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2024-07-16 14:55:36 +00:00
import { AnimationEvent } from '@angular/animations';
import { AfterContentInit, ChangeDetectorRef, ElementRef, EventEmitter, OnInit, QueryList, SimpleChanges, TemplateRef } from '@angular/core';
import { OverlayOptions, OverlayService, PrimeNGConfig, PrimeTemplate } from 'primeng/api';
import { Overlay } from 'primeng/overlay';
import { Nullable } from 'primeng/ts-helpers';
import { CascadeSelectBeforeHideEvent, CascadeSelectBeforeShowEvent, CascadeSelectChangeEvent, CascadeSelectHideEvent, CascadeSelectShowEvent } from './cascadeselect.interface';
import * as i0 from "@angular/core";
import * as i1 from "@angular/common";
import * as i2 from "primeng/overlay";
import * as i3 from "primeng/api";
import * as i4 from "primeng/ripple";
import * as i5 from "primeng/autofocus";
import * as i6 from "primeng/icons/chevrondown";
import * as i7 from "primeng/icons/angleright";
import * as i8 from "primeng/icons/times";
export declare const CASCADESELECT_VALUE_ACCESSOR: any;
export declare class CascadeSelectSub implements OnInit {
private el;
config: PrimeNGConfig;
role: string | undefined;
selectId: string | undefined;
activeOptionPath: any[];
optionDisabled: any[];
focusedOptionId: string | undefined;
options: string[] | string | undefined | null;
optionGroupChildren: string[] | string | undefined | null;
optionTemplate: Nullable<TemplateRef<any>>;
groupIconTemplate: Nullable<TemplateRef<any>>;
level: number;
optionLabel: string | undefined;
optionValue: string | undefined;
optionGroupLabel: string | undefined;
dirty: boolean | undefined;
root: boolean | undefined;
onChange: EventEmitter<any>;
get listLabel(): string;
constructor(el: ElementRef, config: PrimeNGConfig);
ngOnInit(): void;
onOptionClick(event: any, option: any): void;
onOptionChange(event: any): void;
getOptionId(processedOption: any): string;
getOptionLabel(processedOption: any): any;
getOptionValue(processedOption: any): any;
getOptionLabelToRender(processedOption: any): any;
isOptionDisabled(processedOption: any): any;
getOptionGroupLabel(processedOption: any): any;
getOptionGroupChildren(processedOption: any): any;
isOptionGroup(processedOption: any): boolean;
isOptionSelected(processedOption: any): boolean;
isOptionActive(processedOption: any): boolean;
isOptionFocused(processedOption: any): boolean;
getItemClass(option: string | string[]): {
'p-cascadeselect-item': boolean;
'p-cascadeselect-item-group': boolean;
'p-cascadeselect-item-active p-highlight': boolean;
'p-focus': boolean;
'p-disabled': any;
position(): void;
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CascadeSelectSub, never>;
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration<CascadeSelectSub, "p-cascadeSelectSub", never, { "role": { "alias": "role"; "required": false; }; "selectId": { "alias": "selectId"; "required": false; }; "activeOptionPath": { "alias": "activeOptionPath"; "required": false; }; "optionDisabled": { "alias": "optionDisabled"; "required": false; }; "focusedOptionId": { "alias": "focusedOptionId"; "required": false; }; "options": { "alias": "options"; "required": false; }; "optionGroupChildren": { "alias": "optionGroupChildren"; "required": false; }; "optionTemplate": { "alias": "optionTemplate"; "required": false; }; "groupIconTemplate": { "alias": "groupIconTemplate"; "required": false; }; "level": { "alias": "level"; "required": false; }; "optionLabel": { "alias": "optionLabel"; "required": false; }; "optionValue": { "alias": "optionValue"; "required": false; }; "optionGroupLabel": { "alias": "optionGroupLabel"; "required": false; }; "dirty": { "alias": "dirty"; "required": false; }; "root": { "alias": "root"; "required": false; }; }, { "onChange": "onChange"; }, never, never, false, never>;
static ngAcceptInputType_level: unknown;
static ngAcceptInputType_dirty: unknown;
static ngAcceptInputType_root: unknown;
* CascadeSelect is a form component to select a value from a nested structure of options.
* @group Components
export declare class CascadeSelect implements OnInit, AfterContentInit {
private el;
private cd;
private config;
overlayService: OverlayService;
* Unique identifier of the component
* @group Props
id: string | undefined;
* Determines if the option will be selected on focus.
* @group Props
selectOnFocus: boolean;
* Text to display when the search is active. Defaults to global value in i18n translation configuration.
* @group Props
* @defaultValue '{0} results are available'
searchMessage: string | undefined;
* Text to display when there is no data. Defaults to global value in i18n translation configuration.
