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2024-07-16 14:55:36 +00:00
* @license Highcharts JS v11.4.1 (2024-04-04)
* (c) 2009-2024 Sebastian Bochan, Rafal Sebestjanski
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
(function (factory) {
if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
factory['default'] = factory;
module.exports = factory;
} else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define('highcharts/modules/dumbbell', ['highcharts'], function (Highcharts) {
factory.Highcharts = Highcharts;
return factory;
} else {
factory(typeof Highcharts !== 'undefined' ? Highcharts : undefined);
}(function (Highcharts) {
'use strict';
var _modules = Highcharts ? Highcharts._modules : {};
function _registerModule(obj, path, args, fn) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(path)) {
obj[path] = fn.apply(null, args);
if (typeof CustomEvent === 'function') {
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
{ detail: { path: path, module: obj[path] } }
_registerModule(_modules, 'Series/AreaRange/AreaRangePoint.js', [_modules['Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js'], _modules['Core/Utilities.js']], function (SeriesRegistry, U) {
/* *
* (c) 2010-2024 Torstein Honsi
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
const { area: { prototype: { pointClass: AreaPoint, pointClass: { prototype: areaProto } } } } = SeriesRegistry.seriesTypes;
const { defined, isNumber } = U;
/* *
* Class
* */
class AreaRangePoint extends AreaPoint {
* Range series only. The high or maximum value for each data point.
* @name Highcharts.Point#high
* @type {number|undefined}
* Range series only. The low or minimum value for each data point.
* @name Highcharts.Point#low
* @type {number|undefined}
/* *
* Functions
* */
* @private
setState() {
const prevState = this.state, series = this.series, isPolar = series.chart.polar;
if (!defined(this.plotHigh)) {
// Boost doesn't calculate plotHigh
this.plotHigh = series.yAxis.toPixels(this.high, true);
if (!defined(this.plotLow)) {
// Boost doesn't calculate plotLow
this.plotLow = this.plotY = series.yAxis.toPixels(this.low, true);
series.lowerStateMarkerGraphic = series.stateMarkerGraphic;
series.stateMarkerGraphic = series.upperStateMarkerGraphic;
// Change state also for the top marker
this.graphic = this.graphics && this.graphics[1];
this.plotY = this.plotHigh;
if (isPolar && isNumber(this.plotHighX)) {
this.plotX = this.plotHighX;
// Top state:
areaProto.setState.apply(this, arguments);
this.state = prevState;
// Now restore defaults
this.plotY = this.plotLow;
this.graphic = this.graphics && this.graphics[0];
if (isPolar && isNumber(this.plotLowX)) {
this.plotX = this.plotLowX;
series.upperStateMarkerGraphic = series.stateMarkerGraphic;
series.stateMarkerGraphic = series.lowerStateMarkerGraphic;
// Lower marker is stored at stateMarkerGraphic
// to avoid reference duplication (#7021)
series.lowerStateMarkerGraphic = void 0;
const originalSettings = series.modifyMarkerSettings();
// Bottom state
areaProto.setState.apply(this, arguments);
// Restore previous state
haloPath() {
const isPolar = this.series.chart.polar;
let path = [];
// Bottom halo
this.plotY = this.plotLow;
if (isPolar && isNumber(this.plotLowX)) {
this.plotX = this.plotLowX;
if (this.isInside) {
path = areaProto.haloPath.apply(this, arguments);
// Top halo
this.plotY = this.plotHigh;
if (isPolar && isNumber(this.plotHighX)) {
this.plotX = this.plotHighX;
if (this.isTopInside) {
path = path.concat(areaProto.haloPath.apply(this, arguments));
return path;
isValid() {
return isNumber(this.low) && isNumber(this.high);
/* *
* Default Export
* */
return AreaRangePoint;
_registerModule(_modules, 'Series/Dumbbell/DumbbellPoint.js', [_modules['Series/AreaRange/AreaRangePoint.js'], _modules['Core/Utilities.js']], function (AreaRangePoint, U) {
/* *
* (c) 2010-2024 Sebastian Bochan, Rafal Sebestjanski
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
const { extend, pick } = U;
/* *
* Class
* */
class DumbbellPoint extends AreaRangePoint {
/* *
* Functions
* */
* Set the point's state extended by have influence on the connector
* (between low and high value).
