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2024-07-16 14:55:36 +00:00
* @license Highcharts JS v11.4.1 (2024-04-04)
* Sonification module
* (c) 2010-2024 Highsoft AS
* Author: Øystein Moseng
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
(function (factory) {
if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
factory['default'] = factory;
module.exports = factory;
} else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define('highcharts/modules/sonification', ['highcharts'], function (Highcharts) {
factory.Highcharts = Highcharts;
return factory;
} else {
factory(typeof Highcharts !== 'undefined' ? Highcharts : undefined);
}(function (Highcharts) {
'use strict';
var _modules = Highcharts ? Highcharts._modules : {};
function _registerModule(obj, path, args, fn) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(path)) {
obj[path] = fn.apply(null, args);
if (typeof CustomEvent === 'function') {
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
{ detail: { path: path, module: obj[path] } }
_registerModule(_modules, 'Extensions/Sonification/Options.js', [], function () {
/* *
* (c) 2009-2024 Øystein Moseng
* Default options for sonification.
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
const Options = {
* Options for configuring sonification and audio charts. Requires the
* [sonification module](https://code.highcharts.com/modules/sonification.js)
* to be loaded.
* @sample highcharts/demo/all-instruments
* All predefined instruments
* @sample highcharts/demo/audio-boxplot
* Audio boxplots
* @sample highcharts/demo/plotline-context
* Context tracks
* @sample highcharts/demo/sonification-music
* Musical chart
* @since 11.0.0
* @requires modules/sonification
* @optionparent sonification
sonification: {
* Global tracks to add to every series.
* Defined as an array of either instrument or speech tracks,
* or a combination.
* @declare Highcharts.SonificationTracksOptions
* @extends sonification.defaultSpeechOptions
* @extends sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions
* @type {Array<*>}
* @apioption sonification.globalTracks
* Rate mapping for speech tracks.
* @declare Highcharts.SonificationTracksRateOptions
* @extends sonification.defaultSpeechOptions.mapping.rate
* @apioption sonification.globalTracks.mapping.rate
* Text mapping for speech tracks.
* @declare Highcharts.SonificationTracksTextOptions
* @extends sonification.defaultSpeechOptions.mapping.text
* @apioption sonification.globalTracks.mapping.text
* Context tracks to add globally, an array of either instrument
* tracks, speech tracks, or a mix.
* Context tracks are not tied to data points, but play at a set
* interval - either based on time or on prop values.
* @sample highcharts/demo/plotline-context
* Using contexts
* @declare Highcharts.SonificationContextTracksOptions
* @extends sonification.globalTracks
* @type {Array<*>}
* @apioption sonification.globalContextTracks
* Set a context track to play periodically every `timeInterval`
* milliseconds while the sonification is playing.
* @sample highcharts/demo/plotline-context
* Using contexts
* @type {number}
* @apioption sonification.globalContextTracks.timeInterval
* Set a context track to play periodically every `valueInterval`
* units of a data property `valueProp` while the sonification is
* playing.
* For example, setting `valueProp` to `x` and `valueInterval` to 5
* will play the context track for every 5th X value.
* The context audio events will be mapped to time according to the
* prop value relative to the min/max values for that prop.
* @sample highcharts/demo/plotline-context
* Using contexts
* @type {number}
* @apioption sonification.globalContextTracks.valueInterval
* The point property to play context for when using `valueInterval`.
* @type {string}
* @default "x"
* @apioption sonification.globalContextTracks.valueProp
* How to map context events to time when using the `valueInterval`
* option.
* @type {"linear"|"logarithmic"}
* @default "linear"
* @apioption sonification.globalContextTracks.valueMapFunction
* Set up event handlers for the sonification
* @apioption sonification.events
* Called on play.
* A context object is passed to the function, with properties `chart`
* and `timeline`.
* @type {Function}
* @apioption sonification.events.onPlay
* Called on pause, cancel, or if play is completed.
* A context object is passed to the function, with properties `chart`,
* `timeline` and `pointsPlayed`. `pointsPlayed` is an array of `Point`
* objects, referencing data points that were related to the audio
* events played.
* @type {Function}
* @apioption sonification.events.onStop
* Called when play is completed.
* A context object is passed to the function, with properties `chart`,
* `timeline` and `pointsPlayed`. `pointsPlayed` is an array of `Point`
* objects, referencing data points that were related to the audio
* events played.
* @type {Function}
* @apioption sonification.events.onEnd
* Called immediately when a play is requested.
* A context object is passed to the function, with properties `chart`
* and `timeline`.
* @type {Function}
* @apioption sonification.events.beforePlay
* Called before updating the sonification.
* A context object is passed to the function, with properties `chart`
* and `timeline`.
* @type {Function}
* @apioption sonification.events.beforeUpdate
* Called after updating the sonification.
* A context object is passed to the function, with properties `chart`
* and `timeline`.
* @type {Function}
* @apioption sonification.events.afterUpdate
* Called on the beginning of playing a series.
* A context object is passed to the function, with properties `series`
* and `timeline`.
* @type {Function}
* @apioption sonification.events.onSeriesStart
* Called when finished playing a series.
* A context object is passed to the function, with properties `series`
* and `timeline`.
* @type {Function}
* @apioption sonification.events.onSeriesEnd
* Called when attempting to play an adjacent point or series, and
* there is none.
* By default a percussive sound is played.
* A context object is passed to the function, with properties `chart`,
* `timeline`, and `attemptedNext`. `attemptedNext` is a boolean
* property that is `true` if the boundary hit was from trying to play
* the next series/point, and `false` if it was from trying to play the
* previous.
* @type {Function}
* @apioption sonification.events.onBoundaryHit
* Enable sonification functionality for the chart.
enabled: true,
* The total duration of the sonification, in milliseconds.
duration: 6000,
* The time to wait in milliseconds after each data series when playing
* the series one after the other.
* @sample highcharts/sonification/chart-earcon
* Notification after series
* @see [order](#sonification.order)
afterSeriesWait: 700,
* How long to wait between each recomputation of the sonification, if
* the chart updates rapidly. This avoids slowing down processes like
* panning. Given in milliseconds.
updateInterval: 200,
* Overall/master volume for the sonification, from 0 to 1.
masterVolume: 0.7,
* What order to play the data series in, either `sequential` where
* the series play individually one after the other, or `simultaneous`
* where the series play all at once.
* @sample highcharts/sonification/chart-simultaneous
* Simultaneous sonification
* @type {"sequential"|"simultaneous"}
order: 'sequential',
* Show tooltip as the chart plays.
* Note that if multiple tracks that play at different times try to
* show the tooltip, it can be glitchy, so it is recommended in
* those cases to turn this on/off for individual tracks using the
* [showPlayMarker](#plotOptions.series.sonification.tracks.showPlayMarker)
* option.
* @see [showCrosshair](#sonification.showCrosshair)
showTooltip: true,
* Show X and Y axis crosshairs (if they exist) as the chart plays.
* Note that if multiple tracks that play at different times try to
* show the crosshairs, it can be glitchy, so it is recommended in
* those cases to turn this on/off for individual tracks using the
* [showPlayMarker](#plotOptions.series.sonification.tracks.showPlayMarker)
* option.
* @see [showTooltip](#sonification.showTooltip)
* @see [crosshair](#xAxis.crosshair)
showCrosshair: true,
* Options for grouping data points together when sonifying. This
* allows for the visual presentation to contain more points than what
* is being played. If not enabled, all visible / uncropped points are
* played.
* @see [series.cropThreshold](#plotOptions.series.cropThreshold)
pointGrouping: {
* Whether or not to group points
enabled: true,
* The size of each group in milliseconds. Audio events closer than
* this are grouped together.
groupTimespan: 15,
* The grouping algorithm, deciding which points to keep when
* grouping a set of points together. By default `"minmax"` is
* used, which keeps both the minimum and maximum points.
* The other algorithms will either keep the first point in the
* group (time wise), last point, middle point, or both the first
* and the last point.
* The timing of the resulting point(s) is then adjusted to play
* evenly, regardless of its original position within the group.
* @type {"minmax"|"first"|"last"|"middle"|"firstlast"}
algorithm: 'minmax',
* The data property for each point to compare when deciding which
* points to keep in the group.
* By default it is "y", which means that if the `"minmax"`
* algorithm is used, the two points the group with the lowest and
* highest `y` value will be kept, and the others not played.
prop: 'y'
* Default sonification options for all instrument tracks.
* If specific options are also set on individual tracks or per
* series, those will override these options.
* @sample highcharts/sonification/point-sonify
* Sonify points on click
* @declare Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentOptions
defaultInstrumentOptions: {
* Round pitch mapping to musical notes.
* If `false`, will play the exact mapped note, even if it is out
* of tune compared to the musical notes as defined by 440Hz
* standard tuning.
roundToMusicalNotes: true,
* Type of track. Always `"instrument"` for instrument tracks, and
* `"speech"` for speech tracks.
* @declare Highcharts.SonifcationTypeValue
* @type {string}
* @default instrument
* @validvalue ["instrument","speech"]
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.type
* Show play marker (tooltip and/or crosshair) for a track.
* @type {boolean}
* @default true
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.showPlayMarker
* Name to use for a track when exporting to MIDI.
* By default it uses the series name if the track is related to
* a series.
* @type {string}
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.midiName
* Options for point grouping, specifically for instrument tracks.
* @declare Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentPointGroupingOptions
* @extends sonification.pointGrouping
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.pointGrouping
* Define a condition for when a track should be active and not.
* Can either be a function callback or a configuration object.
* If a function is used, it should return a `boolean` for whether
* or not the track should be active. The function is called for
* each audio event, and receives a parameter object with `time`,
* and potentially `point` and `value` properties depending on the
* track. `point` is available if the audio event is related to a
* data point. `value` is available if the track is used as a
* context track, and `valueInterval` is used.
* @sample highcharts/sonification/mapping-zones
* Mapping zones
* @declare Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentActiveWhenOptions
* @type {Function|*}
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.activeWhen
* Track is only active when `prop` is above or at this value.
* @type {number}
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.activeWhen.min
* Track is only active when `prop` is below or at this value.
* @type {number}
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.activeWhen.max
* Track is only active when `prop` was below, and is now at or
* above this value.
* If both `crossingUp` and `crossingDown` are defined, the track
* is active if either condition is met.
* @type {number}
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.activeWhen.crossingUp
* Track is only active when `prop` was above, and is now at or
* below this value.
* If both `crossingUp` and `crossingDown` are defined, the track
* is active if either condition is met.
* @type {number}
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.activeWhen.crossingDown
* The point property to compare, for example `y` or `x`.
* @type {string}
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.activeWhen.prop
* Instrument to use for playing.
* Can either be a string referencing a synth preset, or it can be
* a synth configuration object.
* @sample highcharts/demo/all-instruments
* Overview of available presets
* @sample highcharts/sonification/custom-instrument
* Custom instrument
* @type {string|Highcharts.SynthPatchOptionsObject}
instrument: 'piano',
* Mapping options for the audio parameters.
* All parameters can be either:
* - A string, referencing a point property to map to.
* - A number, setting the value of the audio parameter directly.
* - A callback function, returning the value programmatically.
* - An object defining detailed configuration of the mapping.
* If a function is used, it should return the desired value for
* the audio parameter. The function is called for each audio event
* to be played, and receives a context object parameter with
* `time`, and potentially `point` and `value` depending on the
* track. `point` is available if the audio event is related to a
* data point, and `value` is available if the track is used for a
* context track using `valueInterval`.
* @sample highcharts/sonification/mapping-overview
* Overview of common mapping parameters
* @sample highcharts/sonification/pitch-mapping
* Various types of mapping used
* @sample highcharts/sonification/polarity-invert
* Inverted mapping to property
* @sample highcharts/sonification/log-mapping
* Logarithmic mapping to property
* @declare Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentMappingOptions
mapping: {
* The volume of notes, from 0 to 1.
* @declare Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentVolumeOptions
* @extends sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.time
* @default 1
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.volume
* Frequency in Hertz of notes. Overrides pitch mapping if set.
* @declare Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentFrequencyOptions
* @extends sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.time
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.frequency
* Milliseconds to wait before playing, comes in addition to
* the time determined by the `time` mapping.
* Can also be negative to play before the mapped time.
* @declare Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentPlayDelayOptions
* @extends sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.time
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.playDelay
* Mapping options for tremolo effects.
* Tremolo is repeated changes of volume over time.
* @declare Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentTremoloOptions
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.tremolo
* Map to tremolo depth, from 0 to 1.
* This determines the intensity of the tremolo effect, how
* much the volume changes.
* @declare Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentTremoloDepthOptions
* @extends sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.time
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.tremolo.depth
* Map to tremolo speed, from 0 to 1.
* This determines the speed of the tremolo effect, how fast
* the volume changes.
* @declare Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentTremoloSpeedOptions
* @extends sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.time
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.tremolo.speed
* Mapping options for the lowpass filter.
* A lowpass filter lets low frequencies through, but stops high
* frequencies, making the sound more dull.
* @declare Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentLowpassOptions
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.lowpass
* Map to filter frequency in Hertz from 1 to 20,000Hz.
* @declare Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentLowpassFrequencyOptions
* @extends sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.time
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.lowpass.frequency
* Map to filter resonance in dB. Can be negative to cause a
* dip, or positive to cause a bump.
* @declare Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentLowpassResonanceOptions
* @extends sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.time
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.lowpass.resonance
* Mapping options for the highpass filter.
* A highpass filter lets high frequencies through, but stops
* low frequencies, making the sound thinner.
* @declare Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentHighpassOptions
* @extends sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.lowpass
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.highpass
* Time mapping determines what time each point plays. It is
* defined as an offset in milliseconds, where 0 means it
* plays immediately when the chart is sonified.
* By default time is mapped to `x`, meaning points with the
* lowest `x` value plays first, and points with the highest
* `x` value plays last.
* Can be set to a fixed value, a prop to map to, a function,
* or a mapping object.
* @sample highcharts/sonification/point-play-time
* Play points in order of Y value
* @declare Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentTimeOptions
* @type {string|number|Function|*}
* @default "x"
time: 'x',
* A point property to map the mapping parameter to.
* A negative sign `-` can be placed before the property name
* to make mapping inverted.
* @sample highcharts/sonification/polarity-invert
* Inverted mapping to property
* @type {string}
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.time.mapTo
* The minimum value for the audio parameter. This is the
* lowest value the audio parameter will be mapped to.
* @type {number}
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.time.min
* The maximum value for the audio parameter. This is the
* highest value the audio parameter will be mapped to.
* @type {number}
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.time.max
* What data values to map the parameter within.
* Mapping within `"series"` will make the lowest value point
* in the series map to the min audio parameter value, and the
* highest value will map to the max audio parameter.
* Mapping within `"chart"` will make the lowest value point in
* the whole chart map to the min audio parameter value, and
* the highest value in the whole chart will map to the max
* audio parameter.
* You can also map within the X or Y axis of each series.
* @sample highcharts/sonification/mapping-within
* Mapping within demonstrated
* @type {"chart"|"series"|"xAxis"|"yAxis"}
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.time.within
* How to perform the mapping.
* @sample highcharts/sonification/log-mapping
* Logarithmic mapping to property
* @type {"linear"|"logarithmic"}
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.time.mapFunction
* A fixed value to use for the prop when mapping.
* For example, if mapping to `y`, setting value to `4` will
* map as if all points had a y value of 4.
* @sample highcharts/demo/plotline-context
* Map to fixed y value
* @type {number}
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.time.value
* Pan refers to the stereo panning position of the sound.
* It is defined from -1 (left) to 1 (right).
* By default it is mapped to `x`, making the sound move from
* left to right as the chart plays.
* Can be set to a fixed value, a prop to map to, a function,
* or a mapping object.
* @extends sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.time
* @default "x"
pan: 'x',
* Note duration determines for how long a note plays, in
* milliseconds.
* It only affects instruments that are able to play
* continuous sustained notes. Examples of these instruments
* from the presets include `flute`, `saxophone`, `trumpet`,
* `sawsynth`, `wobble`, `basic1`, `basic2`, `sine`,
* `sineGlide`, `triangle`, `square`, `sawtooth`, `noise`,
* `filteredNoise`, and `wind`.
* Can be set to a fixed value, a prop to map to, a function,
* or a mapping object.
* @extends sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.time
* @default 200
noteDuration: 200,
* Musical pitch refers to how high or low notes are played.
* By default it is mapped to `y` so low `y` values are played
* with a lower pitch, and high values are played with a higher
* pitch.
* Pitch mapping has a few extra features compared to other
* audio parameters.
* Firstly, it accepts not only number values, but also string
* values denoting note names. These are given in the form
* `<note><octave>`, for example `"c6"` or `"F#2"`.
* Secondly, it is possible to map pitch to an array of notes.
* In this case, the `[gapBetweenNotes](#sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.gapBetweenNotes)`
* mapping determines the delay between these notes.
* Thirdly, it is possible to define a musical scale to follow
* when mapping.
* Can be set to a fixed value, an array, a prop to map to, a
* function, or a mapping object.
* @sample highcharts/sonification/pitch-mapping
* Various types of mapping used
* @sample highcharts/sonification/polarity-invert
* Inverted mapping to property
* @sample highcharts/sonification/log-mapping
* Logarithmic mapping to property
* @declare Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentPitchOptions
* @extends sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.time
* @type {string|number|Function|Array<string|number>|*}
pitch: {
mapTo: 'y',
min: 'c2',
max: 'c6',
within: 'yAxis'
* Map pitches to a musical scale. The scale is defined as an
* array of semitone offsets from the root note.
* @sample highcharts/sonification/all-scales
* Predefined scale presets
* @type {Array<number>}
* @apioption sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.pitch.scale
* Gap in milliseconds between notes if pitch is mapped to an
* array of notes.
* Can be set to a fixed value, a prop to map to, a function,
* or a mapping object.
* @sample maps/demo/audio-map
* Mapping to gap between notes
* @extends sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.time
* @default 100
gapBetweenNotes: 100
* Default sonification options for all speech tracks.
* If specific options are also set on individual tracks or per
* series, those will override these options.
* @sample highcharts/sonification/speak-values
* Speak values
* @declare Highcharts.SonificationSpeechOptions
* @extends sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions
* @excluding roundToMusicalNotes, midiName, instrument
defaultSpeechOptions: {
* Type of track. Always `"instrument"` for instrument tracks, and
* `"speech"` for speech tracks.
* @declare Highcharts.SonifcationTypeValue
* @type {string}
* @default speech
* @validvalue ["instrument","speech"]
* @apioption sonification.defaultSpeechOptions.type
* Name of the voice synthesis to prefer for speech tracks.
* If not available, falls back to the default voice for the
* selected language.
* Different platforms provide different voices for web speech
* synthesis.
* @type {string}
* @apioption sonification.defaultSpeechOptions.preferredVoice
* The language to speak in for speech tracks, as an IETF BCP 47
* language tag.
* @sample maps/demo/audio-map
* French language speech
language: 'en-US',
* Mapping configuration for the speech/audio parameters.
* All parameters except `text` can be either:
* - A string, referencing a point property to map to.
* - A number, setting the value of the speech parameter directly.
* - A callback function, returning the value programmatically.
* - An object defining detailed configuration of the mapping.
