
274 lines
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2024-07-16 15:23:22 +00:00
import { ChangeDetectorRef, ElementRef, EventEmitter, OnInit, QueryList, TemplateRef } from '@angular/core';
import { ControlValueAccessor } from '@angular/forms';
import { PrimeNGConfig, PrimeTemplate } from 'primeng/api';
import { Nullable } from 'primeng/ts-helpers';
import { Caret } from './inputmask.interface';
import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
import * as i1 from "@angular/common";
import * as i2 from "primeng/inputtext";
import * as i3 from "primeng/autofocus";
import * as i4 from "primeng/icons/times";
import * as i5 from "primeng/api";
export declare const INPUTMASK_VALUE_ACCESSOR: any;
* InputMask component is used to enter input in a certain format such as numeric, date, currency, email and phone.
* @group Components
export declare class InputMask implements OnInit, ControlValueAccessor {
private document;
private platformId;
el: ElementRef;
cd: ChangeDetectorRef;
config: PrimeNGConfig;
* HTML5 input type.
* @group Props
type: string;
* Placeholder character in mask, default is underscore.
* @group Props
slotChar: string;
* Clears the incomplete value on blur.
* @group Props
autoClear: boolean;
* When enabled, a clear icon is displayed to clear the value.
* @group Props
showClear: boolean;
* Inline style of the input field.
* @group Props
style: {
[klass: string]: any;
} | null | undefined;
* Identifier of the focus input to match a label defined for the component.
* @group Props
inputId: string | undefined;
* Style class of the input field.
* @group Props
styleClass: string | undefined;
* Advisory information to display on input.
* @group Props
placeholder: string | undefined;
* Size of the input field.
* @group Props
size: number | undefined;
* Maximum number of character allows in the input field.
* @group Props
maxlength: number | undefined;
* Specifies tab order of the element.
* @group Props
tabindex: string | undefined;
* Title text of the input text.
* @group Props
title: string | undefined;
* Specifies the input variant of the component.
* @group Props
variant: 'filled' | 'outlined';
* Used to define a string that labels the input element.
* @group Props
ariaLabel: string | undefined;
* Establishes relationships between the component and label(s) where its value should be one or more element IDs.
* @group Props
ariaLabelledBy: string | undefined;
* Used to indicate that user input is required on an element before a form can be submitted.
* @group Props
ariaRequired: boolean | undefined;
* When present, it specifies that the element value cannot be altered.
* @group Props
disabled: boolean | undefined;
* When present, it specifies that an input field is read-only.
* @group Props
readonly: boolean | undefined;
* Defines if ngModel sets the raw unmasked value to bound value or the formatted mask value.
* @group Props
unmask: boolean | undefined;
* Name of the input field.
* @group Props
name: string | undefined;
* When present, it specifies that an input field must be filled out before submitting the form.
* @group Props
required: boolean | undefined;
* Regex pattern for alpha characters
* @group Props
characterPattern: string;
* When present, the input gets a focus automatically on load.
* @group Props
autofocus: boolean | undefined;
* When present, the input gets a focus automatically on load.
* @group Props
* @deprecated Use autofocus property instead.
set autoFocus(value: boolean | undefined);
* Used to define a string that autocomplete attribute the current element.
* @group Props
autocomplete: string | undefined;
* When present, it specifies that whether to clean buffer value from model.
* @group Props
keepBuffer: boolean;
* Mask pattern.
* @group Props
get mask(): string | undefined | null;
set mask(val: string | undefined | null);
* Callback to invoke when the mask is completed.
* @group Emits
onComplete: EventEmitter<any>;
* Callback to invoke when the component receives focus.
* @param {Event} event - Browser event.
* @group Emits
onFocus: EventEmitter<Event>;
* Callback to invoke when the component loses focus.
* @param {Event} event - Browser event.
* @group Emits
onBlur: EventEmitter<Event>;
* Callback to invoke on input.
* @param {Event} event - Browser event.
* @group Emits
onInput: EventEmitter<Event>;
* Callback to invoke on input key press.
* @param {Event} event - Browser event.
* @group Emits
onKeydown: EventEmitter<Event>;
* Callback to invoke when input field is cleared.
