.selfClick = false;; }); } } } unbindDocumentClickListener() { if (this.documentClickListener) { this.documentClickListener(); this.documentClickListener = null; this.selfClick = false; } } /** * Toggles the visibility of the panel. * @param {Event} event - Browser event * @param {Target} target - Target element. * @group Method */ toggle(event, target) { if (this.isOverlayAnimationInProgress) { return; } if (this.overlayVisible) { if (this.hasTargetChanged(event, target)) { this.destroyCallback = () => {, target || event.currentTarget ||; }; } this.hide(); } else {, target); } } /** * Displays the panel. * @param {Event} event - Browser event * @param {Target} target - Target element. * @group Method */ show(event, target) { target && event && event.stopPropagation(); if (this.isOverlayAnimationInProgress) { return; } = target || event.currentTarget ||; this.overlayVisible = true; this.render = true;; } onOverlayClick(event) { this.overlayService.add({ originalEvent: event, target: this.el.nativeElement }); this.selfClick = true; } onContentClick(event) { const targetElement =; this.selfClick = event.offsetX < targetElement.clientWidth && event.offsetY < targetElement.clientHeight; } hasTargetChanged(event, target) { return != null && !== (target || event.currentTarget ||; } appendContainer() { if (this.appendTo) { if (this.appendTo === 'body') this.renderer.appendChild(this.document.body, this.container); else DomHandler.appendChild(this.container, this.appendTo); } } restoreAppend() { if (this.container && this.appendTo) { this.renderer.appendChild(this.el.nativeElement, this.container); } } align() { if (this.autoZIndex) { ZIndexUtils.set('overlay', this.container, this.baseZIndex + this.config.zIndex.overlay); } DomHandler.absolutePosition(this.container,, false); const containerOffset = DomHandler.getOffset(this.container); const targetOffset = DomHandler.getOffset(; const borderRadius = this.document.defaultView?.getComputedStyle(this.container).getPropertyValue('border-radius'); let arrowLeft = 0; if (containerOffset.left < targetOffset.left) { arrowLeft = targetOffset.left - containerOffset.left - parseFloat(borderRadius) * 2; } this.container?.style.setProperty('--overlayArrowLeft', `${arrowLeft}px`); if ( < { DomHandler.addClass(this.container, 'p-overlaypanel-flipped'); if (this.showCloseIcon) { this.renderer.setStyle(this.container, 'margin-top', '-30px'); } } } onAnimationStart(event) { if (event.toState === 'open') { this.container = event.element; this.appendContainer(); this.align(); this.bindDocumentClickListener(); this.bindDocumentResizeListener(); this.bindScrollListener(); if (this.focusOnShow) { this.focus(); } this.overlayEventListener = (e) => { if (this.container && this.container.contains( { this.selfClick = true; } }; this.overlaySubscription = this.overlayService.clickObservable.subscribe(this.overlayEventListener); this.onShow.emit(null); } this.isOverlayAnimationInProgress = true; } onAnimationEnd(event) { switch (event.toState) { case 'void': if (this.destroyCallback) { this.destroyCallback(); this.destroyCallback = null; } if (this.overlaySubscription) { this.overlaySubscription.unsubscribe(); } break; case 'close': if (this.autoZIndex) { ZIndexUtils.clear(this.container); } if (this.overlaySubscription) { this.overlaySubscription.unsubscribe(); } this.onContainerDestroy(); this.onHide.emit({}); this.render = false; break; } this.isOverlayAnimationInProgress = false; } focus() { let focusable = DomHandler.findSingle(this.container, '[autofocus]'); if (focusable) { => { setTimeout(() => focusable.focus(), 5); }); } } /** * Hides the panel. * @group Method */ hide() { this.overlayVisible = false;; } onCloseClick(event) { this.hide(); event.preventDefault(); } onEscapeKeydown(event) { this.hide(); } onWindowResize() { if (this.overlayVisible && !DomHandler.isTouchDevice()) { this.hide(); } } bindDocumentResizeListener() { if (isPlatformBrowser(this.platformId)) { if (!this.documentResizeListener) { const window = this.document.defaultView; this.documentResizeListener = this.renderer.listen(window, 'resize', this.onWindowResize.bind(this)); } } } unbindDocumentResizeListener() { if (this.documentResizeListener) { this.documentResizeListener(); this.documentResizeListener = null; } } bindScrollListener() { if (isPlatformBrowser(this.platformId)) { if (!this.scrollHandler) { this.scrollHandler = new ConnectedOverlayScrollHandler(, () => { if (this.overlayVisible) { this.hide(); } }); } this.scrollHandler.bindScrollListener(); } } unbindScrollListener() { if (this.scrollHandler) { this.scrollHandler.unbindScrollListener(); } } onContainerDestroy() { if (! { = null; } this.unbindDocumentClickListener(); this.unbindDocumentResizeListener(); this.unbindScrollListener(); } ngOnDestroy() { if (this.scrollHandler) { this.scrollHandler.destroy(); this.scrollHandler = null; } if (this.container && this.autoZIndex) { ZIndexUtils.clear(this.container); } if (! { = null; } this.destroyCallback = null; if (this.container) { this.restoreAppend(); this.onContainerDestroy(); } if (this.overlaySubscription) { this.overlaySubscription.unsubscribe(); } } static ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "17.3.7", ngImport: i0, type: OverlayPanel, deps: [{ token: DOCUMENT }, { token: PLATFORM_ID }, { token: i0.ElementRef }, { token: i0.Renderer2 }, { token: i0.ChangeDetectorRef }, { token: i0.NgZone }, { token: i1.PrimeNGConfig }, { token: i1.OverlayService }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component }); static ɵcmp = i0.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "16.1.0", version: "17.3.7", type: OverlayPanel, selector: "p-overlayPanel", inputs: { ariaLabel: "ariaLabel", ariaLabelledBy: "ariaLabelledBy", dismissable: ["dismissable", "dismissable", booleanAttribute], showCloseIcon: ["showCloseIcon", "showCloseIcon", booleanAttribute], style: "style", styleClass: "styleClass", appendTo: "appendTo", autoZIndex: ["autoZIndex", "autoZIndex", booleanAttribute], ariaCloseLabel: "ariaCloseLabel", baseZIndex: ["baseZIndex", "baseZIndex", numberAttribute], focusOnShow: ["focusOnShow", "focusOnShow", booleanAttribute], showTransitionOptions: "showTransitionOptions", hideTransitionOptions: "hideTransitionOptions" }, outputs: { onShow: "onShow", onHide: "onHide" }, host: { listeners: { "document:keydown.escape": "onEscapeKeydown($event)" }, classAttribute: "p-element" }, queries: [{ propertyName: "templates", predicate: PrimeTemplate }], ngImport: i0, template: `