* If a function is used, it should return the desired value for
* the speech parameter. The function is called for each speech
* event to be played, and receives a context object parameter with
* `time`, and potentially `point` and `value` depending on the
* track. `point` is available if the audio event is related to a
* data point, and `value` is available if the track is used for a
* context track using `valueInterval`.
* @declare Highcharts.SonificationSpeechMappingOptions
* @extends sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping
* @excluding frequency, gapBetweenNotes, highpass, lowpass,
* tremolo, noteDuration, pan
* @apioption sonification.defaultSpeechOptions.mapping
mapping: {
* Milliseconds to wait before playing, comes in addition to
* the time determined by the `time` mapping.
* Can also be negative to play before the mapped time.
* @declare Highcharts.SonificationSpeechPlayDelayOptions
* @extends sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.time
* @apioption sonification.defaultSpeechOptions.mapping.playDelay
* Speech pitch (how high/low the voice is) multiplier.
* @sample highcharts/sonification/speak-values
* Speak values
* @declare Highcharts.SonificationSpeechPitchOptions
* @extends sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.time
* @excluding scale
* @type {string|number|Function|*}
* @default 1
* @apioption sonification.defaultSpeechOptions.mapping.pitch
* @default undefined
* @apioption sonification.defaultSpeechOptions.mapping.pitch.mapTo
* @default undefined
* @apioption sonification.defaultSpeechOptions.mapping.pitch.min
* @default undefined
* @apioption sonification.defaultSpeechOptions.mapping.pitch.max
* @default undefined
* @apioption sonification.defaultSpeechOptions.mapping.pitch.within
* The text to announce for speech tracks. Can either be a
* format string or a function.
* If it is a function, it should return the format string to
* announce. The function is called for each audio event, and
* receives a parameter object with `time`, and potentially
* `point` and `value` properties depending on the track.
* `point` is available if the audio event is related to a data
* point. `value` is available if the track is used as a
* context track, and `valueInterval` is used.
* If it is a format string, in addition to normal string
* content, format values can be accessed using bracket
* notation. For example `"Value is {point.y}%"`.
* `time`, `point` and `value` are available to the format
* strings similarly to with functions. Nested properties can
* be accessed with dot notation, for example
* `"Density: {point.options.custom.density}"`
* @sample highcharts/sonification/speak-values
* Speak values
* @type {string|Function}
* @apioption sonification.defaultSpeechOptions.mapping.text
* @extends sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.time
* @default "x"
time: 'x',
* Speech rate (speed) multiplier.
* @extends sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.time
* @default 1.3
rate: 1.3,
* Volume of the speech announcement.
* @extends sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions.mapping.volume
* @default 0.4
volume: 0.4
pointGrouping: {
algorithm: 'last'
exporting: {
menuItemDefinitions: {
downloadMIDI: {
textKey: 'downloadMIDI',
onclick: function () {
if (this.sonification) {
playAsSound: {
textKey: 'playAsSound',
onclick: function () {
const s = this.sonification;
if (s && s.isPlaying()) {
else {
* @optionparent lang
* @private
lang: {
* The text for the MIDI download menu item in the export menu.
* @requires modules/sonification
* @since 11.0.0
downloadMIDI: 'Download MIDI',
* The text for the Play as sound menu item in the export menu.
* @requires modules/sonification
* @since 11.0.0
playAsSound: 'Play as sound'
/* *
* API declarations
* */
* Sonification/audio chart options for a series.
* @declare Highcharts.SeriesSonificationOptions
* @since 11.0.0
* @requires modules/sonification
* @apioption plotOptions.series.sonification
* Whether or not sonification is enabled for this series.
* @type {boolean}
* @default true
* @apioption plotOptions.series.sonification.enabled
* Context tracks for this series. Context tracks are tracks that are not
* tied to data points.
* Given as an array of instrument tracks, speech tracks, or a mix of both.
* @declare Highcharts.SeriesSonificationContextTracksOptions
* @type {Array<*>}
* @extends sonification.globalContextTracks
* @apioption plotOptions.series.sonification.contextTracks
* Tracks for this series.
* Given as an array of instrument tracks, speech tracks, or a mix of both.
* @declare Highcharts.SeriesSonificationTracksOptions
* @type {Array<*>}
* @extends sonification.globalTracks
* @apioption plotOptions.series.sonification.tracks
* Default options for all this series' instrument tracks.
* @declare Highcharts.SeriesSonificationInstrumentOptions
* @extends sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions
* @apioption plotOptions.series.sonification.defaultInstrumentOptions
* Default options for all this series' speech tracks.
* @declare Highcharts.SeriesSonificationSpeechOptions
* @extends sonification.defaultSpeechOptions
* @apioption plotOptions.series.sonification.defaultSpeechOptions
* Sonification point grouping options for this series.
* @declare Highcharts.SeriesSonificationPointGroupingOptions
* @extends sonification.pointGrouping
* @apioption plotOptions.series.sonification.pointGrouping
* Event context object sent to sonification chart events.
* @requires modules/sonification
* @interface Highcharts.SonificationChartEventCallbackContext
*/ /**
* The relevant chart
* @name Highcharts.SonificationChartEventCallbackContext#chart
* @type {Highcharts.Chart|undefined}
*/ /**
* The points that were played, if any
* @name Highcharts.SonificationChartEventCallbackContext#pointsPlayed
* @type {Array<Highcharts.Point>|undefined}
*/ /**
* The playing timeline object with advanced and internal content
* @name Highcharts.SonificationChartEventCallbackContext#timeline
* @type {object|undefined}
* Event context object sent to sonification series events.
* @requires modules/sonification
* @interface Highcharts.SonificationSeriesEventCallbackContext
*/ /**
* The relevant series
* @name Highcharts.SonificationSeriesEventCallbackContext#series
* @type {Highcharts.Series|undefined}
*/ /**
* The playing timeline object with advanced and internal content
* @name Highcharts.SonificationSeriesEventCallbackContext#timeline
* @type {object|undefined}
* Callback function for sonification events on chart.
* @callback Highcharts.SonificationChartEventCallback
* @param {Highcharts.SonificationChartEventCallbackContext} e Sonification chart event context
* Callback function for sonification events on series.
* @callback Highcharts.SonificationSeriesEventCallback
* @param {Highcharts.SonificationSeriesEventCallbackContext} e Sonification series event context
(''); // Keep above doclets in JS file
return Options;
_registerModule(_modules, 'Extensions/Sonification/SynthPatch.js', [_modules['Core/Utilities.js']], function (U) {
/* *
* (c) 2009-2024 Øystein Moseng
* Class representing a Synth Patch, used by Instruments in the
* sonification.js module.
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
const { clamp, defined, pick } = U;
* Get the multiplier value from a pitch tracked multiplier. The parameter
* specifies the multiplier at ca 3200Hz. It is 1 at ca 50Hz. In between
* it is mapped logarithmically.
* @private
* @param {number} multiplier The multiplier to track.
* @param {number} freq The current frequency.
function getPitchTrackedMultiplierVal(multiplier, freq) {
const a = 0.2414 * multiplier - 0.2414, b = (3.5 - 1.7 * multiplier) / 1.8;
return a * Math.log(freq) + b;
* Schedule a mini ramp to volume at time - avoid clicks/pops.
* @private
* @param {Object} gainNode The gain node to schedule for.
* @param {number} time The time in seconds to start ramp.
* @param {number} vol The volume to ramp to.
function miniRampToVolAtTime(gainNode, time, vol) {
gainNode.gain.setTargetAtTime(vol, time, SynthPatch.stopRampTime / 4);
gainNode.gain.setValueAtTime(vol, time + SynthPatch.stopRampTime);
* Schedule a gain envelope for a gain node.
* @private
* @param {Array<Object>} envelope The envelope to schedule.
* @param {string} type Type of envelope, attack or release.
* @param {number} time At what time (in seconds) to start envelope.
* @param {Object} gainNode The gain node to schedule on.
* @param {number} [volumeMultiplier] Volume multiplier for the envelope.
function scheduleGainEnvelope(envelope, type, time, gainNode, volumeMultiplier = 1) {
const isAtk = type === 'attack', gain = gainNode.gain;
if (!envelope.length) {
miniRampToVolAtTime(gainNode, time, isAtk ? volumeMultiplier : 0);
if (envelope[0].t > 1) {
envelope.unshift({ t: 0, vol: isAtk ? 0 : 1 });
envelope.forEach((ep, ix) => {
const prev = envelope[ix - 1], delta = prev ? (ep.t - prev.t) / 1000 : 0, startTime = time + (prev ? prev.t / 1000 + SynthPatch.stopRampTime : 0);
gain.setTargetAtTime(ep.vol * volumeMultiplier, startTime, Math.max(delta, SynthPatch.stopRampTime) / 2);
* Internal class used by Oscillator, representing a Pulse Oscillator node.
* Combines two sawtooth oscillators to create a pulse by phase inverting and
* delaying one of them.
* @class
* @private
class PulseOscNode {
constructor(context, options) {
this.pulseWidth = Math.min(Math.max(0, options.pulseWidth || 0.5));
const makeOsc = () => new OscillatorNode(context, {
type: 'sawtooth',
detune: options.detune,
frequency: Math.max(1, options.frequency || 350)
this.sawOscA = makeOsc();
this.sawOscB = makeOsc();
this.phaseInverter = new GainNode(context, { gain: -1 });
this.masterGain = new GainNode(context);
this.delayNode = new DelayNode(context, {
delayTime: this.pulseWidth / this.sawOscA.frequency.value
connect(destination) {
// Polymorph with normal osc.frequency API
getFrequencyFacade() {
const pulse = this;
return {
cancelScheduledValues(fromTime) {
return pulse.sawOscA.frequency;
setValueAtTime(frequency, time) {
pulse.sawOscA.frequency.setValueAtTime(frequency, time);
pulse.sawOscB.frequency.setValueAtTime(frequency, time);
pulse.delayNode.delayTime.setValueAtTime(Math.round(10000 * pulse.pulseWidth / frequency) / 10000, time);
return pulse.sawOscA.frequency;
setTargetAtTime(frequency, time, timeConstant) {
.setTargetAtTime(frequency, time, timeConstant);
.setTargetAtTime(frequency, time, timeConstant);
pulse.delayNode.delayTime.setTargetAtTime(Math.round(10000 * pulse.pulseWidth / frequency) / 10000, time, timeConstant);
return pulse.sawOscA.frequency;
getPWMTarget() {
return this.delayNode.delayTime;
start() {
stop(time) {
* Internal class used by SynthPatch
* @class
* @private
class Oscillator {
constructor(audioContext, options, destination) {
this.audioContext = audioContext;
this.options = options;
this.fmOscillatorIx = options.fmOscillator;
this.vmOscillatorIx = options.vmOscillator;
if (destination) {
// Connect the node tree from destination down to oscillator,
// depending on which nodes exist. Done automatically unless
// no destination was passed to constructor.
connect(destination) {
].reduce((prev, cur) => (cur ?
(cur.connect(prev), cur) :
prev), destination);
start() {
if (this.oscNode) {
if (this.whiteNoise) {
if (this.pulseNode) {
stopAtTime(time) {
if (this.oscNode) {
if (this.whiteNoise) {
if (this.pulseNode) {
setFreqAtTime(time, frequency, glideDuration = 0) {
const opts = this.options, f = clamp(pick(opts.fixedFrequency, frequency) *
(opts.freqMultiplier || 1), 0, 21000), oscTarget = this.getOscTarget(), timeConstant = glideDuration / 5000;
if (oscTarget) {
if (glideDuration && time - (this.lastUpdateTime || -1) > 0.01) {
oscTarget.setTargetAtTime(f, time, timeConstant);
oscTarget.setValueAtTime(f, time + timeConstant);
else {
oscTarget.setValueAtTime(f, time);
this.scheduleVolTrackingChange(f, time, glideDuration);
this.scheduleFilterTrackingChange(f, time, glideDuration);
this.lastUpdateTime = time;
// Get target for FM synthesis if another oscillator wants to modulate.
// Pulse nodes don't do FM, but do PWM instead.
getFMTarget() {
return this.oscNode && this.oscNode.detune ||
this.whiteNoise && this.whiteNoise.detune ||
this.pulseNode && this.pulseNode.getPWMTarget();
// Get target for volume modulation if another oscillator wants to modulate.
getVMTarget() {
return this.vmNode && this.vmNode.gain;
// Schedule one of the oscillator envelopes at a specified time in
// seconds (in AudioContext timespace).
runEnvelopeAtTime(type, time) {
if (!this.gainNode) {
const env = (type === 'attack' ? this.options.attackEnvelope :
this.options.releaseEnvelope) || [];
scheduleGainEnvelope(env, type, time, this.gainNode, this.options.volume);
// Cancel any envelopes or frequency changes currently scheduled
cancelScheduled() {
if (this.gainNode) {
const oscTarget = this.getOscTarget();
if (oscTarget) {
if (this.lowpassNode) {
if (this.highpassNode) {
if (this.volTrackingNode) {
// Set the pitch dependent volume to fit some frequency at some time
scheduleVolTrackingChange(frequency, time, glideDuration) {
if (this.volTrackingNode) {
const v = getPitchTrackedMultiplierVal(this.options.volumePitchTrackingMultiplier || 1, frequency), rampTime = glideDuration ? glideDuration / 1000 :
this.volTrackingNode.gain.setTargetAtTime(v, time, rampTime / 5);
this.volTrackingNode.gain.setValueAtTime(v, time + rampTime);
// Set the pitch dependent filter frequency to fit frequency at some time
scheduleFilterTrackingChange(frequency, time, glideDuration) {
const opts = this.options, rampTime = glideDuration ? glideDuration / 1000 :
SynthPatch.stopRampTime, scheduleFilterTarget = (filterNode, filterOptions) => {
const multiplier = getPitchTrackedMultiplierVal(filterOptions.frequencyPitchTrackingMultiplier || 1, frequency), f = clamp((filterOptions.frequency || 1000) * multiplier, 0, 21000);
filterNode.frequency.setTargetAtTime(f, time, rampTime / 5);
filterNode.frequency.setValueAtTime(f, time + rampTime);
if (this.lowpassNode && opts.lowpass) {
scheduleFilterTarget(this.lowpassNode, opts.lowpass);
if (this.highpassNode && opts.highpass) {
scheduleFilterTarget(this.highpassNode, opts.highpass);
createGain() {
const opts = this.options, needsGainNode = defined(opts.volume) ||
opts.attackEnvelope && opts.attackEnvelope.length ||
opts.releaseEnvelope && opts.releaseEnvelope.length;
if (needsGainNode) {
this.gainNode = new GainNode(this.audioContext, {
gain: pick(opts.volume, 1)
// We always need VM gain, so make that
this.vmNode = new GainNode(this.audioContext);
// Create the oscillator or audio buffer acting as the sound source
createSoundSource() {
const opts = this.options, ctx = this.audioContext, frequency = (opts.fixedFrequency || 0) *
(opts.freqMultiplier || 1);
if (opts.type === 'whitenoise') {
const bSize = ctx.sampleRate * 2, buffer = ctx.createBuffer(1, bSize, ctx.sampleRate), data = buffer.getChannelData(0);
for (let i = 0; i < bSize; ++i) {
// More pleasant "white" noise with less variance than -1 to +1
data[i] = Math.random() * 1.2 - 0.6;
const wn = this.whiteNoise = ctx.createBufferSource();
wn.buffer = buffer;
wn.loop = true;
else if (opts.type === 'pulse') {
this.pulseNode = new PulseOscNode(ctx, {
detune: opts.detune,
pulseWidth: opts.pulseWidth,
else {
this.oscNode = new OscillatorNode(ctx, {
type: opts.type || 'sine',
detune: opts.detune,
// Lowpass/Highpass filters
createFilters() {
const opts = this.options;
if (opts.lowpass && opts.lowpass.frequency) {
this.lowpassNode = new BiquadFilterNode(this.audioContext, {
type: 'lowpass',
Q: opts.lowpass.Q || 1,
frequency: opts.lowpass.frequency
if (opts.highpass && opts.highpass.frequency) {
this.highpassNode = new BiquadFilterNode(this.audioContext, {
type: 'highpass',
Q: opts.highpass.Q || 1,
frequency: opts.highpass.frequency
// Gain node used for frequency dependent volume tracking
createVolTracking() {
const opts = this.options;
if (opts.volumePitchTrackingMultiplier &&
opts.volumePitchTrackingMultiplier !== 1) {
this.volTrackingNode = new GainNode(this.audioContext, {
gain: 1
// Get the oscillator frequency target
getOscTarget() {
return this.oscNode ? this.oscNode.frequency :
this.pulseNode && this.pulseNode.getFrequencyFacade();
* The SynthPatch class. This class represents an instance and configuration
* of the built-in Highcharts synthesizer. It can be used to play various
* generated sounds.
* @sample highcharts/sonification/manual-using-synth
* Using Synth directly to sonify manually
* @sample highcharts/sonification/custom-instrument
* Using custom Synth options with chart
* @requires modules/sonification
* @class
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatch
* @param {AudioContext} audioContext
* The AudioContext to use.
* @param {Highcharts.SynthPatchOptionsObject} options
* Configuration for the synth.
class SynthPatch {
constructor(audioContext, options) {
this.audioContext = audioContext;
this.options = options;
this.eqNodes = [];
this.midiInstrument = options.midiInstrument || 1;
this.outputNode = new GainNode(audioContext, { gain: 0 });
const inputNode = this.eqNodes.length ?
this.eqNodes[0] : this.outputNode;
this.oscillators = (this.options.oscillators || []).map((oscOpts) => new Oscillator(audioContext, oscOpts, defined(oscOpts.fmOscillator) || defined(oscOpts.vmOscillator) ?
void 0 : inputNode));
// Now that we have all oscillators, connect the ones
// that are used for modulation.
this.oscillators.forEach((osc) => {
const connectTarget = (targetFunc, targetOsc) => {
if (targetOsc) {
const target = targetOsc[targetFunc]();
if (target) {
if (defined(osc.fmOscillatorIx)) {
connectTarget('getFMTarget', this.oscillators[osc.fmOscillatorIx]);
if (defined(osc.vmOscillatorIx)) {
connectTarget('getVMTarget', this.oscillators[osc.vmOscillatorIx]);
* Start the oscillators, but don't output sound.
* @function Highcharts.SynthPatch#startSilently
startSilently() {
this.outputNode.gain.value = 0;
this.oscillators.forEach((o) => o.start());
* Stop the synth. It can't be started again.
* @function Highcharts.SynthPatch#stop
stop() {
const curTime = this.audioContext.currentTime, endTime = curTime + SynthPatch.stopRampTime;
miniRampToVolAtTime(this.outputNode, curTime, 0);
this.oscillators.forEach((o) => o.stopAtTime(endTime));
* Mute sound at time (in seconds).
* Will still run release envelope. Note: If scheduled multiple times in
* succession, the release envelope will run, and that could make sound.
* @function Highcharts.SynthPatch#silenceAtTime
* @param {number} time Time offset from now, in seconds
silenceAtTime(time) {
if (!time && this.outputNode.gain.value < 0.01) {
this.outputNode.gain.value = 0;
return; // Skip if not needed
this.releaseAtTime((time || 0) + this.audioContext.currentTime);
* Mute sound immediately.
* @function Highcharts.SynthPatch#mute
mute() {
miniRampToVolAtTime(this.outputNode, this.audioContext.currentTime, 0);
* Play a frequency at time (in seconds).
