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2024-07-16 14:55:36 +00:00
/* *
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* Author: Torstein Honsi, Christer Vasseng
* This module serves as a fallback for the Boost module in IE9 and IE10. Newer
* browsers support WebGL which is faster.
* It is recommended to include this module in conditional comments targeting
* IE9 and IE10.
* */
'use strict';
import BoostChart from './Boost/BoostChart.js';
const { getBoostClipRect, isChartSeriesBoosting } = BoostChart;
import BoostSeries from './Boost/BoostSeries.js';
const { destroyGraphics } = BoostSeries;
import Color from '../Core/Color/Color.js';
const { parse: color } = Color;
import H from '../Core/Globals.js';
const { doc, noop } = H;
import U from '../Core/Utilities.js';
const { addEvent, fireEvent, isNumber, merge, pick, wrap } = U;
/* *
* Namespace
* */
var BoostCanvas;
(function (BoostCanvas) {
/* *
* Constants
* */
// Use a blank pixel for clearing canvas (#17182)
const b64BlankPixel = ('' +
const CHUNK_SIZE = 50000;
/* *
* Variables
* */
let ChartConstructor;
let destroyLoadingDiv;
/* *
* Functions
* */
* @private
function areaCvsDrawPoint(ctx, clientX, plotY, yBottom, lastPoint) {
if (lastPoint && clientX !== lastPoint.clientX) {
ctx.moveTo(lastPoint.clientX, lastPoint.yBottom);
ctx.lineTo(lastPoint.clientX, lastPoint.plotY);
ctx.lineTo(clientX, plotY);
ctx.lineTo(clientX, yBottom);
* @private
function bubbleCvsMarkerCircle(ctx, clientX, plotY, r, i) {
ctx.moveTo(clientX, plotY);
ctx.arc(clientX, plotY, this.radii && this.radii[i], 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
* @private
function columnCvsDrawPoint(ctx, clientX, plotY, yBottom) {
ctx.rect(clientX - 1, plotY, 1, yBottom - plotY);
* @private
function compose(ChartClass, SeriesClass, seriesTypes) {
const seriesProto = SeriesClass.prototype;
if (!seriesProto.renderCanvas) {
const { area: AreaSeries, bubble: BubbleSeries, column: ColumnSeries, heatmap: HeatmapSeries, scatter: ScatterSeries } = seriesTypes;
ChartConstructor = ChartClass;
ChartClass.prototype.callbacks.push((chart) => {
addEvent(chart, 'predraw', onChartClear);
addEvent(chart, 'render', onChartCanvasToSVG);
seriesProto.canvasToSVG = seriesCanvasToSVG;
seriesProto.cvsLineTo = seriesCvsLineTo;
seriesProto.getContext = seriesGetContext;
seriesProto.renderCanvas = seriesRenderCanvas;
if (AreaSeries) {
const areaProto = AreaSeries.prototype;
areaProto.cvsDrawPoint = areaCvsDrawPoint;
areaProto.fill = true;
areaProto.fillOpacity = true;
areaProto.sampling = true;
if (BubbleSeries) {
const bubbleProto = BubbleSeries.prototype;
bubbleProto.cvsMarkerCircle = bubbleCvsMarkerCircle;
bubbleProto.cvsStrokeBatch = 1;
if (ColumnSeries) {
const columnProto = ColumnSeries.prototype;
columnProto.cvsDrawPoint = columnCvsDrawPoint;
columnProto.fill = true;
columnProto.sampling = true;
if (HeatmapSeries) {
const heatmapProto = HeatmapSeries.prototype;
wrap(heatmapProto, 'drawPoints', wrapHeatmapDrawPoints);
if (ScatterSeries) {
const scatterProto = ScatterSeries.prototype;
scatterProto.cvsMarkerCircle = scatterCvsMarkerCircle;
scatterProto.cvsMarkerSquare = scatterCvsMarkerSquare;
scatterProto.fill = true;
BoostCanvas.compose = compose;
* @private
function onChartCanvasToSVG() {
if (this.boost && this.boost.copy) {
* @private
function onChartClear() {
const boost = this.boost || {};
if (boost.target) {
boost.target.attr({ href: b64BlankPixel });
if (boost.canvas) {
boost.canvas.getContext('2d').clearRect(0, 0, boost.canvas.width, boost.canvas.height);
* Draw the canvas image inside an SVG image
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Series#canvasToSVG
function seriesCanvasToSVG() {
if (!isChartSeriesBoosting(this.chart)) {
if (this.boost && this.boost.copy) {
else if (this.chart.boost && this.chart.boost.copy) {
else if (this.boost && this.boost.clear) {
* @private
function seriesCvsLineTo(ctx, clientX, plotY) {
ctx.lineTo(clientX, plotY);
* Create a hidden canvas to draw the graph on. The contents is later
* copied over to an SVG image element.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Series#getContext
function seriesGetContext() {
const chart = this.chart, target = isChartSeriesBoosting(chart) ? chart : this, targetGroup = (target === chart ?
