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2024-07-16 14:55:36 +00:00
* @license Highcharts JS v11.4.1 (2024-04-04)
* Pictorial graph series type for Highcharts
* (c) 2010-2024 Torstein Honsi, Magdalena Gut
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
(function (factory) {
if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
factory['default'] = factory;
module.exports = factory;
} else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define('highcharts/modules/pictorial', ['highcharts'], function (Highcharts) {
factory.Highcharts = Highcharts;
return factory;
} else {
factory(typeof Highcharts !== 'undefined' ? Highcharts : undefined);
}(function (Highcharts) {
'use strict';
var _modules = Highcharts ? Highcharts._modules : {};
function _registerModule(obj, path, args, fn) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(path)) {
obj[path] = fn.apply(null, args);
if (typeof CustomEvent === 'function') {
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
{ detail: { path: path, module: obj[path] } }
_registerModule(_modules, 'Extensions/PatternFill.js', [_modules['Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js'], _modules['Core/Defaults.js'], _modules['Core/Utilities.js']], function (A, D, U) {
/* *
* Module for using patterns or images as point fills.
* (c) 2010-2024 Highsoft AS
* Author: Torstein Hønsi, Øystein Moseng
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
const { animObject } = A;
const { getOptions } = D;
const { addEvent, defined, erase, extend, merge, pick, removeEvent, wrap } = U;
/* *
* Constants
* */
const patterns = createPatterns();
/* *
* Functions
* */
/** @private */
function compose(ChartClass, SeriesClass, SVGRendererClass) {
const PointClass = SeriesClass.prototype.pointClass, pointProto = PointClass.prototype;
if (!pointProto.calculatePatternDimensions) {
addEvent(ChartClass, 'endResize', onChartEndResize);
addEvent(ChartClass, 'redraw', onChartRedraw);
extend(pointProto, {
calculatePatternDimensions: pointCalculatePatternDimensions
addEvent(PointClass, 'afterInit', onPointAfterInit);
addEvent(SeriesClass, 'render', onSeriesRender);
wrap(SeriesClass.prototype, 'getColor', wrapSeriesGetColor);
// Pattern scale corrections
addEvent(SeriesClass, 'afterRender', onPatternScaleCorrection);
addEvent(SeriesClass, 'mapZoomComplete', onPatternScaleCorrection);
extend(SVGRendererClass.prototype, {
addPattern: rendererAddPattern
addEvent(SVGRendererClass, 'complexColor', onRendererComplexColor);
* Add the predefined patterns.
* @private
function createPatterns() {
const patterns = [], colors = getOptions().colors;
// Start with subtle patterns
let i = 0;
for (const pattern of [
'M 0 0 L 5 5 M 4.5 -0.5 L 5.5 0.5 M -0.5 4.5 L 0.5 5.5',
'M 0 5 L 5 0 M -0.5 0.5 L 0.5 -0.5 M 4.5 5.5 L 5.5 4.5',
'M 2 0 L 2 5 M 4 0 L 4 5',
'M 0 2 L 5 2 M 0 4 L 5 4',
'M 0 1.5 L 2.5 1.5 L 2.5 0 M 2.5 5 L 2.5 3.5 L 5 3.5'
]) {
path: pattern,
color: colors[i++],
width: 5,
height: 5,
patternTransform: 'scale(1.4 1.4)'
// Then add the more drastic ones
i = 5;
for (const pattern of [
'M 0 0 L 5 10 L 10 0',
'M 3 3 L 8 3 L 8 8 L 3 8 Z',
'M 5 5 m -4 0 a 4 4 0 1 1 8 0 a 4 4 0 1 1 -8 0',
'M 0 0 L 10 10 M 9 -1 L 11 1 M -1 9 L 1 11',
'M 0 10 L 10 0 M -1 1 L 1 -1 M 9 11 L 11 9'
]) {
path: pattern,
color: colors[i],
width: 10,
height: 10
i = i + 5;
return patterns;
* Utility function to compute a hash value from an object. Modified Java
* String.hashCode implementation in JS. Use the preSeed parameter to add an
* additional seeding step.
* @private
* @function hashFromObject
* @param {Object} obj
* The javascript object to compute the hash from.
* @param {boolean} [preSeed=false]
* Add an optional preSeed stage.
* @return {string}
* The computed hash.
function hashFromObject(obj, preSeed) {
const str = JSON.stringify(obj), strLen = str.length || 0;
let hash = 0, i = 0, char, seedStep;
if (preSeed) {
seedStep = Math.max(Math.floor(strLen / 500), 1);
for (let a = 0; a < strLen; a += seedStep) {
hash += str.charCodeAt(a);
hash = hash & hash;
for (; i < strLen; ++i) {
char = str.charCodeAt(i);
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + char;
hash = hash & hash;
return hash.toString(16).replace('-', '1');
* When animation is used, we have to recalculate pattern dimensions after
* resize, as the bounding boxes are not available until then.
