/*!* * * Copyright (c) Highsoft AS. All rights reserved. * *!*/ import * as globals from "../globals.src"; import * as _Highcharts from "../highcharts.src"; /** * Adds the module to the imported Highcharts namespace. * * @param highcharts * The imported Highcharts namespace to extend. */ export function factory(highcharts: typeof Highcharts): void; declare module "../highcharts.src" { /** * Callback function for sonification events on chart. * * @param e * Sonification chart event context */ type SonificationChartEventCallback = (e: SonificationChartEventCallbackContext) => void; /** * Callback function for sonification events on series. * * @param e * Sonification series event context */ type SonificationSeriesEventCallback = (e: SonificationSeriesEventCallbackContext) => void; type SonificationSynthPreset = ("basic1"|"basic2"|"chop"|"chord"|"flute"|"kick"|"lead"|"noise"|"piano"|"plucked"|"sawsynth"|"sawtooth"|"saxophone"|"shaker"|"shortnote"|"sine"|"square"|"step"| "triangle"|"trumpet"|"vibraphone"|"wind"|"wobble"|"filteredNoise"|"sineGlide"); /** * Filter callback for filtering timeline events on a SonificationTimeline. * * @param e * TimelineEvent being filtered * * @param ix * Index of TimelineEvent in current event array * * @param arr * The current event array * * @return The function should return true if the TimelineEvent should be * included, false otherwise. */ type SonificationTimelineFilterCallback = (e: SonificationTimelineEvent, ix: number, arr: Array) => boolean; interface Chart { /** * Sonification capabilities for the chart. */ sonification?: Sonification; /** * Play a sonification of a chart. * * @param onEnd * Callback to call after play completed */ sonify(onEnd?: SonificationChartEventCallback): void; /** * Play/pause sonification of a chart. * * @param reset * Reset the playing cursor after play completed. Defaults to * `true`. * * @param onEnd * Callback to call after play completed */ toggleSonify(reset?: boolean, onEnd?: SonificationChartEventCallback): void; } interface Point { /** * Play a sonification of a point. * * @param onEnd * Callback to call after play completed */ sonify(onEnd?: SonificationChartEventCallback): void; } interface Series { /** * Play a sonification of a series. * * @param onEnd * Callback to call after play completed */ sonify(onEnd?: SonificationChartEventCallback): void; } /** * Event context object sent to sonification chart events. */ interface SonificationChartEventCallbackContext { /** * The relevant chart */ chart?: Chart; /** * The points that were played, if any */ pointsPlayed?: Array; /** * The playing timeline object with advanced and internal content */ timeline?: object; } /** * Collection of Sonification classes and objects. */ interface SonificationGlobalObject { /** * SynthPatch presets */ InstrumentPresets?: Record; /** * Musical scale presets */ Scales?: SonificationScalePresetsObject; /** * SonificationInstrument class */ SonificationInstrument?: SonificationInstrument; /** * SonificationSpeaker class */ SonificationSpeaker?: SonificationSpeaker; /** * SynthPatch class */ SynthPatch?: SynthPatch; } /** * Capabilities configuration for a SonificationInstrument. */ interface SonificationInstrumentCapabilitiesOptionsObject { /** * Whether or not instrument should be able to use filter effects. * Defaults to `false`. */ filters?: boolean; /** * Whether or not instrument should be able to pan. Defaults to `true`. */ pan?: boolean; /** * Whether or not instrument should be able to use tremolo effects. * Defaults to `false`. */ tremolo?: boolean; } /** * Configuration for a SonificationInstrument. */ interface SonificationInstrumentOptionsObject { /** * Define additional capabilities for the instrument, such as panning, * filters, and tremolo effects. */ capabilities?: SonificationInstrumentCapabilitiesOptionsObject; /** * A track name to use for this instrument in MIDI export. */ midiTrackName?: string; /** * The synth configuration for the instrument. Can be either a string, * referencing the instrument presets, or an actual SynthPatch * configuration. */ synthPatch: (SonificationSynthPreset|SynthPatchOptionsObject); } /** * Options for a scheduled event for a SonificationInstrument */ interface SonificationInstrumentScheduledEventOptionsObject { /** * Note frequency in Hertz. Overrides note, if both are given. */ frequency?: number; /** * Frequency of the highpass filter, in Hertz. */ highpassFreq?: number; /** * Resonance of the highpass filter, in dB. Can be negative for a dip, * or positive for a bump. */ highpassResonance?: number; /** * Frequency of the lowpass filter, in Hertz. */ lowpassFreq?: number; /** * Resonance of the lowpass filter, in dB. Can be negative for a dip, or * positive for a bump. */ lowpassResonance?: number; /** * Number of semitones from c0, or a note string - such as "c4" or * "F#6". */ note?: (number|string); /** * Duration to play the note in milliseconds. If not given, the note * keeps playing indefinitely */ noteDuration?: number; /** * Stereo panning value, from -1 (left) to 1 (right). */ pan?: number; /** * Depth/intensity of the tremolo effect - which is a periodic change in * volume. From 0 to 1. */ tremoloDepth?: number; /** * Speed of the tremolo effect, from 0 to 1. */ tremoloSpeed?: number; /** * Volume of the instrument, from 0 to 1. Can be set independent of the * master/overall volume. */ volume?: number; } /** * Preset scales for pitch mapping. */ interface SonificationScalePresetsObject { /** * Dorian scale */ dorian: Array; /** * Harmonic minor scale */ harmonicMinor: Array; /** * Lydian scale */ lydian: Array; /** * Major (ionian) scale */ major: Array; /** * Major pentatonic scale */ majorPentatonic: Array; /** * Minor scale (aeolian) */ minor: Array; /** * Minor pentatonic scale */ minorPentatonic: Array; /** * Mixolydian scale */ mixolydian: Array; /** * Phrygian scale */ phrygian: Array; } /** * Event context object sent to sonification series events. */ interface SonificationSeriesEventCallbackContext { /** * The relevant series */ series?: Series; /** * The playing timeline object with advanced and internal content */ timeline?: object; } /** * Configuration for a SonificationSpeaker. */ interface SonificationSpeakerOptionsObject { /** * The language of the voice synthesis. Defaults to `"en-US"`. */ language?: string; /** * Name of the voice synthesis to use. If not found, reverts to the * default voice for the language chosen. */ name?: string; /** * The pitch modifier of the voice. Defaults to `1`. Set higher for a * higher voice pitch. */ pitch?: number; /** * The speech rate modifier. Defaults to `1`. */ rate?: number; /** * The speech volume, from 0 to 1. Defaults to `1`. */ volume?: number; } /** * A TimelineEvent object represents a scheduled audio event to play for a * SonificationTimeline. */ interface SonificationTimelineEvent { /** * Callback to call when playing the event. */ callback?: Function; /** * Options for an instrument event to be played. */ instrumentEventOptions?: SonificationInstrumentScheduledEventOptionsObject; /** * The message to speak for speech events. */ message?: string; /** * A reference to a data point related to the TimelineEvent. Populated * when sonifying points. */ relatedPoint?: Point; /** * Options for a speech event to be played. */ speechOptions?: SonificationSpeakerOptionsObject; /** * Time is given in milliseconds, where 0 is now. */ time: number; } /** * The Sonification class. This class represents a chart's sonification * capabilities. A chart automatically gets an instance of this class when * applicable. */ class Sonification { /** * The Sonification class. This class represents a chart's sonification * capabilities. A chart automatically gets an instance of this class * when applicable. * * @param chart * The chart to tie the sonification to */ constructor(chart: Chart); /** * Cancel current playing audio and reset the timeline. */ cancel(): void; /** * Start download of a MIDI file export of the timeline. */ downloadMIDI(): void; /** * Get last played point * * @return The point, or null if none */ getLastPlayedPoint(): (Point|null); /** * Check if sonification is playing currently * * @return `true` if currently playing, `false` if not */ isPlaying(): boolean; /** * Play point(s)/event(s) adjacent to current timeline cursor location. * * @param next * Pass `true` to play next point, `false` for previous * * @param onEnd * Callback to call after play completed * * @param eventFilter * Filter to apply to the events before finding adjacent to play */ playAdjacent(next: number, onEnd?: SonificationChartEventCallback, eventFilter?: SonificationTimelineFilterCallback): void; /** * Play next/previous series, picking the point closest to a prop value * from last played point. By default picks the point in the adjacent * series with the closest x value as the last played point. * * @param next * Pass `true` to play next series, `false` for previous * * @param prop * Prop to find closest value of, defaults to `x`. * * @param onEnd * Callback to call after play completed * * @return The played series, or `null` if none found */ playAdjacentSeries(next: number, prop?: string, onEnd?: SonificationChartEventCallback): (Series|null); /** * Play point(s)/event(s) closest to a prop relative to a reference * value. * * @param prop * Prop to compare. * * @param targetValue * Target value to find closest value of. * * @param targetFilter * Filter to apply to the events before finding closest point(s) * * @param onEnd * Callback to call after play completed */ playClosestToProp(prop: string, targetValue: number, targetFilter?: SonificationTimelineFilterCallback, onEnd?: SonificationChartEventCallback): void; /** * Play a note with a specific instrument, and optionally a time offset. * * @param instrument * The instrument to play. Can be either a string referencing the * instrument presets, or an actual SynthPatch configuration. * * @param options * Configuration for the instrument event to play. * * @param delayMs * Time offset from now, in milliseconds. Defaults to 0. */ playNote(instrument: (SonificationSynthPreset|SynthPatchOptionsObject), options: SonificationInstrumentScheduledEventOptionsObject, delayMs?: number): void; /** * Divide timeline into 100 parts of equal time, and play one of them. * Can be used for scrubbing navigation. * * @param segment * The segment to play, from 0 to 100 * * @param onEnd * Callback to call after play completed */ playSegment(segment: number, onEnd?: SonificationChartEventCallback): void; /** * Set the audio destination node to something other than the default * output. This allows for inserting custom WebAudio chains after the * sonification. * * @param audioDestination * The destination node */ setAudioDestination(audioDestination: AudioDestinationNode): void; /** * Speak a text string, optionally with a custom speaker configuration * * @param text * Text to announce * * @param