* Time denotes when the attack ramp starts. Note duration is given in
* milliseconds. If note duration is not given, the note plays indefinitely.
* @function Highcharts.SynthPatch#silenceAtTime
* @param {number} time Time offset from now, in seconds
* @param {number} frequency The frequency to play at
* @param {number|undefined} noteDuration Duration to play, in milliseconds
playFreqAtTime(time, frequency, noteDuration) {
const t = (time || 0) + this.audioContext.currentTime, opts = this.options;
this.oscillators.forEach((o) => {
o.setFreqAtTime(t, frequency, opts.noteGlideDuration);
o.runEnvelopeAtTime('attack', t);
scheduleGainEnvelope(opts.masterAttackEnvelope || [], 'attack', t, this.outputNode, opts.masterVolume);
if (noteDuration) {
this.releaseAtTime(t + noteDuration / 1000);
* Cancel any scheduled actions
* @function Highcharts.SynthPatch#cancelScheduled
cancelScheduled() {
this.oscillators.forEach((o) => o.cancelScheduled());
* Connect the SynthPatch output to an audio node / destination.
* @function Highcharts.SynthPatch#connect
* @param {AudioNode} destinationNode The node to connect to.
* @return {AudioNode} The destination node, to allow chaining.
connect(destinationNode) {
return this.outputNode.connect(destinationNode);
* Create nodes for master EQ
* @private
createEqChain(outputNode) {
this.eqNodes = (this.options.eq || []).map((eqDef) => new BiquadFilterNode(this.audioContext, {
type: 'peaking',
// Connect nodes
this.eqNodes.reduceRight((chain, node) => {
return node;
}, outputNode);
* Fade by release envelopes at time
* @private
releaseAtTime(time) {
let maxReleaseDuration = 0;
this.oscillators.forEach((o) => {
const env = o.options.releaseEnvelope;
if (env && env.length) {
maxReleaseDuration = Math.max(maxReleaseDuration, env[env.length - 1].t);
o.runEnvelopeAtTime('release', time);
const masterEnv = this.options.masterReleaseEnvelope || [];
if (masterEnv.length) {
scheduleGainEnvelope(masterEnv, 'release', time, this.outputNode, this.options.masterVolume);
maxReleaseDuration = Math.max(maxReleaseDuration, masterEnv[masterEnv.length - 1].t);
miniRampToVolAtTime(this.outputNode, time + maxReleaseDuration / 1000, 0);
SynthPatch.stopRampTime = 0.012; // Ramp time to 0 when stopping sound
/* *
* Default Export
* */
/* *
* API declarations
* */
* An EQ filter definition for a low/highpass filter.
* @requires modules/sonification
* @interface Highcharts.SynthPatchPassFilter
*/ /**
* Filter frequency.
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchPassFilter#frequency
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* A pitch tracking multiplier similarly to the one for oscillator volume.
* Affects the filter frequency.
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchPassFilter#frequencyPitchTrackingMultiplier
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Filter resonance bump/dip in dB. Defaults to 0.
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchPassFilter#Q
* @type {number|undefined}
* @typedef {Highcharts.Record<"t"|"vol",number>} Highcharts.SynthEnvelopePoint
* @requires modules/sonification
* @typedef {Array<Highcharts.SynthEnvelopePoint>} Highcharts.SynthEnvelope
* @requires modules/sonification
* @typedef {"sine"|"square"|"sawtooth"|"triangle"|"whitenoise"|"pulse"} Highcharts.SynthPatchOscillatorType
* @requires modules/sonification
* Configuration for an oscillator for the synth.
* @requires modules/sonification
* @interface Highcharts.SynthPatchOscillatorOptionsObject
*/ /**
* The type of oscillator. This describes the waveform of the oscillator.
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchOscillatorOptionsObject#type
* @type {Highcharts.SynthPatchOscillatorType|undefined}
*/ /**
* A volume modifier for the oscillator. Defaults to 1.
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchOscillatorOptionsObject#volume
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* A multiplier for the input frequency of the oscillator. Defaults to 1. If
* this is for example set to 4, an input frequency of 220Hz will cause the
* oscillator to play at 880Hz.
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchOscillatorOptionsObject#freqMultiplier
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Play a fixed frequency for the oscillator - ignoring input frequency. The
* frequency multiplier is still applied.
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchOscillatorOptionsObject#fixedFrequency
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Applies a detuning of all frequencies. Set in cents. Defaults to 0.
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchOscillatorOptionsObject#detune
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Width of the pulse waveform. Only applies to "pulse" type oscillators. A
* width of 0.5 is roughly equal to a square wave. This is the default.
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchOscillatorOptionsObject#pulseWidth
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Index of another oscillator to use as carrier, with this oscillator being
* used as a volume modulator. The first oscillator in the array has index 0,
* and so on. This option can be used to produce tremolo effects.
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchOscillatorOptionsObject#vmOscillator
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Index of another oscillator to use as carrier, with this oscillator being
* used as a frequency modulator. Note: If the carrier is a pulse oscillator,
* the modulation will be on pulse width instead of frequency, allowing for
* PWM effects.
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchOscillatorOptionsObject#fmOscillator
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* A tracking multiplier used for frequency dependent behavior. For example, by
* setting the volume tracking multiplier to 0.01, the volume will be lower at
* higher notes. The multiplier is a logarithmic function, where 1 is at ca
* 50Hz, and you define the output multiplier for an input frequency around
* 3.2kHz.
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchOscillatorOptionsObject#volumePitchTrackingMultiplier
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Volume envelope for note attack, specific to this oscillator.
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchOscillatorOptionsObject#attackEnvelope
* @type {Highcharts.SynthEnvelope|undefined}
*/ /**
* Volume envelope for note release, specific to this oscillator.
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchOscillatorOptionsObject#releaseEnvelope
* @type {Highcharts.SynthEnvelope|undefined}
*/ /**
* Highpass filter options for the oscillator.
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchOscillatorOptionsObject#highpass
* @type {Highcharts.SynthPatchPassFilter|undefined}
*/ /**
* Lowpass filter options for the oscillator.
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchOscillatorOptionsObject#lowpass
* @type {Highcharts.SynthPatchPassFilter|undefined}
* An EQ filter definition for a bell filter.
* @requires modules/sonification
* @interface Highcharts.SynthPatchEQFilter
*/ /**
* Filter frequency.
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchEQFilter#frequency
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Filter gain. Defaults to 0.
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchEQFilter#gain
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Filter Q. Defaults to 1. Lower numbers mean a wider bell.
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchEQFilter#Q
* @type {number|undefined}
* A set of options for the SynthPatch class.
* @requires modules/sonification
* @interface Highcharts.SynthPatchOptionsObject
*/ /**
* Global volume modifier for the synth. Defaults to 1. Note that if the total
* volume of all oscillators is too high, the browser's audio engine can
* distort.
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchOptionsObject#masterVolume
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Time in milliseconds to glide between notes. Causes a glissando effect.
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchOptionsObject#noteGlideDuration
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* MIDI instrument ID for the synth. Used with MIDI export of Timelines to have
* tracks open with a similar instrument loaded when imported into other
* applications. Defaults to 1, "Acoustic Grand Piano".
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchOptionsObject#midiInstrument
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Volume envelope for the overall attack of a note - what happens to the
* volume when a note first plays. If the volume goes to 0 in the attack
* envelope, the synth will not be able to play the note continuously/
* sustained, and the notes will be staccato.
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchOptionsObject#masterAttackEnvelope
* @type {Highcharts.SynthEnvelope|undefined}
*/ /**
* Volume envelope for the overall release of a note - what happens to the
* volume when a note stops playing. If the release envelope starts at a higher
* volume than the attack envelope ends, the volume will first rise to that
* volume before falling when releasing a note. If the note is released while
* the attack envelope is still in effect, the attack envelope is interrupted,
* and the release envelope plays instead.
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchOptionsObject#masterReleaseEnvelope
* @type {Highcharts.SynthEnvelope|undefined}
*/ /**
* Master EQ filters for the synth, affecting the overall sound.
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchOptionsObject#eq
* @type {Array<Highcharts.SynthPatchEQFilter>|undefined}
*/ /**
* Array of oscillators to add to the synth.
* @name Highcharts.SynthPatchOptionsObject#oscillators
* @type {Array<Highcharts.SynthPatchOscillatorOptionsObject>|undefined}
(''); // Keep above doclets in JS file
return SynthPatch;
_registerModule(_modules, 'Extensions/Sonification/InstrumentPresets.js', [], function () {
/* *
* (c) 2009-2024 Øystein Moseng
* Presets for SynthPatch.
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
const InstrumentPresets = {
// PIANO ----------------------------
piano: {
masterVolume: 0.45,
masterAttackEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 0.71 },
{ t: 40, vol: 0.79 },
{ t: 82, vol: 0.64 },
{ t: 147, vol: 0.29 },
{ t: 260, vol: 0.15 },
{ t: 417, vol: 0.05 },
{ t: 589, vol: 0 }
eq: [
{ frequency: 200, Q: 0.7, gain: 6 },
{ frequency: 450, gain: 6 },
{ frequency: 1300, gain: 2 },
{ frequency: 2600, Q: 0.8, gain: 8 },
{ frequency: 3500, Q: 0.8, gain: 6 },
{ frequency: 6200, Q: 0.8, gain: 10 },
{ frequency: 8000, gain: -23 },
{ frequency: 10000, Q: 0.4, gain: -12 }
oscillators: [{
type: 'pulse',
volume: 0.5,
pulseWidth: 0.55,
volumePitchTrackingMultiplier: 0.1,
lowpass: {
frequency: 4.5,
frequencyPitchTrackingMultiplier: 900,
Q: -2
highpass: { frequency: 270 },
attackEnvelope: [{ t: 1, vol: 1 }],
releaseEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 1 },
{ t: 282, vol: 0.64 },
{ t: 597, vol: 0 }
}, {
type: 'whitenoise',
volume: 0.8,
lowpass: { frequency: 400 },
highpass: { frequency: 300 },
attackEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 1 },
{ t: 19, vol: 0 }
// PLUCKED --------------------------
plucked: {
masterVolume: 0.5,
midiInstrument: 25,
masterAttackEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 0.71 },
{ t: 4, vol: 0.71 },
{ t: 31, vol: 0.4 },
{ t: 109, vol: 0.12 },
{ t: 234, vol: 0.04 },
{ t: 442, vol: 0 }
eq: [
{ frequency: 800, gain: -8 },
{ frequency: 1400, Q: 4, gain: 4 },
{ frequency: 1600, gain: -14 },
{ frequency: 2200, gain: -8 },
{ frequency: 3600, gain: -2 },
{ frequency: 6400, Q: 2, gain: -6 }
oscillators: [{
type: 'sawtooth',
volume: 0.9,
volumePitchTrackingMultiplier: 0.6,
highpass: { frequency: 100 },
lowpass: { frequency: 8000 },
releaseEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 1 },
{ t: 315, vol: 0.56 },
{ t: 550, vol: 0 }
// FLUTE ----------------------------
flute: {
masterVolume: 1.1,
midiInstrument: 74,
noteGlideDuration: 30,
masterAttackEnvelope: [
{ t: 0, vol: 0 },
{ t: 29, vol: 1 },
{ t: 76, vol: 0.48 },
{ t: 600, vol: 0.36 }
masterReleaseEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 0.36 },
{ t: 24, vol: 0.15 },
{ t: 119, vol: 0 }
eq: [
{ frequency: 150, Q: 0.6, gain: -10 },
{ frequency: 500, gain: 4 },
{ frequency: 1100, gain: -4 },
{ frequency: 2200, gain: -14 },
{ frequency: 5000, gain: 8 },
{ frequency: 6400, gain: 10 },
{ frequency: 8000, gain: 12 },
{ frequency: 10800, gain: 8 }
oscillators: [{
type: 'triangle',
volume: 1,
volumePitchTrackingMultiplier: 0.4,
lowpass: {
frequency: 12,
frequencyPitchTrackingMultiplier: 100
highpass: {
frequency: 200
}, {
type: 'sine',
fixedFrequency: 5,
volume: 0.2,
vmOscillator: 0,
attackEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 1 },
{ t: 48, vol: 0 },
{ t: 225, vol: 0.05 },
{ t: 600, vol: 0.77 }
}, {
type: 'whitenoise',
volume: 0.13,
lowpass: {
frequency: 9000,
Q: 3
highpass: {
frequency: 6000,
Q: 3
vmOscillator: 0,
attackEnvelope: [
{ t: 0, vol: 0 },
{ t: 26, vol: 1 },
{ t: 93, vol: 0.8 }
// LEAD -----------------------------
lead: {
masterVolume: 1,
midiInstrument: 20,
masterAttackEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 0.81 },
{ t: 98, vol: 0.5 },
{ t: 201, vol: 0.18 },
{ t: 377, vol: 0.04 },
{ t: 586, vol: 0 },
{ t: 586, vol: 0 }
eq: [
{ frequency: 200, gain: -6 },
{ frequency: 400, gain: -8 },
{ frequency: 800, Q: 0.5, gain: -10 },
{ frequency: 1200, gain: 4 },
{ frequency: 3600, gain: -4 },
{ frequency: 4200, gain: -12 },
{ frequency: 7400, gain: -14 },
{ frequency: 10000, gain: 2 }
oscillators: [{
type: 'triangle',
volume: 1.1,
volumePitchTrackingMultiplier: 0.6,
lowpass: { frequency: 5000 },
highpass: { frequency: 100 }
}, {
type: 'sawtooth',
volume: 0.4,
lowpass: { frequency: 7000 },
highpass: { frequency: 800, Q: 6 },
releaseEnvelope: [
{ t: 0, vol: 0.99 },
{ t: 200, vol: 0.83 },
{ t: 495, vol: 0 }
// VIBRAPHONE -----------------------
vibraphone: {
masterVolume: 1,
midiInstrument: 12,
masterAttackEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 0 },
{ t: 10, vol: 0.63 },
{ t: 82, vol: 0.64 },
{ t: 149, vol: 0.26 },
{ t: 600, vol: 0 }
eq: [
{ frequency: 200, Q: 0.8, gain: -12 },
{ frequency: 400, gain: -4 },
{ frequency: 1600, Q: 0.5, gain: 6 },
{ frequency: 2200, Q: 0.5, gain: 6 },
{ frequency: 6400, gain: 4 },
{ frequency: 12800, gain: 4 }
oscillators: [{
type: 'sine',
volume: 1.5,
volumePitchTrackingMultiplier: 0.0000001,
attackEnvelope: [{ t: 1, vol: 1 }],
releaseEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 1 },
{ t: 146, vol: 0.39 },
{ t: 597, vol: 0 }
}, {
type: 'whitenoise',
volume: 0.03,
volumePitchTrackingMultiplier: 0.0001,
lowpass: {
frequency: 900
highpass: {
frequency: 800
attackEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 1 },
{ t: 9, vol: 0 }
}, {
type: 'sine',
freqMultiplier: 4,
volume: 0.15,
volumePitchTrackingMultiplier: 0.0001
}, {
type: 'sine',
fixedFrequency: 3,
volume: 6,
fmOscillator: 0,
releaseEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 1 },
{ t: 190, vol: 0.41 },
{ t: 600, vol: 0 }
}, {
type: 'sine',
fixedFrequency: 6,
volume: 3,
fmOscillator: 2
}, {
type: 'sine',
freqMultiplier: 9,
volume: 0.0005,
volumePitchTrackingMultiplier: 0.0001,
releaseEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 0.97 },
{ t: 530, vol: 0 }
// SAXOPHONE ------------------------
saxophone: {
masterVolume: 1,
midiInstrument: 67,
noteGlideDuration: 10,
masterAttackEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 0.57 },
{ t: 35, vol: 1 },
{ t: 87, vol: 0.84 },
{ t: 111, vol: 0.6 },
{ t: 296, vol: 0.49 },
{ t: 600, vol: 0.58 }
masterReleaseEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 0.58 },
{ t: 47, vol: 0.16 },
{ t: 119, vol: 0 }
eq: [
{ frequency: 200, gain: -2 },
{ frequency: 600, gain: 2 },
{ frequency: 800, gain: -10 },
{ frequency: 1100, gain: -2 },
{ frequency: 2200, gain: -2 },
{ frequency: 3500, gain: 10 },
{ frequency: 12800, gain: 4 }
oscillators: [{
type: 'sawtooth',
volume: 0.45,
volumePitchTrackingMultiplier: 0.06,
lowpass: {
frequency: 18,
frequencyPitchTrackingMultiplier: 200
highpass: {
frequency: 300
}, {
type: 'whitenoise',
fixedFrequency: 1,
volume: 0.4,
highpass: {
frequency: 7000
vmOscillator: 0,
attackEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 1 },
{ t: 51, vol: 1 },
{ t: 86, vol: 0.84 },
{ t: 500, vol: 0.78 }
}, {
type: 'sine',
fixedFrequency: 4,
volume: 2,
fmOscillator: 0,
attackEnvelope: [
{ t: 0, vol: 0 },
{ t: 15, vol: 0.94 },
{ t: 79, vol: 1 },
{ t: 172, vol: 0.47 },
{ t: 500, vol: 0.26 }
}, {
type: 'sine',
fixedFrequency: 7,
volume: 6,
fmOscillator: 0,
attackEnvelope: [
{ t: 0, vol: 0 },
{ t: 25, vol: 0.99 },
{ t: 85, vol: 0 },
{ t: 85, vol: 0 },
{ t: 387, vol: 0.02 },
{ t: 511, vol: 0.43 },
{ t: 600, vol: 0 }
// TRUMPET ------------------------
trumpet: {
masterVolume: 0.3,
midiInstrument: 57,
noteGlideDuration: 40,
masterAttackEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 0 },