chart.seriesGroup :
chart.seriesGroup || this.group), width = chart.chartWidth, height = chart.chartHeight, swapXY = function (proceed, x, y, a, b, c, d) {
proceed.call(this, y, x, a, b, c, d);
let ctx;
const boost = target.boost =
target.boost ||
ctx = boost.targetCtx;
if (!boost.canvas) {
boost.canvas = doc.createElement('canvas');
boost.target = chart.renderer
.image('', 0, 0, width, height)
ctx = boost.targetCtx =
if (chart.inverted) {
['moveTo', 'lineTo', 'rect', 'arc'].forEach((fn) => {
wrap(ctx, fn, swapXY);
boost.copy = function () {
href: boost.canvas.toDataURL('image/png')
boost.clear = function () {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, boost.canvas.width, boost.canvas.height);
if (target === boost.target) {
href: b64BlankPixel
boost.clipRect = chart.renderer.clipRect();
else if (!(target instanceof ChartConstructor)) {
/// ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
if (boost.canvas.width !== width) {
boost.canvas.width = width;
if (boost.canvas.height !== height) {
boost.canvas.height = height;
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: width,
height: height,
style: 'pointer-events: none',
href: b64BlankPixel
if (boost.clipRect) {
boost.clipRect.attr(getBoostClipRect(chart, target));
return ctx;
* @private
function seriesRenderCanvas() {
const series = this, options = series.options, chart = series.chart, xAxis = series.xAxis, yAxis = series.yAxis, activeBoostSettings = chart.options.boost || {}, boostSettings = {
timeRendering: activeBoostSettings.timeRendering || false,
timeSeriesProcessing: activeBoostSettings.timeSeriesProcessing || false,
timeSetup: activeBoostSettings.timeSetup || false
}, xData = series.processedXData, yData = series.processedYData, rawData = options.data, xExtremes = xAxis.getExtremes(), xMin = xExtremes.min, xMax = xExtremes.max, yExtremes = yAxis.getExtremes(), yMin = yExtremes.min, yMax = yExtremes.max, pointTaken = {}, sampling = !!series.sampling, r = options.marker && options.marker.radius, strokeBatch = series.cvsStrokeBatch || 1000, enableMouseTracking = options.enableMouseTracking, threshold = options.threshold, hasThreshold = isNumber(threshold), translatedThreshold = yAxis.getThreshold(threshold), doFill = series.fill, isRange = (series.pointArrayMap &&
series.pointArrayMap.join(',') === 'low,high'), isStacked = !!options.stacking, cropStart = series.cropStart || 0, loadingOptions = chart.options.loading, requireSorting = series.requireSorting, connectNulls = options.connectNulls, useRaw = !xData, sdata = (isStacked ?
series.data :
(xData || rawData)), fillColor = (series.fillOpacity ?
Color.parse(series.color).setOpacity(pick(options.fillOpacity, 0.75)).get() :
series.color), compareX = options.findNearestPointBy === 'x', boost = this.boost || {}, cvsDrawPoint = series.cvsDrawPoint, cvsLineTo = options.lineWidth ? series.cvsLineTo : void 0, cvsMarker = (r && r <= 1 ?
