import { NgForOf, NgStyle, NgIf } from '@angular/common'; import * as i0 from '@angular/core'; import { Component, ViewEncapsulation, Input, EventEmitter, ElementRef, Renderer2, ChangeDetectorRef, NgZone, Inject, Output, HostBinding, NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { Subject, debounceTime, takeUntil, switchMap, timer } from 'rxjs'; var GridType; (function (GridType) { GridType["Fit"] = "fit"; GridType["ScrollVertical"] = "scrollVertical"; GridType["ScrollHorizontal"] = "scrollHorizontal"; GridType["Fixed"] = "fixed"; GridType["VerticalFixed"] = "verticalFixed"; GridType["HorizontalFixed"] = "horizontalFixed"; })(GridType || (GridType = {})); var DisplayGrid; (function (DisplayGrid) { DisplayGrid["Always"] = "always"; DisplayGrid["OnDragAndResize"] = "onDrag&Resize"; DisplayGrid["None"] = "none"; })(DisplayGrid || (DisplayGrid = {})); var CompactType; (function (CompactType) { CompactType["None"] = "none"; CompactType["CompactUp"] = "compactUp"; CompactType["CompactLeft"] = "compactLeft"; CompactType["CompactUpAndLeft"] = "compactUp&Left"; CompactType["CompactLeftAndUp"] = "compactLeft&Up"; CompactType["CompactRight"] = "compactRight"; CompactType["CompactUpAndRight"] = "compactUp&Right"; CompactType["CompactRightAndUp"] = "compactRight&Up"; CompactType["CompactDown"] = "compactDown"; CompactType["CompactDownAndLeft"] = "compactDown&Left"; CompactType["CompactLeftAndDown"] = "compactLeft&Down"; CompactType["CompactDownAndRight"] = "compactDown&Right"; CompactType["CompactRightAndDown"] = "compactRight&Down"; })(CompactType || (CompactType = {})); var DirTypes; (function (DirTypes) { DirTypes["LTR"] = "ltr"; DirTypes["RTL"] = "rtl"; })(DirTypes || (DirTypes = {})); class GridsterCompact { constructor(gridster) { this.gridster = gridster; } destroy() { this.gridster = null; } checkCompact() { if (this.gridster.$options.compactType !== CompactType.None) { if (this.gridster.$options.compactType === CompactType.CompactUp) { this.checkCompactMovement('y', -1); } else if (this.gridster.$options.compactType === CompactType.CompactLeft) { this.checkCompactMovement('x', -1); } else if (this.gridster.$options.compactType === CompactType.CompactUpAndLeft) { this.checkCompactMovement('y', -1); this.checkCompactMovement('x', -1); } else if (this.gridster.$options.compactType === CompactType.CompactLeftAndUp) { this.checkCompactMovement('x', -1); this.checkCompactMovement('y', -1); } else if (this.gridster.$options.compactType === CompactType.CompactRight) { this.checkCompactMovement('x', 1); } else if (this.gridster.$options.compactType === CompactType.CompactUpAndRight) { this.checkCompactMovement('y', -1); this.checkCompactMovement('x', 1); } else if (this.gridster.$options.compactType === CompactType.CompactRightAndUp) { this.checkCompactMovement('x', 1); this.checkCompactMovement('y', -1); } else if (this.gridster.$options.compactType === CompactType.CompactDown) { this.checkCompactMovement('y', 1); } else if (this.gridster.$options.compactType === CompactType.CompactDownAndLeft) { this.checkCompactMovement('y', 1); this.checkCompactMovement('x', -1); } else if (this.gridster.$options.compactType === CompactType.CompactDownAndRight) { this.checkCompactMovement('y', 1); this.checkCompactMovement('x', 1); } else if (this.gridster.$options.compactType === CompactType.CompactLeftAndDown) { this.checkCompactMovement('x', -1); this.checkCompactMovement('y', 1); } else if (this.gridster.$options.compactType === CompactType.CompactRightAndDown) { this.checkCompactMovement('x', 1); this.checkCompactMovement('y', 1); } } } checkCompactItem(item) { if (this.gridster.$options.compactType !== CompactType.None) { if (this.gridster.$options.compactType === CompactType.CompactUp) { this.moveTillCollision(item, 'y', -1); } else if (this.gridster.$options.compactType === CompactType.CompactLeft) { this.moveTillCollision(item, 'x', -1); } else if (this.gridster.$options.compactType === CompactType.CompactUpAndLeft) { this.moveTillCollision(item, 'y', -1); this.moveTillCollision(item, 'x', -1); } else if (this.gridster.$options.compactType === CompactType.CompactLeftAndUp) { this.moveTillCollision(item, 'x', -1); this.moveTillCollision(item, 'y', -1); } else if (this.gridster.$options.compactType === CompactType.CompactUpAndRight) { this.moveTillCollision(item, 'y', -1); this.moveTillCollision(item, 'x', 1); } else if (this.gridster.$options.compactType === CompactType.CompactDown) { this.moveTillCollision(item, 'y', 1); } else if (this.gridster.$options.compactType === CompactType.CompactDownAndLeft) { this.moveTillCollision(item, 'y', 1); this.moveTillCollision(item, 'x', -1); } else if (this.gridster.$options.compactType === CompactType.CompactLeftAndDown) { this.moveTillCollision(item, 'x', -1); this.moveTillCollision(item, 'y', 1); } else if (this.gridster.$options.compactType === CompactType.CompactDownAndRight) { this.moveTillCollision(item, 'y', 1); this.moveTillCollision(item, 'x', 1); } else if (this.gridster.$options.compactType === CompactType.CompactRightAndDown) { this.moveTillCollision(item, 'x', 1); this.moveTillCollision(item, 'y', 1); } } } checkCompactMovement(direction, delta) { let widgetMoved = false; this.gridster.grid.forEach((widget) => { if (widget.$item.compactEnabled !== false) { const moved = this.moveTillCollision(widget.$item, direction, delta); if (moved) { widgetMoved = true; widget.item[direction] = widget.$item[direction]; widget.itemChanged(); } } }); if (widgetMoved) { this.checkCompact(); } } moveTillCollision(item, direction, delta) { item[direction] += delta; if (this.gridster.checkCollision(item)) { item[direction] -= delta; return false; } else { this.moveTillCollision(item, direction, delta); return true; } } } const GridsterConfigService = { gridType: GridType.Fit, scale: 1, // 'scrollVertical' will fit on width and height of the items will be the same as the width // 'scrollHorizontal' will fit on height and width of the items will be the same as the height // 'fixed' will set the rows and columns dimensions based on fixedColWidth and fixedRowHeight options // 'verticalFixed' will set the rows to fixedRowHeight and columns width will fit the space available // 'horizontalFixed' will set the columns to fixedColWidth and rows height will fit the space available fixedColWidth: 250, fixedRowHeight: 250, keepFixedHeightInMobile: false, keepFixedWidthInMobile: false, setGridSize: false, compactType: CompactType.None, mobileBreakpoint: 640, useBodyForBreakpoint: false, allowMultiLayer: false, defaultLayerIndex: 0, maxLayerIndex: 2, baseLayerIndex: 1, minCols: 1, maxCols: 100, minRows: 1, maxRows: 100, defaultItemCols: 1, defaultItemRows: 1, maxItemCols: 50, maxItemRows: 50, minItemCols: 1, minItemRows: 1, minItemArea: 1, maxItemArea: 2500, addEmptyRowsCount: 0, rowHeightRatio: 1, margin: 10, outerMargin: true, outerMarginTop: null, outerMarginRight: null, outerMarginBottom: null, outerMarginLeft: null, useTransformPositioning: true, scrollSensitivity: 10, scrollSpeed: 20, initCallback: undefined, destroyCallback: undefined, gridSizeChangedCallback: undefined, itemChangeCallback: undefined, // Arguments: gridsterItem, gridsterItemComponent itemResizeCallback: undefined, // Arguments: gridsterItem, gridsterItemComponent itemInitCallback: undefined, // Arguments: gridsterItem, gridsterItemComponent itemRemovedCallback: undefined, // Arguments: gridsterItem, gridsterItemComponent itemValidateCallback: undefined, // Arguments: gridsterItem enableEmptyCellClick: false, enableEmptyCellContextMenu: false, enableEmptyCellDrop: false, enableEmptyCellDrag: false, enableOccupiedCellDrop: false, emptyCellClickCallback: undefined, emptyCellContextMenuCallback: undefined, emptyCellDropCallback: undefined, emptyCellDragCallback: undefined, emptyCellDragMaxCols: 50, emptyCellDragMaxRows: 50, // Arguments: event, gridsterItem{x, y, rows: defaultItemRows, cols: defaultItemCols} ignoreMarginInRow: false, draggable: { delayStart: 0, enabled: false, ignoreContentClass: 'gridster-item-content', ignoreContent: false, dragHandleClass: 'drag-handler', stop: undefined, start: undefined, // Arguments: item, gridsterItem, event dropOverItems: false, dropOverItemsCallback: undefined // callback on drop over another item // Arguments: source, target, gridComponent }, resizable: { delayStart: 0, enabled: false, handles: { s: true, e: true, n: true, w: true, se: true, ne: true, sw: true, nw: true }, stop: undefined, start: undefined // callback when resizing an item starts. // Arguments: item, gridsterItem, event }, swap: true, swapWhileDragging: false, pushItems: false, disablePushOnDrag: false, disablePushOnResize: false, pushDirections: { north: true, east: true, south: true, west: true }, pushResizeItems: false, displayGrid: DisplayGrid.OnDragAndResize, disableWindowResize: false, disableWarnings: false, scrollToNewItems: false, disableScrollHorizontal: false, disableScrollVertical: false, enableBoundaryControl: false, disableAutoPositionOnConflict: false, dirType: DirTypes.LTR // page direction, rtl=right to left ltr= left to right, if you use rtl language set dirType to rtl }; class GridsterUtils { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any static merge(obj1, obj2, properties) { for (const p in obj2) { if (obj2[p] !== void 0 && properties.hasOwnProperty(p)) { if (typeof obj2[p] === 'object') { // create an empty object for the property if obj1 does not already have one. if (!(p in obj1)) { obj1[p] = {}; } obj1[p] = GridsterUtils.merge(obj1[p], obj2[p], properties[p]); } else { obj1[p] = obj2[p]; } } } return obj1; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any static checkTouchEvent(e) { if (e.clientX === undefined && e.touches) { if (e.touches && e.touches.length) { e.clientX = e.touches[0].clientX; e.clientY = e.touches[0].clientY; } else if (e.changedTouches && e.changedTouches.length) { e.clientX = e.changedTouches[0].clientX; e.clientY = e.changedTouches[0].clientY; } } } static checkContentClassForEvent(gridster, e) { if (gridster.$options.draggable.ignoreContent) { if (!GridsterUtils.checkDragHandleClass(, e.currentTarget, gridster.$options.draggable.dragHandleClass, gridster.$options.draggable.ignoreContentClass)) { return true; } } else { if (GridsterUtils.checkContentClass(, e.currentTarget, gridster.$options.draggable.ignoreContentClass)) { return true; } } return false; } static checkContentClassForEmptyCellClickEvent(gridster, e) { return (GridsterUtils.checkContentClass(, e.currentTarget, gridster.$options.draggable.ignoreContentClass) || GridsterUtils.checkContentClass(, e.currentTarget, gridster.$options.draggable.dragHandleClass)); } static checkDragHandleClass(target, current, dragHandleClass, ignoreContentClass) { if (!target || target === current) { return false; } if (target.hasAttribute('class')) { const classnames = target.getAttribute('class').split(' '); if (classnames.indexOf(dragHandleClass) > -1) { return true; } if (classnames.indexOf(ignoreContentClass) > -1) { return false; } } return GridsterUtils.checkDragHandleClass(target.parentNode, current, dragHandleClass, ignoreContentClass); } static checkContentClass(target, current, contentClass) { if (!target || target === current) { return false; } if (target.hasAttribute('class') && target.getAttribute('class').split(' ').indexOf(contentClass) > -1) { return true; } else { return GridsterUtils.checkContentClass(target.parentNode, current, contentClass); } } static compareItems(a, b) { if (a.y > b.y) { return -1; } else if (a.y < b.y) { return 1; } else if (a.x > b.x) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } } class GridsterEmptyCell { constructor(gridster) { this.gridster = gridster; this.emptyCellClickCb = (e) => { if (!this.gridster || this.gridster.movingItem || GridsterUtils.checkContentClassForEmptyCellClickEvent(this.gridster, e)) { return; } const item = this.getValidItemFromEvent(e); if (!item) { return; } if (this.gridster.options.emptyCellClickCallback) { this.gridster.options.emptyCellClickCallback(e, item); } this.gridster.cdRef.markForCheck(); }; this.emptyCellContextMenuCb = (e) => { if (this.gridster.movingItem || GridsterUtils.checkContentClassForEmptyCellClickEvent(this.gridster, e)) { return; } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const item = this.getValidItemFromEvent(e); if (!item) { return; } if (this.gridster.options.emptyCellContextMenuCallback) { this.gridster.options.emptyCellContextMenuCallback(e, item); } this.gridster.cdRef.markForCheck(); }; this.emptyCellDragDrop = (e) => { const item = this.getValidItemFromEvent(e); if (!item) { return; } if (this.gridster.options.emptyCellDropCallback) { this.gridster.options.emptyCellDropCallback(e, item); } this.gridster.cdRef.markForCheck(); }; this.emptyCellDragOver = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const item = this.getValidItemFromEvent(e); if (item) { if (e.dataTransfer) { e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move'; } this.gridster.movingItem = item; } else { if (e.dataTransfer) { e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'none'; } this.gridster.movingItem = null; } this.gridster.previewStyle(); }; this.emptyCellMouseDown = (e) => { if (GridsterUtils.checkContentClassForEmptyCellClickEvent(this.gridster, e)) { return; } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const item = this.getValidItemFromEvent(e); const leftMouseButtonCode = 1; if (!item || (e.buttons !== leftMouseButtonCode && !