import * as i2 from '@angular/common'; import { isPlatformBrowser, DOCUMENT, CommonModule } from '@angular/common'; import * as i0 from '@angular/core'; import { EventEmitter, PLATFORM_ID, booleanAttribute, numberAttribute, Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy, ViewEncapsulation, Inject, Input, Output, ViewChild, ContentChild, ContentChildren, NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import * as i1 from 'primeng/api'; import { Header, Footer, PrimeTemplate, SharedModule } from 'primeng/api'; import { ChevronDownIcon } from 'primeng/icons/chevrondown'; import { ChevronLeftIcon } from 'primeng/icons/chevronleft'; import { ChevronRightIcon } from 'primeng/icons/chevronright'; import { ChevronUpIcon } from 'primeng/icons/chevronup'; import * as i3 from 'primeng/ripple'; import { RippleModule } from 'primeng/ripple'; import { UniqueComponentId } from 'primeng/utils'; import { DomHandler } from 'primeng/dom'; /** * Carousel is a content slider featuring various customization options. * @group Components */ class Carousel { el; zone; cd; renderer; document; platformId; config; /** * Index of the first item. * @defaultValue 0 * @group Props */ get page() { return this._page; } set page(val) { if (this.isCreated && val !== this._page) { if (this.autoplayInterval) { this.stopAutoplay(); } if (val > this._page && val <= this.totalDots() - 1) { this.step(-1, val); } else if (val < this._page) { this.step(1, val); } } this._page = val; } /** * Number of items per page. * @defaultValue 1 * @group Props */ get numVisible() { return this._numVisible; } set numVisible(val) { this._numVisible = val; } /** * Number of items to scroll. * @defaultValue 1 * @group Props */ get numScroll() { return this._numVisible; } set numScroll(val) { this._numScroll = val; } /** * An array of options for responsive design. * @see {CarouselResponsiveOptions} * @group Props */ responsiveOptions; /** * Specifies the layout of the component. * @group Props */ orientation = 'horizontal'; /** * Height of the viewport in vertical layout. * @group Props */ verticalViewPortHeight = '300px'; /** * Style class of main content. * @group Props */ contentClass = ''; /** * Style class of the indicator items. * @group Props */ indicatorsContentClass = ''; /** * Inline style of the indicator items. * @group Props */ indicatorsContentStyle; /** * Style class of the indicators. * @group Props */ indicatorStyleClass = ''; /** * Style of the indicators. * @group Props */ indicatorStyle; /** * An array of objects to display. * @defaultValue null * @group Props */ get value() { return this._value; } set value(val) { this._value = val; } /** * Defines if scrolling would be infinite. * @group Props */ circular = false; /** * Whether to display indicator container. * @group Props */ showIndicators = true; /** * Whether to display navigation buttons in container. * @group Props */ showNavigators = true; /** * Time in milliseconds to scroll items automatically. * @group Props */ autoplayInterval = 0; /** * Inline style of the component. * @group Props */ style; /** * Style class of the viewport container. * @group Props */ styleClass; /** * Callback to invoke after scroll. * @param {CarouselPageEvent} event - Custom page event. * @group Emits */ onPage = new EventEmitter(); itemsContainer; indicatorContent; headerFacet; footerFacet; templates; _numVisible = 1; _numScroll = 1; _oldNumScroll = 0; prevState = { numScroll: 0, numVisible: 0, value: [] }; defaultNumScroll = 1; defaultNumVisible = 1; _page = 0; _value; carouselStyle; id; totalShiftedItems; isRemainingItemsAdded = false; animationTimeout; translateTimeout; remainingItems = 0; _items; startPos; documentResizeListener; clonedItemsForStarting; clonedItemsForFinishing; allowAutoplay; interval; isCreated; swipeThreshold = 20; itemTemplate; headerTemplate; footerTemplate; previousIconTemplate; nextIconTemplate; window; constructor(el, zone, cd, renderer, document, platformId, config) { this.el = el; = zone; = cd; this.renderer = renderer; this.document = document; this.platformId = platformId; this.config = config; this.totalShiftedItems = * this.numScroll * -1; this.window = this.document.defaultView; } ngOnChanges(simpleChange) { if (isPlatformBrowser(this.platformId)) { if (simpleChange.value) { if (this.circular && this._value) { this.setCloneItems(); } } if (this.isCreated) { if (simpleChange.numVisible) { if (this.responsiveOptions) { this.defaultNumVisible = this.numVisible; } if (this.isCircular()) { this.setCloneItems(); } this.createStyle(); this.calculatePosition(); } if (simpleChange.numScroll) { if (this.responsiveOptions) { this.defaultNumScroll = this.numScroll; } } } }; } ngAfterContentInit() { = UniqueComponentId(); if (isPlatformBrowser(this.platformId)) { this.allowAutoplay = !!this.autoplayInterval; if (this.circular) { this.setCloneItems(); } if (this.responsiveOptions) { this.defaultNumScroll = this._numScroll; this.defaultNumVisible = this._numVisible; } this.createStyle(); this.calculatePosition(); if (this.responsiveOptions) { this.bindDocumentListeners(); } } this.templates?.forEach((item) => { switch (item.getType()) { case 'item': this.itemTemplate = item.template; break; case 'header': this.headerTemplate = item.template; break; case 'footer': this.footerTemplate = item.template; break; case 'previousicon': this.previousIconTemplate = item.template; break; case 'nexticon': this.nextIconTemplate = item.template; break; default: this.itemTemplate = item.template; break; } });; } ngAfterContentChecked() { if (isPlatformBrowser(this.platformId)) { const isCircular = this.isCircular(); let totalShiftedItems = this.totalShiftedItems; if (this.value && this.itemsContainer && (this.prevState.numScroll !== this._numScroll || this.prevState.numVisible !== this._numVisible || this.prevState.value.length !== this.value.length)) { if (this.autoplayInterval) { this.stopAutoplay(false); } this.remainingItems = (this.value.length - this._numVisible) % this._numScroll; let page = this._page; if (this.totalDots() !== 0 && page >= this.totalDots()) { page = this.totalDots() - 1; this._page = page; this.onPage.emit({ page: }); } totalShiftedItems = page * this._numScroll * -1; if (isCircular) { totalShiftedItems -= this._numVisible; } if (page === this.totalDots() - 1 && this.remainingItems > 0) { totalShiftedItems += -1 * this.remainingItems + this._numScroll; this.isRemainingItemsAdded = true; } else { this.isRemainingItemsAdded = false; } if (totalShiftedItems !== this.totalShiftedItems) { this.totalShiftedItems = totalShiftedItems; } this._oldNumScroll = this._numScroll; this.prevState.numScroll = this._numScroll; this.prevState.numVisible = this._numVisible; this.prevState.value = [...this._value]; if (this.totalDots() > 0 && this.itemsContainer.nativeElement) { = this.isVertical() ? `translate3d(0, ${totalShiftedItems * (100 / this._numVisible)}%, 0)` : `translate3d(${totalShiftedItems * (100 / this._numVisible)}%, 0, 0)`; } this.isCreated = true; if (this.autoplayInterval && this.isAutoplay()) { this.startAutoplay(); } } if (isCircular) { if ( === 0) { totalShiftedItems = -1 * this._numVisible; } else if (totalShiftedItems === 0) { totalShiftedItems = -1 * this.value.length; if (this.remainingItems > 0) { this.isRemainingItemsAdded = true; } } if (totalShiftedItems !== this.totalShiftedItems) { this.totalShiftedItems = totalShiftedItems; } } } } createStyle() { if (!this.carouselStyle) { this.carouselStyle = this.renderer.createElement('style'); this.carouselStyle.type = 'text/css'; this.renderer.appendChild(this.document.head, this.carouselStyle); } let innerHTML = ` #${} .p-carousel-item { flex: 1 0 ${100 / this.numVisible}% } `; if (this.responsiveOptions) { this.responsiveOptions.sort((data1, data2) => { const value1 = data1.breakpoint; const value2 = data2.breakpoint; let result = null; if (value1 == null && value2 != null) result = -1; else if (value1 != null && value2 == null) result = 1; else if (value1 == null && value2 == null) result = 0; else if (typeof value1 === 'string' && typeof value2 === 'string') result = value1.localeCompare(value2, undefined, { numeric: true }); else result = value1 < value2 ? -1 : value1 > value2 ? 