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2024-07-16 14:55:36 +00:00
* Copyright (c) Highsoft AS. All rights reserved.
import * as Highcharts from "../highcharts.src";
declare module "../highcharts.src" {
* (Highcharts) Point accessibility options for a series.
interface PlotErrorbarAccessibilityPointOptions {
* (Highcharts) Date format to use for points on datetime axes when
* describing them to screen reader users.
* Defaults to the same format as in tooltip.
* For an overview of the replacement codes, see dateFormat.
dateFormat?: string;
* (Highcharts) Formatter function to determine the date/time format
* used with points on datetime axes when describing them to screen
* reader users. Receives one argument, `point`, referring to the point
* to describe. Should return a date format string compatible with
* dateFormat.
dateFormatter?: Highcharts.ScreenReaderFormatterCallbackFunction<Highcharts.Point>;
* (Highcharts) Whether or not to describe points with the value `null`
* to assistive technology, such as screen readers.
describeNull?: boolean;
* (Highcharts) A format string to use instead of the default for point
* descriptions.
* The context of the format string is the point instance.
* As opposed to accessibility.point.valueDescriptionFormat, this option
* replaces the whole description.
descriptionFormat?: string;
* (Highcharts) Formatter function to use instead of the default for
* point descriptions. Same as
* `accessibility.point.descriptionFormatter`, but applies to a series
* instead of the whole chart.
* Note: Prefer using accessibility.point.valueDescriptionFormat instead
* if possible, as default functionality such as describing annotations
* will be preserved.
descriptionFormatter?: Highcharts.ScreenReaderFormatterCallbackFunction<Highcharts.Point>;
* (Highcharts) Decimals to use for the values in the point
* descriptions. Uses tooltip.valueDecimals if not defined.
valueDecimals?: number;
* (Highcharts) Format to use for describing the values of data points
* to assistive technology - including screen readers. The point context
* is available as `{point}`.
* Other available context variables include `{index}`, `{value}`, and
* `{xDescription}`.
* Additionally, the series name, annotation info, and description added
* in `point.accessibility.description` is added by default if relevant.
* To override this, use the accessibility.point.descriptionFormatter
* option.
valueDescriptionFormat?: string;
* (Highcharts) Prefix to add to the values in the point descriptions.
* Uses tooltip.valuePrefix if not defined.
valuePrefix?: string;
* (Highcharts) Suffix to add to the values in the point descriptions.
* Uses tooltip.valueSuffix if not defined.
valueSuffix?: string;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) Options for the series data
* labels, appearing next to each data point.
* Since v6.2.0, multiple data labels can be applied to each single point by
* defining them as an array of configs.
* In styled mode, the data labels can be styled with the
* `.highcharts-data-label-box` and `.highcharts-data-label` class names
* (see example).
interface PlotErrorbarDataLabelsOptions {
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) The alignment of the data
* label compared to the point. If `right`, the right side of the label
* should be touching the point. For points with an extent, like
* columns, the alignments also dictates how to align it inside the box,
* as given with the inside option. Can be one of `left`, `center` or
* `right`.
align?: string;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) Whether to allow data labels
* to overlap. To make the labels less sensitive for overlapping, the
* dataLabels.padding can be set to 0.
allowOverlap?: boolean;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) Enable or disable the
* initial animation when a series is displayed for the `dataLabels`.
* The animation can also be set as a configuration object. Please note
* that this option only applies to the initial animation.
* For other animations, see chart.animation and the animation parameter
* under the API methods. The following properties are supported:
* - `defer`: The animation delay time in milliseconds.
animation?: (boolean|Highcharts.PlotErrorbarDataLabelsAnimationOptions|Partial<Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject>);
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) The background color or
* gradient for the data label. Setting it to `auto` will use the
* point's color.
backgroundColor?: (Highcharts.ColorString|Highcharts.GradientColorObject|Highcharts.PatternObject);
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) The border color for the
* data label. Setting it to `auto` will use the point's color. Defaults
* to `undefined`.
borderColor?: (Highcharts.ColorString|Highcharts.GradientColorObject|Highcharts.PatternObject);
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) The border radius in pixels
* for the data label.
borderRadius?: number;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) The border width in pixels
* for the data label.
borderWidth?: number;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) A class name for the data
* label. Particularly in styled mode, this can be used to give each
* series' or point's data label unique styling. In addition to this
* option, a default color class name is added so that we can give the
* labels a contrast text shadow.
className?: string;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) This options is deprecated.
* Use style.color instead.
* The text color for the data labels. Defaults to `undefined`. For
* certain series types, like column or map, the data labels can be
* drawn inside the points. In this case the data label will be drawn
* with maximum contrast by default. Additionally, it will be given a
* `text-outline` style with the opposite color, to further increase the
* contrast. This can be overridden by setting the `text-outline` style
* to `none` in the `dataLabels.style` option.
