import * as i0 from '@angular/core'; import { Directive, InjectionToken, inject, Injectable, ComponentFactoryResolver, ApplicationRef, SecurityContext, Injector, Inject, Component, HostBinding, HostListener, makeEnvironmentProviders, NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { trigger, state, style, transition, animate } from '@angular/animations'; import { DOCUMENT, NgIf } from '@angular/common'; import { Subject } from 'rxjs'; import * as i2 from '@angular/platform-browser'; class ToastContainerDirective { el; constructor(el) { this.el = el; } getContainerElement() { return this.el.nativeElement; } static ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: ToastContainerDirective, deps: [{ token: i0.ElementRef }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); static ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.0.1", type: ToastContainerDirective, isStandalone: true, selector: "[toastContainer]", exportAs: ["toastContainer"], ngImport: i0 }); } i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: ToastContainerDirective, decorators: [{ type: Directive, args: [{ selector: '[toastContainer]', exportAs: 'toastContainer', standalone: true }] }], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.ElementRef }]; } }); /** * A `ComponentPortal` is a portal that instantiates some Component upon attachment. */ class ComponentPortal { _attachedHost; /** The type of the component that will be instantiated for attachment. */ component; /** * [Optional] Where the attached component should live in Angular's *logical* component tree. * This is different from where the component *renders*, which is determined by the PortalHost. * The origin necessary when the host is outside of the Angular application context. */ viewContainerRef; /** Injector used for the instantiation of the component. */ injector; constructor(component, injector) { this.component = component; this.injector = injector; } /** Attach this portal to a host. */ attach(host, newestOnTop) { this._attachedHost = host; return host.attach(this, newestOnTop); } /** Detach this portal from its host */ detach() { const host = this._attachedHost; if (host) { this._attachedHost = undefined; return host.detach(); } } /** Whether this portal is attached to a host. */ get isAttached() { return this._attachedHost != null; } /** * Sets the PortalHost reference without performing `attach()`. This is used directly by * the PortalHost when it is performing an `attach()` or `detach()`. */ setAttachedHost(host) { this._attachedHost = host; } } /** * Partial implementation of PortalHost that only deals with attaching a * ComponentPortal */ class BasePortalHost { /** The portal currently attached to the host. */ _attachedPortal; /** A function that will permanently dispose this host. */ _disposeFn; attach(portal, newestOnTop) { this._attachedPortal = portal; return this.attachComponentPortal(portal, newestOnTop); } detach() { if (this._attachedPortal) { this._attachedPortal.setAttachedHost(); } this._attachedPortal = undefined; if (this._disposeFn) { this._disposeFn(); this._disposeFn = undefined; } } setDisposeFn(fn) { this._disposeFn = fn; } } /** * Reference to a toast opened via the Toastr service. */ class ToastRef { _overlayRef; /** The instance of component opened into the toast. */ componentInstance; /** Count of duplicates of this toast */ duplicatesCount = 0; /** Subject for notifying the user that the toast has finished closing. */ _afterClosed = new Subject(); /** triggered when toast is activated */ _activate = new Subject(); /** notifies the toast that it should close before the timeout */ _manualClose = new Subject(); /** notifies the toast that it should reset the timeouts */ _resetTimeout = new Subject(); /** notifies the toast that it should count a duplicate toast */ _countDuplicate = new Subject(); constructor(_overlayRef) { this._overlayRef = _overlayRef; } manualClose() {; this._manualClose.complete(); } manualClosed() { return this._manualClose.asObservable(); } timeoutReset() { return this._resetTimeout.asObservable(); } countDuplicate() { return this._countDuplicate.asObservable(); } /** * Close the toast. */ close() { this._overlayRef.detach();;; this._afterClosed.complete(); this._manualClose.complete(); this._activate.complete(); this._resetTimeout.complete(); this._countDuplicate.complete(); } /** Gets an observable that is notified when the toast is finished closing. */ afterClosed() { return this._afterClosed.asObservable(); } isInactive() { return this._activate.isStopped; } activate() {; this._activate.complete(); } /** Gets an observable that is notified when the toast has started opening. */ afterActivate() { return this._activate.asObservable(); } /** Reset the toast timouts and count duplicates */ onDuplicate(resetTimeout, countDuplicate) { if (resetTimeout) {; } if (countDuplicate) {; } } } /** * Everything a toast needs to launch */ class ToastPackage { toastId; config; message; title; toastType; toastRef; _onTap = new Subject(); _onAction = new Subject(); constructor(toastId, config, message, title, toastType, toastRef) { this.toastId = toastId; this.config = config; this.message = message; this.title = title; this.toastType = toastType; this.toastRef = toastRef; this.toastRef.afterClosed().subscribe(() => { this._onAction.complete(); this._onTap.complete(); }); } /** Fired on click */ triggerTap() {; if (this.config.tapToDismiss) { this._onTap.complete(); } } onTap() { return this._onTap.asObservable(); } /** available for use in custom toast */ triggerAction(action) {; } onAction() { return this._onAction.asObservable(); } } const DefaultNoComponentGlobalConfig = { maxOpened: 0, autoDismiss: false, newestOnTop: true, preventDuplicates: false, countDuplicates: false, resetTimeoutOnDuplicate: false, includeTitleDuplicates: false, iconClasses: { error: 'toast-error', info: 'toast-info', success: 'toast-success', warning: 'toast-warning', }, // Individual closeButton: false, disableTimeOut: false, timeOut: 5000, extendedTimeOut: 1000, enableHtml: false, progressBar: false, toastClass: 'ngx-toastr', positionClass: 'toast-top-right', titleClass: 'toast-title', messageClass: 'toast-message', easing: 'ease-in', easeTime: 300, tapToDismiss: true, onActivateTick: false, progressAnimation: 'decreasing', }; const TOAST_CONFIG = new InjectionToken('ToastConfig'); /** * A PortalHost for attaching portals to an arbitrary DOM element outside of the Angular * application context. * * This is the only part of the portal core that directly touches the DOM. */ class DomPortalHost extends BasePortalHost { _hostDomElement; _componentFactoryResolver; _appRef; constructor(_hostDomElement, _componentFactoryResolver, _appRef) { super(); this._hostDomElement = _hostDomElement; this._componentFactoryResolver = _componentFactoryResolver; this._appRef = _appRef; } /** * Attach the given ComponentPortal to DOM element using the ComponentFactoryResolver. * @param portal Portal to be attached */ attachComponentPortal(portal, newestOnTop) { const componentFactory = this._componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(portal.component); let componentRef; // If the portal specifies a ViewContainerRef, we will use that as the attachment point // for the component (in terms of Angular's component tree, not rendering). // When the ViewContainerRef is missing, we use the factory to create the component directly // and then manually attach the ChangeDetector for that component to the application (which // happens automatically when using a ViewContainer). componentRef = componentFactory.create(portal.injector); // When creating a component outside of a ViewContainer, we need to manually register // its ChangeDetector with the application. This API is unfortunately not yet published // in Angular core. The change detector must also be deregistered when the component // is destroyed to prevent memory leaks. this._appRef.attachView(componentRef.hostView); this.setDisposeFn(() => { this._appRef.detachView(componentRef.hostView); componentRef.destroy(); }); // At this point the component has been instantiated, so we move it to the location in the DOM // where we want it to be rendered. if (newestOnTop) { this._hostDomElement.insertBefore(this._getComponentRootNode(componentRef), this._hostDomElement.firstChild); } else { this._hostDomElement.appendChild(this._getComponentRootNode(componentRef)); } return componentRef; } /** Gets the root HTMLElement for an instantiated component. */ _getComponentRootNode(componentRef) { return componentRef.hostView.rootNodes[0]; } } /** Container inside which all toasts will render. */ class OverlayContainer { _document = inject(DOCUMENT); _containerElement; ngOnDestroy() { if (this._containerElement && this._containerElement.parentNode) { this._containerElement.parentNode.removeChild(this._containerElement); } } /** * This