/** * Creates a new, generic component definition in the given project. */ export interface Schema { /** * The change detection strategy to use in the new component. */ changeDetection?: ChangeDetection; /** * Specifies if the style will contain `:host { display: block; }`. */ displayBlock?: boolean; /** * The declaring NgModule exports this component. */ export?: boolean; /** * Create the new files at the top level of the current project. */ flat?: boolean; /** * Include styles inline in the component.ts file. Only CSS styles can be included inline. * By default, an external styles file is created and referenced in the component.ts file. */ inlineStyle?: boolean; /** * Include template inline in the component.ts file. By default, an external template file * is created and referenced in the component.ts file. */ inlineTemplate?: boolean; /** * The declaring NgModule. */ module?: string; /** * The name of the component. */ name: string; /** * The path at which to create the component file, relative to the current workspace. * Default is a folder with the same name as the component in the project root. */ path?: string; /** * The prefix to apply to the generated component selector. */ prefix?: string; /** * The name of the project. */ project: string; /** * The HTML selector to use for this component. */ selector?: string; /** * Do not import this component into the owning NgModule. */ skipImport?: boolean; /** * Specifies if the component should have a selector or not. */ skipSelector?: boolean; /** * Do not create "spec.ts" test files for the new component. */ skipTests?: boolean; /** * Whether the generated component is standalone. */ standalone?: boolean; /** * The file extension or preprocessor to use for style files, or 'none' to skip generating * the style file. */ style?: Style; /** * Adds a developer-defined type to the filename, in the format "name.type.ts". */ type?: string; /** * The view encapsulation strategy to use in the new component. */ viewEncapsulation?: ViewEncapsulation; } /** * The change detection strategy to use in the new component. */ export declare enum ChangeDetection { Default = "Default", OnPush = "OnPush" } /** * The file extension or preprocessor to use for style files, or 'none' to skip generating * the style file. */ export declare enum Style { Css = "css", Less = "less", None = "none", Sass = "sass", Scss = "scss" } /** * The view encapsulation strategy to use in the new component. */ export declare enum ViewEncapsulation { Emulated = "Emulated", None = "None", ShadowDom = "ShadowDom" }