* @group Emits
onClear: EventEmitter<any>;
inputViewChild: Nullable<ElementRef>;
templates: QueryList<PrimeTemplate>;
clearIconTemplate: Nullable<TemplateRef<any>>;
value: Nullable<string>;
_mask: Nullable<string>;
onModelChange: Function;
onModelTouched: Function;
input: Nullable<HTMLInputElement>;
filled: Nullable<boolean>;
defs: Nullable<{
[klass: string]: any;
tests: RegExp[] | any;
partialPosition: Nullable<number>;
firstNonMaskPos: Nullable<number>;
lastRequiredNonMaskPos: Nullable<number>;
len: Nullable<number>;
oldVal: Nullable<string>;
buffer: string[] | any;
defaultBuffer: Nullable<string>;
focusText: Nullable<string>;
caretTimeoutId: any;
androidChrome: boolean;
focused: Nullable<boolean>;
_variant: 'filled' | 'outlined';
get inputClass(): {
'p-inputmask': boolean;
constructor(document: Document, platformId: any, el: ElementRef, cd: ChangeDetectorRef, config: PrimeNGConfig);
ngOnInit(): void;
ngAfterContentInit(): void;
initMask(): void;
writeValue(value: any): void;
registerOnChange(fn: Function): void;
registerOnTouched(fn: Function): void;
setDisabledState(val: boolean): void;
caret(first?: number, last?: number): Caret | undefined;
isCompleted(): boolean;
getPlaceholder(i: number): string;
seekNext(pos: number): number;
seekPrev(pos: number): number;
shiftL(begin: number, end: number): void;
shiftR(pos: number): void;
handleAndroidInput(e: Event): void;
onInputBlur(e: Event): void;
onInputKeydown(e: KeyboardEvent): void;
onKeyPress(e: KeyboardEvent): void;
clearBuffer(start: number, end: number): void;
writeBuffer(): void;
checkVal(allow?: boolean): number;
onInputFocus(event: Event): void;
onInputChange(event: Event): void;
handleInputChange(event: Event): void;
getUnmaskedValue(): string;
updateModel(e: Event): void;
updateFilledState(): void;
focus(): void;
clear(): void;
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<InputMask, never>;
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration<InputMask, "p-inputMask", never, { "type": { "alias": "type"; "required": false; }; "slotChar": { "alias": "slotChar"; "required": false; }; "autoClear": { "alias": "autoClear"; "required": false; }; "showClear": { "alias": "showClear"; "required": false; }; "style": { "alias": "style"; "required": false; }; "inputId": { "alias": "inputId"; "required": false; }; "styleClass": { "alias": "styleClass"; "required": false; }; "placeholder": { "alias": "placeholder"; "required": false; }; "size": { "alias": "size"; "required": false; }; "maxlength": { "alias": "maxlength"; "required": false; }; "tabindex": { "alias": "tabindex"; "required": false; }; "title": { "alias": "title"; "required": false; }; "variant": { "alias": "variant"; "required": false; }; "ariaLabel": { "alias": "ariaLabel"; "required": false; }; "ariaLabelledBy": { "alias": "ariaLabelledBy"; "required": false; }; "ariaRequired": { "alias": "ariaRequired"; "required": false; }; "disabled": { "alias": "disabled"; "required": false; }; "readonly": { "alias": "readonly"; "required": false; }; "unmask": { "alias": "unmask"; "required": false; }; "name": { "alias": "name"; "required": false; }; "required": { "alias": "required"; "required": false; }; "characterPattern": { "alias": "characterPattern"; "required": false; }; "autofocus": { "alias": "autofocus"; "required": false; }; "autoFocus": { "alias": "autoFocus"; "required": false; }; "autocomplete": { "alias": "autocomplete"; "required": false; }; "keepBuffer": { "alias": "keepBuffer"; "required": false; }; "mask": { "alias": "mask"; "required": false; }; }, { "onComplete": "onComplete"; "onFocus": "onFocus"; "onBlur": "onBlur"; "onInput": "onInput"; "onKeydown": "onKeydown"; "onClear": "onClear"; }, ["templates"], never, false, never>;
static ngAcceptInputType_autoClear: unknown;
static ngAcceptInputType_showClear: unknown;
static ngAcceptInputType_size: unknown;
static ngAcceptInputType_maxlength: unknown;
static ngAcceptInputType_ariaRequired: unknown;
static ngAcceptInputType_disabled: unknown;
static ngAcceptInputType_readonly: unknown;
static ngAcceptInputType_unmask: unknown;
static ngAcceptInputType_required: unknown;
static ngAcceptInputType_autofocus: unknown;
static ngAcceptInputType_autoFocus: unknown;
static ngAcceptInputType_keepBuffer: unknown;
export declare class InputMaskModule {
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<InputMaskModule, never>;
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration<InputMaskModule, [typeof InputMask], [typeof i1.CommonModule, typeof i2.InputTextModule, typeof i3.AutoFocusModule, typeof i4.TimesIcon], [typeof InputMask, typeof i5.SharedModule]>;
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<InputMaskModule>;