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[Read the migration guide](https://github.com/waysact/webpack-subresource-integrity/blob/main/MIGRATE-v1-to-v5.md).** ## Features - Optional integration with [html-webpack-plugin](https://github.com/ampedandwired/html-webpack-plugin). - Automatic support for dynamic imports (also known as code splitting.) - Compatible with Webpack 5 (for Webpack versions 1-4 see [1.x branch](https://github.com/waysact/webpack-subresource-integrity/tree/1.x/).) ## Installation ```shell yarn add --dev webpack-subresource-integrity ``` ```shell npm install webpack-subresource-integrity --save-dev ``` ### Recommended Webpack Configuration ```javascript import { SubresourceIntegrityPlugin } from "webpack-subresource-integrity"; // or: const { SubresourceIntegrityPlugin } = require('webpack-subresource-integrity'); const compiler = webpack({ output: { // the following setting is required for SRI to work: crossOriginLoading: "anonymous", }, plugins: [new SubresourceIntegrityPlugin()], }); ``` ### Setting the `integrity` attribute for top-level assets For the plugin to take effect it is **essential** that you set the `integrity` attribute for top-level assets (i.e. assets loaded by your HTML pages.) #### With HtmlWebpackPlugin When html-webpack-plugin is injecting assets into the template (the default), the `integrity` attribute will be set automatically. The `crossorigin` attribute will be set as well, to the value of `output.crossOriginLoading` webpack option. There is nothing else to be done. #### With HtmlWebpackPlugin({ inject: false }) When you use html-webpack-plugin with `inject: false`, you are required to set the `integrity` and `crossorigin` attributes in your template as follows: ```ejs <% for (let index in htmlWebpackPlugin.files.js) { %> <% } %> <% for (let index in htmlWebpackPlugin.files.css) { %> <% } %> ``` #### Without HtmlWebpackPlugin The correct value for the `integrity` attribute can be retrieved from the `integrity` property of Webpack assets. For example: ```javascript compiler.plugin("done", (stats) => { const integrityValues = stats .toJson() .assets.map((asset) => [asset.name, asset.integrity]); }); ``` Note that when you add the `integrity` attribute on your `link` and `script` tags, you're also required to set the `crossorigin` attribute. It is recommended to set this attribute to the same value as the webpack `output.crossOriginLoading` configuration option. ### Web Server Configuration If your page can be loaded through plain HTTP (as opposed to HTTPS), you must set the `Cache-Control: no-transform` response header or your page will break when assets are loaded through a transforming proxy. [See below](#proxies) for more information. When using caching, stale assets will fail to load since they will not pass integrity checks. It is vital that you configure caching correctly in your web server. [See below](#caching) for more information. ### Options #### hashFuncNames Default value: `["sha384"]` An array of strings, each specifying the name of a hash function to be used for calculating integrity hash values. See [SRI: Cryptographic hash functions](http://www.w3.org/TR/SRI/#cryptographic-hash-functions) The default is chosen based on the current [suggestion by the W3C](https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/REC-SRI-20160623/#hash-collision-attacks) which reads: > At the time of writing, SHA-384 is a good baseline. See [here](https://github.com/w3c/webappsec/issues/477) for additional information on why SHA-384 was chosen by the W3C over their initial suggestion, SHA-256. As one of the commenters in that discussion points out, "SRI hashes are likely delivered over SSL" which today (2021) is often using SHA-256 so that there is probably little harm in downgrading this to `sha256` instead. By using SHA-256 you will save 21 bytes per chunk and perhaps a few CPU cycles, although SHA-384 is actually faster to compute on some hardware. Not that it matters, as the difference is dwarfed by all the other work a browser has to do in order to download and parse a JS or CSS asset. You probably want to use `sha512` instead of the default only if you're paranoid. It will cost you an additional 21 bytes per chunk; the CPU overhead is virtually nil because SHA-512 is the same as SHA-384, just not truncated. Although you can specify multiple hash functions here, doing so is pointless as long as all mainstream browsers only support the SHA-2 family, which is the case today. Worse, it's detrimental since it adds unnecessary overhead. The reason is that as per the spec, only the strongest hash function is used and so eg. `['sha256', 'sha512']` is equivalent to `['sha512']` unless SHA-512 was one day deemed _weaker_ than SHA-256 by user agents, which is an unlikely scenario. As one of the authors of the W3C spec [puts it](https://github.com/mozilla/srihash.org/issues/155#issuecomment-259800503): > The support for multiple hashes is in the spec for backward-compatibility once > we introduce new hash algorithms (e.g. SHA3). #### enabled Default value: `"auto"` One of `"auto"`, `true`, or `false`. `true` means to enable the plugin and `false` means to disable it. `auto` is the default and means to enable the plugin when the [Webpack mode](https://webpack.js.org/configuration/mode/) is `production` or `none` and disable it when it is `development`. #### hashLoading Default value: `"eager"` One of `"eager"` or `"lazy"` `"eager""` means that integrity hashes for all assets will be