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2024-07-16 14:55:36 +00:00
{"version":3,"file":"animations.mjs","sources":["../../../../../../packages/animations/src/animation_builder.ts","../../../../../../packages/animations/src/animation_metadata.ts","../../../../../../packages/animations/src/players/animation_player.ts","../../../../../../packages/animations/src/players/animation_group_player.ts","../../../../../../packages/animations/src/private_export.ts","../../../../../../packages/animations/src/animations.ts","../../../../../../packages/animations/public_api.ts","../../../../../../packages/animations/index.ts","../../../../../../packages/animations/animations.ts"],"sourcesContent":["/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\nimport {AnimationMetadata, AnimationOptions} from './animation_metadata';\nimport {AnimationPlayer} from './players/animation_player';\n\n/**\n * An injectable service that produces an animation sequence programmatically within an\n * Angular component or directive.\n * Provided by the `BrowserAnimationsModule` or `NoopAnimationsModule`.\n *\n * @usageNotes\n *\n * To use this service, add it to your component or directive as a dependency.\n * The service is instantiated along with your component.\n *\n * Apps do not typically need to create their own animation players, but if you\n * do need to, follow these steps:\n *\n * 1. Use the <code>[AnimationBuilder.build](api/animations/AnimationBuilder#build)()</code> method\n * to create a programmatic animation. The method returns an `AnimationFactory` instance.\n *\n * 2. Use the factory object to create an `AnimationPlayer` and attach it to a DOM element.\n *\n * 3. Use the player object to control the animation programmatically.\n *\n * For example:\n *\n * ```ts\n * // import the service from BrowserAnimationsModule\n * import {AnimationBuilder} from '@angular/animations';\n * // require the service as a dependency\n * class MyCmp {\n * constructor(private _builder: AnimationBuilder) {}\n *\n * makeAnimation(element: any) {\n * // first define a reusable animation\n * const myAnimation = this._builder.build([\n * style({ width: 0 }),\n * animate(1000, style({ width: '100px' }))\n * ]);\n *\n * // use the returned factory object to create a player\n * const player = myAnimation.create(element);\n *\n * player.play();\n * }\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * @publicApi\n */\nexport abstract class AnimationBuilder {\n /**\n * Builds a factory for producing a defined animation.\n * @param animation A reusable animation definition.\n * @returns A factory object that can create a player for the defined animation.\n * @see {@link animate}\n */\n abstract build(animation: AnimationMetadata|AnimationMetadata[]): AnimationFactory;\n}\n\n/**\n * A factory object returned from the\n * <code>[AnimationBuilder.build](api/animations/AnimationBuilder#build)()</code>\n * method.\n *\n * @publicApi\n */\nexport abstract class AnimationFactory {\n /**\n * Creates an `AnimationPlayer` instance for the reusable animation defined by\n * the <code>[AnimationBuilder.build](api/animations/AnimationBuilder#build)()</code>\n * method that created this factory and attaches the new player a DOM element.\n *\n * @param element The DOM element to which to attach the player.\n * @param options A set of options that can include a time delay and\n * additional developer-defined parameters.\n */\n abstract create(element: any, options?: AnimationOptions): AnimationPlayer;\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n\n/**\n * Represents a set of CSS styles for use in an animation style as a generic.\n */\nexport interface ɵStyleData {\n [key: string]: string|number;\n}\n\n/**\n * Represents a set of CSS styles for use in an animation style as a Map.\n */\nex