1 : 0; return -1 * result; }); for (let i = 0; i < this.responsiveOptions.length; i++) { let res = this.responsiveOptions[i]; innerHTML += ` @media screen and (max-width: ${res.breakpoint}) { #${} .p-carousel-item { flex: 1 0 ${100 / res.numVisible}% } } `; } } this.carouselStyle.innerHTML = innerHTML; } calculatePosition() { if (this.responsiveOptions) { let matchedResponsiveData = { numVisible: this.defaultNumVisible, numScroll: this.defaultNumScroll }; if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { let windowWidth = window.innerWidth; for (let i = 0; i < this.responsiveOptions.length; i++) { let res = this.responsiveOptions[i]; if (parseInt(res.breakpoint, 10) >= windowWidth) { matchedResponsiveData = res; } } } if (this._numScroll !== matchedResponsiveData.numScroll) { let page = this._page; page = Math.floor((page * this._numScroll) / matchedResponsiveData.numScroll); let totalShiftedItems = matchedResponsiveData.numScroll * * -1; if (this.isCircular()) { totalShiftedItems -= matchedResponsiveData.numVisible; } this.totalShiftedItems = totalShiftedItems; this._numScroll = matchedResponsiveData.numScroll; this._page = page; this.onPage.emit({ page: }); } if (this._numVisible !== matchedResponsiveData.numVisible) { this._numVisible = matchedResponsiveData.numVisible; this.setCloneItems(); }; } } setCloneItems() { this.clonedItemsForStarting = []; this.clonedItemsForFinishing = []; if (this.isCircular()) { this.clonedItemsForStarting.push(...this.value.slice(-1 * this._numVisible)); this.clonedItemsForFinishing.push(...this.value.slice(0, this._numVisible)); } } firstIndex() { return this.isCircular() ? -1 * (this.totalShiftedItems + this.numVisible) : this.totalShiftedItems * -1; } lastIndex() { return this.firstIndex() + this.numVisible - 1; } totalDots() { return this.value?.length ? Math.ceil((this.value.length - this._numVisible) / this._numScroll) + 1 : 0; } totalDotsArray() { const totalDots = this.totalDots(); return totalDots <= 0 ? [] : Array(totalDots).fill(0); } isVertical() { return this.orientation === 'vertical'; } isCircular() { return this.circular && this.value && this.value.length >= this.numVisible; } isAutoplay() { return this.autoplayInterval && this.allowAutoplay; } isForwardNavDisabled() { return this.isEmpty() || (this._page >= this.totalDots() - 1 && !this.isCircular()); } isBackwardNavDisabled() { return this.isEmpty() || (this._page <= 0 && !this.isCircular()); } isEmpty() { return !this.value || this.value.length === 0; } navForward(e, index) { if (this.isCircular() || this._page < this.totalDots() - 1) { this.step(-1, index); } if (this.autoplayInterval) { this.stopAutoplay(); } if (e && e.cancelable) { e.preventDefault(); } } navBackward(e, index) { if (this.isCircular() || this._page !== 0) { this.step(1, index); } if (this.autoplayInterval) { this.stopAutoplay(); } if (e && e.cancelable) { e.preventDefault(); } } onDotClick(e, index) { let page = this._page; if (this.autoplayInterval) { this.stopAutoplay(); } if (index > page) { this.navForward(e, index); } else if (index < page) { this.navBackward(e, index); } } onIndicatorKeydown(event) { switch (event.code) { case 'ArrowRight': this.onRightKey(); break; case 'ArrowLeft': this.onLeftKey(); break; } } onRightKey() { const indicators = [...DomHandler.find(this.indicatorContent.nativeElement, '[data-pc-section="indicator"]')]; const activeIndex = this.findFocusedIndicatorIndex(); this.changedFocusedIndicator(activeIndex, activeIndex + 1 === indicators.length ? indicators.length - 1 : activeIndex + 1); } onLeftKey() { const activeIndex = this.findFocusedIndicatorIndex(); this.changedFocusedIndicator(activeIndex, activeIndex - 1 <= 0 ? 0 : activeIndex - 1); } onHomeKey() { const activeIndex = this.findFocusedIndicatorIndex(); this.changedFocusedIndicator(activeIndex, 0); } onEndKey() { const indicators = [...DomHandler.find(this.indicatorContent.nativeElement, '[data-pc-section="indicator"]r')]; const activeIndex = this.findFocusedIndicatorIndex(); this.changedFocusedIndicator(activeIndex, indicators.length - 1); } onTabKey() { const indicators = [...DomHandler.find(this.indicatorContent.nativeElement, '[data-pc-section="indicator"]')]; const highlightedIndex = indicators.findIndex((ind) => DomHandler.getAttribute(ind, 'data-p-highlight') === true); const activeIndicator = DomHandler.findSingle(this.indicatorContent.nativeElement, '[data-pc-section="indicator"] > button[tabindex="0"]'); const