import { ElementRef, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy, EventEmitter, NgZone } from '@angular/core'; import * as i0 from "@angular/core"; import * as i1 from "@angular/common"; /** * Chart groups a collection of contents in tabs. * @group Components */ export declare class UIChart implements AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { private platformId; el: ElementRef; private zone; /** * Type of the chart. * @group Props */ type: string | undefined; /** * Array of per-chart plugins to customize the chart behaviour. * @group Props */ plugins: any[]; /** * Width of the chart. * @group Props */ width: string | undefined; /** * Height of the chart. * @group Props */ height: string | undefined; /** * Whether the chart is redrawn on screen size change. * @group Props */ responsive: boolean; /** * Used to define a string that autocomplete attribute the current element. * @group Props */ ariaLabel: string | undefined; /** * Establishes relationships between the component and label(s) where its value should be one or more element IDs. * @group Props */ ariaLabelledBy: string | undefined; /** * Data to display. * @group Props */ get data(): any; set data(val: any); /** * Options to customize the chart. * @group Props */ get options(): any; set options(val: any); /** * Callback to execute when an element on chart is clicked. * @group Emits */ onDataSelect: EventEmitter; isBrowser: boolean; initialized: boolean | undefined; _data: any; _options: any; chart: any; constructor(platformId: any, el: ElementRef, zone: NgZone); ngAfterViewInit(): void; onCanvasClick(event: Event): void; initChart(): void; getCanvas(): any; getBase64Image(): any; generateLegend(): any; refresh(): void; reinit(): void; ngOnDestroy(): void; static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration; static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration; static ngAcceptInputType_responsive: unknown; } export declare class ChartModule { static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration; static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration; static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration; }