(e instanceof TouchEvent))) { return; } this.initialItem = item; this.gridster.movingItem = item; this.gridster.previewStyle(); => { this.removeWindowMousemoveListenerFn = this.gridster.renderer.listen('window', 'mousemove', this.emptyCellMouseMove); this.removeWindowTouchmoveListenerFn = this.gridster.renderer.listen('window', 'touchmove', this.emptyCellMouseMove); }); this.removeWindowMouseupListenerFn = this.gridster.renderer.listen('window', 'mouseup', this.emptyCellMouseUp); this.removeWindowTouchendListenerFn = this.gridster.renderer.listen('window', 'touchend', this.emptyCellMouseUp); }; this.emptyCellMouseMove = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const item = this.getValidItemFromEvent(e, this.initialItem); if (!item) { return; } this.gridster.movingItem = item; this.gridster.previewStyle(); }; this.emptyCellMouseUp = (e) => { this.removeWindowMousemoveListenerFn(); this.removeWindowTouchmoveListenerFn(); this.removeWindowMouseupListenerFn(); this.removeWindowTouchendListenerFn(); const item = this.getValidItemFromEvent(e, this.initialItem); if (item) { this.gridster.movingItem = item; } if (this.gridster.options.emptyCellDragCallback && this.gridster.movingItem) { this.gridster.options.emptyCellDragCallback(e, this.gridster.movingItem); } setTimeout(() => { this.initialItem = null; if (this.gridster) { this.gridster.movingItem = null; this.gridster.previewStyle(); } }); this.gridster.cdRef.markForCheck(); }; } destroy() { if (this.gridster.previewStyle) { this.gridster.previewStyle(); } this.gridster.movingItem = null; this.initialItem = this.gridster = null; if (this.removeDocumentDragendListenerFn) { this.removeDocumentDragendListenerFn(); this.removeDocumentDragendListenerFn = null; } } updateOptions() { if (this.gridster.$options.enableEmptyCellClick && !this.removeEmptyCellClickListenerFn && this.gridster.options.emptyCellClickCallback) { this.removeEmptyCellClickListenerFn = this.gridster.renderer.listen(this.gridster.el, 'click', this.emptyCellClickCb); this.removeEmptyCellTouchendListenerFn = this.gridster.renderer.listen(this.gridster.el, 'touchend', this.emptyCellClickCb); } else if (!this.gridster.$options.enableEmptyCellClick && this.removeEmptyCellClickListenerFn && this.removeEmptyCellTouchendListenerFn) { this.removeEmptyCellClickListenerFn(); this.removeEmptyCellTouchendListenerFn(); this.removeEmptyCellClickListenerFn = null; this.removeEmptyCellTouchendListenerFn = null; } if (this.gridster.$options.enableEmptyCellContextMenu && !this.removeEmptyCellContextMenuListenerFn && this.gridster.options.emptyCellContextMenuCallback) { this.removeEmptyCellContextMenuListenerFn = this.gridster.renderer.listen(this.gridster.el, 'contextmenu', this.emptyCellContextMenuCb); } else if (!this.gridster.$options.enableEmptyCellContextMenu && this.removeEmptyCellContextMenuListenerFn) { this.removeEmptyCellContextMenuListenerFn(); this.removeEmptyCellContextMenuListenerFn = null; } if (this.gridster.$options.enableEmptyCellDrop && !this.removeEmptyCellDropListenerFn && this.gridster.options.emptyCellDropCallback) { this.removeEmptyCellDropListenerFn = this.gridster.renderer.listen(this.gridster.el, 'drop', this.emptyCellDragDrop); => { this.removeEmptyCellDragoverListenerFn = this.gridster.renderer.listen(this.gridster.el, 'dragover', this.emptyCellDragOver); }); this.removeDocumentDragendListenerFn = this.gridster.renderer.listen('document', 'dragend', () => { this.gridster.movingItem = null; this.gridster.previewStyle(); }); } else if (!this.gridster.$options.enableEmptyCellDrop && this.removeEmptyCellDropListenerFn && this.removeEmptyCellDragoverListenerFn && this.removeDocumentDragendListenerFn) { this.removeEmptyCellDropListenerFn(); this.removeEmptyCellDragoverListenerFn(); this.removeDocumentDragendListenerFn(); this.removeEmptyCellDragoverListenerFn = null; this.removeEmptyCellDropListenerFn = null; this.removeDocumentDragendListenerFn = null; } if (this.gridster.$options.enableEmptyCellDrag && !this.removeEmptyCellMousedownListenerFn && this.gridster.options.emptyCellDragCallback) { this.removeEmptyCellMousedownListenerFn = this.gridster.renderer.listen(this.gridster.el, 'mousedown', this.emptyCellMouseDown); this.removeEmptyCellTouchstartListenerFn = this.gridster.renderer.listen(this.gridster.el, 'touchstart', this.emptyCellMouseDown); } else if (!this.gridster.$options.enableEmptyCellDrag && this.removeEmptyCellMousedownListenerFn && this.removeEmptyCellTouchstartListenerFn) { this.removeEmptyCellMousedownListenerFn(); this.removeEmptyCellTouchstartListenerFn(); this.removeEmptyCellMousedownListenerFn = null; this.removeEmptyCellTouchstartListenerFn = null; } } getPixelsX(e, rect) { const scale = this.gridster.options.scale; if (scale) { return ((e.clientX - rect.left) / scale + this.gridster.el.scrollLeft - this.gridster.gridRenderer.getLeftMargin()); } return (e.clientX + this.gridster.el.scrollLeft - rect.left - this.gridster.gridRenderer.getLeftMargin()); } getPixelsY(e, rect) { const scale = this.gridster.options.scale; if (scale) { return ((e.clientY - / scale + this.gridster.el.scrollTop - this.gridster.gridRenderer.getTopMargin()); } return (e.clientY + this.gridster.el.scrollTop - - this.gridster.gridRenderer.getTopMargin()); } getValidItemFromEvent(e, oldItem) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); GridsterUtils.checkTouchEvent(e); const rect = this.gridster.el.getBoundingClientRect(); const x = this.getPixelsX(e, rect); const y = this.getPixelsY(e, rect); const item = { x: this.gridster.pixelsToPositionX(x, Math.floor, true), y: this.gridster.pixelsToPositionY(y, Math.floor, true), cols: this.gridster.$options.defaultItemCols, rows: this.gridster.$options.defaultItemRows }; if (oldItem) { item.cols = Math.min(Math.abs(oldItem.x - item.x) + 1, this.gridster.$options.emptyCellDragMaxCols); item.rows = Math.min(Math.abs(oldItem.y - item.y) + 1, this.gridster.$options.emptyCellDragMaxRows); if (oldItem.x < item.x) { item.x = oldItem.x; } else if (oldItem.x - item.x > this.gridster.$options.emptyCellDragMaxCols - 1) { item.x = this.gridster.movingItem ? this.gridster.movingItem.x : 0; } if (oldItem.y < item.y) { item.y = oldItem.y; } else if (oldItem.y - item.y > this.gridster.$options.emptyCellDragMaxRows - 1) { item.y = this.gridster.movingItem ? this.gridster.movingItem.y : 0; } } if (!this.gridster.$options.enableOccupiedCellDrop && this.gridster.checkCollision(item)) { return; } return item; } } class GridsterRenderer { constructor(gridster) { this.gridster = gridster; /** * Caches the last grid column styles. * This improves the grid responsiveness by caching and reusing the last style object instead of creating a new one. */ this.lastGridColumnStyles = {}; /** * Caches the last grid column styles. * This improves the grid responsiveness by caching and reusing the last style object instead of creating a new one. */ this.lastGridRowStyles = {}; } destroy() { this.gridster = null; } updateItem(el, item, renderer) { if ( { this.clearCellPosition(renderer, el); if (this.gridster.$options.keepFixedHeightInMobile) { renderer.setStyle(el, 'height', (item.rows - 1) * this.gridster.$options.margin + item.rows * this.gridster.$options.fixedRowHeight + 'px'); } else { renderer.setStyle(el, 'height', (item.rows * this.gridster.curWidth) / item.cols + 'px'); } if (this.gridster.$options.keepFixedWidthInMobile) { renderer.setStyle(el, 'width', this.gridster.$options.fixedColWidth + 'px'); } else { renderer.setStyle(el, 'width', ''); } renderer.setStyle(el, 'margin-bottom', this.gridster.$options.margin + 'px'); renderer.setStyle(el, DirTypes.LTR ? 'margin-right' : 'margin-left', ''); } else { const x = Math.round(this.gridster.curColWidth * item.x); const y = Math.round(this.gridster.curRowHeight * item.y); const width = this.gridster.curColWidth * item.cols - this.gridster.$options.margin; const height = this.gridster.curRowHeight * item.rows - this.gridster.$options.margin; // set the cell style this.setCellPosition(renderer, el, x, y); renderer.setStyle(el, 'width', width + 'px'); renderer.setStyle(el, 'height', height + 'px'); let marginBottom = null; let marginRight = null; if (this.gridster.$options.outerMargin) { if (this.gridster.rows === item.rows + item.y) { if (this.gridster.$options.outerMarginBottom !== null) { marginBottom = this.gridster.$options.outerMarginBottom + 'px'; } else { marginBottom = this.gridster.$options.margin + 'px'; } } if (this.gridster.columns === item.cols + item.x) { if (this.gridster.$options.outerMarginBottom !== null) { marginRight = this.gridster.$options.outerMarginRight + 'px'; } else { marginRight = this.gridster.$options.margin + 'px'; } } } renderer.setStyle(el, 'margin-bottom', marginBottom); renderer.setStyle(el, DirTypes.LTR ? 'margin-right' : 'margin-left', marginRight); } } updateGridster() { let addClass = ''; let removeClass1 = ''; let removeClass2 = ''; let removeClass3 = ''; if (this.gridster.$options.gridType === GridType.Fit) { addClass = GridType.Fit; removeClass1 = GridType.ScrollVertical; removeClass2 = GridType.ScrollHorizontal; removeClass3 = GridType.Fixed; } else if (this.gridster.$options.gridType === GridType.ScrollVertical) { this.gridster.curRowHeight = this.gridster.curColWidth * this.gridster.$options.rowHeightRatio; addClass = GridType.ScrollVertical; removeClass1 = GridType.Fit; removeClass2 = GridType.ScrollHorizontal; removeClass3 = GridType.Fixed; } else if (this.gridster.$options.gridType === GridType.ScrollHorizontal) { const widthRatio = this.gridster.$options.rowHeightRatio; const calWidthRatio = widthRatio >= 1 ? widthRatio : widthRatio + 1; this.gridster.curColWidth = this.gridster.curRowHeight * calWidthRatio; addClass = GridType.ScrollHorizontal; removeClass1 = GridType.Fit; removeClass2 = GridType.ScrollVertical; removeClass3 = GridType.Fixed; } else if (this.gridster.$options.gridType === GridType.Fixed) { this.gridster.curColWidth = this.gridster.$options.fixedColWidth + (this.gridster.$options.ignoreMarginInRow ? 0 : this.gridster.$options.margin); this.gridster.curRowHeight = this.gridster.$options.fixedRowHeight + (this.gridster.$options.ignoreMarginInRow ? 0 : this.gridster.$options.margin); addClass = GridType.Fixed; removeClass1 = GridType.Fit; removeClass2 = GridType.ScrollVertical; removeClass3 = GridType.ScrollHorizontal; } else if (this.gridster.$options.gridType === GridType.VerticalFixed) { this.gridster.curRowHeight = this.gridster.$options.fixedRowHeight + (this.gridster.$options.ignoreMarginInRow ? 0 : this.gridster.$options.margin); addClass = GridType.ScrollVertical; removeClass1 = GridType.Fit; removeClass2 = GridType.ScrollHorizontal; removeClass3 = GridType.Fixed; } else if (this.gridster.$options.gridType === GridType.HorizontalFixed) { this.gridster.curColWidth = this.gridster.$options.fixedColWidth + (this.gridster.$options.ignoreMarginInRow ? 0 : this.gridster.$options.margin); addClass = GridType.ScrollHorizontal; removeClass1 = GridType.Fit; removeClass2 = GridType.ScrollVertical; removeClass3 = GridType.Fixed; } if ( || (this.gridster.$options.setGridSize && this.gridster.$options.gridType !== GridType.Fit)) { this.gridster.renderer.removeClass(this.gridster.el, addClass); } else { this.gridster.renderer.addClass(this.gridster.el, addClass); } this.gridster.renderer.removeClass(this.gridster.el, removeClass1); this.gridster.renderer.removeClass(this.gridster.el, removeClass2); this.gridster.renderer.removeClass(this.gridster.el, removeClass3); } getGridColumnStyle(i) { // generates the new style const newPos = { left: this.gridster.curColWidth * i, width: this.gridster.curColWidth - this.gridster.$options.margin, height: this.gridster.gridRows.length * this.gridster.curRowHeight - this.gridster.$options.margin, style: {} }; = { ...this.getLeftPosition(newPos.left), width: newPos.width + 'px', height: newPos.height + 'px' }; // use the last cached style if it has same values as the generated one const last = this.lastGridColumnStyles[i]; if (last && last.left === newPos.left && last.width === newPos.width && last.height === newPos.height) { return; } // cache and set new style this.lastGridColumnStyles[i] = newPos; return; } getGridRowStyle(i) { // generates the new style const newPos = { top: this.gridster.curRowHeight * i, width: this.gridster.gridColumns.length * this.gridster.curColWidth + this.gridster.$options.margin, height: this.gridster.curRowHeight - this.gridster.$options.margin, style: {} }; = { ...this.getTopPosition(, width: newPos.width + 'px', height: newPos.height + 'px' }; // use the last cached style if it has same values as the generated one const last = this.lastGridRowStyles[i]; if (last && === && last.width === newPos.width && last.height === newPos.height) { return; } // cache and set new style this.lastGridRowStyles[i] = newPos; return; } getLeftPosition(d) { const dPosition = this.gridster.$options.dirType === DirTypes.RTL ? -d : d; if (this.gridster.$options.useTransformPositioning) { return { transform: 'translateX(' + dPosition + 'px)' }; } else { return { left: this.getLeftMargin() + dPosition + 'px' }; } } getTopPosition(d) { if (this.gridster.$options.useTransformPositioning) { return { transform: 'translateY(' + d + 'px)' }; } else { return { top: this.getTopMargin() + d + 'px' }; } } clearCellPosition(renderer, el) { if (this.gridster.$options.useTransformPositioning) { renderer.setStyle(el, 'transform', ''); } else { renderer.setStyle(el, 'top', ''); renderer.setStyle(el, 'left', ''); } } setCellPosition(renderer, el, x, y) { const xPosition = this.gridster.$options.dirType === DirTypes.RTL ? -x : x; if (this.gridster.$options.useTransformPositioning) { const transform = 'translate3d(' + xPosition + 'px, ' + y + 'px, 0)'; renderer.setStyle(el, 'transform', transform); } else { renderer.setStyle(el, 'left', this.getLeftMargin() + xPosition + 'px'); renderer.setStyle(el, 'top', this.getTopMargin() + y + 'px'); } } getLeftMargin() { if (this.gridster.$options.outerMargin) { if (this.gridster.$options.outerMarginLeft !== null) { return this.gridster.$options.outerMarginLeft; } else { return this.gridster.$options.margin; } } else { return 0; } } getTopMargin() { if (this.gridster.