activeIndex = indicators.findIndex((ind) => ind === activeIndicator.parentElement); indicators[activeIndex].children[0].tabIndex = '-1'; indicators[highlightedIndex].children[0].tabIndex = '0'; } findFocusedIndicatorIndex() { const indicators = [...DomHandler.find(this.indicatorContent.nativeElement, '[data-pc-section="indicator"]')]; const activeIndicator = DomHandler.findSingle(this.indicatorContent.nativeElement, '[data-pc-section="indicator"] > button[tabindex="0"]'); return indicators.findIndex((ind) => ind === activeIndicator.parentElement); } changedFocusedIndicator(prevInd, nextInd) { const indicators = [...DomHandler.find(this.indicatorContent.nativeElement, '[data-pc-section="indicator"]')]; indicators[prevInd].children[0].tabIndex = '-1'; indicators[nextInd].children[0].tabIndex = '0'; indicators[nextInd].children[0].focus(); } step(dir, page) { let totalShiftedItems = this.totalShiftedItems; const isCircular = this.isCircular(); if (page != null) { totalShiftedItems = this._numScroll * page * -1; if (isCircular) { totalShiftedItems -= this._numVisible; } this.isRemainingItemsAdded = false; } else { totalShiftedItems += this._numScroll * dir; if (this.isRemainingItemsAdded) { totalShiftedItems += this.remainingItems - this._numScroll * dir; this.isRemainingItemsAdded = false; } let originalShiftedItems = isCircular ? totalShiftedItems + this._numVisible : totalShiftedItems; page = Math.abs(Math.floor(originalShiftedItems / this._numScroll)); } if (isCircular && === this.totalDots() - 1 && dir === -1) { totalShiftedItems = -1 * (this.value.length + this._numVisible); page = 0; } else if (isCircular && === 0 && dir === 1) { totalShiftedItems = 0; page = this.totalDots() - 1; } else if (page === this.totalDots() - 1 && this.remainingItems > 0) { totalShiftedItems += this.remainingItems * -1 - this._numScroll * dir; this.isRemainingItemsAdded = true; } if (this.itemsContainer) { = this.isVertical() ? `translate3d(0, ${totalShiftedItems * (100 / this._numVisible)}%, 0)` : `translate3d(${totalShiftedItems * (100 / this._numVisible)}%, 0, 0)`; = 'transform 500ms ease 0s'; } this.totalShiftedItems = totalShiftedItems; this._page = page; this.onPage.emit({ page: });; } startAutoplay() { this.interval = setInterval(() => { if (this.totalDots() > 0) { if ( === this.totalDots() - 1) { this.step(-1, 0); } else { this.step(-1, + 1); } } }, this.autoplayInterval); this.allowAutoplay = true;; } stopAutoplay(changeAllow = true) { if (this.interval) { clearInterval(this.interval); this.interval = undefined; if (changeAllow) { this.allowAutoplay = false; } }; } isPlaying() { return !!this.interval; } onTransitionEnd() { if (this.itemsContainer) { = ''; if (( === 0 || === this.totalDots() - 1) && this.isCircular()) { = this.isVertical() ? `translate3d(0, ${this.totalShiftedItems * (100 / this._numVisible)}%, 0)` : `translate3d(${this.totalShiftedItems * (100 / this._numVisible)}%, 0, 0)`; } } } onTouchStart(e) { let touchobj = e.changedTouches[0]; this.startPos = { x: touchobj.pageX, y: touchobj.pageY }; } onTouchMove(e) { if (e.cancelable) { e.preventDefault(); } } onTouchEnd(e) { let touchobj = e.changedTouches[0]; if (this.isVertical()) { this.changePageOnTouch(e, touchobj.pageY - this.startPos.y); } else { this.changePageOnTouch(e, touchobj.pageX - this.startPos.x); } } changePageOnTouch(e, diff) { if (Math.abs(diff) > this.swipeThreshold) { if (diff < 0) { this.navForward(e); } else { this.navBackward(e); } } } ariaPrevButtonLabel() { return this.config.translation.aria ? this.config.translation.aria.prevPageLabel : undefined; } ariaSlideLabel() { return this.config.translation.aria ? this.config.translation.aria.slide : undefined; } ariaNextButtonLabel() { return this.config.translation.aria ? this.config.translation.aria.nextPageLabel : undefined; } ariaSlideNumber(value) { return this.config.translation.aria ? this.config.translation.aria.slideNumber.replace(/{slideNumber}/g, value) : undefined; } ariaPageLabel(value) { return this.config.translation.aria ? this.config.translation.aria.pageLabel.replace(/{page}/g, value) : undefined; } bindDocumentListeners() { if (isPlatformBrowser(this.platformId)) { if (!this.documentResizeListener) { this.documentResizeListener = this.renderer.listen(this.window, 'resize', (event) => { this.calculatePosition(); }); } } } unbindDocumentListeners() { if (isPlatformBrowser(this.platformId)) { if (this.documentResizeListener) { this.documentResizeListener(); this.documentResizeListener = null; } } } ngOnDestroy() { if (this.responsiveOptions) { this.unbindDocumentListeners(); } if (this.autoplayInterval) { this.stopAutoplay(); } } static ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "17.3.7", ngImport: i0, type: Carousel, deps: [{ token: i0.ElementRef }, { token: i0.NgZone }, { token: i0.ChangeDetectorRef }, { token: i0.Renderer2 }, { token: DOCUMENT }, { token: PLATFORM_ID }, { token: i1.PrimeNGConfig }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component }); static ɵcmp = i0.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "16.1.0", version: "17.3.7", type: Carousel, selector: "p-carousel", inputs: { page: "page", numVisible: "numVisible", numScroll: "numScroll", responsiveOptions: "responsiveOptions", orientation: "orientation", verticalViewPortHeight: "verticalViewPortHeight", contentClass: "contentClass", indicatorsContentClass: "indicatorsContentClass", indicatorsContentStyle: "indicatorsContentStyle", indicatorStyleClass: "indicatorStyleClass", indicatorStyle: "indicatorStyle", value: "value", circular: ["circular", "circular", booleanAttribute], showIndicators: ["showIndicators", "showIndicators", booleanAttribute], showNavigators: ["showNavigators", "showNavigators", booleanAttribute], autoplayInterval: ["autoplayInterval", "autoplayInterval", numberAttribute], style: "style", styleClass: "styleClass" }, outputs: { onPage: "onPage" }, host: { classAttribute: "p-element" }, queries: [{ propertyName: "headerFacet", first: true, predicate: Header, descendants: true }, { propertyName: "footerFacet", first: true, predicate: Footer, descendants: true }, { propertyName: "templates", predicate: PrimeTemplate }], viewQueries: [{ propertyName: "itemsContainer", first: true, predicate: ["itemsContainer"], descendants: true }, { propertyName: "indicatorContent", first: true, predicate: ["indicatorContent"], descendants: true }], usesOnChanges: true, ngImport: i0, template: `
`, isInline: true, styles: ["@layer primeng{.p-carousel{display:flex;flex-direction:column}.p-carousel-content{display:flex;flex-direction:column;overflow:auto}.p-carousel-prev,.p-carousel-next{align-self:center;flex-grow:0;flex-shrink:0;display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;overflow:hidden;position:relative}.p-carousel-container{display:flex;flex-direction:row}.p-carousel-items-content{overflow:hidden;width:100%}.p-carousel-items-container{display:flex;flex-direction:row}.p-carousel-indicators{display:flex;flex-direction:row;justify-content:center;flex-wrap:wrap}.p-carousel-indicator>button{display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center}.p-carousel-vertical .p-carousel-container{flex-direction:column}.p-carousel-vertical .p-carousel-items-container{flex-direction:column;height:100%}.p-items-hidden .p-carousel-item{visibility:hidden}.p-items-hidden .p-carousel-item.p-carousel-item-active{visibility:visible}}\n"], dependencies: [{ kind: "directive", type: i0.forwardRef(() => i2.NgClass), selector: "[ngClass]", inputs: ["class", "ngClass"] }, { kind: "directive", type: i0.forwardRef(() => i2.NgForOf), selector: "[ngFor][ngForOf]", inputs: ["ngForOf", "ngForTrackBy", "ngForTemplate"] }, { kind: "directive", type: i0.forwardRef(() => i2.NgIf), selector: "[ngIf]", inputs: ["ngIf", "ngIfThen", "ngIfElse"] }, { kind: "directive", type: i0.forwardRef(() => i2.NgTemplateOutlet), selector: "[ngTemplateOutlet]", inputs: ["ngTemplateOutletContext", "ngTemplateOutlet", "ngTemplateOutletInjector"] }, { kind: "directive", type: i0.forwardRef(() => i2.NgStyle), selector: "[ngStyle]", inputs: ["ngStyle"] }, { kind: "directive", type: i0.forwardRef(() => i3.Ripple), selector: "[pRipple]" }, { kind: "component", type: i0.forwardRef(() => ChevronRightIcon), selector: "ChevronRightIcon" }, { kind: "component", type: i0.forwardRef(() => ChevronLeftIcon), selector: "ChevronLeftIcon" }, { kind: "component", type: i0.forwardRef(() => ChevronDownIcon), selector: "ChevronDownIcon" }, { kind: "component", type: i0.forwardRef(() => ChevronUpIcon), selector: "ChevronUpIcon" }], changeDetection: i0.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, encapsulation: i0.ViewEncapsulation.None }); } i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "17.3.7", ngImport: i0, type: Carousel, decorators: [{ type: Component, args: [{ selector: 'p-carousel', template: `
`, changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None, host: { class: 'p-element' }, styles: ["@layer primeng{.p-carousel{display:flex;flex-direction:column}.p-carousel-content{display:flex;flex-direction:column;overflow:auto}.p-carousel-prev,.p-carousel-next{align-self:center;flex-grow:0;flex-shrink:0;display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;overflow:hidden;position:relative}.p-carousel-container{display:flex;flex-direction:row}.p-carousel-items-content{overflow:hidden;width:100%}.p-carousel-items-container{display:flex;flex-direction:row}.p-carousel-indicators{display:flex;flex-direction:row;justify-content:center;flex-wrap:wrap}.p-carousel-indicator>button{display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center}.p-carousel-vertical .p-carousel-container{flex-direction:column}.p-carousel-vertical .p-carousel-items-container{flex-direction:column;height:100%}.p-items-hidden .p-carousel-item{visibility:hidden}.p-items-hidden .p-carousel-item.p-carousel-item-active{visibility:visible}}\n"] }] }], ctorParameters: () => [{ type: i0.ElementRef }, { type: i0.NgZone }, { type: i0.ChangeDetectorRef }, { type: i0.Renderer2 }, { type: Document, decorators: [{ type: Inject, args: [DOCUMENT] }] }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: Inject, args: [PLATFORM_ID] }] }, { type: i1.PrimeNGConfig }], propDecorators: { page: [{ type: Input }], numVisible: [{ type: Input }], numScroll: [{ type: Input }], responsiveOptions: [{ type: Input }], orientation: [{ type: Input }], verticalViewPortHeight: [{ type: Input }], contentClass: [{ type: Input }], indicatorsContentClass: [{ type: Input }], indicatorsContentStyle: [{ type: Input }], indicatorStyleClass: [{ type: Input }], indicatorStyle: [{ type: Input }], value: [{ type: Input }], circular: [{ type: Input, args: [{ transform: booleanAttribute }] }], showIndicators: [{ type: Input, args: [{ transform: booleanAttribute }] }], showNavigators: [{ type: Input, args: [{ transform: booleanAttribute }] }], autoplayInterval: [{ type: Input, args: [{ transform: numberAttribute }] }], style: [{ type: Input }], styleClass: [{ type: Input }], onPage: [{ type: Output }], itemsContainer: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['itemsContainer'] }], indicatorContent: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['indicatorContent'] }], headerFacet: [{ type: ContentChild, args: [Header] }], footerFacet: [{ type: ContentChild, args: [Footer] }], templates: [{ type: ContentChildren, args: [PrimeTemplate] }] } }); class CarouselModule { static ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "17.3.7", ngImport: i0, type: CarouselModule, deps: [], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.NgModule }); static ɵmod = i0.ɵɵngDeclareNgModule({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "17.3.7", ngImport: i0, type: CarouselModule, declarations: [Carousel], imports: [CommonModule, SharedModule, RippleModule, ChevronRightIcon, ChevronLeftIcon, ChevronDownIcon, ChevronUpIcon], exports: [CommonModule, Carousel, SharedModule] }); static ɵinj = i0.ɵɵngDeclareInjector({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "17.3.7", ngImport: i0, type: CarouselModule, imports: [CommonModule, SharedModule, RippleModule, ChevronRightIcon, ChevronLeftIcon, ChevronDownIcon, ChevronUpIcon, CommonModule, SharedModule] }); } i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "17.3.7", ngImport: i0, type: CarouselModule, decorators: [{ type: NgModule, args: [{ imports: [CommonModule, SharedModule, RippleModule, ChevronRightIcon, ChevronLeftIcon, ChevronDownIcon, ChevronUpIcon], exports: [CommonModule, Carousel, SharedModule], declarations: [Carousel] }] }] }); /** * Generated bundle index. Do not edit. */ export { Carousel, CarouselModule }; //#