* @private
function onChartEndResize() {
if (this.renderer &&
(this.renderer.defIds || []).filter((id) => (id &&
id.indexOf &&
id.indexOf('highcharts-pattern-') === 0)).length) {
// We have non-default patterns to fix. Find them by looping through
// all points.
for (const series of this.series) {
if (series.visible) {
for (const point of series.points) {
const colorOptions = point.options && point.options.color;
if (colorOptions &&
colorOptions.pattern) {
._width = 'defer';
._height = 'defer';
// Redraw without animation
* Add a garbage collector to delete old patterns with autogenerated hashes that
* are no longer being referenced.
* @private
function onChartRedraw() {
const usedIds = {}, renderer = this.renderer,
// Get the autocomputed patterns - these are the ones we might delete
patterns = (renderer.defIds || []).filter((pattern) => (pattern.indexOf &&
pattern.indexOf('highcharts-pattern-') === 0));
if (patterns.length) {
// Look through the DOM for usage of the patterns. This can be points,
// series, tooltips etc.
[].forEach.call(this.renderTo.querySelectorAll('[color^="url("], [fill^="url("], [stroke^="url("]'), (node) => {
const id = node.getAttribute('fill') ||
node.getAttribute('color') ||
if (id) {
const sanitizedId = id
.replace(renderer.url, '')
.replace('url(#', '')
.replace(')', '');
usedIds[sanitizedId] = true;
// Loop through the patterns that exist and see if they are used
for (const id of patterns) {
if (!usedIds[id]) {
// Remove id from used id list
erase(renderer.defIds, id);
// Remove pattern element
if (renderer.patternElements[id]) {
delete renderer.patternElements[id];
* Merge series color options to points.
* @private
function onPointAfterInit() {
const point = this, colorOptions = point.options.color;
// Only do this if we have defined a specific color on this point. Otherwise
// we will end up trying to re-add the series color for each point.
if (colorOptions && colorOptions.pattern) {
// Move path definition to object, allows for merge with series path
// definition
if (typeof colorOptions.pattern.path === 'string') {
colorOptions.pattern.path = {
d: colorOptions.pattern.path
// Merge with series options
point.color = point.options.color = merge(point.series.options.color, colorOptions);
* Add functionality to SVG renderer to handle patterns as complex colors.
* @private
function onRendererComplexColor(args) {
const color = args.args[0], prop = args.args[1], element = args.args[2], chartIndex = (this.chartIndex || 0);
let pattern = color.pattern, value = "#333333" /* Palette.neutralColor80 */;
// Handle patternIndex
if (typeof color.patternIndex !== 'undefined' && patterns) {
pattern = patterns[color.patternIndex];
// Skip and call default if there is no pattern
if (!pattern) {
return true;
// We have a pattern.
if (pattern.image ||
typeof pattern.path === 'string' ||
pattern.path && pattern.path.d) {
// Real pattern. Add it and set the color value to be a reference.
// Force Hash-based IDs for legend items, as they are drawn before
// point render, meaning they are drawn before autocalculated image
// width/heights. We don't want them to highjack the width/height for
// this ID if it is defined by users.
let forceHashId = element.parentNode &&
forceHashId = forceHashId &&
forceHashId.indexOf('highcharts-legend') > -1;
// If we don't have a width/height yet, handle it. Try faking a point
// and running the algorithm again.
if (pattern._width === 'defer' || pattern._height === 'defer') {
pointCalculatePatternDimensions.call({ graphic: { element: element } }, pattern);
// If we don't have an explicit ID, compute a hash from the
// definition and use that as the ID. This ensures that points with
// the same pattern definition reuse existing pattern elements by
// default. We combine two hashes, the second with an additional
// preSeed algorithm, to minimize collision probability.
if (forceHashId || !pattern.id) {
// Make a copy so we don't accidentally edit options when setting ID
pattern = merge({}, pattern);
pattern.id = 'highcharts-pattern-' + chartIndex + '-' +
hashFromObject(pattern) + hashFromObject(pattern, true);
// Add it. This function does nothing if an element with this ID
// already exists.
this.addPattern(pattern, !this.forExport && pick(pattern.animation, this.globalAnimation, { duration: 100 }));
value = `url(${this.url}#${pattern.id + (this.forExport ? '-export' : '')})`;
else {
// Not a full pattern definition, just add color
value = pattern.color || value;
// Set the fill/stroke prop on the element
element.setAttribute(prop, value);
// Allow the color to be concatenated into tooltips formatters etc.
color.toString = function () {
return value;
// Skip default handler
return false;
* Calculate pattern dimensions on points that have their own pattern.