method returns the overlay container element. It will lazily * create the element the first time it is called to facilitate using * the container in non-browser environments. * @returns the container element */ getContainerElement() { if (!this._containerElement) { this._createContainer(); } return this._containerElement; } /** * Create the overlay container element, which is simply a div * with the 'cdk-overlay-container' class on the document body * and 'aria-live="polite"' */ _createContainer() { const container = this._document.createElement('div'); container.classList.add('overlay-container'); container.setAttribute('aria-live', 'polite'); this._document.body.appendChild(container); this._containerElement = container; } static ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: OverlayContainer, deps: [], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Injectable }); static ɵprov = i0.ɵɵngDeclareInjectable({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: OverlayContainer, providedIn: 'root' }); } i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: OverlayContainer, decorators: [{ type: Injectable, args: [{ providedIn: 'root' }] }] }); /** * Reference to an overlay that has been created with the Overlay service. * Used to manipulate or dispose of said overlay. */ class OverlayRef { _portalHost; constructor(_portalHost) { this._portalHost = _portalHost; } attach(portal, newestOnTop = true) { return this._portalHost.attach(portal, newestOnTop); } /** * Detaches an overlay from a portal. * @returns Resolves when the overlay has been detached. */ detach() { return this._portalHost.detach(); } } /** * Service to create Overlays. Overlays are dynamically added pieces of floating UI, meant to be * used as a low-level building building block for other components. Dialogs, tooltips, menus, * selects, etc. can all be built using overlays. The service should primarily be used by authors * of re-usable components rather than developers building end-user applications. * * An overlay *is* a PortalHost, so any kind of Portal can be loaded into one. */ class Overlay { _overlayContainer = inject(OverlayContainer); _componentFactoryResolver = inject(ComponentFactoryResolver); _appRef = inject(ApplicationRef); _document = inject(DOCUMENT); // Namespace panes by overlay container _paneElements = new Map(); /** * Creates an overlay. * @returns A reference to the created overlay. */ create(positionClass, overlayContainer) { // get existing pane if possible return this._createOverlayRef(this.getPaneElement(positionClass, overlayContainer)); } getPaneElement(positionClass = '', overlayContainer) { if (!this._paneElements.get(overlayContainer)) { this._paneElements.set(overlayContainer, {}); } if (!this._paneElements.get(overlayContainer)[positionClass]) { this._paneElements.get(overlayContainer)[positionClass] = this._createPaneElement(positionClass, overlayContainer); } return this._paneElements.get(overlayContainer)[positionClass]; } /** * Creates the DOM element for an overlay and appends it to the overlay container. * @returns Newly-created pane element */ _createPaneElement(positionClass, overlayContainer) { const pane = this._document.createElement('div'); = 'toast-container'; pane.classList.add(positionClass); pane.classList.add('toast-container'); if (!overlayContainer) { this._overlayContainer.getContainerElement().appendChild(pane); } else { overlayContainer.getContainerElement().appendChild(pane); } return pane; } /** * Create a DomPortalHost into which the overlay content can be loaded. * @param pane The DOM element to turn into a portal host. * @returns A portal host for the given DOM element. */ _createPortalHost(pane) { return new DomPortalHost(pane, this._componentFactoryResolver, this._appRef); } /** * Creates an OverlayRef for an overlay in the given DOM element. * @param pane DOM element for the overlay */ _createOverlayRef(pane) { return new OverlayRef(this._createPortalHost(pane)); } static ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: Overlay, deps: [], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Injectable }); static ɵprov = i0.