import { FilterMetadata } from './filtermetadata'; import { SortMeta } from './sortmeta'; /** * Represents an event object for lazy loading data. * @group Interface */ export interface LazyLoadEvent { /** * The index of the first record to be loaded. */ first?: number; /** * The index of the last record to be loaded. */ last?: number; /** * The number of rows to load. */ rows?: number; /** * The field to be used for sorting. */ sortField?: string; /** * The sort order for the field. */ sortOrder?: number; /** * An array of sort metadata objects for multiple column sorting. */ multiSortMeta?: SortMeta[]; /** * An object containing filter metadata for filtering the data. * The keys represent the field names, and the values represent the corresponding filter metadata. */ filters?: { [s: string]: FilterMetadata; }; /** * The global filter value for filtering across all columns. */ globalFilter?: any; /** * A function that can be called to force an update in the lazy loaded data. */ forceUpdate?: () => void; }