* @group Props
emptyMessage: string | undefined;
* Text to be displayed in hidden accessible field when options are selected. Defaults to global value in i18n translation configuration.
* @group Props
* @defaultValue '{0} items selected'
selectionMessage: string | undefined;
* Text to display when filtering does not return any results. Defaults to value from PrimeNG locale configuration.
* @group Props
* @defaultValue 'No available options'
emptySearchMessage: string | undefined;
* Text to display when filtering does not return any results. Defaults to global value in i18n translation configuration.
* @group Props
* @defaultValue 'No selected item'
emptySelectionMessage: string | undefined;
* Locale to use in searching. The default locale is the host environment's current locale.
* @group Props
searchLocale: string | undefined;
* Name of the disabled field of an option.
* @group Props
optionDisabled: any;
* Whether to focus on the first visible or selected element when the overlay panel is shown.
* @group Props
autoOptionFocus: boolean;
* Style class of the component.
* @group Props
styleClass: string | undefined;
* Inline style of the component.
* @group Props
style: {
[klass: string]: any;
} | null | undefined;
* An array of selectitems to display as the available options.
* @group Props
options: string[] | string | undefined;
* Property name or getter function to use as the label of an option.
* @group Props
optionLabel: string | undefined;
* Property name or getter function to use as the value of an option, defaults to the option itself when not defined.
* @group Props
optionValue: string | undefined;
* Property name or getter function to use as the label of an option group.
* @group Props
optionGroupLabel: string | string[] | undefined;
* Property name or getter function to retrieve the items of a group.
* @group Props
optionGroupChildren: string | string[] | undefined;
* Default text to display when no option is selected.
* @group Props
placeholder: string | undefined;
* Selected value of the component.
* @group Props
value: string | undefined | null;
* A property to uniquely identify an option.
* @group Props
dataKey: string | undefined;
* Identifier of the underlying input element.
* @group Props
inputId: string | undefined;
* Index of the element in tabbing order.
* @group Props
tabindex: number | undefined;
* Establishes relationships between the component and label(s) where its value should be one or more element IDs.
* @group Props
ariaLabelledBy: string | undefined;
* Label of the input for accessibility.
* @group Props
inputLabel: string | undefined;
* Defines a string that labels the input for accessibility.
* @group Props
ariaLabel: string | undefined;
* Id of the element or "body" for document where the overlay should be appended to.
* @group Props
appendTo: HTMLElement | ElementRef | TemplateRef<any> | string | null | undefined | any;
* When present, it specifies that the component should be disabled.
* @group Props
disabled: boolean | undefined;
* When enabled, a clear icon is displayed to clear the value.
* @group Props
showClear: boolean;
* Style class of the overlay panel.
* @group Props
panelStyleClass: string | undefined;
* Inline style of the overlay panel.
* @group Props
panelStyle: {
[klass: string]: any;
} | null | undefined;
* Whether to use overlay API feature. The properties of overlay API can be used like an object in it.
* @group Props
overlayOptions: OverlayOptions | undefined;
* When present, it specifies that the component should automatically get focus on load.
* @group Props
autofocus: boolean | undefined;
* Transition options of the show animation.
* @group Props
* @deprecated deprecated since v14.2.0, use overlayOptions property instead.
get showTransitionOptions(): string;
set showTransitionOptions(val: string);
* Specifies the input variant of the component.
* @group Props
variant: 'filled' | 'outlined';
* Whether the dropdown is in loading state.
* @group Props
loading: boolean | undefined;
* Icon to display in loading state.
* @group Props
loadingIcon: string | undefined;
* Transition options of the hide animation.
* @group Props
* @deprecated deprecated since v14.2.0, use overlayOptions property instead.
get hideTransitionOptions(): string;
set hideTransitionOptions(val: string);
* Callback to invoke on value change.
* @param {CascadeSelectChangeEvent} event - Custom change event.
* @group Emits
onChange: EventEmitter<CascadeSelectChangeEvent>;
* Callback to invoke when a group changes.
* @param {Event} event - Browser event.
* @group Emits
onGroupChange: EventEmitter<Event>;
* Callback to invoke when the overlay is shown.
* @param {CascadeSelectShowEvent} event - Custom overlay show event.
* @group Emits
onShow: EventEmitter<CascadeSelectShowEvent>;
* Callback to invoke when the overlay is hidden.
* @param {CascadeSelectHideEvent} event - Custom overlay hide event.
* @group Emits
onHide: EventEmitter<CascadeSelectHideEvent>;
* Callback to invoke when the clear token is clicked.
* @group Emits
onClear: EventEmitter<any>;
* Callback to invoke before overlay is shown.