* @private
function onSeriesRender() {
const isResizing = this.chart.isResizing;
if (this.isDirtyData || isResizing || !this.chart.hasRendered) {
for (const point of this.points) {
const colorOptions = point.options && point.options.color;
if (colorOptions &&
colorOptions.pattern) {
// For most points we want to recalculate the dimensions on
// render, where we have the shape args and bbox. But if we
// are resizing and don't have the shape args, defer it, since
// the bounding box is still not resized.
if (isResizing &&
!(point.shapeArgs &&
point.shapeArgs.width &&
point.shapeArgs.height)) {
.pattern._width = 'defer';
.pattern._height = 'defer';
else {
* Set dimensions on pattern from point. This function will set internal
* pattern._width/_height properties if width and height are not both already
* set. We only do this on image patterns. The _width/_height properties are set
* to the size of the bounding box of the point, optionally taking aspect ratio
* into account. If only one of width or height are supplied as options, the
* undefined option is calculated as above.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Point#calculatePatternDimensions
* @param {Highcharts.PatternOptionsObject} pattern
* The pattern to set dimensions on.
* @return {void}
* @requires modules/pattern-fill
function pointCalculatePatternDimensions(pattern) {
if (pattern.width && pattern.height) {
const bBox = this.graphic && (this.graphic.getBBox &&
this.graphic.getBBox(true) ||
this.graphic.element &&
this.graphic.element.getBBox()) || {}, shapeArgs = this.shapeArgs;
// Prefer using shapeArgs, as it is animation agnostic
if (shapeArgs) {
bBox.width = shapeArgs.width || bBox.width;
bBox.height = shapeArgs.height || bBox.height;
bBox.x = shapeArgs.x || bBox.x;
bBox.y = shapeArgs.y || bBox.y;
// For images we stretch to bounding box
if (pattern.image) {
// If we do not have a bounding box at this point, simply add a defer
// key and pick this up in the fillSetter handler, where the bounding
// box should exist.
if (!bBox.width || !bBox.height) {
pattern._width = 'defer';
pattern._height = 'defer';
// Mark the pattern to be flipped later if upside down (#16810)
const scaleY = this.series.chart.mapView &&
if (defined(scaleY) && scaleY < 0) {
pattern._inverted = true;
// Handle aspect ratio filling
if (pattern.aspectRatio) {
bBox.aspectRatio = bBox.width / bBox.height;
if (pattern.aspectRatio > bBox.aspectRatio) {
// Height of bBox will determine width
bBox.aspectWidth = bBox.height * pattern.aspectRatio;
else {
// Width of bBox will determine height
bBox.aspectHeight = bBox.width / pattern.aspectRatio;
// We set the width/height on internal properties to differentiate
// between the options set by a user and by this function.
pattern._width = pattern.width ||
Math.ceil(bBox.aspectWidth || bBox.width);
pattern._height = pattern.height ||
Math.ceil(bBox.aspectHeight || bBox.height);
// Set x/y accordingly, centering if using aspect ratio, otherwise adjusting
// so bounding box corner is 0,0 of pattern.
if (!pattern.width) {
pattern._x = pattern.x || 0;
pattern._x += bBox.x - Math.round(bBox.aspectWidth ?
Math.abs(bBox.aspectWidth - bBox.width) / 2 :
if (!pattern.height) {
pattern._y = pattern.y || 0;
pattern._y += bBox.y - Math.round(bBox.aspectHeight ?
Math.abs(bBox.aspectHeight - bBox.height) / 2 :
* Add a pattern to the renderer.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.SVGRenderer#addPattern
* @param {Highcharts.PatternObject} options
* The pattern options.
* @param {boolean|Partial<Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject>} [animation]
* The animation options.
* @return {Highcharts.SVGElement|undefined}
* The added pattern. Undefined if the pattern already exists.
* @requires modules/pattern-fill
function rendererAddPattern(options, animation) {
const animate = pick(animation, true), animationOptions = animObject(animate), color = options.color || "#333333" /* Palette.neutralColor80 */, defaultSize = 32, height = options.height ||
(typeof options._height === 'number' ? options._height : 0) ||
defaultSize, rect = (fill) => this
.rect(0, 0, width, height)
.attr({ fill })
.add(pattern), width = options.width ||
(typeof options._width === 'number' ? options._width : 0) ||
let attribs, id = options.id, path;
if (!id) {
this.idCounter = this.idCounter || 0;
id = ('highcharts-pattern-' +
this.idCounter +
'-' +
(this.chartIndex || 0));
if (this.forExport) {
id += '-export';
// Do nothing if ID already exists
this.defIds = this.defIds || [];
if (this.defIds.indexOf(id) > -1) {
// Store ID in list to avoid duplicates
// Calculate pattern element attributes
const attrs = {
id: id,
patternUnits: 'userSpaceOnUse',
patternContentUnits: options.patternContentUnits || 'userSpaceOnUse',
width: width,
height: height,
x: options._x || options.x || 0,
y: options._y || options.y || 0
if (options._inverted) {
attrs.patternTransform = 'scale(1, -1)'; // (#16810)
if (options.patternTransform) {
options.patternTransform += ' scale(1, -1)';
if (options.patternTransform) {
attrs.patternTransform = options.patternTransform;
const pattern = this.createElement('pattern').attr(attrs).add(this.defs);
// Set id on the SVGRenderer object
pattern.id = id;
// Use an SVG path for the pattern
if (options.path) {
path = U.isObject(options.path) ?