* @private
setState() {
const point = this, series = point.series, chart = series.chart, seriesLowColor = series.options.lowColor, seriesMarker = series.options.marker, seriesLowMarker = series.options.lowMarker, pointOptions = point.options, pointLowColor = pointOptions.lowColor, zoneColor = point.zone && point.zone.color, lowerGraphicColor = pick(pointLowColor, seriesLowMarker?.fillColor, seriesLowColor, pointOptions.color, zoneColor, point.color, series.color);
let verb = 'attr', upperGraphicColor, origProps;
this.pointSetState.apply(point, arguments);
if (!point.state) {
verb = 'animate';
const [lowerGraphic, upperGraphic] = point.graphics || [];
if (lowerGraphic && !chart.styledMode) {
fill: lowerGraphicColor
if (upperGraphic) {
origProps = {
y: point.y,
zone: point.zone
point.y = point.high;
point.zone = point.zone ? point.getZone() : void 0;
upperGraphicColor = pick(point.marker ? point.marker.fillColor : void 0, seriesMarker ? seriesMarker.fillColor : void 0, pointOptions.color, point.zone ? point.zone.color : void 0, point.color);
fill: upperGraphicColor
extend(point, origProps);
destroy() {
const point = this;
// #15560
if (!point.graphic) {
point.graphic = point.connector;
point.connector = void 0;
return super.destroy();
extend(DumbbellPoint.prototype, {
pointSetState: AreaRangePoint.prototype.setState
/* *
* Default export
* */
return DumbbellPoint;
_registerModule(_modules, 'Series/Dumbbell/DumbbellSeriesDefaults.js', [], function () {
/* *
* (c) 2010-2024 Sebastian Bochan, Rafal Sebestjanski
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
/* *
* API Options
* */
const DumbbellSeriesDefaults = {
/** @ignore-option */
trackByArea: false,
/** @ignore-option */
fillColor: 'none',
/** @ignore-option */
lineWidth: 0,
pointRange: 1,
* Pixel width of the line that connects the dumbbell point's
* values.
* @since 8.0.0
* @product highcharts highstock
connectorWidth: 1,
/** @ignore-option */
stickyTracking: false,
groupPadding: 0.2,
crisp: false,
pointPadding: 0.1,
legendSymbol: 'rectangle',
* Color of the start markers in a dumbbell graph. This option takes
* priority over the series color. To avoid this, set `lowColor` to
* `undefined`.
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString|Highcharts.GradientColorObject|Highcharts.PatternObject}
* @since 8.0.0
* @product highcharts highstock
lowColor: "#333333" /* Palette.neutralColor80 */,
* Color of the line that connects the dumbbell point's values.
* By default it is the series' color.
* @type {string}
* @product highcharts highstock
* @since 8.0.0
* @apioption plotOptions.dumbbell.connectorColor
* @apioption plotOptions.series.lowMarker
states: {
hover: {
/** @ignore-option */
lineWidthPlus: 0,
* The additional connector line width for a hovered point.
* @since 8.0.0
* @product highcharts highstock
connectorWidthPlus: 1,
/** @ignore-option */
halo: false
* The `dumbbell` series. If the [type](#series.dumbbell.type) option is
* not specified, it is inherited from [chart.type](#chart.type).
* @extends series,plotOptions.dumbbell
* @excluding boostThreshold, boostBlending
* @product highcharts highstock
* @requires highcharts-more
* @requires modules/dumbbell
* @apioption series.dumbbell
* An array of data points for the series. For the `dumbbell` series
* type, points can be given in the following ways:
* 1. An array of arrays with 3 or 2 values. In this case, the values correspond
* to `x,low,high`. If the first value is a string, it is applied as the name
* of the point, and the `x` value is inferred. The `x` value can also be
* omitted, in which case the inner arrays should be of length 2\. Then the
* `x` value is automatically calculated, either starting at 0 and
* incremented by 1, or from `pointStart` and `pointInterval` given in the
* series options.
* ```js
* data: [
* [0, 4, 2],
* [1, 2, 1],
* [2, 9, 10]
* ]
* ```
* 2. An array of objects with named values. The following snippet shows only a
* few settings, see the complete options set below. If the total number of
* data points exceeds the series'
* [turboThreshold](#series.dumbbell.turboThreshold), this option is not
* available.
* ```js
* data: [{
* x: 1,
* low: 0,
* high: 4,
* name: "Point2",
* color: "#00FF00",
* lowColor: "#00FFFF",
* connectorWidth: 3,
* connectorColor: "#FF00FF"
* }, {
* x: 1,
* low: 5,
* high: 3,
* name: "Point1",
* color: "#FF00FF"
* }]
* ```
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series/data-array-of-arrays/
* Arrays of numeric x and y
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series/data-array-of-arrays-datetime/
* Arrays of datetime x and y
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series/data-array-of-name-value/
* Arrays of point.name and y
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series/data-array-of-objects/
* Config objects
* @type {Array<Array<(number|string),number>|Array<(number|string),number,number>|*>}
* @extends series.arearange.data
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption series.dumbbell.data
* Options for the lower markers of the dumbbell-like series. When `lowMarker`
* is not defined, options inherit form the marker.
