/*!* * * Copyright (c) Highsoft AS. All rights reserved. * *!*/ import * as Highcharts from "../highcharts.src"; declare module "../highcharts.src" { /** * (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) Enable or disable the initial * animation when a series is displayed for the `dataLabels`. The animation * can also be set as a configuration object. Please note that this option * only applies to the initial animation. * * For other animations, see chart.animation and the animation parameter * under the API methods. The following properties are supported: * * - `defer`: The animation delay time in milliseconds. */ interface PlotPackedbubbleDataLabelsAnimationOptions { /** * (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) The animation delay time in * milliseconds. Set to `0` to render the data labels immediately. As * `undefined` inherits defer time from the series.animation.defer. */ defer?: number; } /** * (Highcharts) Options for layout algorithm when simulation is enabled. * Inside there are options to change the speed, padding, initial bubbles * positions and more. */ interface PlotPackedbubbleLayoutAlgorithmOptions { /** * (Highcharts) The distance between two bubbles, when the algorithm * starts to treat two bubbles as overlapping. The `bubblePadding` is * also the expected distance between all the bubbles on simulation end. */ bubblePadding?: number; /** * (Highcharts) In case of split series, this option allows user to drag * and drop points between series, for changing point related series. */ dragBetweenSeries?: boolean; /** * (Highcharts) Experimental. Enables live simulation of the algorithm * implementation. All nodes are animated as the forces applies on them. */ enableSimulation?: boolean; /** * (Highcharts) Friction applied on forces to prevent nodes rushing to * fast to the desired positions. */ friction?: number; /** * (Highcharts) Gravitational const used in the barycenter force of the * algorithm. */ gravitationalConstant?: number; /** * (Highcharts) When `initialPositions` are set to 'circle', * `initialPositionRadius` is a distance from the center of circle, in * which nodes are created. */ initialPositionRadius?: number; /** * (Highcharts) Initial layout algorithm for positioning nodes. Can be * one of the built-in options ("circle", "random") or a function where * positions should be set on each node (`this.nodes`) as `node.plotX` * and `node.plotY`. */ initialPositions?: ("circle"|"random"|Function); /** * (Highcharts) Integration type. Available options are `'euler'` and * `'verlet'`. Integration determines how forces are applied on * particles. In Euler integration, force is applied direct as * `newPosition += velocity;`. In Verlet integration, new position is * based on a previous position without velocity: `newPosition += * previousPosition - newPosition`. * * Note that different integrations give different results as forces are * different. * * In Highcharts v7.0.x only `'euler'` integration was supported. */ integration?: Highcharts.OptionsIntegrationValue; /** * (Highcharts) Ideal length (px) of the link between two nodes. When * not defined, length is calculated as: `Math.pow(availableWidth * * availableHeight / nodesLength, 0.4);` * * Note: Because of the algorithm specification, length of each link * might be not exactly as specified. */ linkLength?: number; /** * (Highcharts) Max number of iterations before algorithm will stop. In * general, algorithm should find positions sooner, but when rendering * huge number of nodes, it is recommended to increase this value as * finding perfect graph positions can require more time. */ maxIterations?: number; /** * (Highcharts) Max speed that node can get in one iteration. In terms * of simulation, it's a maximum translation (in pixels) that a node can * move (in both, x and y, dimensions). While `friction` is applied on * all nodes, max speed is applied only for nodes that move very fast, * for example small or disconnected ones. */ maxSpeed?: number; /** * (Highcharts) Whether bubbles should interact with their parentNode to * keep them inside. */ parentNodeLimit?: boolean; /** * (Highcharts) Layout algorithm options for parent nodes. */ parentNodeOptions?: Highcharts.PlotPackedbubbleLayoutAlgorithmParentNodeOptions; /** * (Highcharts) Whether series should interact with each other or not. * When `parentNodeLimit` is set to true, thi option should be set to * false to avoid sticking points in wrong series parentNode. */ seriesInteraction?: boolean; /** * (Highcharts) Whether to split series into individual groups or to mix * all series together. */ splitSeries?: boolean; /** * (Highcharts) Type of the algorithm used when positioning nodes. */ type?: "reingold-fruchterman"; } /** * (Highcharts) Options for the connector in the _Series on point_ feature. * * In styled mode, the connector can be styled with the * `.highcharts-connector-seriesonpoint` class name. */ interface PlotPackedbubbleOnPointConnectorOptions { /** * (Highcharts) A name for the dash style to use for the connector. */ dashstyle?: string; /** * (Highcharts) Color of the connector line. By default it's the series' * color. */ stroke?: string; /** * (Highcharts) Pixel width of the connector line. */ width?: number; } /** * (Highcharts) Options allowing to set a position and an offset of the * series in the _Series on point_ feature. */ interface PlotPackedbubbleOnPointPositionOptions { /** * (Highcharts) Series center offset from the original x position. If * defined, the connector line is drawn connecting original position * with new position. */ offsetX?: number; /** * (Highcharts) Series center offset from the original y position. If * defined, the connector line is drawn from original position to a new * position. */ offsetY?: number; /** * (Highcharts) X position of the series center. By default, the series * is displayed on the point that it is connected to. */ x?: number; /** * (Highcharts) Y position of the series center. By default, the series * is displayed on the point that it is connected to. */ y?: number; } /** * (Highcharts) Series options for parent nodes. */ interface PlotPackedbubbleParentNodeOptions { /** * (Highcharts) Allow this series' parent nodes to be selected by * clicking on the graph. */ allowPointSelect?: boolean; } /** * (Highcharts) Enable or disable the initial animation when a series is * displayed for the `dataLabels`. The animation can also be set as a * configuration object. Please note that this option only applies to the * initial animation. * * For other animations, see chart.animation and the animation parameter * under the API methods. The following properties are supported: * * - `defer`: The animation delay time in milliseconds. */ interface SeriesPackedbubbleDataDataLabelsAnimationOptions { /** * (Highcharts) The animation delay time in milliseconds. Set to `0` to * render the data labels immediately. As `undefined` inherits defer * time from the series.animation.defer. */ defer?: number; } /** * (Highcharts) A `packedbubble` series. If the type option is not * specified, it is inherited from chart.type. * * In TypeScript the type option must always be set. * * Configuration options for the series are given in three levels: * * 1. Options for all series in a chart are defined in the * plotOptions.series object. * * 2. Options for all `packedbubble` series are defined in * plotOptions.packedbubble. * * 3. Options for one single series are given in the series instance array. * (see online documentation for example) * * You have to extend the `SeriesPackedbubbleOptions` via an interface to * allow custom properties: ``` declare interface SeriesPackedbubbleOptions * { customProperty: string; } * */ interface SeriesPackedbubbleOptions extends Highcharts.PlotPackedbubbleOptions, Highcharts.SeriesOptions { /** * (Highcharts) An array of data points for the series. For the * `packedbubble` series type, points can be given in the following * ways: * * 1. An array of `values`. (see online documentation for example) * * 2. An array of objects with named values. The objects are point * configuration objects as seen below. If the total number of data * points exceeds the series' turboThreshold, this option is not * available. (see online documentation for example) */ data?: (Highcharts.PointOptionsObject|Array<(object|any[])>); /** * Not available */ dataParser?: undefined; /** * Not available */ dataURL?: undefined; /** * Not available */ stack?: undefined; /** * (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) This property is only in * TypeScript non-optional and might be `undefined` in series objects * from unknown sources. */ type: "packedbubble"; } }