speakerOptions * Options for the announcement * * @param delayMs * Time offset from now, in milliseconds. Defaults to 0. */ speak(text: string, speakerOptions?: SonificationSpeakerOptionsObject, delayMs?: number): void; } /** * The SonificationInstrument class. This class represents an instrument * with mapping capabilities. The instrument wraps a SynthPatch object, and * extends it with functionality such as panning, tremolo, and global * low/highpass filters. */ class SonificationInstrument { /** * The SonificationInstrument class. This class represents an instrument * with mapping capabilities. The instrument wraps a SynthPatch object, * and extends it with functionality such as panning, tremolo, and * global low/highpass filters. * * @param audioContext * The AudioContext to use. * * @param outputNode * The destination node to connect to. * * @param options * Configuration for the instrument. */ constructor(audioContext: AudioContext, outputNode: AudioNode, options: SonificationInstrumentOptionsObject); /** * Cancel currently playing sounds and any scheduled actions. */ cancel(): void; /** * Stop instrument and destroy it, cleaning up used resources. */ destroy(): void; /** * Convert a note value to a frequency. * * @param note * Note to convert. Can be a string 'c0' to 'b8' or a number of * semitones from c0. * * @return The converted frequency */ musicalNoteToFrequency(note: (number|string)): number; /** * Schedule an instrument event at a given time offset, whether it is * playing a note or changing the parameters of the instrument. * * @param time * Time is given in seconds, where 0 is now. * * @param params * Parameters for the instrument event. */ scheduleEventAtTime(time: number, params: SonificationInstrumentScheduledEventOptionsObject): void; /** * Set the overall volume. * * @param volume * The volume to set, from 0 to 1. */ setMasterVolume(volume: number): void; /** * Schedule silencing the instrument at a given time offset. * * @param time * Time is given in seconds, where 0 is now. */ silenceAtTime(time: number): void; } /** * The SonificationSpeaker class. This class represents an announcer using * speech synthesis. It allows for scheduling speech announcements, as well * as speech parameter changes - including rate, volume and pitch. */ class SonificationSpeaker { /** * The SonificationSpeaker class. This class represents an announcer * using speech synthesis. It allows for scheduling speech * announcements, as well as speech parameter changes - including rate, * volume and pitch. * * @param options * Configuration for the speaker */ constructor(options: SonificationSpeakerOptionsObject); /** * Clear scheduled announcements, and stop current speech. */ cancel(): void; /** * Say a message using the speaker voice. Interrupts other currently * speaking announcements from this speaker. * * @param message * The message to speak. * * @param options * Optionally override speaker configuration. */ say(message: string, options?: SonificationSpeakerOptionsObject): void; /** * Schedule a message using the speaker voice. * * @param time * The time offset to speak at, in milliseconds from now. * * @param message * The message to speak. * * @param options * Optionally override speaker configuration. */ sayAtTime(time: number, message: string, options?: SonificationSpeakerOptionsObject): void; /** * Set speaker overall/master volume modifier. This affects all * announcements, and applies in addition to the individual announcement * volume. * * @param vol * Volume from 0 to 1. */ setMasterVolume(vol: number): void; } /** * The SynthPatch class. This class represents an instance and configuration * of the built-in Highcharts synthesizer. It can be used to play various * generated sounds. */ class SynthPatch { /** * The SynthPatch class. This class represents an instance and * configuration of the built-in Highcharts synthesizer. It can be used * to play various generated sounds. * * @param audioContext * The AudioContext to use. * * @param options * Configuration for the synth. */ constructor(audioContext: AudioContext, options: SynthPatchOptionsObject); /** * Cancel any scheduled actions */ cancelScheduled(): void; /** * Connect the SynthPatch output to an audio node / destination. * * @param destinationNode * The node to connect to. * * @return The destination node, to allow chaining. */ connect(destinationNode: AudioNode): AudioNode; /** * Mute sound immediately. */ mute(): void; /** * Mute sound at time (in seconds). Will still run release envelope. * Note: If scheduled multiple times in succession, the release envelope * will run, and that could make sound. * * @param time * Time offset from now, in seconds */ silenceAtTime(time: number): void; /** * Play a frequency at time (in seconds). Time denotes when the attack * ramp starts. Note duration is given in milliseconds. If note duration * is not given, the note plays indefinitely. * * @param time * Time offset from now, in seconds * * @param frequency * The frequency to play at * * @param noteDuration * Duration to play, in milliseconds */ silenceAtTime(time: number, frequency: number, noteDuration: (number|undefined)): void; /** * Start the oscillators, but don't output sound. */ startSilently(): void; /** * Stop the synth. It can't be started again. */ stop(): void; } /** * Global Sonification classes and objects. */ let sonification: SonificationGlobalObject; } export default factory; export let Highcharts: typeof _Highcharts;