options.path :
{ d: options.path };
// The background
if (options.backgroundColor) {
// The pattern
attribs = {
'd': path.d
if (!this.styledMode) {
attribs.stroke = path.stroke || color;
attribs['stroke-width'] = pick(path.strokeWidth, 2);
attribs.fill = path.fill || 'none';
if (path.transform) {
attribs.transform = path.transform;
pattern.color = color;
// Image pattern
else if (options.image) {
if (animate) {
this.image(options.image, 0, 0, width, height, function () {
// Onload
opacity: pick(options.opacity, 1)
}, animationOptions);
removeEvent(this.element, 'load');
}).attr({ opacity: 0 }).add(pattern);
else {
this.image(options.image, 0, 0, width, height).add(pattern);
// For non-animated patterns, set opacity now
if (!(options.image && animate) && typeof options.opacity !== 'undefined') {
[].forEach.call(pattern.element.childNodes, (child) => {
child.setAttribute('opacity', options.opacity);
// Store for future reference
this.patternElements = this.patternElements || {};
this.patternElements[id] = pattern;
return pattern;
* Make sure we have a series color.
* @private
function wrapSeriesGetColor(proceed) {
const oldColor = this.options.color;
// Temporarily remove color options to get defaults
if (oldColor &&
oldColor.pattern &&
!oldColor.pattern.color) {
delete this.options.color;
// Get default
proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
// Replace with old, but add default color
oldColor.pattern.color =
this.color = this.options.color = oldColor;
else {
// We have a color, no need to do anything special
proceed.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
* Scale patterns inversely to the series it's used in.
* Maintains a visual (1,1) scale regardless of size.
* @private
function onPatternScaleCorrection() {
const series = this;
// If not a series used in a map chart, skip it.
if (!series.chart?.mapView) {
const chart = series.chart, renderer = chart.renderer, patterns = renderer.patternElements;
// Only scale if we have patterns to scale.
if (renderer.defIds?.length && patterns) {
// Filter for points which have patterns that don't use images assigned
// and has a group scale available.
series.points.filter(function (p) {
const point = p;
// No graphic we can fetch id from, filter out this point.
if (!point.graphic) {
return false;
return (point.graphic.element.hasAttribute('fill') ||
point.graphic.element.hasAttribute('color') ||
point.graphic.element.hasAttribute('stroke')) &&
!point.options.color?.pattern?.image &&
!!point.group?.scaleX &&
// Map up pattern id's and their scales.
.map(function (p) {
const point = p;
// Parse the id from the graphic element of the point.
const id = (point.graphic?.element.getAttribute('fill') ||
point.graphic?.element.getAttribute('color') ||
point.graphic?.element.getAttribute('stroke') || '')
.replace(renderer.url, '')
.replace('url(#', '')
.replace(')', '');
return {
x: point.group?.scaleX || 1,
y: point.group?.scaleY || 1
// Filter out colors and other non-patterns, as well as duplicates.
.filter(function (pointInfo, index, arr) {
return pointInfo.id !== '' &&
pointInfo.id.indexOf('highcharts-pattern-') !== -1 &&
!arr.some(function (otherInfo, otherIndex) {
return otherInfo.id === pointInfo.id && otherIndex < index;
.forEach(function (pointInfo) {
const id = pointInfo.id;
patterns[id].scaleX = 1 / pointInfo.x;
patterns[id].scaleY = 1 / pointInfo.y;
/* *
* Export
* */
const PatternFill = {
/* *
* API Declarations
* */
* Pattern options
* @interface Highcharts.PatternOptionsObject
*/ /**
* Background color for the pattern if a `path` is set (not images).
* @name Highcharts.PatternOptionsObject#backgroundColor
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString|undefined}
*/ /**
* URL to an image to use as the pattern.
* @name Highcharts.PatternOptionsObject#image
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* Width of the pattern. For images this is automatically set to the width of
* the element bounding box if not supplied. For non-image patterns the default
* is 32px. Note that automatic resizing of image patterns to fill a bounding
* box dynamically is only supported for patterns with an automatically
* calculated ID.
* @name Highcharts.PatternOptionsObject#width
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Analogous to pattern.width.
* @name Highcharts.PatternOptionsObject#height
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* For automatically calculated width and height on images, it is possible to
* set an aspect ratio. The image will be zoomed to fill the bounding box,
* maintaining the aspect ratio defined.
* @name Highcharts.PatternOptionsObject#aspectRatio
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Horizontal offset of the pattern. Defaults to 0.
* @name Highcharts.PatternOptionsObject#x
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Vertical offset of the pattern. Defaults to 0.