ɵɵngDeclareInjectable({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: Overlay, providedIn: 'root' }); } i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: Overlay, decorators: [{ type: Injectable, args: [{ providedIn: 'root' }] }] }); class ToastrService { overlay; _injector; sanitizer; ngZone; toastrConfig; currentlyActive = 0; toasts = []; overlayContainer; previousToastMessage; index = 0; constructor(token, overlay, _injector, sanitizer, ngZone) { this.overlay = overlay; this._injector = _injector; this.sanitizer = sanitizer; this.ngZone = ngZone; this.toastrConfig = { ...token.default, ...token.config, }; if (token.config.iconClasses) { this.toastrConfig.iconClasses = { ...token.default.iconClasses, ...token.config.iconClasses, }; } } /** show toast */ show(message, title, override = {}, type = '') { return this._preBuildNotification(type, message, title, this.applyConfig(override)); } /** show successful toast */ success(message, title, override = {}) { const type = this.toastrConfig.iconClasses.success || ''; return this._preBuildNotification(type, message, title, this.applyConfig(override)); } /** show error toast */ error(message, title, override = {}) { const type = this.toastrConfig.iconClasses.error || ''; return this._preBuildNotification(type, message, title, this.applyConfig(override)); } /** show info toast */ info(message, title, override = {}) { const type = || ''; return this._preBuildNotification(type, message, title, this.applyConfig(override)); } /** show warning toast */ warning(message, title, override = {}) { const type = this.toastrConfig.iconClasses.warning || ''; return this._preBuildNotification(type, message, title, this.applyConfig(override)); } /** * Remove all or a single toast by id */ clear(toastId) { // Call every toastRef manualClose function for (const toast of this.toasts) { if (toastId !== undefined) { if (toast.toastId === toastId) { toast.toastRef.manualClose(); return; } } else { toast.toastRef.manualClose(); } } } /** * Remove and destroy a single toast by id */ remove(toastId) { const found = this._findToast(toastId); if (!found) { return false; } found.activeToast.toastRef.close(); this.toasts.splice(found.index, 1); this.currentlyActive = this.currentlyActive - 1; if (!this.toastrConfig.maxOpened || !this.toasts.length) { return false; } if (this.currentlyActive < this.toastrConfig.maxOpened && this.toasts[this.currentlyActive]) { const p = this.toasts[this.currentlyActive].toastRef; if (!p.isInactive()) { this.currentlyActive = this.currentlyActive + 1; p.activate(); } } return true; } /** * Determines if toast message is already shown */ findDuplicate(title = '', message = '', resetOnDuplicate, countDuplicates) { const { includeTitleDuplicates } = this.toastrConfig; for (const toast of this.toasts) { const hasDuplicateTitle = includeTitleDuplicates && toast.title === title; if ((!includeTitleDuplicates || hasDuplicateTitle) && toast.message === message) { toast.toastRef.onDuplicate(resetOnDuplicate, countDuplicates); return toast; } } return null; } /** create a clone of global config and apply individual settings */ applyConfig(override = {}) { return { ...this.toastrConfig, ...override }; } /** * Find toast object by id */ _findToast(toastId) { for (let i = 0; i < this.toasts.length; i++) { if (this.toasts[i].toastId === toastId) { return { index: i, activeToast: this.toasts[i] }; } } return null; } /** * Determines the need to run inside angular's zone then builds the toast */ _preBuildNotification(toastType, message, title, config) { if (config.onActivateTick) { return => this._buildNotification(toastType, message, title, config)); } return this._buildNotification(toastType, message, title, config); } /** * Creates and attaches toast data to component * returns the active toast, or in case preventDuplicates is enabled the original/non-duplicate active toast. */ _buildNotification(toastType, message, title, config) { if (!config.toastComponent) { throw new Error('toastComponent required'); } // max opened and auto dismiss = true // if timeout = 0 resetting it would result in setting this.hideTime = Hence, we only want to reset timeout if there is // a timeout at all const duplicate = this.findDuplicate(title, message, this.toastrConfig.resetTimeoutOnDuplicate && config.timeOut > 0, this.toastrConfig.countDuplicates); if (((this.toastrConfig.includeTitleDuplicates && title) || message) && this.toastrConfig.preventDuplicates && duplicate !