/*!* * * Copyright (c) Highsoft AS. All rights reserved. * *!*/ import * as globals from "../globals"; import * as _Highcharts from "../highcharts"; /** * Adds the module to the imported Highcharts namespace. * * @param highcharts * The imported Highcharts namespace to extend. */ export function factory(highcharts: typeof Highcharts): void; declare module "../highcharts" { /** * Callback function that returns the corresponding Date object to a match. */ type DataDateFormatCallbackFunction = (match: Array) => number; interface AjaxSettingsObject { /** * The payload to send. */ data?: (string|Dictionary); /** * The data type expected. */ dataType?: ("json"|"octet"|"text"|"xml"); /** * Function to call on error. */ error?: Function; /** * The headers; keyed on header name. */ headers?: Dictionary; /** * Function to call on success. */ success?: Function; /** * The HTTP method to use. For example GET or POST. */ type?: string; /** * The URL to call. */ url: string; } interface Chart { /** * The data parser for this chart. */ data?: Data; } /** * Structure for alternative date formats to parse. */ interface DataDateFormatObject { alternative?: string; parser: DataDateFormatCallbackFunction; regex: RegExp; } /** * The Data class */ class Data { /** * Reorganize rows into columns. */ static rowsToColumns(): void; /** * The Data class */ constructor(dataOptions: DataOptions, chartOptions?: Options, chart?: Chart); /** * A collection of available date formats, extendable from the outside * to support custom date formats. */ dateFormats: Dictionary; /** * If a complete callback function is provided in the options, interpret * the columns into a Highcharts options object. */ complete(): void; /** * Fetch or refetch live data * * @return The URLs that were tried can be found in the options */ fetchLiveData(): boolean; /** * Get the column distribution. For example, a line series takes a * single column for Y values. A range series takes two columns for low * and high values respectively, and an OHLC series takes four columns. */ getColumnDistribution(): void; /** * Get the parsed data in a form that we can apply directly to the * `series.data` config. Array positions can be mapped using the * `series.keys` option. * * @return Data rows */ getData(): (Array>|undefined); /** * Parse a single column. Set properties like .isDatetime and * .isNumeric. * * @param column * Column to parse * * @param col * Column index */ parseColumn(column: Array, col: number): void; /** * Parse a CSV input string */ parseCSV(): void; /** * A hook for working directly on the parsed columns */ parsed(): void; /** * Parse a date and return it as a number. Overridable through * `options.parseDate`. */ parseDate(): void; /** * Parse a Google spreadsheet. * * @return Always returns false, because it is an intermediate fetch. */ parseGoogleSpreadsheet(): boolean; /** * Parse a HTML table */ parseTable(): void; /** * Parse numeric cells in to number types and date types in to true * dates. */ parseTypes(): void; /** * Trim a string from whitespaces. * * @param str * String to trim * * @param inside * Remove all spaces between numbers. * * @return Trimed string */ trim(str: string, inside?: boolean): string; /** * Updates the chart with new data options. */ update(options: DataOptions, redraw?: boolean): void; } /** * Perform an Ajax call. * * @param settings * The Ajax settings to use. * * @return Returns false, if error occurred. */ function ajax(settings: AjaxSettingsObject): (false|undefined); /** * Creates a data object to parse data for a chart. */ function data(): void; /** * Get a JSON resource over XHR, also supporting CORS without preflight. * * @param url * The URL to load. * * @param success * The success callback. For error handling, use the * `Highcharts.ajax` function instead. */ function getJSON(url: string, success: Function): void; /** * Form the `values` field after range settings, unless the * googleSpreadsheetRange option is set. */ function getRange(): void; function hasURLOption(): void; } export default factory; export let Highcharts: typeof _Highcharts;