series.cvsMarkerSquare :
if (boost.target) {
boost.target.attr({ href: b64BlankPixel });
// If we are zooming out from SVG mode, destroy the graphics
if (series.points || series.graph) {
// The group
series.plotGroup('group', 'series', series.visible ? 'visible' : 'hidden', options.zIndex, chart.seriesGroup);
series.markerGroup = series.group;
addEvent(series, 'destroy', function () {
// Prevent destroy twice
series.markerGroup = null;
const points = this.points = [], ctx = this.getContext();
series.buildKDTree = noop; // Do not start building while drawing
if (boost.clear) {
// If (series.canvas) {
// ctx.clearRect(
// 0,
// 0,
// series.canvas.width,
// series.canvas.height
// );
// }
if (!series.visible) {
// Display a loading indicator
if (rawData.length > 99999) {
chart.options.loading = merge(loadingOptions, {
labelStyle: {
backgroundColor: color("#ffffff" /* Palette.backgroundColor */).setOpacity(0.75).get(),
padding: '1em',
borderRadius: '0.5em'
style: {
backgroundColor: 'none',
opacity: 1
chart.options.loading = loadingOptions; // Reset
if (boostSettings.timeRendering) {
console.time('canvas rendering'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
// Loop variables
let c = 0, lastClientX, lastPoint, yBottom = translatedThreshold, wasNull, minVal, maxVal, minI, maxI, index;
// Loop helpers
const stroke = function () {
if (doFill) {
ctx.fillStyle = fillColor;
else {
ctx.strokeStyle = series.color;
ctx.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
drawPoint = function (clientX, plotY, yBottom, i) {
if (c === 0) {
if (cvsLineTo) {
ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
if (chart.scroller &&
series.options.className ===
'highcharts-navigator-series') {
plotY += chart.scroller.top;
if (yBottom) {
yBottom += chart.scroller.top;
else {
plotY += chart.plotTop;
clientX += chart.plotLeft;
if (wasNull) {
ctx.moveTo(clientX, plotY);
else {
if (cvsDrawPoint) {
cvsDrawPoint(ctx, clientX, plotY, yBottom, lastPoint);
else if (cvsLineTo) {
cvsLineTo(ctx, clientX, plotY);
else if (cvsMarker) {
cvsMarker.call(series, ctx, clientX, plotY, r, i);
// We need to stroke the line for every 1000 pixels. It will
// crash the browser memory use if we stroke too
// infrequently.
c = c + 1;
if (c === strokeBatch) {
c = 0;
// Area charts need to keep track of the last point
lastPoint = {
clientX: clientX,
plotY: plotY,
yBottom: yBottom
}, xDataFull = (this.xData ||
this.options.xData ||
this.processedXData ||
addKDPoint = function (clientX, plotY, i) {
// Shaves off about 60ms compared to repeated concatenation
index = compareX ? clientX : clientX + ',' + plotY;
// The k-d tree requires series points.
// Reduce the amount of points, since the time to build the
// tree increases exponentially.
if (enableMouseTracking && !pointTaken[index]) {
pointTaken[index] = true;
if (chart.inverted) {
clientX = xAxis.len - clientX;
plotY = yAxis.len - plotY;
x: xDataFull ?
xDataFull[cropStart + i] :
clientX: clientX,
plotX: clientX,
plotY: plotY,
i: cropStart + i
// Loop over the points
BoostSeries.eachAsync(sdata, (d, i) => {
const chartDestroyed = typeof chart.index === 'undefined';
let x, y, clientX, plotY, isNull, low, isNextInside = false, isPrevInside = false, nx = NaN, px = NaN, isYInside = true;
if (!chartDestroyed) {
if (useRaw) {
x = d[0];
y = d[1];
if (sdata[i + 1]) {
nx = sdata[i + 1][0];
if (sdata[i - 1]) {
px = sdata[i - 1][0];
else {
x = d;
y = yData[i];
if (sdata[i + 1]) {
nx = sdata[i + 1];
if (sdata[i - 1]) {
px = sdata[i - 1];
if (nx && nx >= xMin && nx <= xMax) {
isNextInside = true;
if (px && px >= xMin && px <= xMax) {
isPrevInside = true;
// Resolve low and high for range series
if (isRange) {
if (useRaw) {
y = d.slice(1, 3);
low = y[0];
y = y[1];
else if (isStacked) {
x = d.x;
y = d.stackY;
low = y - d.y;
isNull = y === null;
// Optimize for scatter zooming
if (!requireSorting) {
isYInside = y >= yMin && y <= yMax;
if (!isNull &&
((x >= xMin && x <= xMax && isYInside) ||
(isNextInside || isPrevInside))) {
clientX = Math.round(xAxis.toPixels(x, true));
if (sampling) {
if (typeof minI === 'undefined' ||
clientX === lastClientX) {
if (!isRange) {
low = y;
if (typeof maxI === 'undefined' || y > maxVal) {
maxVal = y;
maxI = i;
if (typeof minI === 'undefined' ||
low < minVal) {
minVal = low;
minI = i;
// Add points and reset
if (clientX !== lastClientX) {
// `maxI` also a number:
if (typeof minI !== 'undefined') {
plotY = yAxis.toPixels(maxVal, true);
yBottom = yAxis.toPixels(minVal, true);
drawPoint(clientX, hasThreshold ?
