"use strict"; var utils = require("../utils"); var GenericWorker = require("./GenericWorker"); /** * A worker which calculate the total length of the data flowing through. * @constructor * @param {String} propName the name used to expose the length */ function DataLengthProbe(propName) { GenericWorker.call(this, "DataLengthProbe for " + propName); this.propName = propName; this.withStreamInfo(propName, 0); } utils.inherits(DataLengthProbe, GenericWorker); /** * @see GenericWorker.processChunk */ DataLengthProbe.prototype.processChunk = function (chunk) { if(chunk) { var length = this.streamInfo[this.propName] || 0; this.streamInfo[this.propName] = length + chunk.data.length; } GenericWorker.prototype.processChunk.call(this, chunk); }; module.exports = DataLengthProbe;