{ t: 17, vol: 1 },
{ t: 42, vol: 0.85 },
{ t: 76, vol: 1 },
{ t: 202, vol: 0.65 },
{ t: 226, vol: 0.86 },
{ t: 282, vol: 0.63 }
masterReleaseEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 0.62 },
{ t: 34, vol: 0.14 },
{ t: 63, vol: 0.21 },
{ t: 96, vol: 0 }
eq: [
{ frequency: 200, Q: 0.6, gain: 10 },
{ frequency: 600, Q: 0.5, gain: 6 },
{ frequency: 1500, Q: 0.7, gain: 14 },
{ frequency: 3200, Q: 2, gain: 8 },
{ frequency: 3800, Q: 0.8, gain: 10 },
{ frequency: 6200, gain: 12 },
{ frequency: 8400, gain: -20 },
{ frequency: 12800, Q: 0.5, gain: -18 }
oscillators: [{
type: 'sawtooth',
volume: 0.15,
pulseWidth: 0.5,
volumePitchTrackingMultiplier: 0.5,
lowpass: { frequency: 1900, Q: 3 }
}, {
type: 'sine',
fixedFrequency: 6,
volume: 0.2,
vmOscillator: 0,
attackEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 1 },
{ t: 102, vol: 0.13 },
{ t: 556, vol: 0.24 }
}, {
type: 'whitenoise',
volume: 0.45,
highpass: { frequency: 7000, Q: 9 },
vmOscillator: 0,
attackEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 1 },
{ t: 89, vol: 0.51 },
{ t: 577, vol: 0.29 }
}, {
type: 'sine',
fixedFrequency: 5.7,
volume: 20,
fmOscillator: 0,
attackEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 1 },
{ t: 89, vol: 1 },
{ t: 137, vol: 0.46 },
{ t: 283, vol: 0.15 },
{ t: 600, vol: 0.28 }
// SAWSYNTH --------------------------
sawsynth: {
masterVolume: 0.3,
midiInstrument: 51,
noteGlideDuration: 40,
masterAttackEnvelope: [
{ t: 0, vol: 0.6 },
{ t: 9, vol: 1 },
{ t: 102, vol: 0.48 }
eq: [{ frequency: 200, gain: -6 }],
oscillators: [{
type: 'sawtooth',
volume: 0.4,
volumePitchTrackingMultiplier: 0.3
}, {
type: 'sawtooth',
volume: 0.4,
detune: 11,
volumePitchTrackingMultiplier: 0.3
}, {
type: 'sawtooth',
volume: 0.4,
detune: -11,
volumePitchTrackingMultiplier: 0.3
// BASIC1 ---------------------------
basic1: {
masterVolume: 1,
noteGlideDuration: 0,
masterReleaseEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 0.36 },
{ t: 24, vol: 0.15 },
{ t: 119, vol: 0 }
eq: [
{ frequency: 150, Q: 0.6, gain: -12 },
{ frequency: 1100, gain: -2 },
{ frequency: 2200, gain: -16 },
{ frequency: 5000, gain: 8 },
{ frequency: 6400, gain: 10 },
{ frequency: 8000, gain: 12 },
{ frequency: 10800, gain: 8 }
oscillators: [{
type: 'triangle',
volume: 1,
volumePitchTrackingMultiplier: 0.05,
lowpass: { frequency: 17, frequencyPitchTrackingMultiplier: 100 },
highpass: { frequency: 200 }
}, {
type: 'whitenoise',
volume: 0.04,
lowpass: { frequency: 9000, Q: 3 },
highpass: { frequency: 6000, Q: 3 },
vmOscillator: 0,
attackEnvelope: [
{ t: 0, vol: 0 },
{ t: 26, vol: 1 },
{ t: 71, vol: 0.73 }
// BASIC2 ---------------------------
basic2: {
masterVolume: 0.3,
eq: [
{ frequency: 200, Q: 0.7, gain: 6 },
{ frequency: 450, gain: 2 },
{ frequency: 1300, gain: -2 },
{ frequency: 2600, Q: 0.8, gain: 6 },
{ frequency: 3500, Q: 0.8, gain: 6 },
{ frequency: 6200, Q: 0.8, gain: 10 },
{ frequency: 8000, gain: -18 },
{ frequency: 10000, Q: 0.4, gain: -12 }
oscillators: [{
type: 'pulse',
volume: 0.4,
pulseWidth: 0.55,
volumePitchTrackingMultiplier: 0.1,
lowpass: {
frequency: 4.5,
frequencyPitchTrackingMultiplier: 900,
Q: -2
highpass: { frequency: 270 }
// CHORD -------------------------------
chord: {
masterVolume: 1,
masterAttackEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 0.79 },
{ t: 27, vol: 0.86 },
{ t: 62, vol: 0.81 },
{ t: 150, vol: 0.35 },
{ t: 408, vol: 0.04 },
{ t: 600, vol: 0 }
eq: [
{ frequency: 200, gain: -8 },
{ frequency: 600, Q: 2, gain: 4 },
{ frequency: 800, gain: -10 },
{ frequency: 1600, gain: -2 },
{ frequency: 2200, gain: -6 },
{ frequency: 3600, Q: 0.7, gain: -2 },
{ frequency: 6400, gain: 6 },
{ frequency: 12800, gain: 6 }
oscillators: [{
type: 'triangle',
volume: 1.1,
volumePitchTrackingMultiplier: 0.05,
lowpass: { frequency: 8000 },
highpass: { frequency: 100 },
releaseEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 1 },
{ t: 315, vol: 0.56 },
{ t: 540, vol: 0 }
}, {
type: 'triangle',
freqMultiplier: 1.17,
volume: 0.4,
volumePitchTrackingMultiplier: 0.07,
lowpass: { frequency: 5000 },
highpass: { frequency: 100 },
releaseEnvelope: [
{ t: 0, vol: 1 },
{ t: 476, vol: 0 }
}, {
type: 'triangle',
freqMultiplier: 1.58333,
volume: 0.7,
volumePitchTrackingMultiplier: 0.02,
highpass: { frequency: 200 },
releaseEnvelope: [
{ t: 0, vol: 1 },
{ t: 422, vol: 0.56 },
{ t: 577, vol: 0 }
}, {
type: 'sine',
fixedFrequency: 10,
volume: 4,
fmOscillator: 0,
attackEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 1 },
{ t: 157, vol: 0.65 }
}, {
type: 'sine',
fixedFrequency: 5,
volume: 0.3,
vmOscillator: 2,
attackEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 1 },
{ t: 155, vol: 0.91 },
{ t: 289, vol: 0.78 }
// WOBBLE ---------------------------
wobble: {
masterVolume: 0.9,
masterReleaseEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 0.36 },
{ t: 24, vol: 0.15 },
{ t: 119, vol: 0 }
eq: [
{ frequency: 150, Q: 0.6, gain: -12 },
{ frequency: 1100, gain: -2 },
{ frequency: 2200, gain: -16 },
{ frequency: 5000, gain: 8 },
{ frequency: 6400, gain: 10 },
{ frequency: 8000, gain: 12 },
{ frequency: 10800, gain: 8 }
oscillators: [{
type: 'triangle',
volume: 0.9,
volumePitchTrackingMultiplier: 0.1,
lowpass: { frequency: 17, frequencyPitchTrackingMultiplier: 100 },
highpass: { frequency: 200 }
}, {
type: 'whitenoise',
volume: 0.04,
lowpass: { frequency: 9000, Q: 3 },
highpass: { frequency: 6000, Q: 3 },
vmOscillator: 0,
attackEnvelope: [
{ t: 0, vol: 0 },
{ t: 26, vol: 1 },
{ t: 71, vol: 0.73 }
}, {
type: 'sine',
freqMultiplier: 0.011,
volume: 30,
fmOscillator: 0
// SINE -----------------------------
sine: {
masterVolume: 1,
oscillators: [{
type: 'sine',
volumePitchTrackingMultiplier: 0.07
// SINE GLIDE -----------------------
sineGlide: {
masterVolume: 1,
noteGlideDuration: 100,
oscillators: [{
type: 'sine',
volumePitchTrackingMultiplier: 0.07
// TRIANGLE -------------------------
triangle: {
masterVolume: 0.5,
oscillators: [{
type: 'triangle',
volume: 1,
volumePitchTrackingMultiplier: 0.07
// SAWTOOTH -------------------------
sawtooth: {
masterVolume: 0.25,
midiInstrument: 82,
oscillators: [{
type: 'sawtooth',
volume: 0.3,
volumePitchTrackingMultiplier: 0.07
// SQUARE ---------------------------
square: {
masterVolume: 0.3,
midiInstrument: 81,
oscillators: [{
type: 'square',
volume: 0.2,
volumePitchTrackingMultiplier: 0.07
chop: {
masterVolume: 1,
midiInstrument: 116,
masterAttackEnvelope: [{ t: 1, vol: 1 }, { t: 44, vol: 0 }],
oscillators: [{
type: 'whitenoise',
volume: 1,
lowpass: { frequency: 600 },
highpass: { frequency: 200 }
shaker: {
masterVolume: 0.4,
midiInstrument: 116,
masterAttackEnvelope: [{ t: 1, vol: 1 }, { t: 44, vol: 0 }],
oscillators: [{
type: 'whitenoise',
volume: 1,
lowpass: { frequency: 6500 },
highpass: { frequency: 5000 }
step: {
masterVolume: 1,
midiInstrument: 116,
masterAttackEnvelope: [{ t: 1, vol: 1 }, { t: 44, vol: 0 }],
eq: [
{ frequency: 200, gain: -1 },
{ frequency: 400, gain: -14 },
{ frequency: 800, gain: 8 },
{ frequency: 1000, Q: 5, gain: -24 },
{ frequency: 1600, gain: 8 },
{ frequency: 2200, gain: -10 },
{ frequency: 5400, gain: 4 },
{ frequency: 12800, gain: -36 }
oscillators: [{
type: 'whitenoise',
volume: 1.5,
lowpass: { frequency: 300 },
highpass: { frequency: 100, Q: 6 }
kick: {
masterVolume: 0.55,
masterAttackEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 0.8 },
{ t: 15, vol: 1 },
{ t: 45, vol: 0.35 },
{ t: 121, vol: 0.11 },
{ t: 242, vol: 0 }
eq: [
{ frequency: 50, gain: 6 },
{ frequency: 400, gain: -18 },
{ frequency: 1600, gain: 18 }
oscillators: [{
type: 'triangle',
fixedFrequency: 90,
volume: 1,
lowpass: { frequency: 300 },
attackEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 1 },
{ t: 6, vol: 1 },
{ t: 45, vol: 0.01 }
}, {
type: 'whitenoise',
volume: 0.4,
lowpass: { frequency: 200 },
attackEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 1 },
{ t: 30, vol: 0 }
}, {
type: 'triangle',
freqMultiplier: 0.1,
volume: 1,
lowpass: { frequency: 200 }
shortnote: {
masterVolume: 0.8,
midiInstrument: 116,
masterAttackEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 1 },
{ t: 15, vol: 0 }
eq: [
{ frequency: 400, gain: -4 },
{ frequency: 800, gain: -12 },
{ frequency: 2400, gain: 4 },
{ frequency: 7200, gain: -20 },
{ frequency: 1000, Q: 5, gain: -12 },
{ frequency: 5400, gain: -32 },
{ frequency: 12800, gain: -14 }
oscillators: [{
type: 'sawtooth',
volume: 0.6,
lowpass: { frequency: 1000 }
}, {
type: 'whitenoise',
volume: 0.2,
lowpass: { frequency: 10000 },
highpass: { frequency: 7000 },
attackEnvelope: [
{ t: 1, vol: 1 },
{ t: 10, vol: 0 }
}, {
type: 'whitenoise',
volume: 1.3,
lowpass: { frequency: 700, Q: 4 },
highpass: { frequency: 250 }
// NOISE ----------------------------
noise: {
masterVolume: 0.3,
midiInstrument: 122,
oscillators: [{
type: 'whitenoise'
// FILTERED NOISE -------------------
filteredNoise: {
masterVolume: 0.3,
midiInstrument: 122,
eq: [
{ frequency: 1600, gain: -8 },
{ frequency: 2200, gain: -4 }
oscillators: [{
type: 'whitenoise',
lowpass: {
frequency: 5,
frequencyPitchTrackingMultiplier: 1300,
Q: 6
highpass: {
frequency: 5,
frequencyPitchTrackingMultiplier: 300,
Q: 6
// WIND -------------------------------
wind: {
masterVolume: 0.75,
midiInstrument: 122,
noteGlideDuration: 150,
masterReleaseEnvelope: [
{ t: 0, vol: 1 },
{ t: 124, vol: 0.24 },
{ t: 281, vol: 0 }
oscillators: [{
type: 'whitenoise',
volume: 1,
lowpass: {
frequency: 100,
frequencyPitchTrackingMultiplier: 6,
Q: 23
highpass: {
frequency: 170,
frequencyPitchTrackingMultiplier: 6
}, {
type: 'sine',
freqMultiplier: 0.016,
volume: 1000,
fmOscillator: 0
/* *
* Default Export
* */
/* *
* API declarations
* */
* @typedef {"piano"|"plucked"|"flute"|"lead"|"vibraphone"|"saxophone"|"trumpet"|"sawsynth"|"basic1"|"basic2"|"chord"|"wobble"|"sine"|"sineGlide"|"triangle"|"sawtooth"|"square"|"chop"|"shaker"|"step"|"kick"|"shortnote"|"noise"|"filteredNoise"|"wind"} Highcharts.SonificationSynthPreset
* @requires modules/sonification
(''); // Keep above doclets in JS file
return InstrumentPresets;
_registerModule(_modules, 'Extensions/Sonification/SonificationInstrument.js', [_modules['Extensions/Sonification/SynthPatch.js'], _modules['Extensions/Sonification/InstrumentPresets.js'], _modules['Core/Utilities.js']], function (SynthPatch, InstrumentPresets, U) {
/* *
* (c) 2009-2024 Øystein Moseng
* Class representing an Instrument with mappable parameters for sonification.
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
const { defined, extend } = U;
* The SonificationInstrument class. This class represents an instrument with
* mapping capabilities. The instrument wraps a SynthPatch object, and extends
* it with functionality such as panning, tremolo, and global low/highpass
* filters.
* @sample highcharts/sonification/instrument-raw
* Using SonificationInstrument directly, with no chart.
* @requires modules/sonification
* @class
* @name Highcharts.SonificationInstrument
* @param {AudioContext} audioContext
* The AudioContext to use.
* @param {AudioNode} outputNode
* The destination node to connect to.
* @param {Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentOptionsObject} options
* Configuration for the instrument.
class SonificationInstrument {
constructor(audioContext, outputNode, options) {
this.audioContext = audioContext;
this.curParams = {};
this.midiTrackName = options.midiTrackName;
this.masterVolNode = new GainNode(audioContext);
this.volumeNode = new GainNode(audioContext);
pan: true
}, options.capabilities || {}));
this.connectCapabilityNodes(this.volumeNode, this.masterVolNode);
this.synthPatch = new SynthPatch(audioContext, typeof options.synthPatch === 'string' ?
InstrumentPresets[options.synthPatch] : options.synthPatch);
this.midiInstrument = this.synthPatch.midiInstrument || 1;
* Set the overall volume.
* @function Highcharts.SonificationInstrument#setMasterVolume
* @param {number} volume The volume to set, from 0 to 1.
setMasterVolume(volume) {
this.masterVolNode.gain.setTargetAtTime(volume, 0, SonificationInstrument.rampTime);
* Schedule an instrument event at a given time offset, whether it is
* playing a note or changing the parameters of the instrument.
* @function Highcharts.SonificationInstrument#scheduleEventAtTime
* @param {number} time Time is given in seconds, where 0 is now.
* @param {Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentScheduledEventOptionsObject} params
* Parameters for the instrument event.
scheduleEventAtTime(time, params) {
const mergedParams = extend(this.curParams, params), freq = defined(params.frequency) ?
params.frequency : defined(params.note) ?
SonificationInstrument.musicalNoteToFrequency(params.note) :
if (defined(freq)) {
this.synthPatch.playFreqAtTime(time, freq, mergedParams.noteDuration);
if (defined(mergedParams.tremoloDepth) ||
defined(mergedParams.tremoloSpeed)) {
this.setTremoloAtTime(time, mergedParams.tremoloDepth, mergedParams.tremoloSpeed);
if (defined(mergedParams.pan)) {
this.setPanAtTime(time, mergedParams.pan);
if (defined(mergedParams.volume)) {
this.setVolumeAtTime(time, mergedParams.volume);
if (defined(mergedParams.lowpassFreq) ||
defined(mergedParams.lowpassResonance)) {
this.setFilterAtTime('lowpass', time, mergedParams.lowpassFreq, mergedParams.lowpassResonance);
if (defined(mergedParams.highpassFreq) ||
defined(mergedParams.highpassResonance)) {
this.setFilterAtTime('highpass', time, mergedParams.highpassFreq, mergedParams.highpassResonance);
* Schedule silencing the instrument at a given time offset.
* @function Highcharts.SonificationInstrument#silenceAtTime
* @param {number} time Time is given in seconds, where 0 is now.
silenceAtTime(time) {
* Cancel currently playing sounds and any scheduled actions.
* @function Highcharts.SonificationInstrument#cancel
cancel() {
this.tremoloDepth && this.tremoloDepth.gain,
this.tremoloOsc && this.tremoloOsc.frequency,
this.lowpassNode && this.lowpassNode.frequency,
this.lowpassNode && this.lowpassNode.Q,
this.highpassNode && this.highpassNode.frequency,
this.highpassNode && this.highpassNode.Q,
this.panNode && this.panNode.pan,
].forEach((p) => (p && p.cancelScheduledValues(0)));
* Stop instrument and destroy it, cleaning up used resources.
* @function Highcharts.SonificationInstrument#destroy
destroy() {
if (this.tremoloOsc) {
this.tremoloDepth, this.tremoloOsc, this.lowpassNode,
this.highpassNode, this.panNode, this.volumeNode,
].forEach(((n) => n && n.disconnect()));
* Schedule a pan value at a given time offset.
* @private
setPanAtTime(time, pan) {
if (this.panNode) {
this.panNode.pan.setTargetAtTime(pan, time + this.audioContext.currentTime, SonificationInstrument.rampTime);
* Schedule a filter configuration at a given time offset.
* @private
setFilterAtTime(filter, time, frequency, resonance) {
const node = this[filter + 'Node'], audioTime = this.audioContext.currentTime + time;
if (node) {
if (defined(resonance)) {
node.Q.setTargetAtTime(resonance, audioTime, SonificationInstrument.rampTime);
if (defined(frequency)) {
node.frequency.setTargetAtTime(frequency, audioTime, SonificationInstrument.rampTime);
* Schedule a volume value at a given time offset.
* @private
setVolumeAtTime(time, volume) {
if (this.volumeNode) {
this.volumeNode.gain.setTargetAtTime(volume, time + this.audioContext.currentTime, SonificationInstrument.rampTime);
* Schedule a tremolo configuration at a given time offset.
* @private
setTremoloAtTime(time, depth, speed) {
const audioTime = this.audioContext.currentTime + time;
if (this.tremoloDepth && defined(depth)) {
this.tremoloDepth.gain.setTargetAtTime(depth, audioTime, SonificationInstrument.rampTime);
if (this.tremoloOsc && defined(speed)) {
this.tremoloOsc.frequency.setTargetAtTime(15 * speed, audioTime, SonificationInstrument.rampTime);
* Create audio nodes according to instrument capabilities
* @private
createNodesFromCapabilities(capabilities) {
const ctx = this.audioContext;
if (capabilities.pan) {
this.panNode = new StereoPannerNode(ctx);
if (capabilities.tremolo) {
this.tremoloOsc = new OscillatorNode(ctx, {
type: 'sine',
frequency: 3
this.tremoloDepth = new GainNode(ctx);
if (capabilities.filters) {
this.lowpassNode = new BiquadFilterNode(ctx, {
type: 'lowpass',
frequency: 20000
this.highpassNode = new BiquadFilterNode(ctx, {
type: 'highpass',
frequency: 0
* Connect audio node chain from output down to input, depending on which
* nodes exist.
* @private
connectCapabilityNodes(input, output) {
].reduce((prev, cur) => (cur ?
(cur.connect(prev), cur) :
prev), output);
* Get number of notes from C0 from a string like "F#4"
* @static
* @private
static noteStringToC0Distance(note) {
// eslint-disable-next-line require-unicode-regexp
const match = note.match(/^([a-g][#b]?)([0-8])$/i), semitone = match ? match[1] : 'a', wholetone = semitone[0].toLowerCase(), accidental = semitone[1], octave = match ? parseInt(match[2], 10) : 4, accidentalOffset = accidental === '#' ?
1 : accidental === 'b' ? -1 : 0;
return ({
c: 0, d: 2, e: 4, f: 5, g: 7, a: 9, b: 11
}[wholetone] || 0) + accidentalOffset + octave * 12;
* Convert a note value to a frequency.