* @see [marker](#series.arearange.marker)
* @declare Highcharts.PointMarkerOptionsObject
* @extends plotOptions.series.marker
* @default undefined
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.dumbbell.lowMarker
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/demo/dumbbell-markers
* Dumbbell chart with lowMarker option
* @declare Highcharts.PointMarkerOptionsObject
* @extends plotOptions.series.marker.symbol
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.dumbbell.lowMarker.symbol
* Color of the line that connects the dumbbell point's values.
* By default it is the series' color.
* @type {string}
* @since 8.0.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption series.dumbbell.data.connectorColor
* Pixel width of the line that connects the dumbbell point's values.
* @type {number}
* @since 8.0.0
* @default 1
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption series.dumbbell.data.connectorWidth
* Color of the start markers in a dumbbell graph. This option takes
* priority over the series color. To avoid this, set `lowColor` to
* `undefined`.
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString|Highcharts.GradientColorObject|Highcharts.PatternObject}
* @since 8.0.0
* @default #333333
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption series.dumbbell.data.lowColor
''; // Keeps doclets above separate
/* *
* Default Export
* */
return DumbbellSeriesDefaults;
_registerModule(_modules, 'Series/Dumbbell/DumbbellSeries.js', [_modules['Series/Dumbbell/DumbbellPoint.js'], _modules['Series/Dumbbell/DumbbellSeriesDefaults.js'], _modules['Core/Globals.js'], _modules['Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js'], _modules['Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGRenderer.js'], _modules['Core/Utilities.js']], function (DumbbellPoint, DumbbellSeriesDefaults, H, SeriesRegistry, SVGRenderer, U) {
/* *
* (c) 2010-2024 Sebastian Bochan, Rafal Sebestjanski
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
const { noop } = H;
const { arearange: AreaRangeSeries, column: ColumnSeries, columnrange: ColumnRangeSeries } = SeriesRegistry.seriesTypes;
const { extend, merge, pick } = U;
/* *
* Class
* */
* The dumbbell series type
* @private
* @class
* @name Highcharts.seriesTypes.dumbbell
* @augments Highcharts.Series
class DumbbellSeries extends AreaRangeSeries {
/* *
* Functions
* */
* Get connector line path and styles that connects dumbbell point's low and
* high values.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Point} point The point to inspect.
* @return {Highcharts.SVGAttributes} attribs The path and styles.
getConnectorAttribs(point) {
const series = this, chart = series.chart, pointOptions = point.options, seriesOptions = series.options, xAxis = series.xAxis, yAxis = series.yAxis, connectorWidthPlus = pick(seriesOptions.states &&
seriesOptions.states.hover &&
seriesOptions.states.hover.connectorWidthPlus, 1), dashStyle = pick(pointOptions.dashStyle, seriesOptions.dashStyle), pxThreshold = yAxis.toPixels(seriesOptions.threshold || 0, true), pointHeight = chart.inverted ?
yAxis.len - pxThreshold : pxThreshold;
let connectorWidth = pick(pointOptions.connectorWidth, seriesOptions.connectorWidth), connectorColor = pick(pointOptions.connectorColor, seriesOptions.connectorColor, pointOptions.color, point.zone ? point.zone.color : void 0, point.color), pointTop = pick(point.plotLow, point.plotY), pointBottom = pick(point.plotHigh, pointHeight), origProps;
if (typeof pointTop !== 'number') {
return {};
if (point.state) {
connectorWidth = connectorWidth + connectorWidthPlus;
if (pointTop < 0) {
pointTop = 0;
else if (pointTop >= yAxis.len) {
pointTop = yAxis.len;
if (pointBottom < 0) {
pointBottom = 0;
else if (pointBottom >= yAxis.len) {
pointBottom = yAxis.len;
if (point.plotX < 0 || point.plotX > xAxis.len) {
connectorWidth = 0;
// Connector should reflect upper marker's zone color
if (point.graphics && point.graphics[1]) {
origProps = {
y: point.y,
zone: point.zone
point.y = point.high;
point.zone = point.zone ? point.getZone() : void 0;
connectorColor = pick(pointOptions.connectorColor, seriesOptions.connectorColor, pointOptions.color, point.zone ? point.zone.color : void 0, point.color);
extend(point, origProps);
const attribs = {
d: SVGRenderer.prototype.crispLine([[
], [
]], connectorWidth, 'ceil')
if (!chart.styledMode) {
attribs.stroke = connectorColor;
attribs['stroke-width'] = connectorWidth;
if (dashStyle) {
attribs.dashstyle = dashStyle;
return attribs;
* Draw connector line that connects dumbbell point's low and high values.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Point} point
* The point to inspect.
drawConnector(point) {
const series = this, animationLimit = pick(series.options.animationLimit, 250), verb = point.connector && series.chart.pointCount < animationLimit ?
