"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = loader; var _path = _interopRequireDefault(require("path")); var _package = _interopRequireDefault(require("postcss/package.json")); var _options = _interopRequireDefault(require("./options.json")); var _utils = require("./utils"); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } let hasExplicitDependencyOnPostCSS = false; /** * **PostCSS Loader** * * Loads && processes CSS with [PostCSS](https://github.com/postcss/postcss) * * @method loader * * @param {String} content Source * @param {Object} sourceMap Source Map * @param {Object} meta Meta * * @return {callback} callback Result */ async function loader(content, sourceMap, meta) { const options = this.getOptions(_options.default); const callback = this.async(); const configOption = typeof options.postcssOptions === "undefined" || typeof options.postcssOptions.config === "undefined" ? true : options.postcssOptions.config; let implementation; try { implementation = (0, _utils.getPostcssImplementation)(this, options.implementation); } catch (error) { callback(error); return; } if (!implementation) { callback(new Error(`The Postcss implementation "${options.implementation}" not found`)); return; } let loadedConfig; if (configOption) { try { loadedConfig = await (0, _utils.loadConfig)(this, configOption, options.postcssOptions); } catch (error) { callback(error); return; } } const { plugins, processOptions } = await (0, _utils.getPostcssOptions)(this, loadedConfig, options.postcssOptions); const useSourceMap = typeof options.sourceMap !== "undefined" ? options.sourceMap : this.sourceMap; if (useSourceMap) { processOptions.map = { inline: false, annotation: false, ...processOptions.map }; } if (sourceMap && processOptions.map) { processOptions.map.prev = (0, _utils.normalizeSourceMap)(sourceMap, this.context); } let root; // Reuse PostCSS AST from other loaders if (meta && meta.ast && meta.ast.type === "postcss" && // eslint-disable-next-line global-require require("semver").satisfies(meta.ast.version, `^${_package.default.version}`)) { ({ root } = meta.ast); } if (!root && options.execute) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign content = (0, _utils.exec)(content, this); } let result; let processor; try { processor = implementation(plugins); result = await processor.process(root || content, processOptions); } catch (error) { // Check postcss versions to avoid using PostCSS 7. // For caching reasons, we use the readFileSync and existsSync functions from the context, // not the functions from the `fs` module. if (!hasExplicitDependencyOnPostCSS && processor && processor.version && processor.version.startsWith("7.")) { // The `findPackageJsonDir` function returns `string` or `null`. // This is used to do for caching, that is, an explicit comparison with `undefined` // is used to make the condition body run once. const packageJSONDir = (0, _utils.findPackageJSONDir)(process.cwd(), this.fs.statSync); if (packageJSONDir) { let bufferOfPackageJSON; try { bufferOfPackageJSON = this.fs.readFileSync(_path.default.resolve(packageJSONDir, "package.json"), "utf8"); } catch (_error) { // Nothing } if (bufferOfPackageJSON) { let pkg; try { pkg = JSON.parse(bufferOfPackageJSON); } catch (_error) { // Nothing } if (pkg) { if (!pkg.dependencies.postcss && !pkg.devDependencies.postcss) { this.emitWarning(new Error("Add postcss as project dependency. postcss is not a peer dependency for postcss-loader. " + "Use `npm install postcss` or `yarn add postcss`")); } else { hasExplicitDependencyOnPostCSS = true; } } } } } (0, _utils.reportError)(this, callback, error); return; } for (const warning of result.warnings()) { this.emitWarning((0, _utils.warningFactory)(warning)); } for (const message of result.messages) { // eslint-disable-next-line default-case switch (message.type) { case "dependency": this.addDependency(message.file); break; case "build-dependency": this.addBuildDependency(message.file); break; case "missing-dependency": this.addMissingDependency(message.file); break; case "context-dependency": this.addContextDependency(message.file); break; case "dir-dependency": this.addContextDependency(message.dir); break; case "asset": if (message.content && message.file) { this.emitFile(message.file, message.content, message.sourceMap, message.info); } } } // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined let map = result.map ? result.map.toJSON() : undefined; if (map && useSourceMap) { map = (0, _utils.normalizeSourceMapAfterPostcss)(map, this.context); } let ast; try { ast = { type: "postcss", version: result.processor.version, root: result.root }; } catch (error) { (0, _utils.reportError)(this, callback, error); return; } callback(null, result.css, map, { ast }); }