* @static
* @function Highcharts.SonificationInstrument#musicalNoteToFrequency
* @param {string|number} note
* Note to convert. Can be a string 'c0' to 'b8' or a number of semitones
* from c0.
* @return {number} The converted frequency
static musicalNoteToFrequency(note) {
const notesFromC0 = typeof note === 'string' ?
this.noteStringToC0Distance(note) : note;
return 16.3516 * Math.pow(2, Math.min(notesFromC0, 107) / 12);
SonificationInstrument.rampTime = SynthPatch.stopRampTime / 4;
/* *
* Default Export
* */
/* *
* API definitions
* */
* Capabilities configuration for a SonificationInstrument.
* @requires modules/sonification
* @interface Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentCapabilitiesOptionsObject
*/ /**
* Whether or not instrument should be able to pan. Defaults to `true`.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentCapabilitiesOptionsObject#pan
* @type {boolean|undefined}
*/ /**
* Whether or not instrument should be able to use tremolo effects. Defaults
* to `false`.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentCapabilitiesOptionsObject#tremolo
* @type {boolean|undefined}
*/ /**
* Whether or not instrument should be able to use filter effects. Defaults
* to `false`.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentCapabilitiesOptionsObject#filters
* @type {boolean|undefined}
* Configuration for a SonificationInstrument.
* @requires modules/sonification
* @interface Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentOptionsObject
*/ /**
* The synth configuration for the instrument. Can be either a string,
* referencing the instrument presets, or an actual SynthPatch configuration.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentOptionsObject#synthPatch
* @type {Highcharts.SonificationSynthPreset|Highcharts.SynthPatchOptionsObject}
* @sample highcharts/demo/all-instruments
* All instrument presets
* @sample highcharts/sonification/custom-instrument
* Custom instrument preset
*/ /**
* Define additional capabilities for the instrument, such as panning, filters,
* and tremolo effects.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentOptionsObject#capabilities
* @type {Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentCapabilitiesOptionsObject|undefined}
*/ /**
* A track name to use for this instrument in MIDI export.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentOptionsObject#midiTrackName
* @type {string|undefined}
* Options for a scheduled event for a SonificationInstrument
* @requires modules/sonification
* @interface Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentScheduledEventOptionsObject
*/ /**
* Number of semitones from c0, or a note string - such as "c4" or "F#6".
* @name Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentScheduledEventOptionsObject#note
* @type {number|string|undefined}
*/ /**
* Note frequency in Hertz. Overrides note, if both are given.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentScheduledEventOptionsObject#frequency
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Duration to play the note in milliseconds. If not given, the note keeps
* playing indefinitely
* @name Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentScheduledEventOptionsObject#noteDuration
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Depth/intensity of the tremolo effect - which is a periodic change in
* volume. From 0 to 1.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentScheduledEventOptionsObject#tremoloDepth
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Speed of the tremolo effect, from 0 to 1.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentScheduledEventOptionsObject#tremoloSpeed
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Stereo panning value, from -1 (left) to 1 (right).
* @name Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentScheduledEventOptionsObject#pan
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Volume of the instrument, from 0 to 1. Can be set independent of the
* master/overall volume.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentScheduledEventOptionsObject#volume
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Frequency of the lowpass filter, in Hertz.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentScheduledEventOptionsObject#lowpassFreq
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Resonance of the lowpass filter, in dB. Can be negative for a dip, or
* positive for a bump.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentScheduledEventOptionsObject#lowpassResonance
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Frequency of the highpass filter, in Hertz.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentScheduledEventOptionsObject#highpassFreq
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Resonance of the highpass filter, in dB. Can be negative for a dip, or
* positive for a bump.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentScheduledEventOptionsObject#highpassResonance
* @type {number|undefined}
(''); // Keep above doclets in JS file
return SonificationInstrument;
_registerModule(_modules, 'Extensions/Sonification/SonificationSpeaker.js', [_modules['Core/Utilities.js']], function (U) {
/* *
* (c) 2009-2024 Øystein Moseng
* Class representing a speech synthesis voice.
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
const { pick } = U;
* The SonificationSpeaker class. This class represents an announcer using
* speech synthesis. It allows for scheduling speech announcements, as well
* as speech parameter changes - including rate, volume and pitch.
* @sample highcharts/demo/sonification-navigation
* Demo using SonificationSpeaker directly for some announcements
* @requires modules/sonification
* @class
* @name Highcharts.SonificationSpeaker
* @param {Highcharts.SonificationSpeakerOptionsObject} options
* Configuration for the speaker
class SonificationSpeaker {
constructor(options) {
this.options = options;
this.masterVolume = 1;
this.synthesis = window.speechSynthesis;
if (typeof speechSynthesis.onvoiceschanged !== 'undefined') {
speechSynthesis.onvoiceschanged = this.setVoice.bind(this);
this.scheduled = [];
* Say a message using the speaker voice. Interrupts other currently
* speaking announcements from this speaker.
* @function Highcharts.SonificationSpeaker#say
* @param {string} message The message to speak.
* @param {SonificationSpeakerOptionsObject} [options]
* Optionally override speaker configuration.
say(message, options) {
if (this.synthesis) {
const utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(message);
if (this.voice) {
utterance.voice = this.voice;
utterance.rate = options && options.rate || this.options.rate || 1;
utterance.pitch = options && options.pitch ||
this.options.pitch || 1;
utterance.volume = pick(options && options.volume, this.options.volume, 1) * this.masterVolume;
* Schedule a message using the speaker voice.
* @function Highcharts.SonificationSpeaker#sayAtTime
* @param {number} time
* The time offset to speak at, in milliseconds from now.
* @param {string} message
* The message to speak.
* @param {SonificationSpeakerOptionsObject} [options]
* Optionally override speaker configuration.
sayAtTime(time, message, options) {
this.scheduled.push(setTimeout(this.say.bind(this, message, options), time));
* Clear scheduled announcements, and stop current speech.
* @function Highcharts.SonificationSpeaker#cancel
cancel() {
this.scheduled = [];
* Stop speech and release any used resources
* @private
destroy() {
// Ran on TimelineChannel.destroy
// (polymorphism with SonificationInstrument).
// Currently all we need to do is cancel.
* Set speaker overall/master volume modifier. This affects all
* announcements, and applies in addition to the individual announcement
* volume.
* @function Highcharts.SonificationSpeaker#setMasterVolume
* @param {number} vol Volume from 0 to 1.
setMasterVolume(vol) {
this.masterVolume = vol;
* Set the active synthesis voice for the speaker.
* @private
setVoice() {
if (this.synthesis) {
const name = this.options.name, lang = this.options.language || 'en-US', voices = this.synthesis.getVoices(), len = voices.length;
let langFallback;
for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (name && voices[i].name === name) {
this.voice = voices[i];
if (!langFallback && voices[i].lang === lang) {
langFallback = voices[i];
if (!name) {
this.voice = langFallback;
/* *
* Default Export
* */
/* *
* API declarations
* */
* Configuration for a SonificationSpeaker.
* @requires modules/sonification
* @interface Highcharts.SonificationSpeakerOptionsObject
*/ /**
* Name of the voice synthesis to use. If not found, reverts to the default
* voice for the language chosen.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationSpeakerOptionsObject#name
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* The language of the voice synthesis. Defaults to `"en-US"`.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationSpeakerOptionsObject#language
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* The pitch modifier of the voice. Defaults to `1`. Set higher for a higher
* voice pitch.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationSpeakerOptionsObject#pitch
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* The speech rate modifier. Defaults to `1`.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationSpeakerOptionsObject#rate
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* The speech volume, from 0 to 1. Defaults to `1`.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationSpeakerOptionsObject#volume
* @type {number|undefined}
(''); // Keep above doclets in JS file
return SonificationSpeaker;
_registerModule(_modules, 'Extensions/Sonification/TimelineChannel.js', [], function () {
/* *
* (c) 2009-2024 Øystein Moseng
* Class representing a TimelineChannel with sonification events to play.
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
* Represents a channel of TimelineEvents for an engine (either an instrument
* or a speaker).
* @private
class TimelineChannel {
constructor(type, engine, showPlayMarker = false, events, muted) {
this.type = type;
this.engine = engine;
this.showPlayMarker = showPlayMarker;
this.muted = muted;
this.events = events || [];
addEvent(event) {
const lastEvent = this.events[this.events.length - 1];
if (lastEvent && event.time < lastEvent.time) {
// Ensure we are sorted by time, so insert at the right place
let i = this.events.length;
while (i-- && this.events[i].time > event.time) { /* */ }
this.events.splice(i + 1, 0, event);
else {
return event;
mute() {
this.muted = true;
unmute() {
this.muted = false;
cancel() {
destroy() {
/* *
* Default Export
* */
/* *
* API declarations
* */
* A TimelineEvent object represents a scheduled audio event to play for a
* SonificationTimeline.
* @requires modules/sonification
* @interface Highcharts.SonificationTimelineEvent
*/ /**
* Time is given in milliseconds, where 0 is now.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationTimelineEvent#time
* @type {number}
*/ /**
* A reference to a data point related to the TimelineEvent. Populated when
* sonifying points.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationTimelineEvent#relatedPoint
* @type {Highcharts.Point|undefined}
*/ /**
* Options for an instrument event to be played.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationTimelineEvent#instrumentEventOptions
* @type {Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentScheduledEventOptionsObject|undefined}
*/ /**
* Options for a speech event to be played.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationTimelineEvent#speechOptions
* @type {Highcharts.SonificationSpeakerOptionsObject|undefined}
*/ /**
* The message to speak for speech events.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationTimelineEvent#message
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* Callback to call when playing the event.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationTimelineEvent#callback
* @type {Function|undefined}
(''); // Keep above doclets in JS file
return TimelineChannel;
_registerModule(_modules, 'Extensions/Sonification/MIDI.js', [_modules['Extensions/Sonification/SonificationInstrument.js'], _modules['Core/Utilities.js']], function (SonificationInstrument, U) {
/* *
* (c) 2009-2024 Øystein Moseng
* Small MIDI file writer for sonification export.
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
/* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces */
const { pick } = U;
const freqToNote = (f) => Math.round(12 * Math.log(f) / Math.LN2 - 48.37632), b = (byte, n) => n >>> 8 * byte & 0xFF, getHeader = (nTracks) => [
0x4D, 0x54, 0x68, 0x64,
0, 0, 0, 6,
0, nTracks > 1 ? 1 : 0,
b(1, nTracks), b(0, nTracks),
// SMTPE: 0xE7 0x28
// -25/40 time div gives us millisecond SMTPE, but not widely supported.
1, 0xF4 // HD_TIMEDIV, 500 ticks per beat = millisecond at 120bpm
], timeInfo = [0, 0xFF, 0x51, 0x03, 0x07, 0xA1, 0x20], // META_TEMPO
varLenEnc = (n) => {
let buf = n & 0x7F;
const res = [];
while (n >>= 7) { // eslint-disable-line no-cond-assign
buf <<= 8;
buf |= (n & 0x7F) | 0x80;
while (true) { // eslint-disable-line no-constant-condition
res.push(buf & 0xFF);
if (buf & 0x80) {
buf >>= 8;
else {
return res;
}, toMIDIEvents = (events) => {
let cachedVel, cachedDur;
const res = [], add = (el) => {
let ix = res.length;
while (ix-- && res[ix].timeMS > el.timeMS) { /* */ }
res.splice(ix + 1, 0, el);
events.forEach((e) => {
const o = e.instrumentEventOptions || {}, t = e.time, dur = cachedDur = pick(o.noteDuration, cachedDur), tNOF = dur && e.time + dur, ctrl = [{
valMap: (n) => 64 + 63 * n & 0x7F,
data: {
0x0A: o.pan,
0x5C: o.tremoloDepth,
0x5D: o.tremoloSpeed
}, {
valMap: (n) => 127 * n / 20000 & 0x7F,
data: {
0x4A: o.lowpassFreq,
0x4B: o.highpassFreq
}, {
valMap: (n) => 63 * Math.min(18, Math.max(-18, n)) / 18 + 63 & 0x7F,
data: {
0x47: o.lowpassResonance,
0x4C: o.highpassResonance
}], v = cachedVel = o.volume === void 0 ?
pick(cachedVel, 127) : 127 * o.volume & 0x7F, freq = o.frequency, note = o.note || 0, noteVal = 12 + (freq ? freqToNote(freq) : // MIDI note #0 is C-1
typeof note === 'string' ? SonificationInstrument
.noteStringToC0Distance(note) : note) & 0x7F;
// CTRL_CHANGE events
ctrl.forEach((ctrlDef) => Object.keys(ctrlDef.data)
.forEach((ctrlSignal) => {
const val = ctrlDef.data[ctrlSignal];
if (val !== void 0) {
timeMS: t,
type: 'CTRL_CHG',
data: [
0xB0, parseInt(ctrlSignal, 10),
if (tNOF) {
add({ timeMS: t, type: 'NON', data: [0x90, noteVal, v] });
add({ timeMS: tNOF, type: 'NOF', data: [0x80, noteVal, v] });
return res;
}, getMetaEvents = (midiTrackName, midiInstrument) => {
const events = [];
if (midiInstrument) {
// Program Change MIDI event
events.push(0, 0xC0, midiInstrument & 0x7F);
if (midiTrackName) {
// Track name meta event
const textArr = [];
for (let i = 0; i < midiTrackName.length; ++i) {
const code = midiTrackName.charCodeAt(i);
if (code < 128) { // Keep ASCII only
return events.concat([0, 0xFF, 0x03], varLenEnc(textArr.length), textArr);
return events;
}, getTrackChunk = (events, addTimeInfo, midiTrackName, midiInstrument) => {
let prevTime = 0;
const metaEvents = getMetaEvents(midiTrackName, midiInstrument), trackEvents = toMIDIEvents(events).reduce((data, e) => {
const t = varLenEnc(e.timeMS - prevTime);
prevTime = e.timeMS;
return data.concat(t, e.data);
}, []);
const trackEnd = [0, 0xFF, 0x2F, 0], size = (addTimeInfo ? timeInfo.length : 0) +
metaEvents.length +
trackEvents.length + trackEnd.length;
return [
0x4D, 0x54, 0x72, 0x6B,
b(3, size), b(2, size),
b(1, size), b(0, size)
].concat(addTimeInfo ? timeInfo : [], metaEvents, trackEvents, trackEnd // SYSEX_TRACK_END
* Get MIDI data from a set of Timeline instrument channels.
* Outputs multi-track MIDI for Timelines with multiple channels.
* @private
function toMIDI(channels) {
const channelsToAdd = channels.filter((c) => !!c.events.length), numCh = channelsToAdd.length, multiCh = numCh > 1;
return new Uint8Array(getHeader(multiCh ? numCh + 1 : numCh).concat(multiCh ? getTrackChunk([], true) : [], // Time info only
channelsToAdd.reduce((chunks, channel) => {
const engine = channel.engine;
return chunks.concat(getTrackChunk(channel.events, !multiCh, engine.midiTrackName, engine.midiInstrument));
}, [])));
return toMIDI;
_registerModule(_modules, 'Extensions/DownloadURL.js', [_modules['Core/Globals.js']], function (H) {
/* *
* (c) 2015-2024 Oystein Moseng
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* Mixin for downloading content in the browser
* */
/* *
* Imports
* */
const { isSafari, win, win: { document: doc } } = H;
/* *
* Constants
* */
const domurl = win.URL || win.webkitURL || win;
/* *
* Functions
* */
* Convert base64 dataURL to Blob if supported, otherwise returns undefined.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.dataURLtoBlob
* @param {string} dataURL
* URL to convert
* @return {string|undefined}
* Blob
function dataURLtoBlob(dataURL) {
const parts = dataURL
.replace(/filename=.*;/, '')
if (parts &&
parts.length > 3 &&
(win.atob) &&
win.ArrayBuffer &&
win.Uint8Array &&
win.Blob &&
(domurl.createObjectURL)) {
// Try to convert data URL to Blob
const binStr = win.atob(parts[3]), buf = new win.ArrayBuffer(binStr.length), binary = new win.Uint8Array(buf);
for (let i = 0; i < binary.length; ++i) {
binary[i] = binStr.charCodeAt(i);
return domurl
.createObjectURL(new win.Blob([binary], { 'type': parts[1] }));
* Download a data URL in the browser. Can also take a blob as first param.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.downloadURL
* @param {string|global.URL} dataURL
* The dataURL/Blob to download
* @param {string} filename
* The name of the resulting file (w/extension)
* @return {void}
function downloadURL(dataURL, filename) {
const nav = win.navigator, a = doc.createElement('a');
// IE specific blob implementation
// Don't use for normal dataURLs
if (typeof dataURL !== 'string' &&
!(dataURL instanceof String) &&
nav.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
nav.msSaveOrOpenBlob(dataURL, filename);
dataURL = '' + dataURL;
const // Some browsers have limitations for data URL lengths. Try to convert
// to Blob or fall back. Edge always needs that blob.
isOldEdgeBrowser = /Edge\/\d+/.test(nav.userAgent),
// Safari on iOS needs Blob in order to download PDF
safariBlob = (isSafari &&
typeof dataURL === 'string' &&
dataURL.indexOf('data:application/pdf') === 0);
if (safariBlob || isOldEdgeBrowser || dataURL.length > 2000000) {
dataURL = dataURLtoBlob(dataURL) || '';
if (!dataURL) {
throw new Error('Failed to convert to blob');
// Try HTML5 download attr if supported
if (typeof a.download !== 'undefined') {
a.href = dataURL;
a.download = filename; // HTML5 download attribute
else {
// No download attr, just opening data URI
try {
if (!win.open(dataURL, 'chart')) {
throw new Error('Failed to open window');
catch {
// If window.open failed, try location.href
win.location.href = dataURL;
/* *
* Default Export
* */
const DownloadURL = {
return DownloadURL;
_registerModule(_modules, 'Extensions/Sonification/SonificationTimeline.js', [_modules['Extensions/Sonification/TimelineChannel.js'], _modules['Extensions/Sonification/MIDI.js'], _modules['Extensions/DownloadURL.js'], _modules['Core/Utilities.js']], function (TimelineChannel, toMIDI, DU, U) {
/* *
* (c) 2009-2024 Øystein Moseng
* Class representing a Timeline with sonification events to play.
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
const { downloadURL } = DU;
const { defined, find, merge } = U;
* Get filtered channels. Timestamps are compensated, so that the first
* event starts immediately.
* @private
function filterChannels(filter, channels) {
const filtered = channels.map((channel) => {
return {
filteredEvents: channel.muted ?
[] : channel.events.filter(filter)
}), minTime = filtered.reduce((acc, cur) => Math.min(acc, cur.filteredEvents.length ?
cur.filteredEvents[0].time : Infinity), Infinity);
return filtered.map((c) => (new TimelineChannel(c.channel.type, c.channel.engine, c.channel.showPlayMarker, c.filteredEvents.map((e) => merge(e, { time: e.time - minTime })), c.channel.muted)));
* The SonificationTimeline class. This class represents a timeline of
* audio events scheduled to play. It provides functionality for manipulating
* and navigating the timeline.
* @private
class SonificationTimeline {
constructor(options, chart) {
this.chart = chart;
this.isPaused = false;
this.isPlaying = false;
this.channels = [];
this.scheduledCallbacks = [];
this.playTimestamp = 0;
this.resumeFromTime = 0;
this.options = options || {};
// Add a channel, optionally with events, to be played.