Math.min(plotY, translatedThreshold) : plotY, hasThreshold ?
Math.max(yBottom, translatedThreshold) : yBottom, i);
addKDPoint(clientX, plotY, maxI);
if (yBottom !== plotY) {
addKDPoint(clientX, yBottom, minI);
minI = maxI = void 0;
lastClientX = clientX;
else {
plotY = Math.round(yAxis.toPixels(y, true));
drawPoint(clientX, plotY, yBottom, i);
addKDPoint(clientX, plotY, i);
wasNull = isNull && !connectNulls;
if (i % CHUNK_SIZE === 0) {
if (series.boost &&
series.boost.copy) {
else if (series.chart.boost &&
series.chart.boost.copy) {
return !chartDestroyed;
}, function () {
const loadingDiv = chart.loadingDiv, loadingShown = chart.loadingShown;
// If (series.boostCopy || series.chart.boostCopy) {
// (series.boostCopy || series.chart.boostCopy)();
// }
if (boostSettings.timeRendering) {
console.timeEnd('canvas rendering'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
fireEvent(series, 'renderedCanvas');
// Do not use chart.hideLoading, as it runs JS animation and
// will be blocked by buildKDTree. CSS animation looks good, but
// then it must be deleted in timeout. If we add the module to
// core, change hideLoading so we can skip this block.
if (loadingShown) {
loadingDiv.style.transition = 'opacity 250ms';
loadingDiv.opacity = 0;
chart.loadingShown = false;
destroyLoadingDiv = setTimeout(function () {
if (loadingDiv.parentNode) { // In exporting it is falsy
chart.loadingDiv = chart.loadingSpan = null;
}, 250);
// Go back to prototype, ready to build
delete series.buildKDTree;
// Don't do async on export, the exportChart, getSVGForExport and
// getSVG methods are not chained for it.
}, chart.renderer.forExport ? Number.MAX_VALUE : void 0);
* @private
function scatterCvsMarkerCircle(ctx, clientX, plotY, r) {
ctx.moveTo(clientX, plotY);
ctx.arc(clientX, plotY, r, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
* Rect is twice as fast as arc, should be used for small markers.
* @private
function scatterCvsMarkerSquare(ctx, clientX, plotY, r) {
ctx.rect(clientX - r, plotY - r, r * 2, r * 2);
* @private
function wrapHeatmapDrawPoints() {
const chart = this.chart, ctx = this.getContext(), inverted = this.chart.inverted, xAxis = this.xAxis, yAxis = this.yAxis;
if (ctx) {
// Draw the columns
this.points.forEach((point) => {
const plotY = point.plotY;
let pointAttr;
if (typeof plotY !== 'undefined' &&
!isNaN(plotY) &&
point.y !== null &&
ctx) {
const { x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0 } = point.shapeArgs || {};
if (!chart.styledMode) {
pointAttr = point.series.pointAttribs(point);
else {
pointAttr = point.series.colorAttribs(point);
ctx.fillStyle = pointAttr.fill;
if (inverted) {
ctx.fillRect(yAxis.len - y + xAxis.left, xAxis.len - x + yAxis.top, -height, -width);
else {
ctx.fillRect(x + xAxis.left, y + yAxis.top, width, height);
else {
this.chart.showLoading('Your browser doesn\'t support HTML5 canvas, <br>' +
'please use a modern browser');
})(BoostCanvas || (BoostCanvas = {}));
/* *
* Default Export
* */
export default BoostCanvas;