# @npmcli/fs polyfills, and extensions, of the core `fs` module. ## Features - `fs.cp` polyfill for node < 16.7.0 - `fs.withTempDir` added - `fs.readdirScoped` added - `fs.moveFile` added ## `fs.withTempDir(root, fn, options) -> Promise` ### Parameters - `root`: the directory in which to create the temporary directory - `fn`: a function that will be called with the path to the temporary directory - `options` - `tmpPrefix`: a prefix to be used in the generated directory name ### Usage The `withTempDir` function creates a temporary directory, runs the provided function (`fn`), then removes the temporary directory and resolves or rejects based on the result of `fn`. ```js const fs = require('@npmcli/fs') const os = require('os') // this function will be called with the full path to the temporary directory // it is called with `await` behind the scenes, so can be async if desired. const myFunction = async (tempPath) => { return 'done!' } const main = async () => { const result = await fs.withTempDir(os.tmpdir(), myFunction) // result === 'done!' } main() ``` ## `fs.readdirScoped(root) -> Promise` ### Parameters - `root`: the directory to read ### Usage Like `fs.readdir` but handling `@org/module` dirs as if they were a single entry. ```javascript const readdir = require('readdir-scoped-modules') const entries = await readdir('node_modules') // entries will be something like: ['a', '@org/foo', '@org/bar'] ``` ## `fs.moveFile(source, dest, options) -> Promise` A fork of [move-file](https://github.com/sindresorhus/move-file) with support for Common JS. ### Highlights - Promise API. - Supports moving a file across partitions and devices. - Optionally prevent overwriting an existing file. - Creates non-existent destination directories for you. - Automatically recurses when source is a directory. ### Parameters - `source`: File, or directory, you want to move. - `dest`: Where you want the file or directory moved. - `options` - `overwrite` (`boolean`, default: `true`): Overwrite existing destination file(s). ### Usage The built-in [`fs.rename()`](https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_fs_rename_oldpath_newpath_callback) is just a JavaScript wrapper for the C `rename(2)` function, which doesn't support moving files across partitions or devices. This module is what you would have expected `fs.rename()` to be. ```js const { moveFile } = require('@npmcli/fs'); (async () => { await moveFile('source/unicorn.png', 'destination/unicorn.png'); console.log('The file has been moved'); })(); ```