* @name Highcharts.PatternOptionsObject#y
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Either an SVG path as string, or an object. As an object, supply the path
* string in the `path.d` property. Other supported properties are standard SVG
* attributes like `path.stroke` and `path.fill`. If a path is supplied for the
* pattern, the `image` property is ignored.
* @name Highcharts.PatternOptionsObject#path
* @type {string|Highcharts.SVGAttributes|undefined}
*/ /**
* SVG `patternTransform` to apply to the entire pattern.
* @name Highcharts.PatternOptionsObject#patternTransform
* @type {string|undefined}
* @see [patternTransform demo](https://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/library/pure/highcharts/highcharts/tree/master/samples/highcharts/series/pattern-fill-transform)
*/ /**
* Pattern color, used as default path stroke.
* @name Highcharts.PatternOptionsObject#color
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString|undefined}
*/ /**
* Opacity of the pattern as a float value from 0 to 1.
* @name Highcharts.PatternOptionsObject#opacity
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* ID to assign to the pattern. This is automatically computed if not added, and
* identical patterns are reused. To refer to an existing pattern for a
* Highcharts color, use `color: "url(#pattern-id)"`.
* @name Highcharts.PatternOptionsObject#id
* @type {string|undefined}
* Holds a pattern definition.
* @sample highcharts/series/pattern-fill-area/
* Define a custom path pattern
* @sample highcharts/series/pattern-fill-pie/
* Default patterns and a custom image pattern
* @sample maps/demo/pattern-fill-map/
* Custom images on map
* @example
* // Pattern used as a color option
* color: {
* pattern: {
* path: {
* d: 'M 3 3 L 8 3 L 8 8 Z',
* fill: '#102045'
* },
* width: 12,
* height: 12,
* color: '#907000',
* opacity: 0.5
* }
* }
* @interface Highcharts.PatternObject
*/ /**
* Pattern options
* @name Highcharts.PatternObject#pattern
* @type {Highcharts.PatternOptionsObject}
*/ /**
* Animation options for the image pattern loading.
* @name Highcharts.PatternObject#animation
* @type {boolean|Partial<Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject>|undefined}
*/ /**
* Optionally an index referencing which pattern to use. Highcharts adds
* 10 default patterns to the `Highcharts.patterns` array. Additional
* pattern definitions can be pushed to this array if desired. This option
* is an index into this array.
* @name Highcharts.PatternObject#patternIndex
* @type {number|undefined}
''; // Keeps doclets above in transpiled file
return PatternFill;
_registerModule(_modules, 'Series/Pictorial/PictorialUtilities.js', [_modules['Core/Utilities.js']], function (U) {
/* *
* (c) 2010-2024 Torstein Honsi, Magdalena Gut
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
const { defined } = U;
function rescalePatternFill(element, stackHeight, width, height, borderWidth = 1) {
const fill = element && element.attr('fill'), match = fill && fill.match(/url\(([^)]+)\)/);
if (match) {
const patternPath = document.querySelector(`${match[1]} path`);
if (patternPath) {
let bBox = patternPath.getBBox();
// Firefox (v108/Mac) is unable to detect the bounding box within
// defs. Without this block, the pictorial is not rendered.
if (bBox.width === 0) {
const parent = patternPath.parentElement;
// Temporarily append it to the root
bBox = patternPath.getBBox();
let scaleX = 1 / (bBox.width + borderWidth);
const scaleY = stackHeight / height / bBox.height, aspectRatio = bBox.width / bBox.height, pointAspectRatio = width / stackHeight, x = -bBox.width / 2;
if (aspectRatio < pointAspectRatio) {
scaleX = scaleX * aspectRatio / pointAspectRatio;
patternPath.setAttribute('stroke-width', borderWidth / (width * scaleX));
patternPath.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(0.5, 0)' +
`scale(${scaleX} ${scaleY}) ` +
`translate(${x + borderWidth * scaleX / 2}, ${-bBox.y})`);
function getStackMetrics(yAxis, shape) {
let height = yAxis.len, y = 0;
if (shape && defined(shape.max)) {
y = yAxis.toPixels(shape.max, true);
height = yAxis.len - y;
return {
function invertShadowGroup(shadowGroup, yAxis) {
const inverted = yAxis.chart.inverted;
if (inverted) {
rotation: inverted ? 90 : 0,
scaleX: inverted ? -1 : 1
return { rescalePatternFill, invertShadowGroup, getStackMetrics };
_registerModule(_modules, 'Series/Pictorial/PictorialPoint.js', [_modules['Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js'], _modules['Series/Pictorial/PictorialUtilities.js']], function (SeriesRegistry, PictorialUtilities) {