$options.outerMargin) { if (this.gridster.$options.outerMarginTop !== null) { return this.gridster.$options.outerMarginTop; } else { return this.gridster.$options.margin; } } else { return 0; } } } class GridsterPreviewComponent { constructor(el, renderer) { this.renderer = renderer; this.el = el.nativeElement; } ngOnInit() { this.sub = this.previewStyle$.subscribe(options => this.previewStyle(options)); } ngOnDestroy() { if (this.sub) { this.sub.unsubscribe(); } } previewStyle(item) { if (item) { this.renderer.setStyle(this.el, 'display', 'block'); this.gridRenderer.updateItem(this.el, item, this.renderer); } else { this.renderer.setStyle(this.el, 'display', ''); } } static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.0", ngImport: i0, type: GridsterPreviewComponent, deps: [{ token: i0.ElementRef }, { token: i0.Renderer2 }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component }); } static { this.ɵcmp = i0.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.0.0", type: GridsterPreviewComponent, isStandalone: true, selector: "gridster-preview", inputs: { previewStyle$: "previewStyle$", gridRenderer: "gridRenderer" }, ngImport: i0, template: '', isInline: true, styles: ["gridster-preview{position:absolute;display:none;background:rgba(0,0,0,.15)}\n"], encapsulation: i0.ViewEncapsulation.None }); } } i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.0", ngImport: i0, type: GridsterPreviewComponent, decorators: [{ type: Component, args: [{ selector: 'gridster-preview', template: '', encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None, standalone: true, styles: ["gridster-preview{position:absolute;display:none;background:rgba(0,0,0,.15)}\n"] }] }], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.ElementRef }, { type: i0.Renderer2 }]; }, propDecorators: { previewStyle$: [{ type: Input }], gridRenderer: [{ type: Input }] } }); class GridsterComponent { constructor(el, renderer, cdRef, zone) { this.renderer = renderer; this.cdRef = cdRef; = zone; this.columns = 0; this.rows = 0; this.gridColumns = []; this.gridRows = []; this.previewStyle$ = new EventEmitter(); this.calculateLayout$ = new Subject(); this.resize$ = new Subject(); this.destroy$ = new Subject(); this.optionsChanged = () => { this.setOptions(); let widgetsIndex = this.grid.length - 1; let widget; for (; widgetsIndex >= 0; widgetsIndex--) { widget = this.grid[widgetsIndex]; widget.updateOptions(); } this.calculateLayout(); }; this.onResize = () => { if (this.el.clientWidth) { if (this.options.setGridSize) { // reset width/height so the size is recalculated afterwards this.renderer.setStyle(this.el, 'width', ''); this.renderer.setStyle(this.el, 'height', ''); } this.setGridSize(); this.calculateLayout(); } }; this.getNextPossiblePosition = (newItem, startingFrom = {}) => { if (newItem.cols === -1) { newItem.cols = this.$options.defaultItemCols; } if (newItem.rows === -1) { newItem.rows = this.$options.defaultItemRows; } this.setGridDimensions(); let rowsIndex = startingFrom.y || 0; let colsIndex; for (; rowsIndex < this.rows; rowsIndex++) { newItem.y = rowsIndex; colsIndex = startingFrom.x || 0; for (; colsIndex < this.columns; colsIndex++) { newItem.x = colsIndex; if (!this.checkCollision(newItem)) { return true; } } } const canAddToRows = this.$options.maxRows >= this.rows + newItem.rows; const canAddToColumns = this.$options.maxCols >= this.columns + newItem.cols; const addToRows = this.rows <= this.columns && canAddToRows; if (!addToRows && canAddToColumns) { newItem.x = this.columns; newItem.y = 0; return true; } else if (canAddToRows) { newItem.y = this.rows; newItem.x = 0; return true; } return false; }; this.getFirstPossiblePosition = (item) => { const tmpItem = Object.assign({}, item); this.getNextPossiblePosition(tmpItem); return tmpItem; }; this.getLastPossiblePosition = (item) => { let farthestItem = { y: 0, x: 0 }; farthestItem = this.grid.reduce((prev, curr) => { const currCoords = { y: curr.$item.y + curr.$item.rows - 1, x: curr.$item.x + curr.$item.cols - 1 }; if (GridsterUtils.compareItems(prev, currCoords) === 1) { return currCoords; } else { return prev; } }, farthestItem); const tmpItem = Object.assign({}, item); this.getNextPossiblePosition(tmpItem, farthestItem); return tmpItem; }; this.el = el.nativeElement; this.$options = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(GridsterConfigService)); = false; this.curWidth = 0; this.curHeight = 0; this.grid = []; this.curColWidth = 0; this.curRowHeight = 0; this.dragInProgress = false; this.emptyCell = new GridsterEmptyCell(this); this.compact = new GridsterCompact(this); this.gridRenderer = new GridsterRenderer(this); } // ------ Function for swapWhileDragging option // identical to checkCollision() except that here we add boundaries. static checkCollisionTwoItemsForSwaping(item, item2) { // if the cols or rows of the items are 1 , doesnt make any sense to set a boundary. Only if the item is bigger we set a boundary const horizontalBoundaryItem1 = item.cols === 1 ? 0 : 1; const horizontalBoundaryItem2 = item2.cols === 1 ? 0 : 1; const verticalBoundaryItem1 = item.rows === 1 ? 0 : 1; const verticalBoundaryItem2 = item2.rows === 1 ? 0 : 1; return (item.x + horizontalBoundaryItem1 < item2.x + item2.cols && item.x + item.cols > item2.x + horizontalBoundaryItem2 && item.y + verticalBoundaryItem1 < item2.y + item2.rows && item.y + item.rows > item2.y + verticalBoundaryItem2); } checkCollisionTwoItems(item, item2) { const collision = item.x < item2.x + item2.cols && item.x + item.cols > item2.x && item.y < item2.y + item2.rows && item.y + item.rows > item2.y; if (!collision) { return false; } if (!this.$options.allowMultiLayer) { return true; } const defaultLayerIndex = this.$options.defaultLayerIndex; const layerIndex = item.layerIndex === undefined ? defaultLayerIndex : item.layerIndex; const layerIndex2 = item2.layerIndex === undefined ? defaultLayerIndex : item2.layerIndex; return layerIndex === layerIndex2; } ngOnInit() { if (this.options.initCallback) { this.options.initCallback(this); } this.calculateLayout$ .pipe(debounceTime(0), takeUntil(this.destroy$)) .subscribe(() => this.calculateLayout()); this.resize$ .pipe( // Cancel previously scheduled DOM timer if `calculateLayout()` has been called // within this time range. switchMap(() => timer(100)), takeUntil(this.destroy$)) .subscribe(() => this.resize()); } ngOnChanges(changes) { if (changes.options) { this.setOptions(); this.options.api = { optionsChanged: this.optionsChanged, resize: this.onResize, getNextPossiblePosition: this.getNextPossiblePosition, getFirstPossiblePosition: this.getFirstPossiblePosition, getLastPossiblePosition: this.getLastPossiblePosition, getItemComponent: (item) => this.getItemComponent(item) }; this.columns = this.$options.minCols; this.rows = this.$options.minRows + this.$options.addEmptyRowsCount; this.setGridSize(); this.calculateLayout(); } } resize() { let height; let width; if (this.$options.gridType === 'fit' && ! { width = this.el.offsetWidth; height = this.el.offsetHeight; } else { width = this.el.clientWidth; height = this.el.clientHeight; } if ((width !== this.curWidth || height !== this.curHeight) && this.checkIfToResize()) { this.onResize(); } } setOptions() { this.$options = GridsterUtils.merge(this.$options, this.options, this.$options); if (!this.$options.disableWindowResize && !this.windowResize) { this.windowResize = this.renderer.listen('window', 'resize', this.onResize); } else if (this.$options.disableWindowResize && this.windowResize) { this.windowResize(); this.windowResize = null; } this.emptyCell.updateOptions(); } ngOnDestroy() { this.destroy$.next(); this.previewStyle$.complete(); if (this.windowResize) { this.windowResize(); } if (this.options && this.options.destroyCallback) { this.options.destroyCallback(this); } if (this.options && this.options.api) { this.options.api.resize = undefined; this.options.api.optionsChanged = undefined; this.options.api.getNextPossiblePosition = undefined; this.options.api = undefined; } this.emptyCell.destroy(); this.emptyCell = null; this.compact.destroy(); this.compact = null; } checkIfToResize() { const clientWidth = this.el.clientWidth; const offsetWidth = this.el.offsetWidth; const scrollWidth = this.el.scrollWidth; const clientHeight = this.el.clientHeight; const offsetHeight = this.el.offsetHeight; const scrollHeight = this.el.scrollHeight; const verticalScrollPresent = clientWidth < offsetWidth && scrollHeight > offsetHeight && scrollHeight - offsetHeight < offsetWidth - clientWidth; const horizontalScrollPresent = clientHeight < offsetHeight && scrollWidth > offsetWidth && scrollWidth - offsetWidth < offsetHeight - clientHeight; if (verticalScrollPresent) { return false; } return !horizontalScrollPresent; } checkIfMobile() { if (this.$options.useBodyForBreakpoint) { return this.$options.mobileBreakpoint > document.body.clientWidth; } else { return this.$options.mobileBreakpoint > this.curWidth; } } setGridSize() { const el = this.el; let width; let height; if (this.$options.setGridSize || (this.$options.gridType === GridType.Fit && ! { width = el.offsetWidth; height = el.offsetHeight; } else { width = el.clientWidth; height = el.clientHeight; } this.curWidth = width; this.curHeight = height; } setGridDimensions() { this.setGridSize(); if (! && this.checkIfMobile()) { = !; this.renderer.addClass(this.el, 'mobile'); } else if ( && !this.checkIfMobile()) { = !; this.renderer.removeClass(this.el, 'mobile'); } let rows = this.$options.minRows; let columns = this.$options.minCols; let widgetsIndex = this.grid.length - 1; let widget; for (; widgetsIndex >= 0; widgetsIndex--) { widget = this.grid[widgetsIndex]; if (!widget.notPlaced) { rows = Math.max(rows, widget.$item.y + widget.$item.rows); columns = Math.max(columns, widget.$item.x + widget.$item.cols); } } rows += this.$options.addEmptyRowsCount; if (this.columns !== columns || this.rows !== rows) { this.columns = columns; this.rows = rows; if (this.options.gridSizeChangedCallback) { this.options.gridSizeChangedCallback(this); } } } calculateLayout() { if (this.compact) { this.compact.checkCompact(); } this.setGridDimensions(); if (this.$options.outerMargin) { let marginWidth = -this.$options.margin; if (this.$options.outerMarginLeft !== null) { marginWidth += this.$options.outerMarginLeft; this.renderer.setStyle(this.el, 'padding-left', this.$options.outerMarginLeft + 'px'); } else { marginWidth += this.$options.margin; this.renderer.setStyle(this.el, 'padding-left', this.$options.margin + 'px'); } if (this.$options.outerMarginRight !== null) { marginWidth += this.$options.outerMarginRight; this.renderer.setStyle(this.el, 'padding-right', this.$options.outerMarginRight + 'px'); } else { marginWidth += this.$options.margin; this.renderer.setStyle(this.el, 'padding-right', this.$options.margin + 'px'); } this.curColWidth = (this.curWidth - marginWidth) / this.columns; let marginHeight = -this.$options.margin; if (this.$options.outerMarginTop !== null) { marginHeight += this.$options.outerMarginTop; this.renderer.setStyle(this.el, 'padding-top', this.$options.outerMarginTop + 'px'); } else { marginHeight += this.$options.margin; this.renderer.setStyle(this.el, 'padding-top', this.$options.margin + 'px'); } if (this.$options.outerMarginBottom !== null) { marginHeight += this.$options.outerMarginBottom; this.renderer.setStyle(this.el, 'padding-bottom', this.$options.outerMarginBottom + 'px'); } else { marginHeight += this.$options.margin; this.renderer.setStyle(this.el, 'padding-bottom', this.$options.margin + 'px'); } this.curRowHeight = ((this.curHeight - marginHeight) / this.rows) * this.$options.rowHeightRatio; } else { this.curColWidth = (this.curWidth + this.$options.margin) / this.columns; this.curRowHeight = ((this.curHeight + this.$options.margin) / this.rows) * this.$options.rowHeightRatio; this.renderer.setStyle(this.el, 'padding-left', 0 + 'px'); this.renderer.setStyle(this.el, 'padding-right', 0 + 'px'); this.renderer.setStyle(this.el, 'padding-top', 0 + 'px'); this.renderer.setStyle(this.el, 'padding-bottom', 0 + 'px'); } this.gridRenderer.updateGridster(); if (this.$options.setGridSize) { this.renderer.addClass(this.el, 'gridSize'); if (! { this.renderer.setStyle(this.el, 'width', this.columns * this.curColWidth + this.$options.margin + 'px'); this.renderer.setStyle(this.el, 'height', this.rows * this.curRowHeight + this.$options.margin + 'px'); } } else { this.renderer.removeClass(this.el, 'gridSize'); this.renderer.setStyle(this.el, 'width', ''); this.renderer.setStyle(this.el, 'height', ''); } this.updateGrid(); let widgetsIndex = this.grid.length - 1; let widget; for (; widgetsIndex >= 0; widgetsIndex--) { widget = this.grid[widgetsIndex]; widget.setSize(); widget.drag.toggle(); widget.resize.toggle(); } this.resize$.next(); } updateGrid() { if (this.$options.displayGrid === 'always' && ! { this.renderer.addClass(this.el, 'display-grid'); } else if (this.$options.displayGrid === 'onDrag&Resize' && this.dragInProgress) { this.renderer.addClass(this.el, 'display-grid'); } else if (this.$options.displayGrid === 'none' || !this.dragInProgress || { this.renderer.removeClass(this.el, 'display-grid'); } this.setGridDimensions(); this.gridColumns.length = GridsterComponent.getNewArrayLength(this.columns, this.curWidth, this.curColWidth); this.gridRows.length = GridsterComponent.getNewArrayLength(this.rows, this.curHeight, this.curRowHeight); this.cdRef.markForCheck(); } addItem(itemComponent) { if (itemComponent.$item.cols === undefined) { itemComponent.$item.cols = this.$options.defaultItemCols; itemComponent.item.cols = itemComponent.$item.cols; itemComponent.itemChanged(); } if (itemComponent.$item.rows === undefined) { itemComponent.$item.rows = this.$options.defaultItemRows; itemComponent.item.rows = itemComponent.$item.rows; itemComponent.itemChanged(); } if (itemComponent.