"use strict"; var Readable = require("readable-stream").Readable; var utils = require("../utils"); utils.inherits(NodejsStreamOutputAdapter, Readable); /** * A nodejs stream using a worker as source. * @see the SourceWrapper in http://nodejs.org/api/stream.html * @constructor * @param {StreamHelper} helper the helper wrapping the worker * @param {Object} options the nodejs stream options * @param {Function} updateCb the update callback. */ function NodejsStreamOutputAdapter(helper, options, updateCb) { Readable.call(this, options); this._helper = helper; var self = this; helper.on("data", function (data, meta) { if (!self.push(data)) { self._helper.pause(); } if(updateCb) { updateCb(meta); } }) .on("error", function(e) { self.emit("error", e); }) .on("end", function () { self.push(null); }); } NodejsStreamOutputAdapter.prototype._read = function() { this._helper.resume(); }; module.exports = NodejsStreamOutputAdapter;