/* *
* (c) 2010-2024 Torstein Honsi, Magdalena Gut
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
const ColumnPoint = SeriesRegistry.seriesTypes.column.prototype.pointClass;
const { rescalePatternFill, getStackMetrics } = PictorialUtilities;
/* *
* Class
* */
class PictorialPoint extends ColumnPoint {
/* *
* Functions
* */
setState() {
const point = this;
super.setState.apply(point, arguments);
const series = point.series, paths = series.options.paths;
if (point.graphic && point.shapeArgs && paths) {
const shape = paths[point.index %
rescalePatternFill(point.graphic, getStackMetrics(series.yAxis, shape).height, point.shapeArgs.width || 0, point.shapeArgs.height || Infinity, point.series.options.borderWidth || 0);
/* *
* Export Default
* */
return PictorialPoint;
_registerModule(_modules, 'Series/Pictorial/PictorialSeries.js', [_modules['Extensions/PatternFill.js'], _modules['Core/Animation/AnimationUtilities.js'], _modules['Core/Chart/Chart.js'], _modules['Series/Pictorial/PictorialPoint.js'], _modules['Series/Pictorial/PictorialUtilities.js'], _modules['Core/Series/Series.js'], _modules['Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js'], _modules['Core/Axis/Stacking/StackItem.js'], _modules['Core/Renderer/SVG/SVGRenderer.js'], _modules['Core/Utilities.js']], function (PatternFill, A, Chart, PictorialPoint, PictorialUtilities, Series, SeriesRegistry, StackItem, SVGRenderer, U) {
/* *
* (c) 2010-2024 Torstein Honsi, Magdalena Gut
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
/* *
* Imports
* */
const ColumnSeries = SeriesRegistry.seriesTypes.column;
PatternFill.compose(Chart, Series, SVGRenderer);
const { animObject } = A;
const { getStackMetrics, invertShadowGroup, rescalePatternFill } = PictorialUtilities;
const { addEvent, defined, merge, objectEach, pick } = U;
/* *
* Class
* */
* The pictorial series type.
* @private
* @class
* @name Highcharts.seriesTypes.pictorial
* @augments Highcharts.Series
class PictorialSeries extends ColumnSeries {
/* *
* Functions
* */
/* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc */
* Animate in the series. Called internally twice. First with the `init`
* parameter set to true, which sets up the initial state of the
* animation. Then when ready, it is called with the `init` parameter
* undefined, in order to perform the actual animation.
* @function Highcharts.Series#animate
* @param {boolean} [init]
* Initialize the animation.
animate(init) {
const { chart, group } = this, animation = animObject(this.options.animation),
// The key for temporary animation clips
animationClipKey = [
let animationClipRect = chart.sharedClips[animationClipKey];
// Initialize the animation. Set up the clipping rectangle.
if (init && group) {
const clipBox = this.getClipBox();
// Create temporary animation clips
if (!animationClipRect) {
clipBox.y = clipBox.height;
clipBox.height = 0;
animationClipRect = chart.renderer.clipRect(clipBox);
chart.sharedClips[animationClipKey] = animationClipRect;
// Run the animation
else if (animationClipRect &&
// Only first series in this pane
!animationClipRect.hasClass('highcharts-animating')) {
const finalBox = this.getClipBox();
.animate(finalBox, animation);
animateDrilldown() { }
animateDrillupFrom() { }
pointAttribs(point) {
const pointAttribs = super.pointAttribs.apply(this, arguments), seriesOptions = this.options, series = this, paths = seriesOptions.paths;
if (point && point.shapeArgs && paths) {
const shape = paths[point.index % paths.length], { y, height } = getStackMetrics(series.yAxis, shape), pathDef = shape.definition;
// New pattern, replace
if (pathDef !== point.pathDef) {
point.pathDef = pathDef;
pointAttribs.fill = {
pattern: {
path: {
d: pathDef,
fill: pointAttribs.fill,
strokeWidth: pointAttribs['stroke-width'],
stroke: pointAttribs.stroke
x: point.shapeArgs.x,
y: y,
width: point.shapeArgs.width || 0,
height: height,
patternContentUnits: 'objectBoundingBox',
backgroundColor: 'none',
color: '#ff0000'
else if (point.pathDef && point.graphic) {
delete pointAttribs.fill;
delete pointAttribs.stroke;
delete pointAttribs.strokeWidth;
return pointAttribs;
* Make sure that path.max is also considered when calculating dataMax.
getExtremes() {
const extremes = super.getExtremes.apply(this, arguments), series = this, paths = series.options.paths;
if (paths) {
paths.forEach(function (path) {
if (defined(path.max) &&
defined(extremes.dataMax) &&
path.max > extremes.dataMax) {
extremes.dataMax = path.max;
return extremes;
/* *
* Static Properties
* */
* A pictorial chart uses vector images to represents the data.