defined in the entry chunk. `"lazy"` means that integrity hashes for any given asset will be defined in its direct parents in the chunk graph. This can lead to duplication of hashes across assets, but can significantly reduce the size of your entry chunk(s) if you have a large number of async chunks. ## Exporting `integrity` values You might want to export generated integrity hashes, perhaps for use with SSR. We recommend [webpack-assets-manifest](https://github.com/webdeveric/webpack-assets-manifest) for this purpose. When configured with option `integrity: true` it will include the hashes generated by this plugin in the manifest. [Example usage with webpack-assets-manifest](https://github.com/waysact/webpack-subresource-integrity/tree/main/examples/webpack-assets-manifest/). ## Caveats ### Caching Using SRI presents a potential risk to the availability of your website when HTTP response caching is setup incorrectly. Stale asset versions are always problematic but SRI exacerbates the risk. Without SRI, inconsequential changes (such as whitespace-only changes) don't matter, and your website might still look OK when a stale CSS asset is used. Even with a stale JS asset there's a chance your website will still be more or less working as expected. With SRI, however, a stale asset will fail hard. This is because the browser won't tell the difference between a version of your asset that has been tampered with and one that is simply outdated: both will fail the integrity check and refuse to load. It's therefore imperative that, if you do use caching, you use a robust setup: one where _any_ change in content, no matter how miniscule or inconsequential, will cause the cache to be invalidated. With Webpack and long-term caching this means using `[contenthash]` (with `realContentHash`, which is enabled by default in production mode). Using `[contenthash]` with `realContentHash` disabled, or using a different type of hash placeholder (such as `[chunkhash]`) provides weaker guarantees, which is why this plugin will output a warning in these cases. See [issue #162](https://github.com/waysact/webpack-subresource-integrity/issues/162) for more information. ### Proxies By its very nature, SRI can cause your page to break when assets are modified by a proxy. This is because SRI doesn't distinguish between malicious and benevolent modifications: any modification will prevent an asset from being loaded. Notably, this issue can arise when your page is loaded through [Chrome Data Saver](https://developer.chrome.com/multidevice/data-compression). This is only a problem when your page can be loaded with plain HTTP, since proxies are incapable of modifying encrypted HTTPS responses. Presumably, you're looking to use SRI because you're concerned about security and thus your page is only served through HTTPS anyway. However, if you really need to use SRI and HTTP together, you should set the `Cache-Control: no-transform` response header. This will instruct all well-behaved proxies (including Chrome Data Saver) to refrain from modifying the assets. ### Preloading This plugin adds the integrity attribute to `` tags, but preloading with SRI doesn't work as expected in current Chrome versions. The resource will be loaded twice, defeating the purpose of preloading. This problem doesn't appear to exist in Firefox or Safari. See [issue #111](https://github.com/waysact/webpack-subresource-integrity/issues/111) for more information. ### Browser support Browser support for SRI is widely implemented. Your page will still work on browsers without support for SRI, but subresources won't be protected from tampering. See [Can I use Subresource Integrity?](http://caniuse.com/#feat=subresource-integrity) ### Hot Reloading This plugin can interfere with hot reloading and therefore should be disabled when using tools such as `webpack-dev-server`. This shouldn't be a problem because hot reloading is usually used only in development mode where SRI is not normally needed. For testing SRI without setting up a full-blown web server, consider using a tool such as [`http-server`](https://github.com/indexzero/http-server). ### Safari and Assets that Require Cookies As detailed in [Webpack Issue #6972](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/6972), the `crossOrigin` attribute can break loading of assets in certain edge cases due to a bug in Safari. Since SRI requires the `crossOrigin` attribute to be set, you may run into this case even when source URL is same-origin with respect to the asset. ## Further Reading - [MDN: Subresource Integrity](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Security/Subresource_Integrity) ## License Copyright (c) 2015-present Waysact Pty Ltd MIT (see [LICENSE](LICENSE)) [tests-badge]: https://github.com/waysact/webpack-subresource-integrity/actions/workflows/test.yml/badge.svg?branch=main [tests-url]: https://github.com/waysact/webpack-subresource-integrity/actions [coverage-badge]: https://coveralls.io/repos/github/waysact/webpack-subresource-integrity/badge.svg?branch=main [coverage-url]: https://coveralls.io/github/waysact/webpack-subresource-integrity?branch=main [codeclimate-badge]: https://codeclimate.com/github/waysact/webpack-subresource-integrity/badges/gpa.svg [codeclimate-url]: https://codeclimate.com/github/waysact/webpack-subresource-integrity [license-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg [license-url]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/waysact/webpack-subresource-integrity/main/LICENSE