// Note: Only one speech channel is supported at a time.
addChannel(type, engine, showPlayMarker = false, events) {
if (type === 'instrument' &&
!engine.scheduleEventAtTime ||
type === 'speech' &&
!engine.sayAtTime) {
throw new Error('Highcharts Sonification: Invalid channel engine.');
const channel = new TimelineChannel(type, engine, showPlayMarker, events);
return channel;
// Play timeline, optionally filtering out only some of the events to play.
// Note that if not all instrument parameters are updated on each event,
// parameters may update differently depending on the events filtered out,
// since some of the events that update parameters can be filtered out too.
// The filterPersists argument determines whether or not the filter persists
// after e.g. pausing and resuming. Usually this should be true.
play(filter, filterPersists = true, resetAfter = true, onEnd) {
if (this.isPlaying) {
else {
this.onEndArgument = onEnd;
this.playTimestamp = Date.now();
this.resumeFromTime = 0;
this.isPaused = false;
this.isPlaying = true;
const skipThreshold = this.options.skipThreshold || 2, onPlay = this.options.onPlay, showTooltip = this.options.showTooltip, showCrosshair = this.options.showCrosshair, channels = filter ?
filterChannels(filter, this.playingChannels || this.channels) :
this.channels, getEventKeysSignature = (e) => Object.keys(e.speechOptions || {})
.concat(Object.keys(e.instrumentEventOptions || {}))
.join(), pointsPlayed = [];
if (filterPersists) {
this.playingChannels = channels;
if (onPlay) {
onPlay({ chart: this.chart, timeline: this });
let maxTime = 0;
channels.forEach((channel) => {
if (channel.muted) {
const numEvents = channel.events.length;
let lastCallbackTime = -Infinity, lastEventTime = -Infinity, lastEventKeys = '';
maxTime = Math.max(channel.events[numEvents - 1] &&
channel.events[numEvents - 1].time || 0, maxTime);
for (let i = 0; i < numEvents; ++i) {
const e = channel.events[i], keysSig = getEventKeysSignature(e);
// Optimize by skipping extremely close events (<2ms apart by
// default), as long as they don't introduce new event options
if (keysSig === lastEventKeys &&
e.time - lastEventTime < skipThreshold) {
lastEventKeys = keysSig;
lastEventTime = e.time;
if (channel.type === 'instrument') {
.scheduleEventAtTime(e.time / 1000, e.instrumentEventOptions || {});
else {
channel.engine.sayAtTime(e.time, e.message || '', e.speechOptions || {});
const point = e.relatedPoint, chart = point && point.series && point.series.chart, needsCallback = e.callback ||
point && (showTooltip || showCrosshair) &&
channel.showPlayMarker !== false &&
(e.time - lastCallbackTime > 50 || i === numEvents - 1);
if (point) {
if (needsCallback) {
this.scheduledCallbacks.push(setTimeout(() => {
if (e.callback) {
if (point) {
if (showCrosshair) {
const s = point.series;
if (s && s.xAxis && s.xAxis.crosshair) {
s.xAxis.drawCrosshair(void 0, point);
if (s && s.yAxis && s.yAxis.crosshair) {
s.yAxis.drawCrosshair(void 0, point);
if (showTooltip && !(
// Don't re-hover if shared tooltip
chart && chart.hoverPoints &&
chart.hoverPoints.length > 1 &&
find(chart.hoverPoints, (p) => p === point) &&
// Stock issue w/Navigator
point.onMouseOver)) {
}, e.time));
lastCallbackTime = e.time;
const onEndOpt = this.options.onEnd, onStop = this.options.onStop;
this.scheduledCallbacks.push(setTimeout(() => {
const chart = this.chart, context = { chart, timeline: this, pointsPlayed };
this.isPlaying = false;
if (resetAfter) {
if (onStop) {
if (onEndOpt) {
if (onEnd) {
if (chart) {
if (chart.tooltip) {
if (chart.hoverSeries) {
chart.axes.forEach((a) => a.hideCrosshair());
}, maxTime + 250));
this.resumeFromTime = filterPersists ? maxTime : this.getLength();
// Pause for later resuming. Returns current timestamp to resume from.
pause() {
this.isPaused = true;
this.resumeFromTime = Date.now() - this.playTimestamp - 10;
return this.resumeFromTime;
// Get current time
getCurrentTime() {
return this.isPlaying ?
Date.now() - this.playTimestamp :
// Get length of timeline in milliseconds
getLength() {
return this.channels.reduce((maxTime, channel) => {
const lastEvent = channel.events[channel.events.length - 1];
return lastEvent ? Math.max(lastEvent.time, maxTime) : maxTime;
}, 0);
// Resume from paused
resume() {
if (this.playingChannels) {
const resumeFrom = this.resumeFromTime - 50;
this.play((e) => e.time > resumeFrom, false, false, this.onEndArgument);
this.playTimestamp -= resumeFrom;
else {
this.play(void 0, false, false, this.onEndArgument);
// Play a short moment, then pause, setting the cursor to the final
// event's time.
anchorPlayMoment(eventFilter, onEnd) {
if (this.isPlaying) {
let finalEventTime = 0;
this.play((e, ix, arr) => {
// We have to keep track of final event time ourselves, since
// play() messes with the time internally upon filtering.
const res = eventFilter(e, ix, arr);
if (res && e.time > finalEventTime) {
finalEventTime = e.time;
return res;
}, false, false, onEnd);
this.playingChannels = this.playingChannels || this.channels;
this.isPaused = true;
this.isPlaying = false;
this.resumeFromTime = finalEventTime;
// Play event(s) occurring next/prev from paused state.
playAdjacent(next, onEnd, onBoundaryHit, eventFilter) {
if (this.isPlaying) {
const fromTime = this.resumeFromTime, closestTime = this.channels.reduce((time, channel) => {
// Adapted binary search since events are sorted by time
const events = eventFilter ?
channel.events.filter(eventFilter) : channel.events;
let s = 0, e = events.length, lastValidTime = time;
while (s < e) {
const mid = (s + e) >> 1, t = events[mid].time, cmp = t - fromTime;
if (cmp > 0) { // Ahead
if (next && t < lastValidTime) {
lastValidTime = t;
e = mid;
else if (cmp < 0) { // Behind
if (!next && t > lastValidTime) {
lastValidTime = t;
s = mid + 1;
else { // Same as from time
if (next) {
s = mid + 1;
else {
e = mid;
return lastValidTime;
}, next ? Infinity : -Infinity), margin = 0.02;
if (closestTime === Infinity || closestTime === -Infinity) {
if (onBoundaryHit) {
chart: this.chart, timeline: this, attemptedNext: next
this.anchorPlayMoment((e, ix, arr) => {
const withinTime = next ?
e.time > fromTime && e.time <= closestTime + margin :
e.time < fromTime && e.time >= closestTime - margin;
return eventFilter ? withinTime && eventFilter(e, ix, arr) :
}, onEnd);
// Play event with related point, where the value of a prop on the
// related point is closest to a target value.
// Note: not very efficient.
playClosestToPropValue(prop, targetVal, onEnd, onBoundaryHit, eventFilter) {
const filter = (e, ix, arr) => !!(eventFilter ?
eventFilter(e, ix, arr) && e.relatedPoint :
let closestValDiff = Infinity, closestEvent = null;
(this.playingChannels || this.channels).forEach((channel) => {
const events = channel.events;
let i = events.length;
while (i--) {
if (!filter(events[i], i, events)) {
const val = events[i].relatedPoint[prop], diff = defined(val) && Math.abs(targetVal - val);
if (diff !== false && diff < closestValDiff) {
closestValDiff = diff;
closestEvent = events[i];
if (closestEvent) {
this.play((e) => !!(closestEvent &&
e.time < closestEvent.time + 1 &&
e.time > closestEvent.time - 1 &&
e.relatedPoint === closestEvent.relatedPoint), false, false, onEnd);
this.playingChannels = this.playingChannels || this.channels;
this.isPaused = true;
this.isPlaying = false;
this.resumeFromTime = closestEvent.time;
else if (onBoundaryHit) {
onBoundaryHit({ chart: this.chart, timeline: this });
// Get timeline events that are related to a certain point.
// Note: Point grouping may cause some points not to have a
// related point in the timeline.
getEventsForPoint(point) {
return this.channels.reduce((events, channel) => {
const pointEvents = channel.events
.filter((e) => e.relatedPoint === point);
return events.concat(pointEvents);
}, []);
// Divide timeline into 100 parts of equal time, and play one of them.
// Used for scrubbing.
// Note: Should be optimized?
playSegment(segment, onEnd) {
const numSegments = 100;
const eventTimes = {
first: Infinity,
last: -Infinity
this.channels.forEach((c) => {
if (c.events.length) {
eventTimes.first = Math.min(c.events[0].time, eventTimes.first);
eventTimes.last = Math.max(c.events[c.events.length - 1].time, eventTimes.last);
if (eventTimes.first < Infinity) {
const segmentSize = (eventTimes.last - eventTimes.first) / numSegments, fromTime = eventTimes.first + segment * segmentSize, toTime = fromTime + segmentSize;
// Binary search, do we have any events within time range?
if (!this.channels.some((c) => {
const events = c.events;
let s = 0, e = events.length;
while (s < e) {
const mid = (s + e) >> 1, t = events[mid].time;
if (t < fromTime) { // Behind
s = mid + 1;
else if (t > toTime) { // Ahead
e = mid;
else {
return true;
return false;
})) {
return; // If not, don't play - avoid cancelling current play
this.play((e) => e.time >= fromTime && e.time <= toTime, false, false, onEnd);
this.playingChannels = this.playingChannels || this.channels;
this.isPaused = true;
this.isPlaying = false;
this.resumeFromTime = toTime;
// Get last played / current point
// Since events are scheduled we can't just store points as we play them
getLastPlayedPoint(filter) {
const curTime = this.getCurrentTime(), channels = this.playingChannels || this.channels;
let closestDiff = Infinity, closestPoint = null;
channels.forEach((c) => {
const events = c.events.filter((e, ix, arr) => !!(e.relatedPoint && e.time <= curTime &&
(!filter || filter(e, ix, arr)))), closestEvent = events[events.length - 1];
if (closestEvent) {
const closestTime = closestEvent.time, diff = Math.abs(closestTime - curTime);
if (diff < closestDiff) {
closestDiff = diff;
closestPoint = closestEvent.relatedPoint;
return closestPoint;
// Reset play/pause state so that a later call to resume() will start over
reset() {
if (this.isPlaying) {
cancel() {
const onStop = this.options.onStop;
if (onStop) {
onStop({ chart: this.chart, timeline: this });
this.isPlaying = false;
this.channels.forEach((c) => c.cancel());
if (this.playingChannels && this.playingChannels !== this.channels) {
this.playingChannels.forEach((c) => c.cancel());
this.resumeFromTime = 0;
destroy() {
if (this.playingChannels && this.playingChannels !== this.channels) {
this.playingChannels.forEach((c) => c.destroy());
this.channels.forEach((c) => c.destroy());
setMasterVolume(vol) {
this.channels.forEach((c) => c.engine.setMasterVolume(vol));
getMIDIData() {
return toMIDI(this.channels.filter((c) => c.type === 'instrument'));
downloadMIDI(filename) {
const data = this.getMIDIData(), name = (filename ||
this.chart &&
this.chart.options.title &&
this.chart.options.title.text ||
'chart') + '.mid', blob = new Blob([data], { type: 'application/octet-stream' }), url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
downloadURL(url, name);
resetPlayState() {
delete this.playingChannels;
delete this.onEndArgument;
this.playTimestamp = this.resumeFromTime = 0;
this.isPaused = false;
clearScheduledCallbacks() {
this.scheduledCallbacks = [];
/* *
* Default Export
* */
/* *
* API declarations
* */
* Filter callback for filtering timeline events on a SonificationTimeline.
* @callback Highcharts.SonificationTimelineFilterCallback
* @param {Highcharts.SonificationTimelineEvent} e TimelineEvent being filtered
* @param {number} ix Index of TimelineEvent in current event array
* @param {Array<Highcharts.SonificationTimelineEvent>} arr The current event array
* @return {boolean}
* The function should return true if the TimelineEvent should be included,
* false otherwise.
(''); // Keep above doclets in JS file
return SonificationTimeline;
_registerModule(_modules, 'Extensions/Sonification/TimelineFromChart.js', [_modules['Extensions/Sonification/SonificationTimeline.js'], _modules['Extensions/Sonification/SonificationInstrument.js'], _modules['Extensions/Sonification/SonificationSpeaker.js'], _modules['Core/Utilities.js'], _modules['Core/Templating.js']], function (SonificationTimeline, SonificationInstrument, SonificationSpeaker, U, T) {
/* *
* (c) 2009-2024 Øystein Moseng
* Build a timeline from a chart.
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
const { clamp, defined, extend, getNestedProperty, merge, pick } = U;
const { format } = T;
const isNoteDefinition = (str) =>
// eslint-disable-next-line require-unicode-regexp
* Get the value of a point property from string.
* @private
function getPointPropValue(point, prop) {
let ret;
if (prop) {
ret = point[prop];
if (typeof ret === 'number') {
return ret;
ret = getNestedProperty(prop, point);
return typeof ret === 'number' ? ret : void 0;
* Get chart wide min/max for a set of props, as well as per
* series min/max for selected props.
* @private
function getChartExtremesForProps(chart, props, perSeriesProps) {
const series = chart.series, numProps = props.length, numSeriesProps = perSeriesProps.length, initCache = (propList) => propList.reduce((cache, prop) => {
((cache[prop] = { min: Infinity, max: -Infinity }), cache);
return cache;
}, {}), updateCache = (cache, point, prop) => {
let val = point[prop];
if (val === void 0) {
val = getNestedProperty(prop, point);
if (typeof val === 'number') {
cache[prop].min = Math.min(cache[prop].min, val);
cache[prop].max = Math.max(cache[prop].max, val);
}, globalExtremes = initCache(props);
let i = series.length;
const allSeriesExtremes = new Array(i);
while (i--) {
const seriesExtremes = initCache(perSeriesProps);
const opts = series[i].options;
if (!series[i].visible ||
opts && opts.sonification && opts.sonification.enabled === false) {
const points = series[i].points || [];
let j = points.length;
while (j--) {
let k = numProps;
while (k--) {
updateCache(globalExtremes, points[j], props[k]);
k = numSeriesProps;
while (k--) {
updateCache(seriesExtremes, points[j], perSeriesProps[k]);
allSeriesExtremes[i] = seriesExtremes;
return {
seriesExtremes: allSeriesExtremes
* Build a cache of prop extremes for the chart. Goes through
* options to find out which props are needed.
* @private
function getPropMetrics(chart) {
const globalOpts = chart.options.sonification ||
{}, defaultInstrMapping = (globalOpts.defaultInstrumentOptions || {})
.mapping || { time: 'x', pitch: 'y' }, defaultSpeechMapping = globalOpts.defaultSpeechOptions &&
globalOpts.defaultSpeechOptions.mapping || {}, seriesTimeProps = [], commonTimeProps = {}, addTimeProp = (prop, seriesIx) => {
if (seriesIx !== null) {
seriesTimeProps[seriesIx] =
seriesTimeProps[seriesIx] || {};
seriesTimeProps[seriesIx][prop] = true;
else {
commonTimeProps[prop] = true;
}, props = {}, perSeriesProps = {}, addPropFromMappingParam = (param, val, seriesIx) => {
const removeInvertedFlag = (s) => (s.charAt(0) === '-' ? s.slice(1) : s);
if (typeof val === 'string' && param !== 'text') {
if (param === 'pitch' && isNoteDefinition(val)) {
if (param === 'time') {
perSeriesProps[val] = true;
addTimeProp(val, seriesIx);
props[removeInvertedFlag(val)] = true;
const paramOpts = val;
if (paramOpts && paramOpts.mapTo &&
typeof paramOpts.mapTo === 'string') {
const mapTo = removeInvertedFlag(paramOpts.mapTo);
if (param === 'time') {
addTimeProp(mapTo, seriesIx);
if (param === 'time' || paramOpts.within === 'series') {
perSeriesProps[mapTo] = true;
props[mapTo] = true;
if (['tremolo', 'lowpass', 'highpass'].indexOf(param) > -1 &&
typeof val === 'object') {
Object.keys(val).forEach((subParam) => addPropFromMappingParam(subParam, val[subParam], seriesIx));
}, addPropsFromMappingOptions = (mapping, seriesIx) => {
(Object.keys(mapping)).forEach((param) => addPropFromMappingParam(param, mapping[param], seriesIx));
}, addPropsFromContextTracks = (tracks) => tracks.forEach((track) => {
props[track.valueProp || 'x'] =
perSeriesProps[track.valueProp || 'x'] = true;
addPropsFromMappingOptions(defaultInstrMapping, null);
addPropsFromMappingOptions(defaultSpeechMapping, null);
addPropsFromContextTracks(globalOpts.globalContextTracks || []);
const hasCommonTimeProps = Object.keys(commonTimeProps).length;
chart.series.forEach((series) => {
const sOpts = series.options.sonification;
if (series.visible && !(sOpts && sOpts.enabled === false)) {
if (hasCommonTimeProps) {
seriesTimeProps[series.index] = merge(commonTimeProps);
if (sOpts) {
const defaultInstrMapping = (sOpts.defaultInstrumentOptions || {}).mapping, defaultSpeechMapping = (sOpts.defaultSpeechOptions || {}).mapping;
if (defaultInstrMapping) {
addPropsFromMappingOptions(defaultInstrMapping, series.index);
if (defaultSpeechMapping) {
addPropsFromMappingOptions(defaultSpeechMapping, series.index);
addPropsFromContextTracks(sOpts.contextTracks || []);
(sOpts.tracks || [])
.concat(sOpts.contextTracks || [])
.forEach((trackOpts) => {
if (trackOpts.mapping) {
addPropsFromMappingOptions(trackOpts.mapping, series.index);
return {
...getChartExtremesForProps(chart, Object.keys(props), Object.keys(perSeriesProps))
* Map a relative value onto a virtual axis.
* @private
function mapToVirtualAxis(value, valueExtremes, virtualAxisExtremes, invert, logarithmic // Virtual axis is logarithmic
) {
const lenValueAxis = valueExtremes.max - valueExtremes.min;
if (lenValueAxis <= 0) {
return virtualAxisExtremes.min;
const lenVirtualAxis = virtualAxisExtremes.max - virtualAxisExtremes.min, valueDelta = value - valueExtremes.min;
let virtualValueDelta = lenVirtualAxis * valueDelta / lenValueAxis;
if (logarithmic) {
const log = valueExtremes.min > 0 ?
// Normal log formula
(x) => Math.log(x) / Math.LOG10E :
// Negative logarithmic support needed
(x) => {
let adjustedNum = Math.abs(x);
if (adjustedNum < 10) {
adjustedNum += (10 - adjustedNum) / 10;
const res = Math.log(adjustedNum) / Math.LN10;
return x < 0 ? -res : res;
const logValMin = log(valueExtremes.min);
virtualValueDelta = lenVirtualAxis *
(log(value) - logValMin) /
(log(valueExtremes.max) - logValMin);
const val = invert ?
virtualAxisExtremes.max - virtualValueDelta :
virtualAxisExtremes.min + virtualValueDelta;
return clamp(val, virtualAxisExtremes.min, virtualAxisExtremes.max);
* Get the value of a mapped parameter for a point.