$item.x === -1 || itemComponent.$item.y === -1) { this.autoPositionItem(itemComponent); } else if (this.checkCollision(itemComponent.$item)) { if (!this.$options.disableWarnings) { itemComponent.notPlaced = true; console.warn("Can't be placed in the bounds of the dashboard, trying to auto position!/n" + JSON.stringify(itemComponent.item, ['cols', 'rows', 'x', 'y'])); } if (!this.$options.disableAutoPositionOnConflict) { this.autoPositionItem(itemComponent); } else { itemComponent.notPlaced = true; } } this.grid.push(itemComponent); this.calculateLayout$.next(); } removeItem(itemComponent) { this.grid.splice(this.grid.indexOf(itemComponent), 1); this.calculateLayout$.next(); if (this.options.itemRemovedCallback) { this.options.itemRemovedCallback(itemComponent.item, itemComponent); } } checkCollision(item) { let collision = false; if (this.options.itemValidateCallback) { collision = !this.options.itemValidateCallback(item); } if (!collision && this.checkGridCollision(item)) { collision = true; } if (!collision) { const c = this.findItemWithItem(item); if (c) { collision = c; } } return collision; } checkGridCollision(item) { const noNegativePosition = item.y > -1 && item.x > -1; const maxGridCols = item.cols + item.x <= this.$options.maxCols; const maxGridRows = item.rows + item.y <= this.$options.maxRows; const maxItemCols = item.maxItemCols === undefined ? this.$options.maxItemCols : item.maxItemCols; const minItemCols = item.minItemCols === undefined ? this.$options.minItemCols : item.minItemCols; const maxItemRows = item.maxItemRows === undefined ? this.$options.maxItemRows : item.maxItemRows; const minItemRows = item.minItemRows === undefined ? this.$options.minItemRows : item.minItemRows; const inColsLimits = item.cols <= maxItemCols && item.cols >= minItemCols; const inRowsLimits = item.rows <= maxItemRows && item.rows >= minItemRows; const minAreaLimit = item.minItemArea === undefined ? this.$options.minItemArea : item.minItemArea; const maxAreaLimit = item.maxItemArea === undefined ? this.$options.maxItemArea : item.maxItemArea; const area = item.cols * item.rows; const inMinArea = minAreaLimit <= area; const inMaxArea = maxAreaLimit >= area; return !(noNegativePosition && maxGridCols && maxGridRows && inColsLimits && inRowsLimits && inMinArea && inMaxArea); } findItemWithItem(item) { let widgetsIndex = 0; let widget; for (; widgetsIndex < this.grid.length; widgetsIndex++) { widget = this.grid[widgetsIndex]; if (widget.$item !== item && this.checkCollisionTwoItems(widget.$item, item)) { return widget; } } return false; } findItemsWithItem(item) { const a = []; let widgetsIndex = 0; let widget; for (; widgetsIndex < this.grid.length; widgetsIndex++) { widget = this.grid[widgetsIndex]; if (widget.$item !== item && this.checkCollisionTwoItems(widget.$item, item)) { a.push(widget); } } return a; } autoPositionItem(itemComponent) { if (this.getNextPossiblePosition(itemComponent.$item)) { itemComponent.notPlaced = false; itemComponent.item.x = itemComponent.$item.x; itemComponent.item.y = itemComponent.$item.y; itemComponent.itemChanged(); } else { itemComponent.notPlaced = true; if (!this.$options.disableWarnings) { console.warn("Can't be placed in the bounds of the dashboard!/n" + JSON.stringify(itemComponent.item, ['cols', 'rows', 'x', 'y'])); } } } pixelsToPositionX(x, roundingMethod, noLimit) { const position = roundingMethod(x / this.curColWidth); if (noLimit) { return position; } else { return Math.max(position, 0); } } pixelsToPositionY(y, roundingMethod, noLimit) { const position = roundingMethod(y / this.curRowHeight); if (noLimit) { return position; } else { return Math.max(position, 0); } } positionXToPixels(x) { return x * this.curColWidth; } positionYToPixels(y) { return y * this.curRowHeight; } getItemComponent(item) { return this.grid.find(c => c.item === item); } // ------ Functions for swapWhileDragging option // identical to checkCollision() except that this function calls findItemWithItemForSwaping() instead of findItemWithItem() checkCollisionForSwaping(item) { let collision = false; if (this.options.itemValidateCallback) { collision = !this.options.itemValidateCallback(item); } if (!collision && this.checkGridCollision(item)) { collision = true; } if (!collision) { const c = this.findItemWithItemForSwapping(item); if (c) { collision = c; } } return collision; } // identical to findItemWithItem() except that this function calls checkCollisionTwoItemsForSwaping() instead of checkCollisionTwoItems() findItemWithItemForSwapping(item) { let widgetsIndex = this.grid.length - 1; let widget; for (; widgetsIndex > -1; widgetsIndex--) { widget = this.grid[widgetsIndex]; if (widget.$item !== item && GridsterComponent.checkCollisionTwoItemsForSwaping(widget.$item, item)) { return widget; } } return false; } previewStyle(drag = false) { if (this.movingItem) { if (this.compact && drag) { this.compact.checkCompactItem(this.movingItem); } this.previewStyle$.next(this.movingItem); } else { this.previewStyle$.next(null); } } // ------ End of functions for swapWhileDragging option // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/member-ordering static getNewArrayLength(length, overallSize, size) { const newLength = Math.max(length, Math.floor(overallSize / size)); if (newLength < 0) { return 0; } if (Number.isFinite(newLength)) { return Math.floor(newLength); } return 0; } static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.0", ngImport: i0, type: GridsterComponent, deps: [{ token: ElementRef }, { token: Renderer2 }, { token: ChangeDetectorRef }, { token: NgZone }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component }); } static { this.ɵcmp = i0.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.0.0", type: GridsterComponent, isStandalone: true, selector: "gridster", inputs: { options: "options" }, usesOnChanges: true, ngImport: i0, template: "\n\n\n\n", styles: ["gridster{position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;background:grey;width:100%;height:100%;-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none;display:block}{overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:hidden}gridster.scrollVertical{overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:auto}gridster.scrollHorizontal{overflow-x:auto;overflow-y:hidden}gridster.fixed{overflow:auto}{overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:auto} gridster-item{position:relative}gridster.gridSize{height:initial;width:initial}{height:100%;width:100%}gridster .gridster-column,gridster .gridster-row{position:absolute;display:none;transition:.3s;box-sizing:border-box}gridster.display-grid .gridster-column,gridster.display-grid .gridster-row{display:block}gridster .gridster-column{border-left:1px solid white;border-right:1px solid white}gridster .gridster-row{border-top:1px solid white;border-bottom:1px solid white}\n"], dependencies: [{ kind: "directive", type: NgForOf, selector: "[ngFor][ngForOf]", inputs: ["ngForOf", "ngForTrackBy", "ngForTemplate"] }, { kind: "directive", type: NgStyle, selector: "[ngStyle]", inputs: ["ngStyle"] }, { kind: "component", type: GridsterPreviewComponent, selector: "gridster-preview", inputs: ["previewStyle$", "gridRenderer"] }], encapsulation: i0.ViewEncapsulation.None }); } } i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.0", ngImport: i0, type: GridsterComponent, decorators: [{ type: Component, args: [{ selector: 'gridster', encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None, standalone: true, imports: [NgForOf, NgStyle, GridsterPreviewComponent], template: "\n\n\n\n", styles: ["gridster{position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;background:grey;width:100%;height:100%;-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none;display:block}{overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:hidden}gridster.scrollVertical{overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:auto}gridster.scrollHorizontal{overflow-x:auto;overflow-y:hidden}gridster.fixed{overflow:auto}{overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:auto} gridster-item{position:relative}gridster.gridSize{height:initial;width:initial}{height:100%;width:100%}gridster .gridster-column,gridster .gridster-row{position:absolute;display:none;transition:.3s;box-sizing:border-box}gridster.display-grid .gridster-column,gridster.display-grid .gridster-row{display:block}gridster .gridster-column{border-left:1px solid white;border-right:1px solid white}gridster .gridster-row{border-top:1px solid white;border-bottom:1px solid white}\n"] }] }], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.ElementRef, decorators: [{ type: Inject, args: [ElementRef] }] }, { type: i0.Renderer2, decorators: [{ type: Inject, args: [Renderer2] }] }, { type: i0.ChangeDetectorRef, decorators: [{ type: Inject, args: [ChangeDetectorRef] }] }, { type: i0.NgZone, decorators: [{ type: Inject, args: [NgZone] }] }]; }, propDecorators: { options: [{ type: Input }] } }); class GridsterPush { constructor(gridsterItem) { this.iteration = 0; this.pushedItems = []; this.pushedItemsTemp = []; this.pushedItemsTempPath = []; this.pushedItemsPath = []; this.gridsterItem = gridsterItem; this.gridster = gridsterItem.gridster; this.tryPattern = { fromEast: [this.tryWest, this.trySouth, this.tryNorth, this.tryEast], fromWest: [this.tryEast, this.trySouth, this.tryNorth, this.tryWest], fromNorth: [this.trySouth, this.tryEast, this.tryWest, this.tryNorth], fromSouth: [this.tryNorth, this.tryEast, this.tryWest, this.trySouth] }; this.fromSouth = 'fromSouth'; this.fromNorth = 'fromNorth'; this.fromEast = 'fromEast'; this.fromWest = 'fromWest'; } destroy() { this.gridster = this.gridsterItem = null; } pushItems(direction, disable) { if (this.gridster.$options.pushItems && !disable) { this.pushedItemsOrder = []; this.iteration = 0; const pushed = this.push(this.gridsterItem, direction); if (!pushed) { this.restoreTempItems(); } this.pushedItemsOrder = []; this.pushedItemsTemp = []; this.pushedItemsTempPath = []; return pushed; } else { return false; } } restoreTempItems() { let i = this.pushedItemsTemp.length - 1; for (; i > -1; i--) { this.removeFromTempPushed(this.pushedItemsTemp[i]); } } restoreItems() { let i = 0; const l = this.pushedItems.length; let pushedItem; for (; i < l; i++) { pushedItem = this.pushedItems[i]; pushedItem.$item.x = pushedItem.item.x || 0; pushedItem.$item.y = pushedItem.item.y || 0; pushedItem.setSize(); } this.pushedItems = []; this.pushedItemsPath = []; } setPushedItems() { let i = 0; const l = this.pushedItems.length; let pushedItem; for (; i < l; i++) { pushedItem = this.pushedItems[i]; pushedItem.checkItemChanges(pushedItem.$item, pushedItem.item); } this.pushedItems = []; this.pushedItemsPath = []; } checkPushBack() { let i = this.pushedItems.length - 1; let change = false; for (; i > -1; i--) { if (this.checkPushedItem(this.pushedItems[i], i)) { change = true; } } if (change) { this.checkPushBack(); } } push(gridsterItem, direction) { if (this.iteration > 100) { console.warn('max iteration reached'); return false; } if (this.gridster.checkGridCollision(gridsterItem.$item)) { return false; } if (direction === '') { return false; } const conflicts = this.gridster.findItemsWithItem(gridsterItem.$item); const invert = direction === this.fromNorth || direction === this.fromWest; // sort the list of conflicts in order of [y,x]. Invert when the push is from north and west // this is done so they don't conflict witch each other and revert positions, keeping the previous order conflicts.sort((a, b) => { if (invert) { return b.$item.y - a.$item.y || b.$item.x - a.$item.x; } else { return a.$item.y - b.$item.y || a.$item.x - b.$item.x; } }); let i = 0; let itemCollision; let makePush = true; const pushedItems = []; for (; i < conflicts.length; i++) { itemCollision = conflicts[i]; if (itemCollision === this.gridsterItem) { continue; } if (!itemCollision.canBeDragged()) { makePush = false; break; } const p = this.pushedItemsTemp.indexOf(itemCollision); if (p > -1 && this.pushedItemsTempPath[p].length > 10) { // stop if item is pushed more than 10 times to break infinite loops makePush = false; break; } if (this.tryPattern[direction][0].call(this, itemCollision, gridsterItem)) { this.pushedItemsOrder.push(itemCollision); pushedItems.push(itemCollision); } else if (this.tryPattern[direction][1].call(this, itemCollision, gridsterItem)) { this.pushedItemsOrder.push(itemCollision); pushedItems.push(itemCollision); } else if (this.tryPattern[direction][2].call(this, itemCollision, gridsterItem)) { this.pushedItemsOrder.push(itemCollision); pushedItems.push(itemCollision); } else if (this.tryPattern[direction][3].call(this, itemCollision, gridsterItem)) { this.pushedItemsOrder.push(itemCollision); pushedItems.push(itemCollision); } else { makePush = false; break; } } if (!makePush) { i = this.pushedItemsOrder.lastIndexOf(pushedItems[0]); if (i > -1) { let j = this.pushedItemsOrder.length - 1; for (; j >= i; j--) { itemCollision = this.pushedItemsOrder[j]; this.pushedItemsOrder.pop(); this.removeFromTempPushed(itemCollision); this.removeFromPushedItem(itemCollision); } } } this.iteration++; return makePush; } trySouth(gridsterItemCollide, gridsterItem) { if (!this.gridster.$options.pushDirections.south) { return false; } this.addToTempPushed(gridsterItemCollide); gridsterItemCollide.$item.y = gridsterItem.$item.y + gridsterItem.$item.rows; if (this.push(gridsterItemCollide, this.fromNorth)) { gridsterItemCollide.setSize(); this.addToPushed(gridsterItemCollide); return true; } else { this.removeFromTempPushed(gridsterItemCollide); } return false; } tryNorth(gridsterItemCollide, gridsterItem) { if (!this.gridster.$options.pushDirections.north) { return false; } this.addToTempPushed(gridsterItemCollide); gridsterItemCollide.$item.y = gridsterItem.