== null) { return duplicate; } this.previousToastMessage = message; let keepInactive = false; if (this.toastrConfig.maxOpened && this.currentlyActive >= this.toastrConfig.maxOpened) { keepInactive = true; if (this.toastrConfig.autoDismiss) { this.clear(this.toasts[0].toastId); } } const overlayRef = this.overlay.create(config.positionClass, this.overlayContainer); this.index = this.index + 1; let sanitizedMessage = message; if (message && config.enableHtml) { sanitizedMessage = this.sanitizer.sanitize(SecurityContext.HTML, message); } const toastRef = new ToastRef(overlayRef); const toastPackage = new ToastPackage(this.index, config, sanitizedMessage, title, toastType, toastRef); /** New injector that contains an instance of `ToastPackage`. */ const providers = [{ provide: ToastPackage, useValue: toastPackage }]; const toastInjector = Injector.create({ providers, parent: this._injector }); const component = new ComponentPortal(config.toastComponent, toastInjector); const portal = overlayRef.attach(component, config.newestOnTop); toastRef.componentInstance = portal.instance; const ins = { toastId: this.index, title: title || '', message: message || '', toastRef, onShown: toastRef.afterActivate(), onHidden: toastRef.afterClosed(), onTap: toastPackage.onTap(), onAction: toastPackage.onAction(), portal, }; if (!keepInactive) { this.currentlyActive = this.currentlyActive + 1; setTimeout(() => { ins.toastRef.activate(); }); } this.toasts.push(ins); return ins; } static ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: ToastrService, deps: [{ token: TOAST_CONFIG }, { token: Overlay }, { token: i0.Injector }, { token: i2.DomSanitizer }, { token: i0.NgZone }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Injectable }); static ɵprov = i0.ɵɵngDeclareInjectable({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: ToastrService, providedIn: 'root' }); } i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: ToastrService, decorators: [{ type: Injectable, args: [{ providedIn: 'root' }] }], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: Inject, args: [TOAST_CONFIG] }] }, { type: Overlay }, { type: i0.Injector }, { type: i2.DomSanitizer }, { type: i0.NgZone }]; } }); class Toast { toastrService; toastPackage; ngZone; message; title; options; duplicatesCount; originalTimeout; /** width of progress bar */ width = -1; /** a combination of toast type and options.toastClass */ toastClasses = ''; /** controls animation */ state; /** hides component when waiting to be displayed */ get displayStyle() { if (this.state.value === 'inactive') { return 'none'; } return; } timeout; intervalId; hideTime; sub; sub1; sub2; sub3; constructor(toastrService, toastPackage, ngZone) { this.toastrService = toastrService; this.toastPackage = toastPackage; this.ngZone = ngZone; this.message = toastPackage.message; this.title = toastPackage.title; this.options = toastPackage.config; this.originalTimeout = toastPackage.config.timeOut; this.toastClasses = `${toastPackage.toastType} ${toastPackage.config.toastClass}`; this.sub = toastPackage.toastRef.afterActivate().subscribe(() => { this.activateToast(); }); this.sub1 = toastPackage.toastRef.manualClosed().subscribe(() => { this.remove(); }); this.sub2 = toastPackage.toastRef.timeoutReset().subscribe(() => { this.resetTimeout(); }); this.sub3 = toastPackage.toastRef.countDuplicate().subscribe(count => { this.duplicatesCount = count; }); this.state = { value: 'inactive', params: { easeTime: this.toastPackage.config.easeTime, easing: 'ease-in', }, }; } ngOnDestroy() { this.sub.unsubscribe(); this.sub1.unsubscribe(); this.sub2.unsubscribe(); this.sub3.unsubscribe(); clearInterval(this.intervalId); clearTimeout(this.timeout); } /** * activates toast and sets timeout */ activateToast() { this.state = { ...this.state, value: 'active' }; if (!(this.options.disableTimeOut === true || this.options.disableTimeOut === 'timeOut') && this.options.timeOut) { this.outsideTimeout(() => this.remove(), this.options.timeOut); this.hideTime = new Date().getTime() + this.options.timeOut; if (this.options.progressBar) { this.outsideInterval(() => this.updateProgress(), 10); } } } /** * updates progress bar width */ updateProgress() { if (this.width === 0 || this.width === 100 || !this.options.timeOut) { return; } const now = new Date().getTime(); const remaining = this.hideTime - now; this.width = (remaining / this.options.timeOut) * 100; if (this.options.progressAnimation === 'increasing') { this.width = 100 - this.width; } if (this.width <= 0) { this.width = 0; } if (this.width >= 100) { this.width = 100; } } resetTimeout() { clearTimeout(this.timeout); clearInterval(this.intervalId); this.state = { ...this.state, value: 'active' }; this.outsideTimeout(() => this.remove(), this.originalTimeout); this.options.timeOut = this.originalTimeout; this.hideTime = new Date().getTime() + (this.options.timeOut || 0); this.width = -1; if (this.options.progressBar) { this.outsideInterval(() => this.updateProgress(), 10); } } /** * tells toastrService to remove this toast after animation time */ remove() { if (this.state.value === 'removed') { return; } clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.state = { ...this.state, value: 'removed' }; this.outsideTimeout(() => this.toastrService.remove(this.toastPackage.toastId), +this.toastPackage.config.easeTime); } tapToast() { if (this.state.value === 'removed') { return; } this.toastPackage.triggerTap(); if (this.options.tapToDismiss) { this.remove(); } } stickAround() { if (this.state.value === 'removed') { return; } if (this.options.disableTimeOut !== 'extendedTimeOut') { clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.options.timeOut = 0; this.hideTime = 0; // disable progressBar clearInterval(this.intervalId); this.width = 0; } } delayedHideToast() { if ((this.options.disableTimeOut === true || this.options.disableTimeOut === 'extendedTimeOut') || this.options.extendedTimeOut === 0 || this.state.value === 'removed') { return; } this.outsideTimeout(() => this.remove(), this.options.extendedTimeOut); this.options.timeOut = this.options.extendedTimeOut; this.hideTime = new Date().getTime() + (this.options.timeOut || 0); this.width = -1; if (this.options.progressBar) { this.outsideInterval(() => this.updateProgress(), 10); } } outsideTimeout(func, timeout) { if (this.ngZone) { this.ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => (this.timeout = setTimeout(() => this.runInsideAngular(func), timeout))); } else { this.timeout = setTimeout(() => func(), timeout); } } outsideInterval(func, timeout) { if (this.ngZone) { this.ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => (this.intervalId = setInterval(() => this.runInsideAngular(func), timeout))); } else { this.intervalId = setInterval(() => func(), timeout); } } runInsideAngular(func) { if (this.ngZone) { => func()); } else { func(); } } static ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: Toast, deps: [{ token: ToastrService }, { token: ToastPackage }, { token: i0.NgZone }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component }); static ɵcmp = i0.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.0.1", type: Toast, isStandalone: true, selector: "[toast-component]", host: { listeners: { "click": "tapToast()", "mouseenter": "stickAround()", "mouseleave": "delayedHideToast()" }, properties: { "class": "this.toastClasses", "@flyInOut": "this.state", "style.display": "this.displayStyle" } }, ngImport: i0, template: `
{{ title }} [{{ duplicatesCount + 1 }}]
{{ message }}
`, isInline: true, dependencies: [{ kind: "directive", type: NgIf, selector: "[ngIf]", inputs: ["ngIf", "ngIfThen", "ngIfElse"] }], animations: [ trigger('flyInOut', [ state('inactive', style({ opacity: 0 })), state('active', style({ opacity: 1 })), state('removed', style({ opacity: 0 })), transition('inactive => active', animate('{{ easeTime }}ms {{ easing }}')), transition('active => removed', animate('{{ easeTime }}ms {{ easing }}')), ]), ] }); } i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: Toast, decorators: [{ type: Component, args: [{ selector: '[toast-component]', template: `
{{ title }} [{{ duplicatesCount + 1 }}]
{{ message }}
`, animations: [ trigger('flyInOut', [ state('inactive', style({ opacity: 0 })), state('active', style({ opacity: 1 })), state('removed', style({ opacity: 0 })), transition('inactive => active', animate('{{ easeTime }}ms {{ easing }}')), transition('active => removed', animate('{{ easeTime }}ms {{ easing }}')), ]), ], preserveWhitespaces: false, standalone: true, imports: [NgIf], }] }], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: ToastrService }, { type: ToastPackage }, { type: i0.NgZone }]; }, propDecorators: { toastClasses: [{ type: HostBinding, args: ['class'] }], state: [{ type: HostBinding, args: ['@flyInOut'] }], displayStyle: [{ type: HostBinding, args: ['style.display'] }], tapToast: [{ type: HostListener, args: ['click'] }], stickAround: [{ type: HostListener, args: ['mouseenter'] }], delayedHideToast: [{ type: HostListener, args: ['mouseleave'] }] } }); const DefaultGlobalConfig = { ...DefaultNoComponentGlobalConfig, toastComponent: Toast, }; /** * @description * Provides the `TOAST_CONFIG` token with the given config. * * @param config The config to configure toastr. * @returns The environment providers. * * @example * ```ts * import { provideToastr } from 'ngx-toastr'; * * bootstrap(AppComponent, { * providers: [ * provideToastr({ * timeOut: 2000, * positionClass: 'toast-top-right', * }), * ], * }) */ const provideToastr = (config = {}) => { const providers = [ { provide: TOAST_CONFIG, useValue: { default: DefaultGlobalConfig, config, } } ]; return makeEnvironmentProviders(providers); }; class ToastrModule { static forRoot(config = {}) { return { ngModule: ToastrModule, providers: [provideToastr(config)], }; } static ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: ToastrModule, deps: [], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.NgModule }); static ɵmod = i0.ɵɵngDeclareNgModule({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: ToastrModule, imports: [Toast], exports: [Toast] }); static ɵinj = i0.ɵɵngDeclareInjector({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: ToastrModule }); } i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: ToastrModule, decorators: [{ type: NgModule, args: [{ imports: [Toast], exports: [Toast], }] }] }); class ToastrComponentlessModule { static forRoot(config = {}) { return { ngModule: ToastrModule, providers: [ { provide: TOAST_CONFIG, useValue: { default: DefaultNoComponentGlobalConfig, config, }, }, ], }; } static ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: ToastrComponentlessModule, deps: [], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.NgModule }); static ɵmod = i0.ɵɵngDeclareNgModule({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: ToastrComponentlessModule }); static ɵinj = i0.ɵɵngDeclareInjector({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: ToastrComponentlessModule }); } i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: ToastrComponentlessModule, decorators: [{ type: NgModule, args: [{}] }] }); class ToastNoAnimation { toastrService; toastPackage; appRef; message; title; options; duplicatesCount; originalTimeout; /** width of progress bar */ width = -1; /** a combination of toast type and options.toastClass */ toastClasses = ''; /** hides component when waiting to be displayed */ get displayStyle() { if (this.state === 'inactive') { return 'none'; } } /** controls animation */ state = 'inactive'; timeout; intervalId; hideTime; sub; sub1; sub2; sub3; constructor(toastrService, toastPackage, appRef) { this.toastrService = toastrService; this.toastPackage = toastPackage; this.appRef = appRef; this.message = toastPackage.message; this.title = toastPackage.title; this.options = toastPackage.config; this.originalTimeout = toastPackage.config.timeOut; this.toastClasses = `${toastPackage.toastType} ${toastPackage.config.toastClass}`; this.sub = toastPackage.toastRef.afterActivate().subscribe(() => { this.activateToast(); }); this.sub1 = toastPackage.toastRef.manualClosed().subscribe(() => { this.remove(); }); this.sub2 = toastPackage.toastRef.timeoutReset().subscribe(() => { this.resetTimeout(); }); this.sub3 = toastPackage.toastRef.countDuplicate().subscribe(count => { this.duplicatesCount = count; }); } ngOnDestroy() { this.sub.unsubscribe(); this.sub1.unsubscribe(); this.sub2.unsubscribe(); this.sub3.unsubscribe(); clearInterval(this.intervalId); clearTimeout(this.timeout); } /** * activates toast and sets timeout */ activateToast() { this.state = 'active'; if (!(this.options.disableTimeOut === true || this.options.disableTimeOut === 'timeOut') && this.options.timeOut) { this.timeout = setTimeout(() => { this.remove(); }, this.options.timeOut); this.hideTime = new Date().getTime() + this.options.timeOut; if (this.options.progressBar) { this.intervalId = setInterval(() => this.updateProgress(), 10); } } if (this.options.onActivateTick) { this.appRef.tick(); } } /** * updates progress bar width */ updateProgress() { if (this.width === 0 || this.width === 100 || !this.options.timeOut) { return; } const now = new Date().getTime(); const remaining = this.hideTime - now; this.width = (remaining / this.options.timeOut) * 100; if (this.options.progressAnimation === 'increasing') { this.width = 100 - this.width; } if (this.width <= 0) { this.width = 0; } if (this.width >= 100) { this.width = 