* @param {CascadeSelectBeforeShowEvent} event - Custom overlay show event.
* @group Emits
onBeforeShow: EventEmitter<CascadeSelectBeforeShowEvent>;
* Callback to invoke before overlay is hidden.
* @param {CascadeSelectBeforeHideEvent} event - Custom overlay hide event.
* @group Emits
onBeforeHide: EventEmitter<CascadeSelectBeforeHideEvent>;
* Callback to invoke when input receives focus.
* @param {FocusEvent} event - Focus event.
* @group Emits
onFocus: EventEmitter<FocusEvent>;
* Callback to invoke when input loses focus.
* @param {FocusEvent} event - Focus event.
* @group Emits
onBlur: EventEmitter<FocusEvent>;
focusInputViewChild: Nullable<ElementRef>;
containerViewChild: Nullable<ElementRef>;
panelViewChild: Nullable<ElementRef>;
overlayViewChild: Nullable<Overlay>;
templates: QueryList<PrimeTemplate>;
_showTransitionOptions: string;
_hideTransitionOptions: string;
selectionPath: any;
focused: boolean;
overlayVisible: boolean;
dirty: boolean;
searchValue: string | undefined;
searchTimeout: any;
valueTemplate: Nullable<TemplateRef<any>>;
optionTemplate: Nullable<TemplateRef<any>>;
triggerIconTemplate: Nullable<TemplateRef<any>>;
loadingIconTemplate: Nullable<TemplateRef<any>>;
groupIconTemplate: Nullable<TemplateRef<any>>;
clearIconTemplate: Nullable<TemplateRef<any>>;
onModelChange: Function;
onModelTouched: Function;
focusedOptionInfo: import("@angular/core").WritableSignal<any>;
activeOptionPath: import("@angular/core").WritableSignal<any>;
modelValue: import("@angular/core").WritableSignal<any>;
processedOptions: string[] | string | undefined;
get containerClass(): {
'p-cascadeselect p-component p-inputwrapper': boolean;
'p-disabled': boolean;
'p-focus': boolean;
'p-inputwrapper-filled': any;
'p-variant-filled': boolean;
'p-inputwrapper-focus': boolean;
'p-overlay-open': boolean;
get labelClass(): {
'p-cascadeselect-label': boolean;
'p-placeholder': boolean;
'p-cascadeselect-label-empty': boolean;
get focusedOptionId(): string;
get filled(): boolean;
get searchResultMessageText(): string;
get searchMessageText(): string;
get emptySearchMessageText(): string;
get emptyMessageText(): string;
get selectionMessageText(): string;
get emptySelectionMessageText(): string;
get selectedMessageText(): string;
visibleOptions: import("@angular/core").Signal<any>;
label: import("@angular/core").Signal<any>;
get _label(): any;
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void;
hasSelectedOption(): boolean;
createProcessedOptions(options: any, level?: number, parent?: {}, parentKey?: string): any[];
onInputFocus(event: FocusEvent): void;
onInputBlur(event: FocusEvent): void;
onInputKeyDown(event: KeyboardEvent): void;
onArrowDownKey(event: any): void;
onArrowUpKey(event: any): void;
onArrowLeftKey(event: any): void;
onArrowRightKey(event: any): void;
onHomeKey(event: any): void;
onEndKey(event: any): void;
onEnterKey(event: any): void;
onSpaceKey(event: any): void;
onEscapeKey(event: any): void;
onTabKey(event: any): void;
onBackspaceKey(event: any): void;
equalityKey(): string;
updateModel(value: any, event?: any): void;
autoUpdateModel(): void;
scrollInView(index?: number): void;
changeFocusedOptionIndex(event: any, index: any): void;
onOptionChange(event: any): void;
onOptionSelect(event: any): void;
onOptionGroupSelect(event: any): void;
onContainerClick(event: MouseEvent): void;
isOptionMatched(processedOption: any): any;
isOptionDisabled(option: any): any;
isValidOption(processedOption: any): boolean;
isValidSelectedOption(processedOption: any): any;
isSelected(processedOption: any): any;
findOptionPathByValue(value: any, processedOptions?: any, level?: number): any;
findFirstOptionIndex(): any;
findLastOptionIndex(): number;
findNextOptionIndex(index: any): any;
findPrevOptionIndex(index: any): any;
findSelectedOptionIndex(): any;
findFirstFocusedOptionIndex(): any;
findLastFocusedOptionIndex(): any;
searchOptions(event: any, char: any): boolean;
hide(event?: any, isFocus?: boolean): void;
show(event?: any, isFocus?: boolean): void;
clear(event?: MouseEvent): void;
getOptionLabel(option: any): any;
getOptionValue(option: any): any;
getOptionGroupLabel(optionGroup: any): any;
getOptionGroupChildren(optionGroup: any, level: any): any;
isOptionGroup(option: any, level: any): any;