$item.y - gridsterItemCollide.$item.rows; if (this.push(gridsterItemCollide, this.fromSouth)) { gridsterItemCollide.setSize(); this.addToPushed(gridsterItemCollide); return true; } else { this.removeFromTempPushed(gridsterItemCollide); } return false; } tryEast(gridsterItemCollide, gridsterItem) { if (!this.gridster.$options.pushDirections.east) { return false; } this.addToTempPushed(gridsterItemCollide); gridsterItemCollide.$item.x = gridsterItem.$item.x + gridsterItem.$item.cols; if (this.push(gridsterItemCollide, this.fromWest)) { gridsterItemCollide.setSize(); this.addToPushed(gridsterItemCollide); return true; } else { this.removeFromTempPushed(gridsterItemCollide); } return false; } tryWest(gridsterItemCollide, gridsterItem) { if (!this.gridster.$options.pushDirections.west) { return false; } this.addToTempPushed(gridsterItemCollide); gridsterItemCollide.$item.x = gridsterItem.$item.x - gridsterItemCollide.$item.cols; if (this.push(gridsterItemCollide, this.fromEast)) { gridsterItemCollide.setSize(); this.addToPushed(gridsterItemCollide); return true; } else { this.removeFromTempPushed(gridsterItemCollide); } return false; } addToTempPushed(gridsterItem) { let i = this.pushedItemsTemp.indexOf(gridsterItem); if (i === -1) { i = this.pushedItemsTemp.push(gridsterItem) - 1; this.pushedItemsTempPath[i] = []; } this.pushedItemsTempPath[i].push({ x: gridsterItem.$item.x, y: gridsterItem.$item.y }); } removeFromTempPushed(gridsterItem) { const i = this.pushedItemsTemp.indexOf(gridsterItem); const tempPosition = this.pushedItemsTempPath[i].pop(); if (!tempPosition) { return; } gridsterItem.$item.x = tempPosition.x; gridsterItem.$item.y = tempPosition.y; gridsterItem.setSize(); if (!this.pushedItemsTempPath[i].length) { this.pushedItemsTemp.splice(i, 1); this.pushedItemsTempPath.splice(i, 1); } } addToPushed(gridsterItem) { if (this.pushedItems.indexOf(gridsterItem) < 0) { this.pushedItems.push(gridsterItem); this.pushedItemsPath.push([ { x: gridsterItem.item.x || 0, y: gridsterItem.item.y || 0 }, { x: gridsterItem.$item.x, y: gridsterItem.$item.y } ]); } else { const i = this.pushedItems.indexOf(gridsterItem); this.pushedItemsPath[i].push({ x: gridsterItem.$item.x, y: gridsterItem.$item.y }); } } removeFromPushed(i) { if (i > -1) { this.pushedItems.splice(i, 1); this.pushedItemsPath.splice(i, 1); } } removeFromPushedItem(gridsterItem) { const i = this.pushedItems.indexOf(gridsterItem); if (i > -1) { this.pushedItemsPath[i].pop(); if (!this.pushedItemsPath.length) { this.pushedItems.splice(i, 1); this.pushedItemsPath.splice(i, 1); } } } checkPushedItem(pushedItem, i) { const path = this.pushedItemsPath[i]; let j = path.length - 2; let lastPosition; let x; let y; let change = false; for (; j > -1; j--) { lastPosition = path[j]; x = pushedItem.$item.x; y = pushedItem.$item.y; pushedItem.$item.x = lastPosition.x; pushedItem.$item.y = lastPosition.y; if (!this.gridster.findItemWithItem(pushedItem.$item)) { pushedItem.setSize(); path.splice(j + 1, path.length - j - 1); change = true; } else { pushedItem.$item.x = x; pushedItem.$item.y = y; } } if (path.length < 2) { this.removeFromPushed(i); } return change; } } let scrollSensitivity; let scrollSpeed; const intervalDuration = 50; let gridsterElement; let resizeEvent; let resizeEventType; let intervalE; let intervalW; let intervalN; let intervalS; function scroll(gridster, left, top, width, height, event, lastMouse, calculateItemPosition, resize, resizeEventScrollType) { scrollSensitivity = gridster.$options.scrollSensitivity; scrollSpeed = gridster.$options.scrollSpeed; gridsterElement = gridster.el; resizeEvent = resize; resizeEventType = resizeEventScrollType; const offsetWidth = gridsterElement.offsetWidth; const offsetHeight = gridsterElement.offsetHeight; const offsetLeft = gridsterElement.scrollLeft; const offsetTop = gridsterElement.scrollTop; const elemTopOffset = top - offsetTop; const elemBottomOffset = offsetHeight + offsetTop - top - height; const { clientX, clientY } = event; if (!gridster.$options.disableScrollVertical) { if (lastMouse.clientY < clientY && elemBottomOffset < scrollSensitivity) { cancelN(); if ((resizeEvent && resizeEventType && !resizeEventType.south) || intervalS) { return; } intervalS = startVertical(1, calculateItemPosition, lastMouse); } else if (lastMouse.clientY > clientY && offsetTop > 0 && elemTopOffset < scrollSensitivity) { cancelS(); if ((resizeEvent && resizeEventType && !resizeEventType.north) || intervalN) { return; } intervalN = startVertical(-1, calculateItemPosition, lastMouse); } else if (lastMouse.clientY !== clientY) { cancelVertical(); } } const elemRightOffset = offsetLeft + offsetWidth - left - width; const elemLeftOffset = left - offsetLeft; if (!gridster.$options.disableScrollHorizontal) { if (lastMouse.clientX < clientX && elemRightOffset <= scrollSensitivity) { cancelW(); if ((resizeEvent && resizeEventType && !resizeEventType.east) || intervalE) { return; } intervalE = startHorizontal(1, calculateItemPosition, lastMouse); } else if (lastMouse.clientX > clientX && offsetLeft > 0 && elemLeftOffset < scrollSensitivity) { cancelE(); if ((resizeEvent && resizeEventType && !resizeEventType.west) || intervalW) { return; } intervalW = startHorizontal(-1, calculateItemPosition, lastMouse); } else if (lastMouse.clientX !== clientX) { cancelHorizontal(); } } } function startVertical(sign, calculateItemPosition, lastMouse) { let clientY = lastMouse.clientY; return window.setInterval(() => { if (!gridsterElement || (sign === -1 && gridsterElement.scrollTop - scrollSpeed < 0)) { cancelVertical(); } gridsterElement.scrollTop += sign * scrollSpeed; clientY += sign * scrollSpeed; calculateItemPosition({ clientX: lastMouse.clientX, clientY }); }, intervalDuration); } function startHorizontal(sign, calculateItemPosition, lastMouse) { let clientX = lastMouse.clientX; return window.setInterval(() => { if (!gridsterElement || (sign === -1 && gridsterElement.scrollLeft - scrollSpeed < 0)) { cancelHorizontal(); } gridsterElement.scrollLeft += sign * scrollSpeed; clientX += sign * scrollSpeed; calculateItemPosition({ clientX, clientY: lastMouse.clientY }); }, intervalDuration); } function cancelScroll() { cancelHorizontal(); cancelVertical(); gridsterElement = null; } function cancelHorizontal() { cancelE(); cancelW(); } function cancelVertical() { cancelN(); cancelS(); } function cancelE() { if (intervalE) { clearInterval(intervalE); intervalE = 0; } } function cancelW() { if (intervalW) { clearInterval(intervalW); intervalW = 0; } } function cancelS() { if (intervalS) { clearInterval(intervalS); intervalS = 0; } } function cancelN() { if (intervalN) { clearInterval(intervalN); intervalN = 0; } } class GridsterSwap { constructor(gridsterItem) { this.gridsterItem = gridsterItem; this.gridster = gridsterItem.gridster; } destroy() { this.gridster = this.gridsterItem = this.swapedItem = null; } swapItems() { if (this.gridster.$options.swap) { this.checkSwapBack(); this.checkSwap(this.gridsterItem); } } checkSwapBack() { if (this.swapedItem) { const x = this.swapedItem.$item.x; const y = this.swapedItem.$item.y; this.swapedItem.$item.x = this.swapedItem.item.x || 0; this.swapedItem.$item.y = this.swapedItem.item.y || 0; if (this.gridster.checkCollision(this.swapedItem.$item)) { this.swapedItem.$item.x = x; this.swapedItem.$item.y = y; } else { this.swapedItem.setSize(); this.gridsterItem.$item.x = this.gridsterItem.item.x || 0; this.gridsterItem.$item.y = this.gridsterItem.item.y || 0; this.swapedItem = undefined; } } } restoreSwapItem() { if (this.swapedItem) { this.swapedItem.$item.x = this.swapedItem.item.x || 0; this.swapedItem.$item.y = this.swapedItem.item.y || 0; this.swapedItem.setSize(); this.swapedItem = undefined; } } setSwapItem() { if (this.swapedItem) { this.swapedItem.checkItemChanges(this.swapedItem.$item, this.swapedItem.item); this.swapedItem = undefined; } } checkSwap(pushedBy) { let gridsterItemCollision; if (this.gridster.$options.swapWhileDragging) { gridsterItemCollision = this.gridster.checkCollisionForSwaping(pushedBy.$item); } else { gridsterItemCollision = this.gridster.checkCollision(pushedBy.$item); } if (gridsterItemCollision && gridsterItemCollision !== true && gridsterItemCollision.canBeDragged()) { const gridsterItemCollide = gridsterItemCollision; const copyCollisionX = gridsterItemCollide.$item.x; const copyCollisionY = gridsterItemCollide.$item.y; const copyX = pushedBy.$item.x; const copyY = pushedBy.$item.y; const diffX = copyX - copyCollisionX; const diffY = copyY - copyCollisionY; gridsterItemCollide.$item.x = pushedBy.item.x - diffX; gridsterItemCollide.$item.y = pushedBy.item.y - diffY; pushedBy.$item.x = gridsterItemCollide.item.x + diffX; pushedBy.$item.y = gridsterItemCollide.item.y + diffY; if (this.gridster.checkCollision(gridsterItemCollide.$item) || this.gridster.checkCollision(pushedBy.$item)) { pushedBy.$item.x = copyX; pushedBy.$item.y = copyY; gridsterItemCollide.$item.x = copyCollisionX; gridsterItemCollide.$item.y = copyCollisionY; } else { gridsterItemCollide.setSize(); this.swapedItem = gridsterItemCollide; if (this.gridster.$options.swapWhileDragging) { this.gridsterItem.checkItemChanges(this.gridsterItem.$item, this.gridsterItem.item); this.setSwapItem(); } } } } } const GRIDSTER_ITEM_RESIZABLE_HANDLER_CLASS = 'gridster-item-resizable-handler'; var Direction; (function (Direction) { Direction["UP"] = "UP"; Direction["DOWN"] = "DOWN"; Direction["LEFT"] = "LEFT"; Direction["RIGHT"] = "RIGHT"; })(Direction || (Direction = {})); class GridsterDraggable { constructor(gridsterItem, gridster, zone) { = zone; this.collision = false; this.dragMove = (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); GridsterUtils.checkTouchEvent(e); // get the directions of the mouse event let directions = this.getDirections(e); if (this.gridster.options.enableBoundaryControl) { // prevent moving up at the top of gridster if (directions.includes(Direction.UP) && this.gridsterItem.el.getBoundingClientRect().top < this.gridster.el.getBoundingClientRect().top + (this.outerMarginTop ?? this.margin)) { directions = directions.filter(direction => direction != Direction.UP); e = new MouseEvent(e.type, { clientX: e.clientX, clientY: this.lastMouse.clientY }); } // prevent moving left at the leftmost column of gridster if (directions.includes(Direction.LEFT) && this.gridsterItem.el.getBoundingClientRect().left < this.gridster.el.getBoundingClientRect().left + (this.outerMarginLeft ?? this.margin)) { directions = directions.filter(direction => direction != Direction.LEFT); e = new MouseEvent(e.type, { clientX: this.lastMouse.clientX, clientY: e.clientY }); } // prevent moving right at the rightmost column of gridster if (directions.includes(Direction.RIGHT) && this.gridsterItem.el.getBoundingClientRect().right > this.gridster.el.getBoundingClientRect().right - (this.outerMarginRight ?? this.margin)) { directions = directions.filter(direction => direction != Direction.RIGHT); e = new MouseEvent(e.type, { clientX: this.lastMouse.clientX, clientY: e.clientY }); } // prevent moving down at the bottom of gridster if (directions.includes(Direction.DOWN) && this.gridsterItem.el.getBoundingClientRect().bottom > this.gridster.el.getBoundingClientRect().bottom - (this.outerMarginBottom ?? this.margin)) { directions = directions.filter(direction => direction != Direction.DOWN); e = new MouseEvent(e.type, { clientX: e.clientX, clientY: this.lastMouse.clientY }); } } // do not change item location when there is no direction to go if (directions.length) { this.offsetLeft = this.gridster.el.scrollLeft - this.gridster.el.offsetLeft; this.offsetTop = this.gridster.el.scrollTop - this.gridster.el.offsetTop; scroll(this.gridster, this.left,, this.width, this.height, e, this.lastMouse, this.calculateItemPositionFromMousePosition); this.calculateItemPositionFromMousePosition(e); } }; this.calculateItemPositionFromMousePosition = (e) => { if (this.gridster.options.scale) { this.calculateItemPositionWithScale(e, this.gridster.options.scale); } else { this.calculateItemPositionWithoutScale(e); } this.calculateItemPosition(); this.lastMouse.clientX = e.clientX; this.lastMouse.clientY = e.clientY; => { this.gridster.updateGrid(); }); }; this.dragStop = (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); cancelScroll(); this.cancelOnBlur(); this.mousemove(); this.mouseup(); this.mouseleave(); this.touchmove(); this.touchend(); this.touchcancel(); this.gridsterItem.renderer.removeClass(this.gridsterItem.el, 'gridster-item-moving'); this.gridster.dragInProgress = false; this.gridster.updateGrid(); this.path = []; if (this.gridster.options.draggable && this.gridster.options.draggable.stop) { Promise.resolve(this.gridster.options.draggable.stop(this.gridsterItem.item, this.gridsterItem, e)).then(this.makeDrag, this.cancelDrag); } else { this.makeDrag(); } setTimeout(() => { if (this.gridster) { this.gridster.movingItem = null; this.gridster.previewStyle(true); } }); }; this.cancelDrag = () => { this.gridsterItem.$item.x = this.gridsterItem.item.x || 0; this.gridsterItem.$item.y = this.gridsterItem.item.y || 0; this.gridsterItem.setSize(); if (this.push) { this.push.restoreItems(); } if (this.swap) { this.swap.restoreSwapItem(); } if (this.push) { this.push.destroy(); this.push = null; } if (this.swap) { this.swap.destroy(); this.swap = null; } }; this.makeDrag = () => { if (this.gridster.$options.draggable.dropOverItems && this.gridster.options.draggable && this.gridster.options.draggable.dropOverItemsCallback && this.collision && this.collision !== true && this.collision.$item) { this.gridster.options.draggable.dropOverItemsCallback(this.gridsterItem.item, this.collision.item, this.gridster); } this.collision = false; this.gridsterItem.setSize(); this.gridsterItem.checkItemChanges(this.gridsterItem.