* The shape of the data point is taken from the path parameter.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/demo/pictorial/
* Pictorial chart
* @extends plotOptions.column
* @since 11.0.0
* @product highcharts
* @excluding allAreas, borderRadius,
* centerInCategory, colorAxis, colorKey, connectEnds,
* connectNulls, crisp, compare, compareBase, dataSorting,
* dashStyle, dataAsColumns, linecap, lineWidth, shadow,
* onPoint
* @requires modules/pictorial
* @optionparent plotOptions.pictorial
PictorialSeries.defaultOptions = merge(ColumnSeries.defaultOptions, {
borderWidth: 0
/* *
* Events
* */
addEvent(PictorialSeries, 'afterRender', function () {
const series = this, paths = series.options.paths, fillUrlMatcher = /url\(([^)]+)\)/;
series.points.forEach(function (point) {
if (point.graphic && point.shapeArgs && paths) {
const shape = paths[point.index % paths.length], fill = point.graphic.attr('fill'), match = fill && fill.match(fillUrlMatcher), { y, height } = getStackMetrics(series.yAxis, shape);
if (match && series.chart.renderer.patternElements) {
const currentPattern = series.chart.renderer.patternElements[match[1].slice(1)];
if (currentPattern) {
x: point.shapeArgs.x,
y: y,
width: point.shapeArgs.width || 0,
height: height
rescalePatternFill(point.graphic, getStackMetrics(series.yAxis, shape).height, point.shapeArgs.width || 0, point.shapeArgs.height || Infinity, series.options.borderWidth || 0);
function renderStackShadow(stack) {
// Get first pictorial series
const stackKeys = Object
.filter((p) => p.split(',').length > 1), allSeries = stack.axis.chart.series, seriesIndexes = stackKeys.map((key) => parseFloat(key.split(',')[0]));
let seriesIndex = -1;
seriesIndexes.forEach((index) => {
if (allSeries[index] && allSeries[index].visible) {
seriesIndex = index;
const series = stack.axis.chart.series[seriesIndex];
if (series &&
series.is('pictorial') &&
stack.axis.hasData() &&
series.xAxis.hasData()) {
const xAxis = series.xAxis, options = stack.axis.options, chart = stack.axis.chart, stackShadow = stack.shadow, xCenter = xAxis.toPixels(stack.x, true), x = chart.inverted ? xAxis.len - xCenter : xCenter, paths = series.options.paths || [], index = stack.x % paths.length, shape = paths[index], width = series.getColumnMetrics &&
series.getColumnMetrics().width, { height, y } = getStackMetrics(series.yAxis, shape), shadowOptions = options.stackShadow, strokeWidth = pick(shadowOptions && shadowOptions.borderWidth, series.options.borderWidth, 1);
if (!stackShadow &&
shadowOptions &&
shadowOptions.enabled &&
shape) {
if (!stack.shadowGroup) {
stack.shadowGroup = chart.renderer.g('shadow-group')
translateX: chart.inverted ?
stack.axis.pos : xAxis.pos,
translateY: chart.inverted ?
xAxis.pos : stack.axis.pos
stack.shadow = chart.renderer.rect(x, y, width, height)
fill: {
pattern: {
path: {
d: shape.definition,
fill: shadowOptions.color ||
strokeWidth: strokeWidth,
stroke: shadowOptions.borderColor ||
x: x,
y: y,
width: width,
height: height,
patternContentUnits: 'objectBoundingBox',
backgroundColor: 'none',
color: '#dedede'
invertShadowGroup(stack.shadowGroup, stack.axis);
rescalePatternFill(stack.shadow, height, width, height, strokeWidth);
stack.setOffset(series.pointXOffset || 0, series.barW || 0);
else if (stackShadow && stack.shadowGroup) {
const fillUrlMatcher = /url\(([^)]+)\)/, fill = stackShadow.attr('fill'), match = fill && fill.match(fillUrlMatcher);
if (match && chart.renderer.patternElements) {
translateX: chart.inverted ?
stack.axis.pos : xAxis.pos,
translateY: chart.inverted ?
xAxis.pos : stack.axis.pos
invertShadowGroup(stack.shadowGroup, stack.axis);
rescalePatternFill(stackShadow, height, width, height, strokeWidth);
stack.setOffset(series.pointXOffset || 0, series.barW || 0);
else if (stack.shadow && stack.shadowGroup) {
stack.shadow = void 0;
stack.shadowGroup = void 0;
function forEachStack(chart, callback) {
if (chart.axes) {
chart.axes.forEach(function (axis) {
if (!axis.stacking) {
const stacks = axis.stacking.stacks;
// Render each stack total
objectEach(stacks, function (type) {
objectEach(type, function (stack) {
addEvent(Chart, 'render', function () {
forEachStack(this, renderStackShadow);
addEvent(StackItem, 'afterSetOffset', function (e) {
if (this.shadow) {
const { chart, len } = this.axis, { xOffset, width } = e, translateX = chart.inverted ? xOffset - chart.xAxis[0].len : xOffset, translateY = chart.inverted ? -len : 0;
this.shadow.animate({ width });
function destroyAllStackShadows(chart) {
forEachStack(chart, function (stack) {
if (stack.shadow && stack.shadowGroup) {
delete stack.shadow;
delete stack.shadowGroup;
// This is a workaround due to no implementation of the animation drilldown.
addEvent(Chart, 'afterDrilldown', function () {
addEvent(Chart, 'afterDrillUp', function () {
PictorialSeries.prototype.pointClass = PictorialPoint;
SeriesRegistry.registerSeriesType('pictorial', PictorialSeries);
/* *
* Default Export
* */
/* *
* API Options
* */
* A `pictorial` series. If the [type](#series.pictorial.type) option is not
* specified, it is inherited from [chart.type](#chart.type).