isProccessedOptionGroup(processedOption: any): boolean;
getProccessedOptionLabel(processedOption: any): any;
constructor(el: ElementRef, cd: ChangeDetectorRef, config: PrimeNGConfig, overlayService: OverlayService);
ngOnInit(): void;
ngAfterContentInit(): void;
onOverlayAnimationDone(event: AnimationEvent): void;
writeValue(value: any): void;
registerOnChange(fn: Function): void;
registerOnTouched(fn: Function): void;
setDisabledState(val: boolean): void;
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CascadeSelect, never>;
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration<CascadeSelect, "p-cascadeSelect", never, { "id": { "alias": "id"; "required": false; }; "selectOnFocus": { "alias": "selectOnFocus"; "required": false; }; "searchMessage": { "alias": "searchMessage"; "required": false; }; "emptyMessage": { "alias": "emptyMessage"; "required": false; }; "selectionMessage": { "alias": "selectionMessage"; "required": false; }; "emptySearchMessage": { "alias": "emptySearchMessage"; "required": false; }; "emptySelectionMessage": { "alias": "emptySelectionMessage"; "required": false; }; "searchLocale": { "alias": "searchLocale"; "required": false; }; "optionDisabled": { "alias": "optionDisabled"; "required": false; }; "autoOptionFocus": { "alias": "autoOptionFocus"; "required": false; }; "styleClass": { "alias": "styleClass"; "required": false; }; "style": { "alias": "style"; "required": false; }; "options": { "alias": "options"; "required": false; }; "optionLabel": { "alias": "optionLabel"; "required": false; }; "optionValue": { "alias": "optionValue"; "required": false; }; "optionGroupLabel": { "alias": "optionGroupLabel"; "required": false; }; "optionGroupChildren": { "alias": "optionGroupChildren"; "required": false; }; "placeholder": { "alias": "placeholder"; "required": false; }; "value": { "alias": "value"; "required": false; }; "dataKey": { "alias": "dataKey"; "required": false; }; "inputId": { "alias": "inputId"; "required": false; }; "tabindex": { "alias": "tabindex"; "required": false; }; "ariaLabelledBy": { "alias": "ariaLabelledBy"; "required": false; }; "inputLabel": { "alias": "inputLabel"; "required": false; }; "ariaLabel": { "alias": "ariaLabel"; "required": false; }; "appendTo": { "alias": "appendTo"; "required": false; }; "disabled": { "alias": "disabled"; "required": false; }; "showClear": { "alias": "showClear"; "required": false; }; "panelStyleClass": { "alias": "panelStyleClass"; "required": false; }; "panelStyle": { "alias": "panelStyle"; "required": false; }; "overlayOptions": { "alias": "overlayOptions"; "required": false; }; "autofocus": { "alias": "autofocus"; "required": false; }; "showTransitionOptions": { "alias": "showTransitionOptions"; "required": false; }; "variant": { "alias": "variant"; "required": false; }; "loading": { "alias": "loading"; "required": false; }; "loadingIcon": { "alias": "loadingIcon"; "required": false; }; "hideTransitionOptions": { "alias": "hideTransitionOptions"; "required": false; }; }, { "onChange": "onChange"; "onGroupChange": "onGroupChange"; "onShow": "onShow"; "onHide": "onHide"; "onClear": "onClear"; "onBeforeShow": "onBeforeShow"; "onBeforeHide": "onBeforeHide"; "onFocus": "onFocus"; "onBlur": "onBlur"; }, ["templates"], never, false, never>;
static ngAcceptInputType_selectOnFocus: unknown;
static ngAcceptInputType_autoOptionFocus: unknown;
static ngAcceptInputType_tabindex: unknown;
static ngAcceptInputType_disabled: unknown;
static ngAcceptInputType_showClear: unknown;
static ngAcceptInputType_autofocus: unknown;
static ngAcceptInputType_loading: unknown;
export declare class CascadeSelectModule {
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CascadeSelectModule, never>;
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration<CascadeSelectModule, [typeof CascadeSelect, typeof CascadeSelectSub], [typeof i1.CommonModule, typeof i2.OverlayModule, typeof i3.SharedModule, typeof i4.RippleModule, typeof i5.AutoFocusModule, typeof i6.ChevronDownIcon, typeof i7.AngleRightIcon, typeof i8.TimesIcon], [typeof CascadeSelect, typeof i2.OverlayModule, typeof CascadeSelectSub, typeof i3.SharedModule]>;
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<CascadeSelectModule>;