$item, this.gridsterItem.item); if (this.push) { this.push.setPushedItems(); } if (this.swap) { this.swap.setSwapItem(); } if (this.push) { this.push.destroy(); this.push = null; } if (this.swap) { this.swap.destroy(); this.swap = null; } }; this.dragStartDelay = (e) => { const target =; if (target.classList.contains(GRIDSTER_ITEM_RESIZABLE_HANDLER_CLASS)) { return; } if (GridsterUtils.checkContentClassForEvent(this.gridster, e)) { return; } GridsterUtils.checkTouchEvent(e); if (!this.gridster.$options.draggable.delayStart) { this.dragStart(e); return; } const timeout = setTimeout(() => { this.dragStart(e); cancelDrag(); }, this.gridster.$options.draggable.delayStart); const cancelMouse = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen('document', 'mouseup', cancelDrag); const cancelMouseLeave = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen('document', 'mouseleave', cancelDrag); const cancelOnBlur = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen('window', 'blur', cancelDrag); const cancelTouchMove = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen('document', 'touchmove', cancelMove); const cancelTouchEnd = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen('document', 'touchend', cancelDrag); const cancelTouchCancel = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen('document', 'touchcancel', cancelDrag); function cancelMove(eventMove) { GridsterUtils.checkTouchEvent(eventMove); if (Math.abs(eventMove.clientX - e.clientX) > 9 || Math.abs(eventMove.clientY - e.clientY) > 9) { cancelDrag(); } } function cancelDrag() { clearTimeout(timeout); cancelOnBlur(); cancelMouse(); cancelMouseLeave(); cancelTouchMove(); cancelTouchEnd(); cancelTouchCancel(); } }; this.gridsterItem = gridsterItem; this.gridster = gridster; this.lastMouse = { clientX: 0, clientY: 0 }; this.path = []; } destroy() { if (this.gridster.previewStyle) { this.gridster.previewStyle(true); } this.gridsterItem = this.gridster = this.collision = null; if (this.mousedown) { this.mousedown(); this.touchstart(); } } dragStart(e) { if (e.which && e.which !== 1) { return; } if (this.gridster.options.draggable && this.gridster.options.draggable.start) { this.gridster.options.draggable.start(this.gridsterItem.item, this.gridsterItem, e); } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); => { this.mousemove = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen('document', 'mousemove', this.dragMove); this.touchmove = this.gridster.renderer.listen(this.gridster.el, 'touchmove', this.dragMove); }); this.mouseup = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen('document', 'mouseup', this.dragStop); this.mouseleave = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen('document', 'mouseleave', this.dragStop); this.cancelOnBlur = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen('window', 'blur', this.dragStop); this.touchend = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen('document', 'touchend', this.dragStop); this.touchcancel = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen('document', 'touchcancel', this.dragStop); this.gridsterItem.renderer.addClass(this.gridsterItem.el, 'gridster-item-moving'); this.margin = this.gridster.$options.margin; this.outerMarginTop = this.gridster.$options.outerMarginTop; this.outerMarginRight = this.gridster.$options.outerMarginRight; this.outerMarginBottom = this.gridster.$options.outerMarginBottom; this.outerMarginLeft = this.gridster.$options.outerMarginLeft; this.offsetLeft = this.gridster.el.scrollLeft - this.gridster.el.offsetLeft; this.offsetTop = this.gridster.el.scrollTop - this.gridster.el.offsetTop; this.left = this.gridsterItem.left - this.margin; = - this.margin; this.originalClientX = e.clientX; this.originalClientY = e.clientY; this.width = this.gridsterItem.width; this.height = this.gridsterItem.height; if (this.gridster.$options.dirType === DirTypes.RTL) { this.diffLeft = e.clientX - this.gridster.el.scrollWidth + this.gridsterItem.left; } else { this.diffLeft = e.clientX + this.offsetLeft - this.margin - this.left; } this.diffTop = e.clientY + this.offsetTop - this.margin -; this.gridster.movingItem = this.gridsterItem.$item; this.gridster.previewStyle(true); this.push = new GridsterPush(this.gridsterItem); this.swap = new GridsterSwap(this.gridsterItem); this.gridster.dragInProgress = true; this.gridster.updateGrid(); this.path.push({ x: this.gridsterItem.item.x || 0, y: this.gridsterItem.item.y || 0 }); } calculateItemPositionWithScale(e, scale) { if (this.gridster.$options.dirType === DirTypes.RTL) { this.left = this.gridster.el.scrollWidth - this.originalClientX + (e.clientX - this.originalClientX) / scale + this.diffLeft; } else { this.left = this.originalClientX + (e.clientX - this.originalClientX) / scale + this.offsetLeft - this.diffLeft; } = this.originalClientY + (e.clientY - this.originalClientY) / scale + this.offsetTop - this.diffTop; } calculateItemPositionWithoutScale(e) { if (this.gridster.$options.dirType === DirTypes.RTL) { this.left = this.gridster.el.scrollWidth - e.clientX + this.diffLeft; } else { this.left = e.clientX + this.offsetLeft - this.diffLeft; } = e.clientY + this.offsetTop - this.diffTop; } calculateItemPosition() { this.gridster.movingItem = this.gridsterItem.$item; this.positionX = this.gridster.pixelsToPositionX(this.left, Math.round); this.positionY = this.gridster.pixelsToPositionY(, Math.round); this.positionXBackup = this.gridsterItem.$item.x; this.positionYBackup = this.gridsterItem.$item.y; this.gridsterItem.$item.x = this.positionX; if (this.gridster.checkGridCollision(this.gridsterItem.$item)) { this.gridsterItem.$item.x = this.positionXBackup; } this.gridsterItem.$item.y = this.positionY; if (this.gridster.checkGridCollision(this.gridsterItem.$item)) { this.gridsterItem.$item.y = this.positionYBackup; } this.gridster.gridRenderer.setCellPosition(this.gridsterItem.renderer, this.gridsterItem.el, this.left,; if (this.positionXBackup !== this.gridsterItem.$item.x || this.positionYBackup !== this.gridsterItem.$item.y) { const lastPosition = this.path[this.path.length - 1]; let direction = ''; if (lastPosition.x < this.gridsterItem.$item.x) { direction = this.push.fromWest; } else if (lastPosition.x > this.gridsterItem.$item.x) { direction = this.push.fromEast; } else if (lastPosition.y < this.gridsterItem.$item.y) { direction = this.push.fromNorth; } else if (lastPosition.y > this.gridsterItem.$item.y) { direction = this.push.fromSouth; } this.push.pushItems(direction, this.gridster.$options.disablePushOnDrag); this.swap.swapItems(); this.collision = this.gridster.checkCollision(this.gridsterItem.$item); if (this.collision) { this.gridsterItem.$item.x = this.positionXBackup; this.gridsterItem.$item.y = this.positionYBackup; if (this.gridster.$options.draggable.dropOverItems && this.collision !== true && this.collision.$item) { this.gridster.movingItem = null; } } else { this.path.push({ x: this.gridsterItem.$item.x, y: this.gridsterItem.$item.y }); } this.push.checkPushBack(); } else { // reset the collision when you drag and drop on an adjacent cell that is not empty // and go back to the cell you were in from the beginning, // this is to prevent `dropOverItemsCallback' this.collision = false; } this.gridster.previewStyle(true); } toggle() { const enableDrag = this.gridsterItem.canBeDragged(); if (!this.enabled && enableDrag) { this.enabled = !this.enabled; this.mousedown = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen(this.gridsterItem.el, 'mousedown', this.dragStartDelay); this.touchstart = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen(this.gridsterItem.el, 'touchstart', this.dragStartDelay); } else if (this.enabled && !enableDrag) { this.enabled = !this.enabled; this.mousedown(); this.touchstart(); } } /** * Returns the list of directions for given mouse event * @param e Mouse event * */ getDirections(e) { const directions = []; if (this.lastMouse.clientX === 0 && this.lastMouse.clientY === 0) { this.lastMouse.clientY = e.clientY; this.lastMouse.clientX = e.clientX; } if (this.lastMouse.clientY > e.clientY) { directions.push(Direction.UP); } if (this.lastMouse.clientY < e.clientY) { directions.push(Direction.DOWN); } if (this.lastMouse.clientX < e.clientX) { directions.push(Direction.RIGHT); } if (this.lastMouse.clientX > e.clientX) { directions.push(Direction.LEFT); } return directions; } } class GridsterPushResize { constructor(gridsterItem) { this.pushedItems = []; this.pushedItemsPath = []; this.gridsterItem = gridsterItem; this.gridster = gridsterItem.gridster; this.tryPattern = { fromEast: this.tryWest, fromWest: this.tryEast, fromNorth: this.trySouth, fromSouth: this.tryNorth }; this.fromSouth = 'fromSouth'; this.fromNorth = 'fromNorth'; this.fromEast = 'fromEast'; this.fromWest = 'fromWest'; } destroy() { this.gridster = this.gridsterItem = null; } pushItems(direction) { if (this.gridster.$options.pushResizeItems) { return this.push(this.gridsterItem, direction); } else { return false; } } restoreItems() { let i = 0; const l = this.pushedItems.length; let pushedItem; for (; i < l; i++) { pushedItem = this.pushedItems[i]; pushedItem.$item.x = pushedItem.item.x || 0; pushedItem.$item.y = pushedItem.item.y || 0; pushedItem.$item.cols = pushedItem.item.cols || 1; pushedItem.$item.row = pushedItem.item.row || 1; pushedItem.setSize(); } this.pushedItems = []; this.pushedItemsPath = []; } setPushedItems() { let i = 0; const l = this.pushedItems.length; let pushedItem; for (; i < l; i++) { pushedItem = this.pushedItems[i]; pushedItem.checkItemChanges(pushedItem.$item, pushedItem.item); } this.pushedItems = []; this.pushedItemsPath = []; } checkPushBack() { let i = this.pushedItems.length - 1; let change = false; for (; i > -1; i--) { if (this.checkPushedItem(this.pushedItems[i], i)) { change = true; } } if (change) { this.checkPushBack(); } } push(gridsterItem, direction) { const gridsterItemCollision = this.gridster.checkCollision(gridsterItem.$item); if (gridsterItemCollision && gridsterItemCollision !== true && gridsterItemCollision !== this.gridsterItem && gridsterItemCollision.canBeResized()) { if (this.tryPattern[direction].call(this, gridsterItemCollision, gridsterItem, direction)) { return true; } } else if (gridsterItemCollision === false) { return true; } return false; } trySouth(gridsterItemCollide, gridsterItem, direction) { const backUpY = gridsterItemCollide.$item.y; const backUpRows = gridsterItemCollide.$item.rows; gridsterItemCollide.$item.y = gridsterItem.$item.y + gridsterItem.$item.rows; gridsterItemCollide.$item.rows = backUpRows + backUpY - gridsterItemCollide.$item.y; if (!this.gridster.checkCollisionTwoItems(gridsterItemCollide.$item, gridsterItem.$item) && !this.gridster.checkGridCollision(gridsterItemCollide.$item)) { gridsterItemCollide.setSize(); this.addToPushed(gridsterItemCollide); this.push(gridsterItem, direction); return true; } else { gridsterItemCollide.$item.y = backUpY; gridsterItemCollide.$item.rows = backUpRows; } return false; } tryNorth(gridsterItemCollide, gridsterItem, direction) { const backUpRows = gridsterItemCollide.$item.rows; gridsterItemCollide.$item.rows = gridsterItem.$item.y - gridsterItemCollide.$item.y; if (!this.gridster.checkCollisionTwoItems(gridsterItemCollide.$item, gridsterItem.$item) && !this.gridster.checkGridCollision(gridsterItemCollide.$item)) { gridsterItemCollide.setSize(); this.addToPushed(gridsterItemCollide); this.push(gridsterItem, direction); return true; } else { gridsterItemCollide.$item.rows = backUpRows; } return false; } tryEast(gridsterItemCollide, gridsterItem, direction) { const backUpX = gridsterItemCollide.$item.x; const backUpCols = gridsterItemCollide.$item.cols; gridsterItemCollide.$item.x = gridsterItem.$item.x + gridsterItem.$item.cols; gridsterItemCollide.$item.cols = backUpCols + backUpX - gridsterItemCollide.$item.x; if (!this.gridster.checkCollisionTwoItems(gridsterItemCollide.$item, gridsterItem.$item) && !this.gridster.checkGridCollision(gridsterItemCollide.$item)) { gridsterItemCollide.setSize(); this.addToPushed(gridsterItemCollide); this.push(gridsterItem, direction); return true; } else { gridsterItemCollide.$item.x = backUpX; gridsterItemCollide.$item.cols = backUpCols; } return false; } tryWest(gridsterItemCollide, gridsterItem, direction) { const backUpCols = gridsterItemCollide.$item.cols; gridsterItemCollide.$item.cols = gridsterItem.$item.x - gridsterItemCollide.$item.x; if (!this.gridster.checkCollisionTwoItems(gridsterItemCollide.$item, gridsterItem.$item) && !this.gridster.checkGridCollision(gridsterItemCollide.$item)) { gridsterItemCollide.setSize(); this.addToPushed(gridsterItemCollide); this.push(gridsterItem, direction); return true; } else { gridsterItemCollide.$item.cols = backUpCols; } return false; } addToPushed(gridsterItem) { if (this.pushedItems.indexOf(gridsterItem) < 0) { this.pushedItems.push(gridsterItem); this.pushedItemsPath.push([ { x: gridsterItem.item.x || 0, y: gridsterItem.item.y || 0, cols: gridsterItem.item.cols || 0, rows: gridsterItem.item.rows || 0 }, { x: gridsterItem.$item.x, y: gridsterItem.$item.y, cols: gridsterItem.$item.cols, rows: gridsterItem.$item.rows } ]); } else { const i = this.pushedItems.indexOf(gridsterItem); this.pushedItemsPath[i].push({ x: gridsterItem.$item.x, y: gridsterItem.$item.y, cols: gridsterItem.$item.cols, rows: gridsterItem.$item.rows }); } } removeFromPushed(i) { if (i > -1) { this.pushedItems.splice(i, 1); this.pushedItemsPath.splice(i, 1); } } checkPushedItem(pushedItem, i) { const path = this.pushedItemsPath[i]; let j = path.length - 2; let lastPosition; let x; let y; let cols; let rows; for (; j > -1; j--) { lastPosition = path[j]; x = pushedItem.$item.x; y = pushedItem.$item.y; cols = pushedItem.$item.cols; rows = pushedItem.$item.rows; pushedItem.$item.x = lastPosition.x; pushedItem.$item.y = lastPosition.y; pushedItem.$item.cols = lastPosition.cols; pushedItem.