* @private
function getMappingParameterValue(context, propMetrics, useSeriesExtremes, defaultMapping, mappingOptions, contextValueProp) {
if (typeof mappingOptions === 'number') {
return mappingOptions;
if (typeof mappingOptions === 'function') {
return mappingOptions(extend({ time: 0 }, context));
let mapTo = mappingOptions, mapFunc = defaultMapping.mapFunction, min = defaultMapping.min, max = defaultMapping.max, within = defaultMapping.within, scale;
if (typeof mappingOptions === 'object') {
mapTo = mappingOptions.mapTo;
mapFunc = mappingOptions.mapFunction || mapFunc;
min = pick(mappingOptions.min, min);
max = pick(mappingOptions.max, max);
within = mappingOptions.within || defaultMapping.within;
scale = mappingOptions.scale;
if (!mapTo) {
return null;
const isInverted = mapTo.charAt(0) === '-';
if (isInverted) {
mapTo = mapTo.slice(1);
let value = context.value;
const useContextValue = mapTo === 'value' && value !== void 0 &&
if (!useContextValue) {
const fixedValue = mappingOptions.value;
if (fixedValue !== void 0) {
value = fixedValue;
else {
if (!context.point) {
return null;
value = context.point[mapTo];
if (value === void 0) {
value = getNestedProperty(mapTo, context.point);
if (typeof value !== 'number' || value === null) {
return null;
// Figure out extremes for this mapping
let extremes = null;
if (context.point) {
if (within === 'xAxis' || within === 'yAxis') {
const axis = context.point.series[within];
if (axis && defined(axis.dataMin) && defined(axis.dataMax)) {
extremes = {
min: axis.dataMin,
max: axis.dataMax
else if ((within === 'series' || useSeriesExtremes) &&
context.point.series) {
extremes = propMetrics.seriesExtremes[context.point.series.index][useContextValue ? contextValueProp : mapTo];
if (!extremes) { // Chart extremes
extremes = propMetrics.globalExtremes[useContextValue ? contextValueProp : mapTo];
if (scale) {
// Build a musical scale from array
const scaleAxis = [], minOctave = Math.floor(min / 12), maxOctave = Math.ceil(max / 12) + 1, lenScale = scale.length;
for (let octave = minOctave; octave < maxOctave; ++octave) {
for (let scaleIx = 0; scaleIx < lenScale; ++scaleIx) {
const note = 12 * octave + scale[scaleIx];
if (note >= min && note <= max) {
// Map to the scale
const noteNum = mapToVirtualAxis(value, extremes, { min: 0, max: scaleAxis.length - 1 }, isInverted, mapFunc === 'logarithmic');
return scaleAxis[Math.round(noteNum)];
return mapToVirtualAxis(value, extremes, { min, max }, isInverted, mapFunc === 'logarithmic');
* Get mapping parameter value with defined fallback and defaults.
* @private
function getParamValWithDefault(context, propMetrics, useSeriesExtremes, mappingParamOptions, fallback, defaults, contextValueProp) {
return pick(getMappingParameterValue(context, propMetrics, useSeriesExtremes, extend({
min: 0, max: 1, mapTo: 'y', mapFunction: 'linear', within: 'chart'
}, (defaults || {})), mappingParamOptions, contextValueProp), fallback);
* Get time value for a point event.
* @private
function getPointTime(point, startTime, duration, timeMappingOptions, propMetrics, useSeriesExtremes) {
const time = getParamValWithDefault({ point, time: 0 }, propMetrics, useSeriesExtremes, timeMappingOptions, 0, { min: 0, max: duration, mapTo: 'x' });
return time + startTime;
* Get duration for a series
* @private
function getAvailableDurationForSeries(series, totalDuration, propMetrics, afterSeriesWait) {
let timeProp, seriesDuration;
const availableDuration = totalDuration -
(series.chart.series.length - 1) * afterSeriesWait, hasGlobalTimeProp = propMetrics.seriesTimeProps.every((timeProps) => {
const props = Object.keys(timeProps);
if (props.length > 1) {
return false;
if (!timeProp) {
timeProp = props[0];
return timeProp === props[0];
if (hasGlobalTimeProp) {
// Chart-wide single time prop, use time prop extremes
const seriesExtremes = propMetrics
.seriesExtremes[series.index][timeProp], seriesTimeLen = seriesExtremes.max - seriesExtremes.min, totalTimeLen = propMetrics.seriesExtremes.reduce((sum, s) => (s[timeProp] ?
sum + s[timeProp].max - s[timeProp].min :
sum), 0);
seriesDuration = Math.round(seriesTimeLen / totalTimeLen * availableDuration);
else {
// No common time prop, so use percent of total points
const totalPoints = series.chart.series.reduce((sum, s) => sum + s.points.length, 0);
seriesDuration = Math.round((series.points || []).length / totalPoints * availableDuration);
return Math.max(50, seriesDuration);
* Build and add a track to the timeline.
* @private
function addTimelineChannelFromTrack(timeline, audioContext, destinationNode, options) {
const speechOpts = options, instrMappingOpts = (options.mapping || {}), engine = options.type === 'speech' ?
new SonificationSpeaker({
language: speechOpts.language,
name: speechOpts.preferredVoice
}) :
new SonificationInstrument(audioContext, destinationNode, {
capabilities: {
pan: !!instrMappingOpts.pan,
tremolo: !!instrMappingOpts.tremolo,
filters: !!(instrMappingOpts.highpass ||
synthPatch: options.instrument,
midiTrackName: options.midiName
return timeline.addChannel(options.type || 'instrument', engine, pick(options.showPlayMarker, true));
* Add event from a point to a mapped instrument track.
* @private
function addMappedInstrumentEvent(context, channel, mappingOptions, propMetrics, roundToMusicalNotes, contextValueProp) {
const getParam = (param, fallback, defaults, parent) => getParamValWithDefault(context, propMetrics, false, (parent || mappingOptions)[param], fallback, defaults, contextValueProp);
const eventsAdded = [], eventOpts = {
noteDuration: getParam('noteDuration', 200, { min: 40, max: 1000 }),
pan: getParam('pan', 0, { min: -1, max: 1 }),
volume: getParam('volume', 1, { min: 0.1, max: 1 })
if (mappingOptions.frequency) {
eventOpts.frequency = getParam('frequency', 440, { min: 50, max: 6000 });
if (mappingOptions.lowpass) {
eventOpts.lowpassFreq = getParam('frequency', 20000, { min: 0, max: 20000 }, mappingOptions.lowpass);
eventOpts.lowpassResonance = getParam('resonance', 0, { min: -6, max: 12 }, mappingOptions.lowpass);
if (mappingOptions.highpass) {
eventOpts.highpassFreq = getParam('frequency', 20000, { min: 0, max: 20000 }, mappingOptions.highpass);
eventOpts.highpassResonance = getParam('resonance', 0, { min: -6, max: 12 }, mappingOptions.highpass);
if (mappingOptions.tremolo) {
eventOpts.tremoloDepth = getParam('depth', 0, { min: 0, max: 0.8 }, mappingOptions.tremolo);
eventOpts.tremoloSpeed = getParam('speed', 0, { min: 0, max: 0.8 }, mappingOptions.tremolo);
const gapBetweenNotes = getParam('gapBetweenNotes', 150, { min: 50, max: 1000 }), playDelay = getParam('playDelay', 0, { max: 200 });
const addNoteEvent = (noteDef, ix = 0) => {
let opts = noteDef;
if (noteDef.mapTo) {
// Transform the pitch mapping options to normal mapping options
if (typeof noteDef.min === 'string') {
opts.min = SonificationInstrument
if (typeof noteDef.max === 'string') {
opts.max = SonificationInstrument
else if (typeof noteDef === 'string' && isNoteDefinition(noteDef)) {
opts = SonificationInstrument.noteStringToC0Distance(noteDef);
eventOpts.note = getParamValWithDefault(context, propMetrics, false, opts, -1, { min: 0, max: 107 }, contextValueProp);
if (eventOpts.note > -1) {
if (roundToMusicalNotes) {
eventOpts.note = Math.round(eventOpts.note);
time: context.time + playDelay + gapBetweenNotes * ix,
relatedPoint: context.point,
instrumentEventOptions: ix !== void 0 ?
extend({}, eventOpts) : eventOpts
if (mappingOptions.pitch &&
mappingOptions.pitch.constructor === Array) {
else if (mappingOptions.pitch) {
else if (mappingOptions.frequency) {
time: context.time + playDelay,
relatedPoint: context.point,
instrumentEventOptions: eventOpts
return eventsAdded;
* Get the message value to speak for a point.
* @private
function getSpeechMessageValue(context, messageParam) {
return format(typeof messageParam === 'function' ?
messageParam(context) :
messageParam, context, context.point && context.point.series.chart);
* Add an event from a point to a mapped speech track.
* @private
function addMappedSpeechEvent(context, channel, mappingOptions, propMetrics, contextValueProp) {
const getParam = (param, fallback, defaults) => getParamValWithDefault(context, propMetrics, false, mappingOptions[param], fallback, defaults, contextValueProp);
const playDelay = getParam('playDelay', 0, { max: 200 }), pitch = getParam('pitch', 1, { min: 0.3, max: 2 }), rate = getParam('rate', 1, { min: 0.4, max: 4 }), volume = getParam('volume', 1, { min: 0.1 }), message = getSpeechMessageValue(context, mappingOptions.text);
if (message) {
return channel.addEvent({
time: context.time + playDelay,
relatedPoint: context.point,
speechOptions: {
* Add events to a channel for a point&track combo.
* @private
function addMappedEventForPoint(context, channel, trackOptions, propMetrics) {
let eventsAdded = [];
if (trackOptions.type === 'speech' && trackOptions.mapping) {
const eventAdded = addMappedSpeechEvent(context, channel, trackOptions.mapping, propMetrics);
if (eventAdded) {
eventsAdded = [eventAdded];
else if (trackOptions.mapping) {
eventsAdded = addMappedInstrumentEvent(context, channel, trackOptions.mapping, propMetrics, pick(trackOptions
.roundToMusicalNotes, true));
return eventsAdded;
* Get a reduced set of points from a list, depending on grouping opts.
* @private
function getGroupedPoints(pointGroupOpts, points) {
const alg = pointGroupOpts.algorithm || 'minmax', r = (ix) => (points[ix] ? [points[ix].point] : []);
if (alg === 'first') {
return r(0);
if (alg === 'last') {
return r(points.length - 1);
if (alg === 'middle') {
return r(points.length >> 1);
if (alg === 'firstlast') {
return r(0).concat(r(points.length - 1));
if (alg === 'minmax') {
const prop = pointGroupOpts.prop || 'y';
let min, max, minVal, maxVal;
points.forEach((p) => {
const val = getPointPropValue(p.point, prop);
if (val === void 0) {
if (!min || val < minVal) {
min = p;
minVal = val;
if (!max || val > maxVal) {
max = p;
maxVal = val;
if (min && max) {
if (min.point === max.point) {
return [min.point];
return min.time > max.time ?
[max.point, min.point] :
[min.point, max.point];
return [];
* Should a track be active for this event?
* @private
function isActive(context, activeWhen, lastPropValue) {
if (typeof activeWhen === 'function') {
return activeWhen(context);
if (typeof activeWhen === 'object') {
const prop = activeWhen.prop, val = pick(context.value, context.point && getPointPropValue(context.point, prop));
if (typeof val !== 'number') {
return false;
let crossingOk = true;
const crossingUp = activeWhen.crossingUp, crossingDown = activeWhen.crossingDown, hasLastValue = typeof lastPropValue === 'number';
if (crossingUp && crossingDown) {
crossingOk = hasLastValue && (lastPropValue < crossingUp && val >= crossingUp ||
lastPropValue > crossingDown && val <= crossingDown);
else {
crossingOk = (crossingUp === void 0 ||
hasLastValue && lastPropValue < crossingUp &&
val >= crossingUp) && (crossingDown === void 0 ||
hasLastValue && lastPropValue > crossingDown &&
val <= crossingDown);
const max = pick(activeWhen.max, Infinity), min = pick(activeWhen.min, -Infinity);
return val <= max && val >= min && crossingOk;
return true;
* Build a new timeline object from a chart.
* @private
function timelineFromChart(audioContext, destinationNode, chart) {
const options = chart.options.sonification ||
{}, defaultInstrOpts = options.defaultInstrumentOptions, defaultSpeechOpts = options.defaultSpeechOptions, defaultPointGroupOpts = merge({
enabled: true,
groupTimespan: 15,
algorithm: 'minmax',
prop: 'y'
}, options.pointGrouping), globalTracks = options.globalTracks || [], globalContextTracks = options.globalContextTracks || [], isSequential = options.order === 'sequential',
// Slight margin for note end
totalDuration = Math.max(50, options.duration - 300), afterSeriesWait = options.afterSeriesWait, eventOptions = options.events || {}, propMetrics = getPropMetrics(chart), timeline = new SonificationTimeline({
onPlay: eventOptions.onPlay,
onEnd: eventOptions.onEnd,
onStop: eventOptions.onStop,
showCrosshair: options.showCrosshair,
showTooltip: options.showTooltip
}, chart);
// Expose PropMetrics for tests
if (chart.sonification) {
chart.sonification.propMetrics = propMetrics;
let startTime = 0;
chart.series.forEach((series, seriesIx) => {
const sOptions = series.options.sonification ||
if (series.visible && sOptions.enabled !== false) {
const seriesDuration = isSequential ? getAvailableDurationForSeries(series, totalDuration, propMetrics, afterSeriesWait) : totalDuration, seriesDefaultInstrOpts = merge(defaultInstrOpts, sOptions.defaultInstrumentOptions), seriesDefaultSpeechOpts = merge(defaultSpeechOpts, sOptions.defaultSpeechOptions), seriesPointGroupOpts = merge(defaultPointGroupOpts, sOptions.pointGrouping), mainTracks = (sOptions.tracks || [seriesDefaultInstrOpts])
.concat(globalTracks), hasAddedSeries = !!timeline.channels.length, contextTracks = hasAddedSeries && !isSequential ?
sOptions.contextTracks || [] :
(sOptions.contextTracks || []).concat(globalContextTracks), eventsAdded = [];
// For crossing threshold notifications
let lastPropValue;
// Add events for the mapped tracks
mainTracks.forEach((trackOpts) => {
const mergedOpts = merge({
pointGrouping: seriesPointGroupOpts,
midiName: trackOpts.midiName || series.name
}, trackOpts.type === 'speech' ?
seriesDefaultSpeechOpts : seriesDefaultInstrOpts, trackOpts), pointGroupOpts = mergedOpts.pointGrouping, activeWhen = mergedOpts.activeWhen, updateLastPropValue = (point) => {
if (typeof activeWhen === 'object' &&
activeWhen.prop) {
lastPropValue = getPointPropValue(point, activeWhen.prop);
const channel = addTimelineChannelFromTrack(timeline, audioContext, destinationNode, mergedOpts), add = (c) => eventsAdded.push(
// Note arrays add multiple events
...addMappedEventForPoint(c, channel, mergedOpts, propMetrics));
// Go through the points and add events to channel
let pointGroup = [], pointGroupTime = 0;
const addCurrentPointGroup = (groupSpanTime) => {
if (pointGroup.length === 1) {
point: pointGroup[0].point,
time: pointGroupTime + groupSpanTime / 2
else {
const points = getGroupedPoints(pointGroupOpts, pointGroup), t = groupSpanTime / points.length;
points.forEach((p, ix) => add({
point: p,
time: pointGroupTime + t / 2 + t * ix
pointGroup = [];
(series.points || []).forEach((point, pointIx) => {
const isLastPoint = pointIx === series.points.length - 1;
const time = getPointTime(point, startTime, seriesDuration, mergedOpts.mapping && mergedOpts.mapping.time || 0, propMetrics, isSequential);
const context = { point, time };
// Is this point active?
if (!mergedOpts.mapping ||
!isActive(context, activeWhen, lastPropValue)) {
// Remaining points in group
if (isLastPoint && pointGroup.length) {
addCurrentPointGroup(pointGroup[pointGroup.length - 1].time -
// Add the events
if (!pointGroupOpts.enabled) {
else {
const dT = time - pointGroupTime, groupSpan = pointGroupOpts.groupTimespan, spanTime = isLastPoint &&
dT <= groupSpan ? dT : groupSpan;
if (isLastPoint || dT > groupSpan) {
if (dT <= groupSpan) {
// Only happens if last point is within group
pointGroupTime = Math.floor(time / groupSpan) *
if (isLastPoint && dT > groupSpan) {
point: context.point,
time: pointGroupTime + spanTime / 2
else {
pointGroup = [context];
else {
// Add callbacks to first/last events
const firstEvent = eventsAdded.reduce((first, e) => (e.time < first.time ? e : first), { time: Infinity });
const lastEvent = eventsAdded.reduce((last, e) => (e.time > last.time ? e : last), { time: -Infinity });
firstEvent.callback = eventOptions.onSeriesStart ?
eventOptions.onSeriesStart.bind(null, { series, timeline }) :
void 0;
lastEvent.callback = eventOptions.onSeriesEnd ?
eventOptions.onSeriesEnd.bind(null, { series, timeline }) :
void 0;
// Add the context tracks that are not related to points
contextTracks.forEach((trackOpts) => {
const mergedOpts = trackOpts.type === 'speech' ?
merge(defaultSpeechOpts, trackOpts) :
merge(defaultInstrOpts, {
mapping: { pitch: { mapTo: 'value' } }
}, trackOpts);
const contextChannel = addTimelineChannelFromTrack(timeline, audioContext, destinationNode, mergedOpts);
lastPropValue = void 0;
const { timeInterval, valueInterval } = mergedOpts, valueProp = mergedOpts.valueProp || 'x', activeWhen = mergedOpts.activeWhen, contextExtremes = propMetrics
.seriesExtremes[seriesIx][valueProp], addContextEvent = (time, value) => {
if (!mergedOpts.mapping ||
!isActive({ time, value }, typeof activeWhen === 'object' ?
extend({ prop: valueProp }, activeWhen) :
activeWhen, lastPropValue)) {
lastPropValue = value;
lastPropValue = value;
if (mergedOpts.type === 'speech') {
addMappedSpeechEvent({ time, value }, contextChannel, mergedOpts.mapping, propMetrics, valueProp);
else {
addMappedInstrumentEvent({ time, value }, contextChannel, mergedOpts.mapping, propMetrics, pick(mergedOpts.roundToMusicalNotes, true), valueProp);
if (timeInterval) {
let time = 0;
while (time <= seriesDuration) {
const val = mapToVirtualAxis(time, { min: 0, max: seriesDuration }, contextExtremes);
addContextEvent(time + startTime, val);
time += timeInterval;
if (valueInterval) {
let val = contextExtremes.min;
while (val <= contextExtremes.max) {
const time = mapToVirtualAxis(val, contextExtremes, { min: 0, max: seriesDuration }, false, mergedOpts.valueMapFunction === 'logarithmic');
addContextEvent(time + startTime, val);
val += valueInterval;
if (isSequential) {
startTime += seriesDuration + afterSeriesWait;
return timeline;
/* *
* Default Export
* */
return timelineFromChart;
_registerModule(_modules, 'Extensions/Sonification/Sonification.js', [_modules['Core/Defaults.js'], _modules['Core/Utilities.js'], _modules['Core/Globals.js'], _modules['Extensions/Sonification/Options.js'], _modules['Extensions/Sonification/SonificationInstrument.js'], _modules['Extensions/Sonification/SonificationSpeaker.js'], _modules['Extensions/Sonification/SynthPatch.js'], _modules['Extensions/Sonification/InstrumentPresets.js'], _modules['Extensions/Sonification/TimelineFromChart.js']], function (D, U, H, defaultSonificationOptions, SonificationInstrument, SonificationSpeaker, SynthPatch, InstrumentPresets, timelineFromChart) {
/* *
* (c) 2009-2024 Øystein Moseng
* Sonification module.