* @deprecated 10.3.0
color?: Highcharts.ColorType;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) Whether to hide data labels
* that are outside the plot area. By default, the data label is moved
* inside the plot area according to the overflow option.
crop?: boolean;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Gantt) Whether to defer displaying the data
* labels until the initial series animation has finished. Setting to
* `false` renders the data label immediately. If set to `true` inherits
* the defer time set in plotOptions.series.animation.
defer?: boolean;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) Enable or disable the data
* labels.
enabled?: boolean;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) A declarative filter to
* control of which data labels to display. The declarative filter is
* designed for use when callback functions are not available, like when
* the chart options require a pure JSON structure or for use with
* graphical editors. For programmatic control, use the `formatter`
* instead, and return `undefined` to disable a single data label.
filter?: Highcharts.DataLabelsFilterOptionsObject;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) A format string for the data
* label. Available variables are the same as for `formatter`.
format?: string;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) Callback JavaScript function
* to format the data label. Note that if a `format` is defined, the
* format takes precedence and the formatter is ignored.
formatter?: Highcharts.DataLabelsFormatterCallbackFunction;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) For points with an extent,
* like columns or map areas, whether to align the data label inside the
* box or to the actual value point. Defaults to `false` in most cases,
* `true` in stacked columns.
inside?: boolean;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) Format for points with the
* value of null. Works analogously to format. `nullFormat` can be
* applied only to series which support displaying null points i.e
* `heatmap` or `tilemap`. Does not work with series that don't display
* null points, like `line`, `column`, `bar` or `pie`.
nullFormat?: (boolean|string);
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) Callback JavaScript function
* that defines formatting for points with the value of null. Works
* analogously to formatter. `nullFormatter` can be applied only to
* series which support displaying null points i.e `heatmap` or
* `tilemap`. Does not work with series that don't display null points,
* like `line`, `column`, `bar` or `pie`.
nullFormatter?: Highcharts.DataLabelsFormatterCallbackFunction;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) How to handle data labels
* that flow outside the plot area. The default is `"justify"`, which
* aligns them inside the plot area. For columns and bars, this means it
* will be moved inside the bar. To display data labels outside the plot
* area, set `crop` to `false` and `overflow` to `"allow"`.
overflow?: Highcharts.DataLabelsOverflowValue;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) When either the
* `borderWidth` or the `backgroundColor` is set, this is the padding
* within the box.
padding?: number;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) Aligns data labels relative
* to points. If `center` alignment is not possible, it defaults to
* `right`.
position?: Highcharts.AlignValue;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) Text rotation in degrees.
* Note that due to a more complex structure, backgrounds, borders and
* padding will be lost on a rotated data label.
rotation?: number;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) The shadow of the box. Works
* best with `borderWidth` or `backgroundColor`. Since 2.3 the shadow
* can be an object configuration containing `color`, `offsetX`,
* `offsetY`, `opacity` and `width`.
shadow?: (boolean|Highcharts.ShadowOptionsObject);
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) The name of a symbol to use
* for the border around the label. Symbols are predefined functions on
* the Renderer object.
shape?: string;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) Styles for the label. The
* default `color` setting is `"contrast"`, which is a pseudo color that
* Highcharts picks up and applies the maximum contrast to the
* underlying point item, for example the bar in a bar chart.
* The `textOutline` is a pseudo property that applies an outline of the
* given width with the given color, which by default is the maximum
* contrast to the text. So a bright text color will result in a black
* text outline for maximum readability on a mixed background. In some
* cases, especially with grayscale text, the text outline doesn't work
* well, in which cases it can be disabled by setting it to `"none"`.
* When `useHTML` is true, the `textOutline` will not be picked up. In
* this, case, the same effect can be acheived through the `text-shadow`
* CSS property.
* For some series types, where each point has an extent, like for
* example tree maps, the data label may overflow the point. There are
* two strategies for handling overflow. By default, the text will wrap
* to multiple lines. The other strategy is to set `style.textOverflow`
* to `ellipsis`, which will keep the text on one line plus it will
* break inside long words.
style?: Highcharts.CSSObject;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) Options for a label text
* which should follow marker's shape. Border and background are
* disabled for a label that follows a path.
* **Note:** Only SVG-based renderer supports this option. Setting
* `useHTML` to true will disable this option.
textPath?: Highcharts.DataLabelsTextPathOptionsObject;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) Whether to use HTML to
* render the labels.
useHTML?: boolean;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) The vertical alignment of a
* data label. Can be one of `top`, `middle` or `bottom`. The default
* value depends on the data, for instance in a column chart, the label
* is above positive values and below negative values.
verticalAlign?: string;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) The x position offset of the
* label relative to the point in pixels.
x?: number;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) The y position offset of the
* label relative to the point in pixels.
y?: number;
* (Highcharts, Highstock, Highmaps, Gantt) The z index of the data
* labels. Use a `zIndex` of 6 to display it above the series, or use a
* `zIndex` of 2 to display it behind the series.
zIndex?: number;
* (Highcharts) Options for the connector in the _Series on point_ feature.
* In styled mode, the connector can be styled with the
* `.highcharts-connector-seriesonpoint` class name.
interface PlotErrorbarOnPointConnectorOptions {
* (Highcharts) A name for the dash style to use for the connector.
dashstyle?: string;
* (Highcharts) Color of the connector line. By default it's the series'
* color.
stroke?: string;
* (Highcharts) Pixel width of the connector line.
width?: number;
* (Highcharts) Options allowing to set a position and an offset of the
* series in the _Series on point_ feature.
interface PlotErrorbarOnPointPositionOptions {
* (Highcharts) Series center offset from the original x position. If
* defined, the connector line is drawn connecting original position
* with new position.
offsetX?: number;
* (Highcharts) Series center offset from the original y position. If
* defined, the connector line is drawn from original position to a new
* position.
offsetY?: number;
* (Highcharts) X position of the series center. By default, the series
* is displayed on the point that it is connected to.
x?: number;
* (Highcharts) Y position of the series center. By default, the series
* is displayed on the point that it is connected to.
y?: number;