$item.rows = lastPosition.rows; if (!this.gridster.findItemWithItem(pushedItem.$item)) { pushedItem.setSize(); path.splice(j + 1, path.length - 1 - j); } else { pushedItem.$item.x = x; pushedItem.$item.y = y; pushedItem.$item.cols = cols; pushedItem.$item.rows = rows; } } if (path.length < 2) { this.removeFromPushed(i); return true; } return false; } } class GridsterResizable { constructor(gridsterItem, gridster, zone) { = zone; /** * The direction function may reference any of the `GridsterResizable` class methods, that are * responsible for gridster resize when the `dragmove` event is being handled. E.g. it may reference * the `handleNorth` method when the north handle is pressed and moved by a mouse. */ this.directionFunction = null; this.dragMove = (e) => { if (this.directionFunction === null) { throw new Error('The `directionFunction` has not been set before calling `dragMove`.'); } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); GridsterUtils.checkTouchEvent(e); this.offsetTop = this.gridster.el.scrollTop - this.gridster.el.offsetTop; this.offsetLeft = this.gridster.el.scrollLeft - this.gridster.el.offsetLeft; scroll(this.gridster, this.left,, this.width, this.height, e, this.lastMouse, this.directionFunction, true, this.resizeEventScrollType); const scale = this.gridster.options.scale || 1; this.directionFunction({ clientX: this.originalClientX + (e.clientX - this.originalClientX) / scale, clientY: this.originalClientY + (e.clientY - this.originalClientY) / scale }); this.lastMouse.clientX = e.clientX; this.lastMouse.clientY = e.clientY; => { this.gridster.updateGrid(); }); }; this.dragStop = (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); cancelScroll(); this.mousemove(); this.mouseup(); this.mouseleave(); this.cancelOnBlur(); this.touchmove(); this.touchend(); this.touchcancel(); this.gridster.dragInProgress = false; this.gridster.updateGrid(); if (this.gridster.options.resizable && this.gridster.options.resizable.stop) { Promise.resolve(this.gridster.options.resizable.stop(this.gridsterItem.item, this.gridsterItem, e)).then(this.makeResize, this.cancelResize); } else { this.makeResize(); } setTimeout(() => { this.gridsterItem.renderer.removeClass(this.gridsterItem.el, 'gridster-item-resizing'); if (this.gridster) { this.gridster.movingItem = null; this.gridster.previewStyle(); } }); }; this.cancelResize = () => { this.gridsterItem.$item.cols = this.gridsterItem.item.cols || 1; this.gridsterItem.$item.rows = this.gridsterItem.item.rows || 1; this.gridsterItem.$item.x = this.gridsterItem.item.x || 0; this.gridsterItem.$item.y = this.gridsterItem.item.y || 0; this.gridsterItem.setSize(); this.push.restoreItems(); this.pushResize.restoreItems(); this.push.destroy(); this.push = null; this.pushResize.destroy(); this.pushResize = null; }; this.makeResize = () => { this.gridsterItem.setSize(); this.gridsterItem.checkItemChanges(this.gridsterItem.$item, this.gridsterItem.item); this.push.setPushedItems(); this.pushResize.setPushedItems(); this.push.destroy(); this.push = null; this.pushResize.destroy(); this.pushResize = null; }; this.handleNorth = (e) => { = e.clientY + this.offsetTop - this.diffTop; this.height = this.bottom -; if (this.minHeight > this.height) { this.height = this.minHeight; = this.bottom - this.minHeight; } else if (this.gridster.options.enableBoundaryControl) { = Math.max(0,; this.height = this.bottom -; } const marginTop = this.gridster.options.pushItems ? this.margin : 0; this.newPosition = this.gridster.pixelsToPositionY( + marginTop, Math.floor); if (this.gridsterItem.$item.y !== this.newPosition) { this.itemBackup[1] = this.gridsterItem.$item.y; this.itemBackup[3] = this.gridsterItem.$item.rows; this.gridsterItem.$item.rows += this.gridsterItem.$item.y - this.newPosition; this.gridsterItem.$item.y = this.newPosition; this.pushResize.pushItems(this.pushResize.fromSouth); this.push.pushItems(this.push.fromSouth, this.gridster.$options.disablePushOnResize); if (this.gridster.checkCollision(this.gridsterItem.$item)) { this.gridsterItem.$item.y = this.itemBackup[1]; this.gridsterItem.$item.rows = this.itemBackup[3]; = this.gridster.positionYToPixels(this.gridsterItem.$item.y); this.setItemTop(this.gridster.positionYToPixels(this.gridsterItem.$item.y)); this.setItemHeight(this.gridster.positionYToPixels(this.gridsterItem.$item.rows) - this.margin); return; } else { this.gridster.previewStyle(); } this.pushResize.checkPushBack(); this.push.checkPushBack(); } this.setItemTop(; this.setItemHeight(this.height); }; this.handleWest = (e) => { const clientX = this.gridster.$options.dirType === DirTypes.RTL ? this.originalClientX + (this.originalClientX - e.clientX) : e.clientX; this.left = clientX + this.offsetLeft - this.diffLeft; this.width = this.right - this.left; if (this.minWidth > this.width) { this.width = this.minWidth; this.left = this.right - this.minWidth; } else if (this.gridster.options.enableBoundaryControl) { this.left = Math.max(0, this.left); this.width = this.right - this.left; } const marginLeft = this.gridster.options.pushItems ? this.margin : 0; this.newPosition = this.gridster.pixelsToPositionX(this.left + marginLeft, Math.floor); if (this.gridsterItem.$item.x !== this.newPosition) { this.itemBackup[0] = this.gridsterItem.$item.x; this.itemBackup[2] = this.gridsterItem.$item.cols; this.gridsterItem.$item.cols += this.gridsterItem.$item.x - this.newPosition; this.gridsterItem.$item.x = this.newPosition; this.pushResize.pushItems(this.pushResize.fromEast); this.push.pushItems(this.push.fromEast, this.gridster.$options.disablePushOnResize); if (this.gridster.checkCollision(this.gridsterItem.$item)) { this.gridsterItem.$item.x = this.itemBackup[0]; this.gridsterItem.$item.cols = this.itemBackup[2]; this.left = this.gridster.positionXToPixels(this.gridsterItem.$item.x); this.setItemLeft(this.gridster.positionXToPixels(this.gridsterItem.$item.x)); this.setItemWidth(this.gridster.positionXToPixels(this.gridsterItem.$item.cols) - this.margin); return; } else { this.gridster.previewStyle(); } this.pushResize.checkPushBack(); this.push.checkPushBack(); } this.setItemLeft(this.left); this.setItemWidth(this.width); }; this.handleSouth = (e) => { this.height = e.clientY + this.offsetTop - this.diffBottom -; if (this.minHeight > this.height) { this.height = this.minHeight; } this.bottom = + this.height; if (this.gridster.options.enableBoundaryControl) { const margin = this.outerMarginBottom ?? this.margin; const box = this.gridster.el.getBoundingClientRect(); this.bottom = Math.min(this.bottom, box.bottom - - 2 * margin); this.height = this.bottom -; } const marginBottom = this.gridster.options.pushItems ? 0 : this.margin; this.newPosition = this.gridster.pixelsToPositionY(this.bottom + marginBottom, Math.ceil); if (this.gridsterItem.$item.y + this.gridsterItem.$item.rows !== this.newPosition) { this.itemBackup[3] = this.gridsterItem.$item.rows; this.gridsterItem.$item.rows = this.newPosition - this.gridsterItem.$item.y; this.pushResize.pushItems(this.pushResize.fromNorth); this.push.pushItems(this.push.fromNorth, this.gridster.$options.disablePushOnResize); if (this.gridster.checkCollision(this.gridsterItem.$item)) { this.gridsterItem.$item.rows = this.itemBackup[3]; this.setItemHeight(this.gridster.positionYToPixels(this.gridsterItem.$item.rows) - this.margin); return; } else { this.gridster.previewStyle(); } this.pushResize.checkPushBack(); this.push.checkPushBack(); } this.setItemHeight(this.height); }; this.handleEast = (e) => { const clientX = this.gridster.$options.dirType === DirTypes.RTL ? this.originalClientX + (this.originalClientX - e.clientX) : e.clientX; this.width = clientX + this.offsetLeft - this.diffRight - this.left; if (this.minWidth > this.width) { this.width = this.minWidth; } this.right = this.left + this.width; if (this.gridster.options.enableBoundaryControl) { const margin = this.outerMarginRight ?? this.margin; const box = this.gridster.el.getBoundingClientRect(); this.right = Math.min(this.right, box.right - box.left - 2 * margin); this.width = this.right - this.left; } const marginRight = this.gridster.options.pushItems ? 0 : this.margin; this.newPosition = this.gridster.pixelsToPositionX(this.right + marginRight, Math.ceil); if (this.gridsterItem.$item.x + this.gridsterItem.$item.cols !== this.newPosition) { this.itemBackup[2] = this.gridsterItem.$item.cols; this.gridsterItem.$item.cols = this.newPosition - this.gridsterItem.$item.x; this.pushResize.pushItems(this.pushResize.fromWest); this.push.pushItems(this.push.fromWest, this.gridster.$options.disablePushOnResize); if (this.gridster.checkCollision(this.gridsterItem.$item)) { this.gridsterItem.$item.cols = this.itemBackup[2]; this.setItemWidth(this.gridster.positionXToPixels(this.gridsterItem.$item.cols) - this.margin); return; } else { this.gridster.previewStyle(); } this.pushResize.checkPushBack(); this.push.checkPushBack(); } this.setItemWidth(this.width); }; this.handleNorthWest = (e) => { this.handleNorth(e); this.handleWest(e); }; this.handleNorthEast = (e) => { this.handleNorth(e); this.handleEast(e); }; this.handleSouthWest = (e) => { this.handleSouth(e); this.handleWest(e); }; this.handleSouthEast = (e) => { this.handleSouth(e); this.handleEast(e); }; this.gridsterItem = gridsterItem; this.gridster = gridster; this.lastMouse = { clientX: 0, clientY: 0 }; this.itemBackup = [0, 0, 0, 0]; this.resizeEventScrollType = { west: false, east: false, north: false, south: false }; } destroy() { this.gridster?.previewStyle(); this.gridster = this.gridsterItem = null; } dragStart(e) { if (e.which && e.which !== 1) { return; } if (this.gridster.options.resizable && this.gridster.options.resizable.start) { this.gridster.options.resizable.start(this.gridsterItem.item, this.gridsterItem, e); } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); => { this.mousemove = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen('document', 'mousemove', this.dragMove); this.touchmove = this.gridster.renderer.listen(this.gridster.el, 'touchmove', this.dragMove); }); this.mouseup = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen('document', 'mouseup', this.dragStop); this.mouseleave = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen('document', 'mouseleave', this.dragStop); this.cancelOnBlur = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen('window', 'blur', this.dragStop); this.touchend = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen('document', 'touchend', this.dragStop); this.touchcancel = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen('document', 'touchcancel', this.dragStop); this.gridsterItem.renderer.addClass(this.gridsterItem.el, 'gridster-item-resizing'); this.lastMouse.clientX = e.clientX; this.lastMouse.clientY = e.clientY; this.left = this.gridsterItem.left; =; this.originalClientX = e.clientX; this.originalClientY = e.clientY; this.width = this.gridsterItem.width; this.height = this.gridsterItem.height; this.bottom = + this.gridsterItem.height; this.right = this.gridsterItem.left + this.gridsterItem.width; this.margin = this.gridster.$options.margin; this.outerMarginTop = this.gridster.$options.outerMarginTop; this.outerMarginRight = this.gridster.$options.outerMarginRight; this.outerMarginBottom = this.gridster.$options.outerMarginBottom; this.outerMarginLeft = this.gridster.$options.outerMarginLeft; this.offsetLeft = this.gridster.el.scrollLeft - this.gridster.el.offsetLeft; this.offsetTop = this.gridster.el.scrollTop - this.gridster.el.offsetTop; this.diffLeft = e.clientX + this.offsetLeft - this.left; this.diffRight = e.clientX + this.offsetLeft - this.right; this.diffTop = e.clientY + this.offsetTop -; this.diffBottom = e.clientY + this.offsetTop - this.bottom; this.minHeight = this.gridster.positionYToPixels(this.gridsterItem.$item.minItemRows || this.gridster.$options.minItemRows) - this.margin; this.minWidth = this.gridster.positionXToPixels(this.gridsterItem.$item.minItemCols || this.gridster.$options.minItemCols) - this.margin; this.gridster.movingItem = this.gridsterItem.$item; this.gridster.previewStyle(); this.push = new GridsterPush(this.gridsterItem); this.pushResize = new GridsterPushResize(this.gridsterItem); this.gridster.dragInProgress = true; this.gridster.updateGrid(); const { classList } =; if (classList.contains('handle-n')) { this.resizeEventScrollType.north = true; this.directionFunction = this.handleNorth; } else if (classList.contains('handle-w')) { if (this.gridster.$options.dirType === DirTypes.RTL) { this.resizeEventScrollType.east = true; this.directionFunction = this.handleEast; } else { this.resizeEventScrollType.west = true; this.directionFunction = this.handleWest; } } else if (classList.contains('handle-s')) { this.resizeEventScrollType.south = true; this.directionFunction = this.handleSouth; } else if (classList.contains('handle-e')) { if (this.gridster.$options.dirType === DirTypes.RTL) { this.resizeEventScrollType.west = true; this.directionFunction = this.handleWest; } else { this.resizeEventScrollType.east = true; this.directionFunction = this.handleEast; } } else if (classList.contains('handle-nw')) { if (this.gridster.$options.dirType === DirTypes.RTL) { this.resizeEventScrollType.north = true; this.resizeEventScrollType.east = true; this.directionFunction = this.handleNorthEast; } else { this.resizeEventScrollType.north = true; this.resizeEventScrollType.west = true; this.directionFunction = this.handleNorthWest; } } else if (classList.contains('handle-ne')) { if (this.gridster.$options.dirType === DirTypes.RTL) { this.resizeEventScrollType.north = true; this.resizeEventScrollType.west = true; this.directionFunction = this.handleNorthWest; } else { this.resizeEventScrollType.north = true; this.resizeEventScrollType.east = true; this.directionFunction = this.handleNorthEast; } } else if (classList.contains('handle-sw')) { if (this.gridster.