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
/* *
* Imports
* */
const { defaultOptions, getOptions } = D;
const { addEvent, extend, fireEvent, merge, pick } = U;
const { doc, win } = H;
* The Sonification class. This class represents a chart's sonification
* capabilities. A chart automatically gets an instance of this class when
* applicable.
* @sample highcharts/sonification/chart-events
* Basic demo accessing some of the chart.sonification methods.
* @sample highcharts/demo/sonification-navigation
* More advanced demo using more functionality.
* @requires modules/sonification
* @class
* @name Highcharts.Sonification
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} chart The chart to tie the sonification to
class Sonification {
constructor(chart) {
this.chart = chart;
this.retryContextCounter = 0;
this.lastUpdate = 0;
this.unbindKeydown = addEvent(doc, 'keydown', function (e) {
if (chart && chart.sonification &&
(e.key === 'Esc' || e.key === 'Escape')) {
try {
this.audioContext = new win.AudioContext();
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises
this.audioDestination = this.audioContext.destination;
catch (e) { /* Ignore */ }
* Set the audio destination node to something other than the default
* output. This allows for inserting custom WebAudio chains after the
* sonification.
* @function Highcharts.Sonification#setAudioDestination
* @param {AudioDestinationNode} audioDestination The destination node
setAudioDestination(audioDestination) {
this.audioDestination = audioDestination;
* Check if sonification is playing currently
* @function Highcharts.Sonification#isPlaying
* @return {boolean} `true` if currently playing, `false` if not
isPlaying() {
return !!this.timeline && this.timeline.isPlaying;
* Divide timeline into 100 parts of equal time, and play one of them.
* Can be used for scrubbing navigation.
* @function Highcharts.Sonification#playSegment
* @sample highcharts/sonification/scrubbing
* Scrubbing with slider
* @param {number} segment The segment to play, from 0 to 100
* @param {Highcharts.SonificationChartEventCallback} [onEnd] Callback to call after play completed
playSegment(segment, onEnd) {
if (!this.ready(this.playSegment.bind(this, segment, onEnd))) {
if (this.timeline) {
this.timeline.playSegment(segment, onEnd);
* Play point(s)/event(s) adjacent to current timeline cursor location.
* @function Highcharts.Sonification#playAdjacent
* @sample highcharts/demo/sonification-navigation
* Sonification keyboard navigation
* @param {number} next Pass `true` to play next point, `false` for previous
* @param {Highcharts.SonificationChartEventCallback} [onEnd]
* Callback to call after play completed
* @param {Highcharts.SonificationTimelineFilterCallback} [eventFilter]
* Filter to apply to the events before finding adjacent to play
playAdjacent(next, onEnd, eventFilter) {
if (!this.ready(this.playAdjacent.bind(this, next, onEnd, eventFilter))) {
if (this.timeline) {
const opts = this.chart.options.sonification, onHit = opts && opts.events && opts.events.onBoundaryHit;
if (!onHit) {
this.timeline.playAdjacent(next, onEnd, onHit || (() => {
}), eventFilter);
* Play next/previous series, picking the point closest to a prop value
* from last played point. By default picks the point in the adjacent
* series with the closest x value as the last played point.
* @function Highcharts.Sonification#playAdjacentSeries
* @sample highcharts/demo/sonification-navigation
* Sonification keyboard navigation
* @param {number} next Pass `true` to play next series, `false` for previous
* @param {string} [prop] Prop to find closest value of, defaults to `x`.
* @param {Highcharts.SonificationChartEventCallback} [onEnd]
* Callback to call after play completed
* @return {Highcharts.Series|null} The played series, or `null` if none found
playAdjacentSeries(next, prop = 'x', onEnd) {
const lastPlayed = this.getLastPlayedPoint();
if (lastPlayed) {
const targetSeriesIx = lastPlayed.series.index + (next ? 1 : -1);
this.playClosestToProp(prop, lastPlayed[prop], (e) => !!e.relatedPoint &&
e.relatedPoint.series.index === targetSeriesIx, onEnd);
return this.chart.series[targetSeriesIx] || null;
return null;
* Play point(s)/event(s) closest to a prop relative to a reference value.
* @function Highcharts.Sonification#playClosestToProp
* @param {string} prop Prop to compare.
* @param {number} targetValue Target value to find closest value of.
* @param {Highcharts.SonificationTimelineFilterCallback} [targetFilter]
* Filter to apply to the events before finding closest point(s)
* @param {Highcharts.SonificationChartEventCallback} [onEnd]
* Callback to call after play completed
playClosestToProp(prop, targetValue, targetFilter, onEnd) {
if (!this.ready(this.playClosestToProp.bind(this, prop, targetValue, targetFilter, onEnd))) {
if (this.timeline) {
const opts = this.chart.options.sonification, onHit = opts && opts.events && opts.events.onBoundaryHit;
if (!onHit) {
this.timeline.playClosestToPropValue(prop, targetValue, onEnd, onHit || (() => this.defaultBoundaryHit()), targetFilter);
* Get last played point
* @function Highcharts.Sonification#getLastPlayedPoint
* @sample highcharts/demo/sonification-navigation
* Sonification keyboard navigation
* @return {Highcharts.Point|null} The point, or null if none
getLastPlayedPoint() {
if (this.timeline) {
return this.timeline.getLastPlayedPoint();
return null;
* Play a note with a specific instrument, and optionally a time offset.
* @function Highcharts.Sonification#playNote
* @sample highcharts/sonification/chart-events
* Custom notifications
* @param {Highcharts.SonificationSynthPreset|Highcharts.SynthPatchOptionsObject} instrument
* The instrument to play. Can be either a string referencing the
* instrument presets, or an actual SynthPatch configuration.
* @param {Highcharts.SonificationInstrumentScheduledEventOptionsObject} options
* Configuration for the instrument event to play.
* @param {number} [delayMs]
* Time offset from now, in milliseconds. Defaults to 0.
playNote(instrument, options, delayMs = 0) {
if (!this.ready(this.playNote.bind(this, instrument, options))) {
const duration = options.noteDuration = options.noteDuration || 500;
const instr = new SonificationInstrument(this.audioContext, this.audioDestination, {
synthPatch: instrument,
capabilities: {
filters: true,
tremolo: true,
pan: true
instr.scheduleEventAtTime(delayMs / 1000, options);
setTimeout(() => instr && instr.destroy(), delayMs + duration + 500);
* Speak a text string, optionally with a custom speaker configuration
* @function Highcharts.Sonification#speak
* @sample highcharts/sonification/chart-events
* Custom notifications
* @param {string} text Text to announce
* @param {Highcharts.SonificationSpeakerOptionsObject} [speakerOptions]
* Options for the announcement
* @param {number} [delayMs]
* Time offset from now, in milliseconds. Defaults to 0.
speak(text, speakerOptions, delayMs = 0) {
const speaker = new SonificationSpeaker(merge({
language: 'en-US',
rate: 1.5,
volume: 0.4
}, speakerOptions || {}));
speaker.sayAtTime(delayMs, text);
* Cancel current playing audio and reset the timeline.
* @function Highcharts.Sonification#cancel
cancel() {
if (this.timeline) {
fireEvent(this, 'cancel');
* Start download of a MIDI file export of the timeline.
* @function Highcharts.Sonification#downloadMIDI
downloadMIDI() {
if (!this.ready(this.downloadMIDI.bind(this))) {
if (this.timeline) {
* Implementation of chart.sonify
* @private
sonifyChart(resetAfter, onEnd) {
if (!this.ready(this.sonifyChart.bind(this, resetAfter, onEnd))) {
if (this.timeline) {
this.timeline.play(void 0, void 0, resetAfter, onEnd);
* Implementation of series.sonify
* @private
sonifySeries(series, resetAfter, onEnd) {
if (!this.ready(this.sonifySeries.bind(this, series, resetAfter, onEnd))) {
if (this.timeline) {
this.timeline.play((e) => !!e.relatedPoint && e.relatedPoint.series === series, void 0, resetAfter, onEnd);
* Implementation of point.sonify
* @private
sonifyPoint(point, onEnd) {
if (!this.ready(this.sonifyPoint.bind(this, point, onEnd))) {
if (this.timeline) {
this.timeline.anchorPlayMoment((e) => e.relatedPoint === point, onEnd);
* Set the overall/master volume for the sonification.
* Usually handled through chart update.
* @private
setMasterVolume(vol) {
if (this.timeline) {
* Destroy the sonification capabilities
* @private
destroy() {
if (this.timeline) {
delete this.timeline;
if (this.boundaryInstrument) {
if (this.audioContext) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises
delete this.audioContext;
* Update the timeline with latest chart changes. Usually handled
* automatically. Note that the [sonification.updateInterval](https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/sonification.updateInterval)
* option can stop updates from happening in rapid succession, including
* manual calls to this function.
* @private
update() {
const sOpts = this.chart.options && this.chart.options.sonification;
if (!this.ready(this.update.bind(this)) || !sOpts) {
// Don't update too often, it gets performance intensive
const now = Date.now(), updateInterval = sOpts.updateInterval;
if (now - this.lastUpdate < updateInterval && !this.forceReady) {
this.scheduledUpdate = setTimeout(this.update.bind(this), updateInterval / 2);
const events = sOpts.events || {};
if (events.beforeUpdate) {
events.beforeUpdate({ chart: this.chart, timeline: this.timeline });
this.lastUpdate = now;
if (this.timeline) {
if (this.audioContext && this.audioDestination) {
this.timeline = timelineFromChart(this.audioContext, this.audioDestination, this.chart);
const sOpts = this.chart.options.sonification;
this.timeline.setMasterVolume(pick(sOpts && sOpts.masterVolume, 1));
if (events.afterUpdate) {
events.afterUpdate({ chart: this.chart, timeline: this.timeline });
* Only continue if sonification enabled. If audioContext is
* suspended, retry up to 20 times with a small delay.
* @private
ready(whenReady) {
if (!this.audioContext ||
!this.audioDestination ||
!this.chart.options ||
this.chart.options.sonification &&
this.chart.options.sonification.enabled === false) {
return false;
if (this.audioContext.state === 'suspended' && !this.forceReady) {
if (this.retryContextCounter++ < 20) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (this.audioContext &&
this.audioContext.state === 'suspended') {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises
else {
}, 5);
return false;
this.retryContextCounter = 0;
return true;
* Call beforePlay event handler if exists
* @private
beforePlay() {
const opts = this.chart.options.sonification, beforePlay = opts && opts.events && opts.events.beforePlay;
if (beforePlay) {
beforePlay({ chart: this.chart, timeline: this.timeline });
* Initialize the builtin boundary hit instrument
* @private
initBoundaryInstrument() {
if (!this.boundaryInstrument) {
this.boundaryInstrument = new SynthPatch(this.audioContext, merge(InstrumentPresets.chop, { masterVolume: 0.3 }));
* The default boundary hit sound
* @private
defaultBoundaryHit() {
if (this.boundaryInstrument) {
this.boundaryInstrument.playFreqAtTime(0.1, 1, 200);
this.boundaryInstrument.playFreqAtTime(0.2, 1, 200);
(function (Sonification) {
const composedClasses = [];
* Update sonification object on chart.
* @private
function updateSonificationEnabled() {
const sonification = this.sonification, sOptions = this.options && this.options.sonification;
if (sOptions && sOptions.enabled) {
if (sonification) {
else {
this.sonification = new Sonification(this);
else if (sonification) {
delete this.sonification;
* Destroy with chart.
* @private
function chartOnDestroy() {
if (this && this.sonification) {
* Update on render
* @private
function chartOnRender() {
if (this.updateSonificationEnabled) {
* Update
* @private
function chartOnUpdate(e) {
const newOptions = e.options.sonification;
if (newOptions) {
merge(true, this.options.sonification, newOptions);
* Compose
* @private
function compose(ChartClass, SeriesClass, PointClass) {
// Extend chart
if (composedClasses.indexOf(ChartClass) === -1) {
extend(ChartClass.prototype, {
sonify: function (onEnd) {
if (this.sonification) {
this.sonification.sonifyChart(false, onEnd);
toggleSonify: function (reset = true, onEnd) {
if (!this.sonification) {
const timeline = this.sonification.timeline;
if (win.speechSynthesis) {
if (timeline && this.sonification.isPlaying()) {
if (reset) {
else {
else if (timeline && timeline.isPaused) {
else {
this.sonification.sonifyChart(reset, onEnd);
addEvent(ChartClass, 'destroy', chartOnDestroy);
addEvent(ChartClass, 'render', chartOnRender);
addEvent(ChartClass, 'update', chartOnUpdate);
// Extend series
if (composedClasses.indexOf(SeriesClass) === -1) {
SeriesClass.prototype.sonify = function (onEnd) {
if (this.chart.sonification) {
this.chart.sonification.sonifySeries(this, false, onEnd);
// Extend points
if (composedClasses.indexOf(PointClass) === -1) {
PointClass.prototype.sonify = function (onEnd) {
if (this.series.chart.sonification) {
this.series.chart.sonification.sonifyPoint(this, onEnd);
// Add items to the exporting menu
const exportingOptions = getOptions().exporting;
if (exportingOptions &&
exportingOptions.buttons &&
exportingOptions.buttons.contextButton.menuItems) {
exportingOptions.buttons.contextButton.menuItems.push('separator', 'downloadMIDI', 'playAsSound');
Sonification.compose = compose;
})(Sonification || (Sonification = {}));
// Add default options
merge(true, defaultOptions, defaultSonificationOptions);
/* *
* Default Export
* */
/* *
* API declarations
* */
* Play a sonification of a chart.
* @function Highcharts.Chart#sonify
* @param {Highcharts.SonificationChartEventCallback} [onEnd]
* Callback to call after play completed
* @requires modules/sonification
* Play/pause sonification of a chart.
* @function Highcharts.Chart#toggleSonify
* @param {boolean} [reset]
* Reset the playing cursor after play completed. Defaults to `true`.
* @param {Highcharts.SonificationChartEventCallback} [onEnd]
* Callback to call after play completed
* @requires modules/sonification
* Play a sonification of a series.
* @function Highcharts.Series#sonify
* @param {Highcharts.SonificationChartEventCallback} [onEnd]
* Callback to call after play completed
* @requires modules/sonification
* Play a sonification of a point.
* @function Highcharts.Point#sonify
* @param {Highcharts.SonificationChartEventCallback} [onEnd]
* Callback to call after play completed
* @requires modules/sonification
* Sonification capabilities for the chart.
* @name Highcharts.Chart#sonification
* @type {Highcharts.Sonification|undefined}
* @requires modules/sonification
* Collection of Sonification classes and objects.
* @requires modules/sonification
* @interface Highcharts.SonificationGlobalObject
*/ /**
* SynthPatch presets
* @name Highcharts.SonificationGlobalObject#InstrumentPresets
* @type {Record<Highcharts.SonificationSynthPreset,Highcharts.SynthPatchOptionsObject>|undefined}
*/ /**
* Musical scale presets
* @name Highcharts.SonificationGlobalObject#Scales
* @type {Highcharts.SonificationScalePresetsObject|undefined}
*/ /**
* SynthPatch class
* @name Highcharts.SonificationGlobalObject#SynthPatch
* @type {Highcharts.SynthPatch|undefined}
*/ /**
* SonificationInstrument class
* @name Highcharts.SonificationGlobalObject#SonificationInstrument
* @type {Highcharts.SonificationInstrument|undefined}
*/ /**
* SonificationSpeaker class
* @name Highcharts.SonificationGlobalObject#SonificationSpeaker
* @type {Highcharts.SonificationSpeaker|undefined}
* Global Sonification classes and objects.
* @name Highcharts.sonification
* @type {Highcharts.SonificationGlobalObject}
* @requires modules/sonification
(''); // Keep above doclets in JS file
return Sonification;
_registerModule(_modules, 'Extensions/Sonification/Scales.js', [], function () {
/* *
* (c) 2009-2024 Øystein Moseng
* Musical scales for sonification.
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
const Scales = {
minor: [0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10],
dorian: [0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10],
harmonicMinor: [0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11],
phrygian: [0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11],
major: [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11],
lydian: [0, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11],
mixolydian: [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10],
majorPentatonic: [0, 2, 4, 7, 9],
minorPentatonic: [0, 3, 5, 7, 10]
/* *
* Default Export
* */
/* *
* API declarations
* */
* Preset scales for pitch mapping.
* @requires modules/sonification
* @interface Highcharts.SonificationScalePresetsObject
*/ /**
* Minor scale (aeolian)
* @name Highcharts.SonificationScalePresetsObject#minor
* @type {Array<number>}
*/ /**
* Dorian scale
* @name Highcharts.SonificationScalePresetsObject#dorian
* @type {Array<number>}
*/ /**
* Harmonic minor scale
* @name Highcharts.SonificationScalePresetsObject#harmonicMinor
* @type {Array<number>}
*/ /**
* Phrygian scale
* @name Highcharts.SonificationScalePresetsObject#phrygian
* @type {Array<number>}
*/ /**
* Major (ionian) scale
* @name Highcharts.SonificationScalePresetsObject#major
* @type {Array<number>}
*/ /**
* Lydian scale
* @name Highcharts.SonificationScalePresetsObject#lydian
* @type {Array<number>}
*/ /**
* Mixolydian scale
* @name Highcharts.SonificationScalePresetsObject#mixolydian
* @type {Array<number>}
*/ /**
* Major pentatonic scale
* @name Highcharts.SonificationScalePresetsObject#majorPentatonic
* @type {Array<number>}
*/ /**
* Minor pentatonic scale
* @name Highcharts.SonificationScalePresetsObject#minorPentatonic
* @type {Array<number>}
(''); // Keep above doclets in JS file
return Scales;
_registerModule(_modules, 'masters/modules/sonification.src.js', [_modules['Core/Globals.js'], _modules['Extensions/Sonification/Sonification.js'], _modules['Extensions/Sonification/SynthPatch.js'], _modules['Extensions/Sonification/InstrumentPresets.js'], _modules['Extensions/Sonification/Scales.js'], _modules['Extensions/Sonification/SonificationInstrument.js'], _modules['Extensions/Sonification/SonificationSpeaker.js'], _modules['Extensions/Sonification/SonificationTimeline.js']], function (Highcharts, Sonification, SynthPatch, InstrumentPresets, Scales, SonificationInstrument, SonificationSpeaker, SonificationTimeline) {
const G = Highcharts;
// Global objects
G.sonification = {
Sonification.compose(G.Chart, G.Series, G.Point);
return Highcharts;