/* * * * (c) 2016-2024 Highsoft AS * * Authors: Jon Arild Nygard * * License: www.highcharts.com/license * * !!!!!!! SOURCE GETS TRANSPILED BY TYPESCRIPT. EDIT TS FILE ONLY. !!!!!!! * * */ 'use strict'; /* * * * Imports * * */ import U from '../Core/Utilities.js'; const { extend, isNumber, pick } = U; /* * * * Functions * * */ /** * Creates an object map from parent id to children's index. * * @private * @function Highcharts.Tree#getListOfParents * * @param {Array<*>} data * List of points set in options. `Array.parent` is parent id of point. * * @return {Highcharts.Dictionary>} * Map from parent id to children index in data */ function getListOfParents(data) { const root = '', ids = [], listOfParents = data.reduce((prev, curr) => { const { parent = '', id } = curr; if (typeof prev[parent] === 'undefined') { prev[parent] = []; } prev[parent].push(curr); if (id) { ids.push(id); } return prev; }, {}); Object.keys(listOfParents).forEach((node) => { if ((node !== root) && (ids.indexOf(node) === -1)) { const adoptedByRoot = listOfParents[node].map(function (orphan) { const { ...parentExcluded } = orphan; // #15196 return parentExcluded; }); listOfParents[root].push(...adoptedByRoot); delete listOfParents[node]; } }); return listOfParents; } /** @private */ function getNode(id, parent, level, data, mapOfIdToChildren, options) { const after = options && options.after, before = options && options.before, node = { data, depth: level - 1, id, level, parent: (parent || '') }; let descendants = 0, height = 0, start, end; // Allow custom logic before the children has been created. if (typeof before === 'function') { before(node, options); } // Call getNode recursively on the children. Calculate the height of the // node, and the number of descendants. const children = ((mapOfIdToChildren[id] || [])).map((child) => { const node = getNode(child.id, id, (level + 1), child, mapOfIdToChildren, options), childStart = child.start || NaN, childEnd = (child.milestone === true ? childStart : child.end || NaN); // Start should be the lowest child.start. start = ((!isNumber(start) || childStart < start) ? childStart : start); // End should be the largest child.end. // If child is milestone, then use start as end. end = ((!isNumber(end) || childEnd > end) ? childEnd : end); descendants = descendants + 1 + node.descendants; height = Math.max(node.height + 1, height); return node; }); // Calculate start and end for point if it is not already explicitly set. if (data) { data.start = pick(data.start, start); data.end = pick(data.end, end); } extend(node, { children: children, descendants: descendants, height: height }); // Allow custom logic after the children has been created. if (typeof after === 'function') { after(node, options); } return node; } /** @private */ function getTree(data, options) { return getNode('', null, 1, null, getListOfParents(data), options); } /* * * * Default Export * * */ const Tree = { getNode, getTree }; export default Tree;