'animate' : 'attr';
if (!point.connector) {
point.connector = series.chart.renderer.path()
zIndex: -1
* Return the width and x offset of the dumbbell adjusted for grouping,
* groupPadding, pointPadding, pointWidth etc.
* @private
getColumnMetrics() {
const metrics = ColumnSeries.prototype
.getColumnMetrics.apply(this, arguments);
metrics.offset += metrics.width / 2;
return metrics;
* Translate each point to the plot area coordinate system and find
* shape positions
* @private
translate() {
const series = this, inverted = series.chart.inverted;
// Calculate shapeargs
// Calculate point low / high values
this.translatePoint.apply(series, arguments);
// Correct x position
for (const point of series.points) {
const { pointWidth, shapeArgs = {}, tooltipPos } = point;
point.plotX = shapeArgs.x || 0;
shapeArgs.x = point.plotX - pointWidth / 2;
if (tooltipPos) {
if (inverted) {
tooltipPos[1] = series.xAxis.len - point.plotX;
else {
tooltipPos[0] = point.plotX;
series.columnMetrics.offset -= series.columnMetrics.width / 2;
* Extend the arearange series' drawPoints method by applying a connector
* and coloring markers.
* @private
drawPoints() {
const series = this, chart = series.chart, pointLength = series.points.length, seriesLowColor = series.lowColor = series.options.lowColor, seriesLowMarker = series.options.lowMarker;
let i = 0, lowerGraphicColor, point, zoneColor;
this.seriesDrawPoints.apply(series, arguments);
// Draw connectors and color upper markers
while (i < pointLength) {
point = series.points[i];
const [lowerGraphic, upperGraphic] = point.graphics || [];
if (upperGraphic) {
upperGraphic.element.point = point;
(point.connector?.element).point = point;
if (lowerGraphic) {
zoneColor = point.zone && point.zone.color;
lowerGraphicColor = pick(point.options.lowColor, seriesLowMarker?.fillColor, seriesLowColor, point.options.color, zoneColor, point.color, series.color);
if (!chart.styledMode) {
fill: lowerGraphicColor
* Get non-presentational attributes for a point. Used internally for
* both styled mode and classic. Set correct position in link with connector
* line.
* @see Series#pointAttribs
* @function Highcharts.Series#markerAttribs
* @return {Highcharts.SVGAttributes}
* A hash containing those attributes that are not settable from
* CSS.
markerAttribs() {
const ret = super.markerAttribs.apply(this, arguments);
ret.x = Math.floor(ret.x || 0);
ret.y = Math.floor(ret.y || 0);
return ret;
* Get presentational attributes.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.seriesTypes.column#pointAttribs
* @param {Highcharts.Point} point
* The point to inspect.
* @param {string} state
* Current state of point (normal, hover, select).
* @return {Highcharts.SVGAttributes}
* Presentational attributes.
pointAttribs(point, state) {
const pointAttribs = super.pointAttribs.apply(this, arguments);
if (state === 'hover') {
delete pointAttribs.fill;
return pointAttribs;
* Set the shape arguments for dummbells.
* @private
setShapeArgs() {
/* *
* Static Properties
* */
* The dumbbell series is a cartesian series with higher and lower values
* for each point along an X axis, connected with a line between the
* values.
* Requires `highcharts-more.js` and `modules/dumbbell.js`.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/demo/dumbbell/
* Dumbbell chart
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series-dumbbell/styled-mode-dumbbell/
* Styled mode
* @extends plotOptions.arearange
* @product highcharts highstock
* @excluding fillColor, fillOpacity, lineWidth, stack, stacking,
* stickyTracking, trackByArea, boostThreshold, boostBlending
* @since 8.0.0
* @optionparent plotOptions.dumbbell
DumbbellSeries.defaultOptions = merge(AreaRangeSeries.defaultOptions, DumbbellSeriesDefaults);
extend(DumbbellSeries.prototype, {
crispCol: ColumnSeries.prototype.crispCol,
drawGraph: noop,
drawTracker: ColumnSeries.prototype.drawTracker,
pointClass: DumbbellPoint,
seriesDrawPoints: AreaRangeSeries.prototype.drawPoints,
trackerGroups: ['group', 'markerGroup', 'dataLabelsGroup'],
translatePoint: AreaRangeSeries.prototype.translate
SeriesRegistry.registerSeriesType('dumbbell', DumbbellSeries);
/* *
* Default Export
* */
return DumbbellSeries;
_registerModule(_modules, 'masters/modules/dumbbell.src.js', [_modules['Core/Globals.js']], function (Highcharts) {
return Highcharts;