/*!* * * Copyright (c) Highsoft AS. All rights reserved. * *!*/ import * as globals from "../globals.src"; import * as _Highcharts from "../highcharts.src"; /** * Adds the module to the imported Highcharts namespace. * * @param highcharts * The imported Highcharts namespace to extend. */ export function factory(highcharts: typeof Highcharts): void; declare module "../highcharts.src" { interface Point { high?: number; low?: number; } interface Series { /** * Get non-presentational attributes for a point. Used internally for * both styled mode and classic. Can be overridden for different series * types. * * @param point * The Point to inspect. * * @param state * The state, can be either `hover`, `select` or undefined. * * @return A hash containing those attributes that are not settable from * CSS. */ markerAttribs(point: Point, state?: string): SVGAttributes; } } export default factory; export let Highcharts: typeof _Highcharts;