/*!* * * Copyright (c) Highsoft AS. All rights reserved. * *!*/ import * as globals from "../globals"; import * as _Highcharts from "../highcharts"; /** * Adds the module to the imported Highcharts namespace. * * @param highcharts * The imported Highcharts namespace to extend. */ export function factory(highcharts: typeof Highcharts): void; declare module "../highcharts" { /** * Standalone Navigator options. */ interface StandaloneNavigatorOptions {} /** * The StandaloneNavigator class. The StandaloneNavigator class allows for * creating a standalone navigator component that synchronizes the extremes * across multiple bound charts. */ class StandaloneNavigator { /** * The StandaloneNavigator class. The StandaloneNavigator class allows * for creating a standalone navigator component that synchronizes the * extremes across multiple bound charts. * * @param userOptions * The standalone navigator options. */ constructor(userOptions: StandaloneNavigatorOptions); /** * The StandaloneNavigator class. The StandaloneNavigator class allows * for creating a standalone navigator component that synchronizes the * extremes across multiple bound charts. * * @param renderTo * The DOM element to render to, or its id. * * @param userOptions * The standalone navigator options. */ constructor(renderTo: (string|HTMLDOMElement), userOptions: StandaloneNavigatorOptions); /** * Binds an axis to the standalone navigator, allowing the navigator to * control the axis' range. * * @param axisOrChart * The Axis or Chart to bind to the navigator. * * @param twoWay * Enables two-way binding between the navigator and the * axis/chart. When true, changes in the navigator's range will * update the axis and vice versa. When false, changes in the * navigator's range will be reflected in the axis, but changes * in the axis ranges won't be reflected on the navigator. */ bind(axisOrChart: (Axis|Chart), twoWay?: boolean): void; /** * Destroys allocated standalone navigator elements. */ destroy(): void; /** * Get the current range of the standalone navigator. * * @return The current range of the standalone navigator. */ getRange(): ExtremesObject; /** * Redraws the standalone navigator. */ redraw(): void; /** * Set the range of the standalone navigator. * * @param min * The new minimum value. * * @param max * The new maximum value. * * @fires Highcharts.StandaloneNavigator#setRange */ setRange(min: (number|undefined), max: (number|undefined)): void; /** * Unbinds a single axis or all bound axes from the standalone * navigator. * * @param axisOrChart * Passing a Chart object unbinds the first X axis of the chart, * an Axis object unbinds that specific axis, and undefined * unbinds all axes bound to the navigator. */ unbind(axisOrChart: (Axis|Chart|undefined)): void; /** * Updates the standalone navigator's options with a new set of user * options. * * @param newOptions * Updates the standalone navigator's options with new user * options. * * @param redraw * Whether to redraw the standalone navigator. By default, if not * specified, the standalone navigator will be redrawn. */ update(newOptions: StandaloneNavigatorOptions, redraw: (boolean|undefined)): void; } /** * Factory function for standalone navigator. * * @param options * The standalone navigator options with chart-like structure. * * Returns the navigator object. */ function navigator(options: StandaloneNavigatorOptions): void; /** * Factory function for standalone navigator. * * @param renderTo * The DOM element to render to, or its id. * * @param options * The standalone navigator options with chart-like structure. * * Returns the navigator object. */ function navigator(renderTo: (string|HTMLDOMElement), options: StandaloneNavigatorOptions): void; /** * When we have vertical scrollbar, rifles and arrow in buttons should be * rotated. The same method is used in Navigator's handles, to rotate them. * * @param path * Path to be rotated. * * @param vertical * If vertical scrollbar, swap x-y values. * * @return Rotated path. */ function swapXY(path: SVGPathArray, vertical?: boolean): SVGPathArray; } export default factory; export let Highcharts: typeof _Highcharts;