* @extends series,plotOptions.pictorial
* @since 11.0.0
* @product highcharts
* @excluding dataParser, borderRadius, boostBlending, boostThreshold,
* borderColor, borderWidth, centerInCategory, connectEnds,
* connectNulls, crisp, colorKey, dataURL, dataAsColumns, depth,
* dragDrop, edgeColor, edgeWidth, linecap, lineWidth, marker,
* dataSorting, dashStyle, onPoint, relativeXValue, shadow, zoneAxis,
* zones
* @requires modules/pictorial
* @apioption series.pictorial
* An array of data points for the series. For the `pictorial` series type,
* points can be given in the following ways:
* 1. An array of arrays with 2 values. In this case, the values correspond
* to `x,y`. If the first value is a string, it is applied as the name
* of the point, and the `x` value is inferred. The `x` value can also be
* omitted, in which case the inner arrays should be of length 2. Then the
* `x` value is automatically calculated, either starting at 0 and
* incremented by 1, or from `pointStart` and `pointInterval` given in the
* series options.
* ```js
* data: [
* [0, 40],
* [1, 50],
* [2, 60]
* ]
* ```
* 2. An array of objects with named values. The following snippet shows only a
* few settings, see the complete options set below. If the total number of
* data points exceeds the series'
* [turboThreshold](#series.pictorial.turboThreshold), this option is not
* available.
* ```js
* data: [{
* x: 0,
* y: 40,
* name: "Point1",
* color: "#00FF00"
* }, {
* x: 1,
* y: 60,
* name: "Point2",
* color: "#FF00FF"
* }]
* ```
* @type {Array<Array<(number|string),number>|Array<(number|string),number,number>|*>}
* @extends series.column.data
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/demo/pictorial/
* Pictorial chart
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/demo/pictorial-stackshadow/
* Pictorial stackShadow option
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series-pictorial/paths-max/
* Pictorial max option
* @excluding borderColor, borderWidth, dashStyle, dragDrop
* @since 11.0.0
* @product highcharts
* @apioption series.pictorial.data
* The paths include options describing the series image. For further details on
* preparing the SVG image, please refer to the [pictorial
* documentation](https://www.highcharts.com/docs/chart-and-series-types/pictorial).
* @declare Highcharts.SeriesPictorialPathsOptionsObject
* @type {Array<*>}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/demo/pictorial/
* Pictorial chart
* @since 11.0.0
* @product highcharts
* @apioption series.pictorial.paths
* The definition defines a path to be drawn. It corresponds `d` SVG attribute.
* @type {string}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/demo/pictorial/
* Pictorial chart
* @product highcharts
* @apioption series.pictorial.paths.definition
* The max option determines height of the image. It is the ratio of
* `yAxis.max` to the `paths.max`.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series-pictorial/paths-max
* Pictorial max option
* @type {number}
* @default yAxis.max
* @product highcharts
* @apioption series.pictorial.paths.max
* Relevant only for pictorial series. The `stackShadow` forms the background of
* stacked points. Requires `series.stacking` to be defined.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/demo/pictorial-stackshadow/ Pictorial
* stackShadow option
* @declare Highcharts.YAxisOptions
* @type {*}
* @since 11.0.0
* @product highcharts
* @requires modules/pictorial
* @apioption yAxis.stackShadow
* The color of the `stackShadow` border.
* @declare Highcharts.YAxisOptions
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString|Highcharts.GradientColorObject|Highcharts.PatternObject}
* @default transparent
* @product highcharts
* @requires modules/pictorial
* @apioption yAxis.stackShadow.borderColor
* The width of the `stackShadow` border.
* @declare Highcharts.YAxisOptions
* @type {number}
* @default 0
* @product highcharts
* @requires modules/pictorial
* @apioption yAxis.stackShadow.borderWidth
* The color of the `stackShadow`.
* @declare Highcharts.YAxisOptions
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString|Highcharts.GradientColorObject|Highcharts.PatternObject}
* @default #dedede
* @product highcharts
* @requires modules/pictorial
* @apioption yAxis.stackShadow.color
* Enable or disable `stackShadow`.
* @declare Highcharts.YAxisOptions
* @type {boolean}
* @default undefined
* @product highcharts
* @requires modules/pictorial
* @apioption yAxis.stackShadow.enabled
''; // Adds doclets above to transpiled file
return PictorialSeries;
_registerModule(_modules, 'masters/modules/pictorial.src.js', [_modules['Core/Globals.js']], function (Highcharts) {
return Highcharts;