100; } } resetTimeout() { clearTimeout(this.timeout); clearInterval(this.intervalId); this.state = 'active'; this.options.timeOut = this.originalTimeout; this.timeout = setTimeout(() => this.remove(), this.originalTimeout); this.hideTime = new Date().getTime() + (this.originalTimeout || 0); this.width = -1; if (this.options.progressBar) { this.intervalId = setInterval(() => this.updateProgress(), 10); } } /** * tells toastrService to remove this toast after animation time */ remove() { if (this.state === 'removed') { return; } clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.state = 'removed'; this.timeout = setTimeout(() => this.toastrService.remove(this.toastPackage.toastId)); } tapToast() { if (this.state === 'removed') { return; } this.toastPackage.triggerTap(); if (this.options.tapToDismiss) { this.remove(); } } stickAround() { if (this.state === 'removed') { return; } clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.options.timeOut = 0; this.hideTime = 0; // disable progressBar clearInterval(this.intervalId); this.width = 0; } delayedHideToast() { if ((this.options.disableTimeOut === true || this.options.disableTimeOut === 'extendedTimeOut') || this.options.extendedTimeOut === 0 || this.state === 'removed') { return; } this.timeout = setTimeout(() => this.remove(), this.options.extendedTimeOut); this.options.timeOut = this.options.extendedTimeOut; this.hideTime = new Date().getTime() + (this.options.timeOut || 0); this.width = -1; if (this.options.progressBar) { this.intervalId = setInterval(() => this.updateProgress(), 10); } } static ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: ToastNoAnimation, deps: [{ token: ToastrService }, { token: ToastPackage }, { token: i0.ApplicationRef }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component }); static ɵcmp = i0.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.0.1", type: ToastNoAnimation, isStandalone: true, selector: "[toast-component]", host: { listeners: { "click": "tapToast()", "mouseenter": "stickAround()", "mouseleave": "delayedHideToast()" }, properties: { "class": "this.toastClasses", "style.display": "this.displayStyle" } }, ngImport: i0, template: `
{{ title }} [{{ duplicatesCount + 1 }}]
{{ message }}
`, isInline: true, dependencies: [{ kind: "directive", type: NgIf, selector: "[ngIf]", inputs: ["ngIf", "ngIfThen", "ngIfElse"] }] }); } i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: ToastNoAnimation, decorators: [{ type: Component, args: [{ selector: '[toast-component]', template: `
{{ title }} [{{ duplicatesCount + 1 }}]
{{ message }}
`, standalone: true, imports: [NgIf] }] }], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: ToastrService }, { type: ToastPackage }, { type: i0.ApplicationRef }]; }, propDecorators: { toastClasses: [{ type: HostBinding, args: ['class'] }], displayStyle: [{ type: HostBinding, args: ['style.display'] }], tapToast: [{ type: HostListener, args: ['click'] }], stickAround: [{ type: HostListener, args: ['mouseenter'] }], delayedHideToast: [{ type: HostListener, args: ['mouseleave'] }] } }); const DefaultNoAnimationsGlobalConfig = { ...DefaultNoComponentGlobalConfig, toastComponent: ToastNoAnimation, }; class ToastNoAnimationModule { static forRoot(config = {}) { return { ngModule: ToastNoAnimationModule, providers: [ { provide: TOAST_CONFIG, useValue: { default: DefaultNoAnimationsGlobalConfig, config, }, }, ], }; } static ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: ToastNoAnimationModule, deps: [], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.NgModule }); static ɵmod = i0.ɵɵngDeclareNgModule({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: ToastNoAnimationModule, imports: [ToastNoAnimation], exports: [ToastNoAnimation] }); static ɵinj = i0.ɵɵngDeclareInjector({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: ToastNoAnimationModule }); } i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.1", ngImport: i0, type: ToastNoAnimationModule, decorators: [{ type: NgModule, args: [{ imports: [ToastNoAnimation], exports: [ToastNoAnimation], }] }] }); /** * Generated bundle index. Do not edit. */ export { BasePortalHost, ComponentPortal, DefaultGlobalConfig, DefaultNoAnimationsGlobalConfig, DefaultNoComponentGlobalConfig, Overlay, OverlayContainer, OverlayRef, TOAST_CONFIG, Toast, ToastContainerDirective, ToastNoAnimation, ToastNoAnimationModule, ToastPackage, ToastRef, ToastrComponentlessModule, ToastrModule, ToastrService, provideToastr }; //#