$options.dirType === DirTypes.RTL) { this.resizeEventScrollType.south = true; this.resizeEventScrollType.east = true; this.directionFunction = this.handleSouthEast; } else { this.resizeEventScrollType.south = true; this.resizeEventScrollType.west = true; this.directionFunction = this.handleSouthWest; } } else if (classList.contains('handle-se')) { if (this.gridster.$options.dirType === DirTypes.RTL) { this.resizeEventScrollType.south = true; this.resizeEventScrollType.west = true; this.directionFunction = this.handleSouthWest; } else { this.resizeEventScrollType.south = true; this.resizeEventScrollType.east = true; this.directionFunction = this.handleSouthEast; } } } toggle() { this.resizeEnabled = this.gridsterItem.canBeResized(); this.resizableHandles = this.gridsterItem.getResizableHandles(); } dragStartDelay(e) { GridsterUtils.checkTouchEvent(e); if (!this.gridster.$options.resizable.delayStart) { this.dragStart(e); return; } const timeout = setTimeout(() => { this.dragStart(e); cancelDrag(); }, this.gridster.$options.resizable.delayStart); const { cancelMouse, cancelMouseLeave, cancelOnBlur, cancelTouchMove, cancelTouchEnd, cancelTouchCancel } = => { // Note: all of these events are being added within the `` zone since they all // don't do any view updates and don't require Angular running change detection. // All event listeners call `cancelDrag` once the event is dispatched, the `cancelDrag` // is responsible only for removing event listeners. const cancelMouse = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen('document', 'mouseup', cancelDrag); const cancelMouseLeave = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen('document', 'mouseleave', cancelDrag); const cancelOnBlur = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen('window', 'blur', cancelDrag); const cancelTouchMove = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen('document', 'touchmove', cancelMove); const cancelTouchEnd = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen('document', 'touchend', cancelDrag); const cancelTouchCancel = this.gridsterItem.renderer.listen('document', 'touchcancel', cancelDrag); return { cancelMouse, cancelMouseLeave, cancelOnBlur, cancelTouchMove, cancelTouchEnd, cancelTouchCancel }; }); function cancelMove(eventMove) { GridsterUtils.checkTouchEvent(eventMove); if (Math.abs(eventMove.clientX - e.clientX) > 9 || Math.abs(eventMove.clientY - e.clientY) > 9) { cancelDrag(); } } function cancelDrag() { clearTimeout(timeout); cancelOnBlur(); cancelMouse(); cancelMouseLeave(); cancelTouchMove(); cancelTouchEnd(); cancelTouchCancel(); } } setItemTop(top) { this.gridster.gridRenderer.setCellPosition(this.gridsterItem.renderer, this.gridsterItem.el, this.left, top); } setItemLeft(left) { this.gridster.gridRenderer.setCellPosition(this.gridsterItem.renderer, this.gridsterItem.el, left,; } setItemHeight(height) { this.gridsterItem.renderer.setStyle(this.gridsterItem.el, 'height', height + 'px'); } setItemWidth(width) { this.gridsterItem.renderer.setStyle(this.gridsterItem.el, 'width', width + 'px'); } } class GridsterItemComponent { get zIndex() { return this.getLayerIndex() + this.gridster.$options.baseLayerIndex; } constructor(el, gridster, renderer, zone) { this.renderer = renderer; = zone; this.itemInit = new EventEmitter(); this.itemChange = new EventEmitter(); this.itemResize = new EventEmitter(); this.el = el.nativeElement; this.$item = { cols: -1, rows: -1, x: -1, y: -1 }; this.gridster = gridster; this.drag = new GridsterDraggable(this, gridster,; this.resize = new GridsterResizable(this, gridster,; } ngOnInit() { this.gridster.addItem(this); } ngOnChanges(changes) { if (changes.item) { this.updateOptions(); if (!this.init) { this.gridster.calculateLayout$.next(); } } if (changes.item && changes.item.previousValue) { this.setSize(); } } updateOptions() { this.$item = GridsterUtils.merge(this.$item, this.item, { cols: undefined, rows: undefined, x: undefined, y: undefined, layerIndex: undefined, dragEnabled: undefined, resizeEnabled: undefined, compactEnabled: undefined, maxItemRows: undefined, minItemRows: undefined, maxItemCols: undefined, minItemCols: undefined, maxItemArea: undefined, minItemArea: undefined, resizableHandles: { s: undefined, e: undefined, n: undefined, w: undefined, se: undefined, ne: undefined, sw: undefined, nw: undefined } }); } ngOnDestroy() { this.gridster.removeItem(this); this.drag.destroy(); this.resize.destroy(); this.gridster = this.drag = this.resize = null; } setSize() { this.renderer.setStyle(this.el, 'display', this.notPlaced ? '' : 'block'); this.gridster.gridRenderer.updateItem(this.el, this.$item, this.renderer); this.updateItemSize(); } updateItemSize() { const top = this.$item.y * this.gridster.curRowHeight; const left = this.$item.x * this.gridster.curColWidth; const width = this.$item.cols * this.gridster.curColWidth - this.gridster.$options.margin; const height = this.$item.rows * this.gridster.curRowHeight - this.gridster.$options.margin; = top; this.left = left; if (!this.init && width > 0 && height > 0) { this.init = true; if (this.item.initCallback) { this.item.initCallback(this.item, this); } if (this.gridster.options.itemInitCallback) { this.gridster.options.itemInitCallback(this.item, this); }{ item: this.item, itemComponent: this }); if (this.gridster.$options.scrollToNewItems) { this.el.scrollIntoView(false); } } if (width !== this.width || height !== this.height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; if (this.gridster.options.itemResizeCallback) { this.gridster.options.itemResizeCallback(this.item, this); }{ item: this.item, itemComponent: this }); } } itemChanged() { if (this.gridster.options.itemChangeCallback) { this.gridster.options.itemChangeCallback(this.item, this); }{ item: this.item, itemComponent: this }); } checkItemChanges(newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue.rows === oldValue.rows && newValue.cols === oldValue.cols && newValue.x === oldValue.x && newValue.y === oldValue.y) { return; } if (this.gridster.checkCollision(this.$item)) { this.$item.x = oldValue.x || 0; this.$item.y = oldValue.y || 0; this.$item.cols = oldValue.cols || 1; this.$item.rows = oldValue.rows || 1; this.setSize(); } else { this.item.cols = this.$item.cols; this.item.rows = this.$item.rows; this.item.x = this.$item.x; this.item.y = this.$item.y; this.gridster.calculateLayout$.next(); this.itemChanged(); } } canBeDragged() { const gridDragEnabled = this.gridster.$options.draggable.enabled; const itemDragEnabled = this.$item.dragEnabled === undefined ? gridDragEnabled : this.$item.dragEnabled; return ! && gridDragEnabled && itemDragEnabled; } canBeResized() { const gridResizable = this.gridster.$options.resizable.enabled; const itemResizable = this.$item.resizeEnabled === undefined ? gridResizable : this.$item.resizeEnabled; return ! && gridResizable && itemResizable; } getResizableHandles() { const gridResizableHandles = this.gridster.$options.resizable.handles; const itemResizableHandles = this.$item.resizableHandles; // use grid settings if no settings are provided for the item. if (itemResizableHandles === undefined) { return gridResizableHandles; } // else merge the settings return { ...gridResizableHandles, ...itemResizableHandles }; } bringToFront(offset) { if (offset && offset <= 0) { return; } const layerIndex = this.getLayerIndex(); const topIndex = this.gridster.$options.maxLayerIndex; if (layerIndex < topIndex) { const targetIndex = offset ? layerIndex + offset : topIndex; this.item.layerIndex = this.$item.layerIndex = targetIndex > topIndex ? topIndex : targetIndex; } } sendToBack(offset) { if (offset && offset <= 0) { return; } const layerIndex = this.getLayerIndex(); if (layerIndex > 0) { const targetIndex = offset ? layerIndex - offset : 0; this.item.layerIndex = this.$item.layerIndex = targetIndex < 0 ? 0 : targetIndex; } } getLayerIndex() { if (this.item.layerIndex !== undefined) { return this.item.layerIndex; } if (this.gridster.$options.defaultLayerIndex !== undefined) { return this.gridster.$options.defaultLayerIndex; } return 0; } static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.0", ngImport: i0, type: GridsterItemComponent, deps: [{ token: ElementRef }, { token: GridsterComponent }, { token: Renderer2 }, { token: NgZone }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component }); } static { this.ɵcmp = i0.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.0.0", type: GridsterItemComponent, isStandalone: true, selector: "gridster-item", inputs: { item: "item" }, outputs: { itemInit: "itemInit", itemChange: "itemChange", itemResize: "itemResize" }, host: { properties: { "style.z-index": "this.zIndex" } }, usesOnChanges: true, ngImport: i0, template: "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", styles: ["gridster-item{box-sizing:border-box;z-index:1;position:absolute;overflow:hidden;transition:.3s;display:none;background:white;-webkit-user-select:text;user-select:text}gridster-item.gridster-item-moving{cursor:move}gridster-item.gridster-item-resizing,gridster-item.gridster-item-moving{transition:0s;z-index:2;box-shadow:0 0 5px 5px #0003,0 6px 10px #00000024,0 1px 18px #0000001f}.gridster-item-resizable-handler{position:absolute;z-index:2}.gridster-item-resizable-handler.handle-n{cursor:ns-resize;height:10px;right:0;top:0;left:0}.gridster-item-resizable-handler.handle-e{cursor:ew-resize;width:10px;bottom:0;right:0;top:0}.gridster-item-resizable-handler.handle-s{cursor:ns-resize;height:10px;right:0;bottom:0;left:0}.gridster-item-resizable-handler.handle-w{cursor:ew-resize;width:10px;left:0;top:0;bottom:0}.gridster-item-resizable-handler.handle-ne{cursor:ne-resize;width:10px;height:10px;right:0;top:0}.gridster-item-resizable-handler.handle-nw{cursor:nw-resize;width:10px;height:10px;left:0;top:0}.gridster-item-resizable-handler.handle-se{cursor:se-resize;width:0;height:0;right:0;bottom:0;border-style:solid;border-width:0 0 10px 10px;border-color:transparent}.gridster-item-resizable-handler.handle-sw{cursor:sw-resize;width:10px;height:10px;left:0;bottom:0}gridster-item:hover .gridster-item-resizable-handler.handle-se{border-color:transparent transparent #ccc}\n"], dependencies: [{ kind: "directive", type: NgIf, selector: "[ngIf]", inputs: ["ngIf", "ngIfThen", "ngIfElse"] }], encapsulation: i0.ViewEncapsulation.None }); } } i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.0", ngImport: i0, type: GridsterItemComponent, decorators: [{ type: Component, args: [{ selector: 'gridster-item', encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None, standalone: true, imports: [NgIf], template: "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", styles: ["gridster-item{box-sizing:border-box;z-index:1;position:absolute;overflow:hidden;transition:.3s;display:none;background:white;-webkit-user-select:text;user-select:text}gridster-item.gridster-item-moving{cursor:move}gridster-item.gridster-item-resizing,gridster-item.gridster-item-moving{transition:0s;z-index:2;box-shadow:0 0 5px 5px #0003,0 6px 10px #00000024,0 1px 18px #0000001f}.gridster-item-resizable-handler{position:absolute;z-index:2}.gridster-item-resizable-handler.handle-n{cursor:ns-resize;height:10px;right:0;top:0;left:0}.gridster-item-resizable-handler.handle-e{cursor:ew-resize;width:10px;bottom:0;right:0;top:0}.gridster-item-resizable-handler.handle-s{cursor:ns-resize;height:10px;right:0;bottom:0;left:0}.gridster-item-resizable-handler.handle-w{cursor:ew-resize;width:10px;left:0;top:0;bottom:0}.gridster-item-resizable-handler.handle-ne{cursor:ne-resize;width:10px;height:10px;right:0;top:0}.gridster-item-resizable-handler.handle-nw{cursor:nw-resize;width:10px;height:10px;left:0;top:0}.gridster-item-resizable-handler.handle-se{cursor:se-resize;width:0;height:0;right:0;bottom:0;border-style:solid;border-width:0 0 10px 10px;border-color:transparent}.gridster-item-resizable-handler.handle-sw{cursor:sw-resize;width:10px;height:10px;left:0;bottom:0}gridster-item:hover .gridster-item-resizable-handler.handle-se{border-color:transparent transparent #ccc}\n"] }] }], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.ElementRef, decorators: [{ type: Inject, args: [ElementRef] }] }, { type: GridsterComponent }, { type: i0.Renderer2, decorators: [{ type: Inject, args: [Renderer2] }] }, { type: i0.NgZone, decorators: [{ type: Inject, args: [NgZone] }] }]; }, propDecorators: { item: [{ type: Input }], itemInit: [{ type: Output }], itemChange: [{ type: Output }], itemResize: [{ type: Output }], zIndex: [{ type: HostBinding, args: ['style.z-index'] }] } }); class GridsterItemComponentInterface { } class GridsterComponentInterface { } class GridsterModule { static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.0", ngImport: i0, type: GridsterModule, deps: [], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.NgModule }); } static { this.ɵmod = i0.ɵɵngDeclareNgModule({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.0.0", ngImport: i0, type: GridsterModule, imports: [GridsterComponent, GridsterItemComponent], exports: [GridsterComponent, GridsterItemComponent] }); } static { this.ɵinj = i0.ɵɵngDeclareInjector({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.0", ngImport: i0, type: GridsterModule }); } } i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.0", ngImport: i0, type: GridsterModule, decorators: [{ type: NgModule, args: [{ imports: [GridsterComponent, GridsterItemComponent], exports: [GridsterComponent, GridsterItemComponent] }] }] }); /* * Public API Surface of gridster */ /** * Generated bundle index. Do not edit. */ export { CompactType, DirTypes, DisplayGrid, GridType, GridsterComponent, GridsterComponentInterface, GridsterConfigService, GridsterItemComponent, GridsterItemComponentInterface, GridsterModule, GridsterPush, GridsterPushResize, GridsterSwap }; //#